Home Sweet Home, Astros win Another Series

Home Sweet Home, Astros win Another Series

I’m not going to say they’re back but they’re back the Houston Astros win another Series against a really good team at home they’re winning at Home Folks Kyle Tucker changes his shoes and flips the game on its head arag Getti looks good as a rookie let’s talk about this and so much more on tonight’s Edition locked on Astros J Diaz this is L on Astros hello welcome to locked on Astros your daily Astros podcast here are your host Eric the man heisi and Brett H willhouse CH we are locked on Houston Astros and we hope that you join us for a daily lockon Astros podcast my name is Eric Heisman you can find me on X Eric talkr you find the show at lockon Astros your team every day thank you for making us your first listen on Apple Odyssey Spotify wherever you listen podcast go and check us out go and check out Michael Connor on the lock on Astros postcast as well he does a great job and go and check out all our content on your Amazon Fire uh TV stick you can just check the the uh free channels app and you can find us there but Brett the Astros are what four games or five games from reaching 500 four games yeah I mean this is amazing the Astros have been playing some great baseball recently and when you you are not watching the Astros and playing Monopoly go with me where can they find you thank you find at h house on X Instagram and Tik Tok they can find me at stros 411 on X and on Facebook they can find me at back to the bullpen on X and on Instagram we I’m always positive always stros actually they’re five games back from 500 they’re four games back from the division lead and so the Astros stock is rising and I haven’t done our power rankings yet for um locked on MLB But Eric I’m going to be putting the Astros at number 19 tonight when I do the Power Rankings I’m pumping them into the top 20 I think they deserve it I think they’re playing like they should be playing and even players that have been slumping a little bit like yordon got in the mix today um we got a lot of stuff to talk about because there’s some exciting things happening and they’re winning at home I mean Eric they’re winning at home did you hear me they’re six and one in this 10 game home stand they still got a couple more games to play but they’re playing some uh great games at home this is I know after last year everybody’s like wait I think y’all are playing some type of April fools joke on us no the Astros are playing Better Baseball at home this year than they are on the road and uh if the Astros are able to crawl their way back to the playoffs I think that would be good the Astros are actually nine and two in the last 11 games and there are 21 and 26 they like you said four games behind the Mariners and they’re be playing the Mariners coming up so uh the angel series is be big the a series is GNA be big but nothing’s G to be bigger than when they play the Mariners because that’s your way to catch up to them in a quick way yeah no yeah definitely I mean because the Mariners and the Rangers have not been playing good baseball lately I mean if if you if you look at these standings in the last 10 games you know the Astros are eight- two um the the Rangers are three and seven the Mariners are five and five I mean the Mariners only three games over 500 so this is a very winnable division with the angels I’m not so much worried about them trout is gone for a while and I I think trout is really the only guy on this team that makes them a true viable Contender although we know they went up there and kind of beat up the Rangers up in Arlington Oakland I’m not necessarily worried about them but I really would love for us to win look if we can get our record right at 500 and where the Mariners are at 500 and where every game pushes one team or the other over 500 Astros win game one the Mariners win game two the Astros win game three kind of a back and forth and you know talking about back and forth Justin Verlander continues to go back and forth with Max Scherer and he passed him again um when it comes to career wins and they do that on the strikeout chart I haven’t seen two pitchers like this linked together and accomplishing almost the same things at the pace they’ve done and it’s actually quite entertaining to watch yeah Max Sher is still on the aisle so he has some time to kind of uh put some distance in between them but um I think these guys started together basically in Detroit and I think that it was kind of GRA that they spent another season sort of together in New York but now they’re kind of in different they’re in Texas but um I think it’s funny uh seeing the headlines across baseball you see headlines saying that well the Astros are going to trade Alex bregman you see the U I saw these um this Mariners podcast it’s not the Mariners