Jaguars Unveil New Stadium Deal

a new stadium deal has been proposed for the Jacksonville Jaguars I’m excited about it so let’s [Music] discuss so this video is brought to you by Yeo Fitness now if you’re anything like me your schedule might be a little bit too busy to be able to make it to an actual gym with all the driving and everything that entails that so you have to have your own personal gym in order to stay in your best physical health I know for myself I have some free weights I have myself an inclin bench but now this usil Fitness bike has been the perfect addition to my personal gym to be able to get any kind of cardio workout in for myself now the yil fitness bike also comes with an app so you can get all your different bicycle workouts to follow along with also there’s alternative workouts like yoga workouts strength workouts you can get a stretch in and also cardio workouts but if you want to do your own workout not watch a video you can pull up YouTube and maybe watch my videos or you could even watch your favorite football game on it as well no matter what you’re doing it’s going to be able to track your stats for you right on the screen so you can always see what kind of workout you’re getting now the bike is as simple as just getting on and riding it you don’t need any kind of special shoes or anything to be able to work out with this bike to me really is the perfect alternative to pelaton it’s cheaper the monthly subscription is cheaper and you don’t need any special shoes for it now in an overview you got a pretty comfortable seat here also you have your your foot pedals you also need to connect it to a wall because the TV does need power here here’s what the wheel looks like when it does rotate you also have a resistance for the wheel as well which could be found right here you can also adjust the seat as well as the handlebars to higher and lower them very very sturdy handlebar and also a 360 rotating screen so you can really watch it from any different angle now if you guys are interested in upgrading your workout experience I do have a $100 discount for you right down below thank you yo Fitness for the collaboration back behind me so last week the city of Jacksonville led by mayor Donna Degan and the president of the Jaguars Mark lamping met up to basically propose a deal to the public and you know kind of put the different thoughts and imaginations and the renderings that we saw just a few months ago kind of to life okay they kind of put some numbers behind it some official stuff the splits between you know what the city of Jackson was going to pay versus what um the Jaguars are going to pay they kind of put everything together to be able to propose this to the NFL propose it to you know the different voters and just kind of discussing what this whole thing is going to look like and honestly I think that you know the city of jackville really came out on top of this one um first of all I think that the most important thing about this is that it puts the Jaguars in a 30-year lease with a no relocation Clause okay so just think 30 years from now how old are you going to be the Jaguars will be in Jacksonville at the very worst until then so I’ll be a 60-year-old man let’s go um so that’s really really cool to see especially with you know just all the years where we’ve been threatened about okay are the Jaguars moving to London are the Jaguars the next team to go to La oh wait La has two teams are they going to be a team to go to Vegas oh wait the Vegas already has a team out there there’s really nowhere else in the continental United States for the Jaguars to go so um luckily that definitely helps leave and put the Jaguars right there in Jacksonville where you know I know myself I’ve had the thoughts a few times where it’s like man like no the Jaguars aren’t going to move the Jaguars aren’t going to move but you also think like what do they do move what the heck am I going to do like I I know I’ve had that scary thought I mean I thought to myself maybe I would continue to be like a fan just because it’d be hard for me to all sudden say you know what you’re no longer a fan of Trevor Lawrence you’re no longer a fan of Travis etn Josh Allen you know what you’re all of a sudden going to hate these guys because a Shad K the team you know I mean it’s hard to really separate that and then you also think that where am I going to go what team am I going to go for I’m not going to be a dolphins fan I I guess maybe bucket I don’t know it would it would just be weird but luckily I don’t have to think of that anymore and also what would I do with my YouTube channel I built up this YouTube channel about Jacksonville the football team in Jacksonville doesn’t matter what the team name is it’s about this team in Jacksonville and luckily I don’t have to go through that so with that said it’s a.4 billion deal where the city would pay $775 million of that with uh that’s about 55% is what that comes out to and you know the Jacksonville Jaguars will pay for the rest of it which you know it definitely sounds like a lot um but the Jaguars actually the the Jacksonville Jaguars football organization is actually helping more than like the bills are and the Titans are when it comes to their you know most recent new stadium proposal deals so you know you ask why doesn’t the team pay more you know is the Jag you know there’s a old you know question about it and I know a lot of people that don’t know a lot about just the finances of it all and I’ll be quite Frank I don’t really know a lot about it they’re like oh shod khon knows a team he’s a billionaire why is he not paying more of it well first of all you know he doesn’t you don’t own the stadium okay the city owns a stadium so it’s not really smart you know so he’s not really going to own the land so it doesn’t make any sense for him to really just outright buy the stadium but with that said apparently if there was a 5050 split NFL owners wouldn’t approve it I don’t really know why but you know you need 75% of owners to approve these deals and apparently if it’s a 50 to 50 split NFL owners wouldn’t approve it but if it’s a 55 45 split NFL owners would approve it so that’s kind of interesting and if it does come into the situation where the costs roll over and they cost more than $1.4 billion than the Jacksonville Jaguars will cover any costs that go over that we all know budgets are hard to fit very rarely are you under budget usually you go over budget okay so that might be a situation the Jaguars come into so when you compare the splits the city of Jackson was going to pay for 55% of it and when you compare that to National they’re paying 60% of it and when you compare it to Buffalo they’re paying for 61% of it now apparently in those States though it is you are actually able to get help from the actual the actual State um but in Florida They Don’t Really Subs subsidize for stadium stuff like this so it is slowly on the city of Jacksonville in this kind of situation so the big thing is