podcast you’re thinking of it’s a different one but they’re talking about they’re bashing rgm saying that um it’s stupid that they said they’re not going to make any they’re not going to trade away any Talent um at the trade deadline only we can bash um Dana Brown come on y’all can’t bash him okay but um also you see all the Detroit papers they’re saying or not papers but all the fan sites and everything they’re saying oh this is our chance to get Justin verland back we are actually a good team are you really a good team you’re sort of a good team but not really good team right the Astros are trying to get back into contention and if they do that they’re not going to be trading away some of their top talent so I think what the Astros need to be doing is before July they need to make a big run and I believe that I heard on the pregame show that the Astros were trailing the Mariners last year at some point um by five games at this point in season too so the Astros are not that far off yes the record sucks but the Astros have made some forward progress and that’s what you you want baby steps and that’s why we were so positive on this podcast and that’s why we kept on saying give a time this team is so good we we don’t want to go the Dana Brown route and say that they’re gonna go off Wi on a winning streak but they are streaking a little bit Yeah Verlander’s game we’ll talk about Verlander’s game in a little bit that was a little bit uh fishy but you had arti he shown that he belongs a little bit and so there’s a lot of stuff that happen in this game specifically and let’s talk about that yeah definitely Kyle Tucker he gets up to the plate and what does he do his first three at bats he strikes out well what was he doing he was wearing green shoes wearing green shoes I got pictures of those shoes and he was wearing these orbit shoes okay look that’s a tribute to orbit it was Orbit’s birthday so KY Tucker goes 0 for three with 3ks in his orbit shoes what does he do he changes them to the orange Nikes and he goes two for two with two home runs tell me shoes the shoes gotta be the shoes that’s why I took that that’s why I put that headline there I I remember the old Spike leag commercials with Michael Jordan it’s got to be the shoes but Kyle Tucker turned on the well he turned on the one baseball on the other one he hit opposite field 15 home runs tied with Marcel Ozuna Kyle Tucker is having himself a year Eric where I think right now if if I look at all the other MVP candidates I think he’s leading them because right now I’m talking about Major League Baseball he’s second in Ops under only sh Otani he is third in slugging percentage only to bets and conz he’s he’s actually tied in home runs with actually it’s gunar Henderson gun Henderson yeah gunar Henderson not Marcel Ozuna but they both have 15 home runs and then he does have 48 hits he ranks in the top 30 I think he’ll move up the charts on that but Kyle Tucker frens and purposes is making a very strong candidacy for the AL MVP and every home run he hits his price continues to climb but he is the man that Jim Crane better pay because what did Jim Crane say as long as I’m here what’s gonna continue Eric this winning is going to keep on happening and they’re not winning so far this season but they’re on the path to winning but what is one Cog in that major piece is Kyle Tucker and it’s not just Kyle Tucker um after after um we talk about our sponsors we’re going to talk about Jake being a major part of this Cog that is the Astros train that’s getting rolling and steaming full steam ahead yeah before we um we talk about that I do want to say this last year KY Tucker hit his 15th home run on July 21st wow so that was a three home Runner game against the ace and gunar Henderson hit a home run today I’ll Tucker had two home runs so I’m not saying this is going to be like the Bass Brothers where you had Sammy Sosa not Bass Brothers but Sammy Sosa and Mark McGuire going after the 70 home runs that season uh but uh this this could be a epic battle down to the stretch and um so I think that this is awesome and I keep on going and so we’ll talk about some more after the break this episode was 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superstar just go to link in.com lockon and get started today hey guys thank you for making locked on Astros podcast your first listen every day whether it’s on YouTube go and subscribe to us go and make us your first listen Apple Odyssey Spotify go ahead and subscribe to us on YouTube go and give us a big fat thumbs up while you’re watching us live we have 112 right now go ahead and and tell a friend and go ahead and check us out on your Amazon Fire TV stick and while you’re on the road if you have to travel and you can’t listen this sport sock 790 why don’t you go and listen to it on serus XM you can hear all the