construction okay so 2026 the stadium will be under construction but they can still play games at a smaller capacity I think it was somewhere around 40,000 but don’t quote me on that but in 2027 the Jaguars will be forced out of Jacksonville to play somewhere else now I know when this whole stadium thing first got brought up it freaked me out because it said the Jaguars going to be out of Jacksonville for two years which for me that’s unacceptable like I don’t mind one year out of jackville that’s fine but two whole entire years that is a long time for the jack Jaguars to not play in Jacksonville okay so being out of Jacksonville for one year that is completely fine that’s been done around the NFL um for a lot of different teams when this kind of thing goes on so perfectly perfectly fine with that now where are they going to play right now it’s between University of Florida versus Orlando U when it comes to where they’re going to play now there’s definitely pros and cons of each but I think the biggest Pro is that you know when you’re talking about how the Jaguars in Jacksonville okay it’s it comes very complicated because it’s like okay they could play at like UNF or somewhere like that but then if they do that they’re going to have to shove a bunch of money into there when they don’t really have a lot there right now you know they would have to get it literally NFL ready okay and it’s not just being able to throw a bunch of seats in there so a bunch of Spectators can watch it actually literally involves like having a home and away locker room to where that’s up to NFL standards it it includes being able to like have media people be able to go there and enjoy their time they’re up in the boxes you need to have proper places for the cameras to go and just parking there’s just so much that goes into it where and you know when it comes to$ 1.4 billion the Jaguars are going to have to pretty much add more to that okay there there’s already all this money there but when you compare that to Orlando versus UF these two places are going to pour money into it because they want the Jaguars to play there okay so it is either the Jaguars go out of Jacksonville not have to pay all this money out of pocket for just a temporary place to play for a year um it would literally be I know right now I live in Orlando look mayor buddy Dyer and everybody wants the Jaguars to play over here okay and they have all these plans to dump I think like 600 $800 million into that Stadium to you know be able to have it NFL ready and you know I know right now University of Florida’s going through a bunch of upgrades like I know right now the visiting locker rooms aren’t good you know for the University of Florida but if the jaar were to play there all that would be up to standard okay so it just sounds a whole lot better to you know when you look at this High $ 1.4 billion deal to not have to say you know what we need 300 to $400 million to get another place up to NFL standards to be able to put 20,000 people in there to be able to fit media people comfortably it just doesn’t make a whole lot of sense okay and between the UF versus Orlando debate um that’s for another time I could get that I mean I’ve made a whole entire video on debating that so I don’t want to go into that here there’s pros and cons of each we’ll just have to see um but there’s a potential that the jagar wars will have a second home International game that year which obviously wouldn’t be a big issue whether it’s played I would imagine you know right now they’re playing games all over the place they’re going like there’s a game in Brazil I think Mexico City has it it would make more sense for me for the Jers to play you know a home away in London and then maybe go to like Germany and play another home game you know kind of stay stay over in Europe so you’re not playing in three different continents over the course of the Year while also being displaced in a different city from the place that you’re practicing at you know what I mean it just makes a little bit more sense now also a part of this deal apparently like $300 million is going to go toward improving like surrounding neighborhoods so you know whether it be north of the stadium where you know obviously it probably needs a little bit of work over there and also just revitalizing the areas around the stadium when it comes to the shipyards you know building that Four Seasons just making it a little bit more fun for you know so when people say Hey you know if I’m a Chargers fan coming in for the Jaguars game where you know any cool bars or anything around a stadium hit up don’t really know what to tell them okay don’t really know what to tell them so we all know Jaguars need a little bit more work to done around the stadium and it’ll be cool to kind of see all of that play out and overall there are voters going to vote to potentially extend a half of a cent sales tax that right now is in effect until 2026 they’re going to vote on extending it to 2030 to be able to help with the stadium but I mean I know for me if I’m sitting there at the polls about the vote to if I want to be T continue to be taxed at a higher rate I don’t know I would probably vote no but I don’t I don’t I just don’t know how the voters are going to vote to agree with that but we’ll just have to see but those are really some of the the major details I know me I’m extremely excited mostly I’m just excited for the freaking shade man we need shade so bad I refuse to go to games in September anymore because it’s so dang hot and I have the excuse that hey I’ll do YouTube videos I can sit at my house and do videos and you know be in the air conditioning as opposed to going over there I have an excuse but you guys don’t you guys have to sit there in the heat but it’s all really really fun and exciting and also more time in Jacksonville man I was very excited when the shovel Hit the Dirt for the practice facility ities I’m like look we’re good we’re staying in Jacksonville they’re not shod KH is about to dump almost a half a billion dollars in practice facilities just to move out of here so that was a very significant investment in the team in the city and looking forward to this new stadium should be a whole lot of fun and the Jers will instantly have the best stadium in the State of Florida so with all that said let me know what you think are you guys excited I can’t wait to see it with all that said go Jags

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  1. Did you order that jersey on Fansidea? Looks dope. I got a couple customs from them for my kids sporting events and I legit don’t ever want to wear anything else 😂

  2. With inflation you can expect it to go over budget by at least 10% because cost are based on current materials prices and construction materials don’t get cheaper. Luckily we got an owner that will cover that rather than cut corners. This stadium is going to be awesome can’t wait for 1oclock games in the shade.

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