play-by-play action on serus XM so Brett something else happened today before we get to spenc arti yordan Alvarez got a stolen base this is his first stolen base since this is his third of his career and the first since 2022 so after all the knee surgeries and everything it was pretty awesome to see him uh make the do this today and the Astros because um I I I don’t have to stat in front of me but it seems like the other teams are running on the Astros like it’s nothing whether it’s the pitching Hunter Brown and there’s a couple pitchers that just don’t uh they have a slow delivery but it’s good to see the Astros take advantage of that as well and Jose Altuve with another leadoff home run uh he’s moving up the list I don’t know if he’s ever going to catch Vio uh but he’s is getting really close to Springer so bigo has 53 Springer has 39 and altu has 37 so with um three more home R runs batting lead off he’s gonna go ahead and pass George Springer yeah that’s right and um he hit his 56th first pitch home run of his career so that’s that’s that’s a pretty cool oh that’s good information Brit that is a that is a really cool stat there but before I get to arag Getti I want to talk about Jake Myers because right now Jake Meyers I think along with Jeremy Peña and I think along with Kyle Tucker are all three putting themselves in the conversation for player of the month I know Aaron judge has a 1500 Ops right now in this month so he’s making a pretty strong bid but Jake Meers has been hitting the absolute cover off the ball remember at the beginning of the season I called for Jake Meyers to be the breakout offensive player of the year and I was starting to wonder if that prediction was going to come true but on the 28th of um March I said Jake Meers is my breakout performer of the year in my preseason predictions and so that’s what I predicted and going into the game today hitting 366 15 hits six extra base hits two home runs eight RBI seven runs scored 1106 Ops and what is he nine for his last 15 um at bats in the series and I mean Eric last four games yeah this guy gets up and he just hits the ball this guy gets up and he just does what Jake from rake Farms does and you know Eric Jake Meyers being a major piece of this puzzle in 2024 you know what I think this means I think this means that Jake Myers has Stained power and I think that if there is a trade down the road I really think that Chaz mccornick may be the odd man out because Jake Meyers is making a strong bid to be your starting center fielder because I mean dude and then ler fedo is making a case to stay to stay up so I think Chaz is gonna be the odd man out I don’t know that the Chaz Chom lasts through the 2024 season because of Myers and Loper all right so what Brett is saying is that Jake Myers is going to have a shirt that says I’m the big boy now uh and maybe Dusty Baker should have given him some more playing time but at the same time he dealt with a lot of injuries uh but this is the first time that he has had to shine like you said he’s nine for 15 with two home runs and six RBI over his last four games he’s batting 302 with a 920 Ops he’s eight for 46 with a 391 with seven extra base hits in May so this guy is streaking so you have a lot of players that are getting hot at the right time Alex bregman ever since he got moved down to the six hole and then um he’s moved back up to cleanup he’s starting to hit a little bit better and of course it was a whole knob I don’t know if you saw when he pulled over to um explain it onet so well yeah he’s basically what he does is he pulls the knob through the strike zone and then when he swings the bat it almost has a catap P effect and so I’ve I’ve done that drill with little Leaguers before where you have someone hold on to their bat and you have them pull the bat where they’re pulling the bat and then snapping their wrist but you’ve got to carry that bat through the zone you got to carry that knob pass the baseball you’ve got to have incredible bat speed and you’ve got to I mean you’ve got to be able to Barrel the ball and that has revolutionized or changed or gone back to what bregman was used to but Spencer arag Getti if you look at the line today you don’t think great game but he went six and one/ thirds Innings he got to go into the seventh inning he said he pitches yeah with 80 pitches he was like man I was excited I was out on the I was out on the bump in the seventh inning and they asked him what it was like leaving the field because he got a standing ovation he said you know to have that is humbling because I grew up in the stadium and I can’t remember how many pictures that I’ve given standing ovations to myself as a fan and so arag Getti now has two wins um he’s two and one this month Eric look if he gets two more wins this month if he’s still up at you know at the end of this month and he gets four wins as a rookie he could get maybe a you know rookie of the month type of award or recognition and and so who knows I mean if arag Getti gets stain power and he has stain power um he could find himself away onto the six-man rotation yes and Hunter Brown I know he kind of started off the last game kind of well but he he still has trouble executing and putting people away and so I know the Astros have nothing but high hopes for him but same time he’s he’s uh the the best game he’s had all season was in relief of Christian hav no was it Christian Javier I think it was in that game where he had come in and pitched a whole bunch of innings or no Ral Blanco that game so uh but Bas he had five innings seven strikeouts only allowed one earn run in that game so Hunter Brown is probably the future future for the Houston Astros but he needs to work on things he might need we’ll talk about Jose Bru in a little bit but he might need to just go down and work on some things in not such a pressure packed situation and but Jose AR Kitty he’s uh you you might have talked about it but he made his other his next start of course he gave up five runs four them earned he he’s mostly just working on Pitch counts but at some point you’re going to have to make the decision who goes down ryel Blanco once he’s up he is established he’s not going down and I know a a lot of us don’t give credit Dana Brown a lot of credit remember it was Dana Brown who was kind of looking at him uh pitching when he first got here and was like you know what I think this ronell Blanco guy would be great as a starter and so he was the one that kind of pushed him down uh pushed him to that door and so I think that Jose or Kitty gets one more start it’s probably going to be Friday or Saturday they don’t know whether it’ll be with the hooks or with the Space Cowboys but once he’s up you have Eric Getty and brown they know that they have to be on top of their aame because one of them is going to be out of rotation you’re not going to go with right a six or seven man rotation well I mean they are going with the six-man rotation because they’ve already talked about that they’re they’re not they’re not going yeah yeah they’re not going with the seven man um yeah I mean obviously arti is the odd man out in that equation um mushinski is up who he’s a lefty relever but they haven’t really needed him per se but Eric I got to pause here before we get to to our last segment Corey julks today in New York robbed a home run hit a home run two for three he’s batting four 29 on the season good job Cory jokes going up to the Big Apple I’m I’m not not the Big Apple going up to the Bronx and robbing home runs and look the White Sox still lost uh what they lose s to2 but Cory julks is contributing he’s having a blast um I love seeing that um he’s he’s one of those guys that you hate to see go because he’s a HomeTown product um he came on the show literally a week after I interviewed him he got called up and so it’s fun seeing him have success even if it’s in a White Sox uniform so Corey jokes if you’re listening to us man continued success up there big guy that’s he looked he looked like a big leager today I love and I mean he proved last year he could do it so and he’s batting fifth with the Chicago White Socks so that just shows the depth of the white socks and the death of the Astros and I know there’s uh you want to talk about the Astros have played the most teams with a winning record we’ll talk about that in a second this episode is brought to you by policy genius check life insurance off your to-do list in no time head to policy genius.com walked on MLB with policy genius you can find life insurance policies that start at just $292 per year for $1 million of coverage some options offer same day approval and avoid unnecessary medical exams it saves you time and money to check out policy genius I don’t know if you’ve noticed this but some people find that their work life insurance just doesn’t cover everything they need well that’s why policy genius is here for you they have an unbiased approach they don’t want to choose one carrier over another because they want you to get what you need you leave the job up to them and it doesn’t take any time with them because they’ve got five star reviews to prove it from Google and trust pilot customers who have built their needs into their life insurance policies go to policygenius.com loock MLB 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the Astros have played 34 and 35 that’s okay Toronto 32 Seattle only 24 Texas right in the middle at 22 so what that means is going forward this is going to be a an easier schedule and do you remember the years that we’ve had in the past where the Astro will go against the bad teams and they’ll play horrible or or they’ll or they’ll go through a series they win win one out of three and you’re like man that’s the series we should have won they’re winning those games and all the games that we’ve been losing have been a lot of those one-run games right and so I think we I think this team is mentally turning it around because they’re winning at home they’re getting walk-off wins they’re winning now Extra Innings they look like they’re having fun I mean Cal Tucker changes his shoes and he hits two home runs who does not superstitious at all know he’s just a little stitious right but today with five multi-hit games and this is against the Brewers the Brewers are not Chumps the Brewers are actually really good in the National League and they’ve had a really good run and the the Astros look if Wilson Catz could bat one through nine for the Brewers they would be unbeatable that guy has the highest batting average in all the league um he is having he is probably gonna be one of the top MVP candidates and he’ll probably win the batting title in the National League he’s the Luis arise of 2024 who Luis arice is no longer a Marlin um but five multi-hit games in the lineup is huge now my question to you is this you have this team heating up you have chemistry you have John Singleton who is doing everything he can to contribute but now we get the news that Jose AB Bru his return is imminent his return is imminent more than likely after the Oakland series we’re talking possibly in Seattle what do you say about that well I know that Jeff Bagwell is the U the brains of the the organization and uh this is he said that um Jose Bru Jose Bru is ready and so that’s what told Dana Brown uh he said that Dana Brown said he and manager Joe asata spoke Saturday evening with je Jeff Bagwell who is the senior adviser to ownership who was in West Palm Beach to monitor um abrau and so he said there’s a chance that we can see him during their three game series in Oakland after an off day Thursday so it’s even worse he could be back on Thursday I mean on Friday so uh Singleton has not been the great player that we might have wanted but he’s batting 211 324 421 with four homers 10 RB and that’s not even what he did in today’s game John Singleton has been a better he has been a great replacement he’s been better than BR yes I’m just telling you John Singleton has owned has earned his spot and I know a br’s getting 18 million I know he is getting paid the big bucks but John Singleton not only with his Bat but with his glove Eric the plays that John Singleton has made at first base I’m sorry Jose you’re not making those plays and if he comes back Abu has got to earn his spot back I just don’t see now I don’t know baseball I’m not a hall of Famer I don’t see how going two for n in Florida complex League games makes you ready to return to the major leagues but I’m not Jeff Bagwell I didn’t hit a bunch of home runs I’m not in the Hall of Fame so I’m I’m gonna acquest to the veteran to I hope they’re not rushing him back because of the financials well keep in mind Brett he’s gonna play a few more games in between now and then so he’ll have some more bats and he’s done a lot of work and the in the cages um in the back fields he’s done a lot of stuff um and this is what Dana Brown had to say I think Joe has a plan to gradually ease a Bru in we have been very fortunate that Singleton has been in place has it been good a good replacement for him I could see this start off as a platoon type of thing and just see how it goes from there translation if a Bru comes up and sucks a Bru’s could to be on the bench and Singleton will be starting bottom line the Astros have already shown their cards they shown all their cards they’ll say if you’re gonna suck you’re not gonna be in the starting lineup yeah exactly someone’s like well the fcl’s almost like major league baseball no it’s not it’s not even Minor League Baseball but look and I’m not saying I don’t want a br to come back and do well if he comes back I absolutely want him to wck shop I want him to I want him to perform well again he’s one of the good guys off the field but right now it’s not about whether you’re a good guy on or off the field it’s about who gives this team the best chance to win and the Astros are you are towing a little bit with chemistry with a Bru coming back it’s not like this is an Altuve that was sent down or a bregman or a Tucker or yordon right I mean this guy’s been here limited time they haven’t really done much with him here he was big in the PO postseason last year big at the end of the year but I’ll just wrap it up on this Jose Bru comes back I hope that he absolutely hits a cover off the ball and I’m able to retweet what I said about him and say you know what I was wrong I want to eat crow on this but I still want to make sure that we don’t forget about John Singleton because his contributions have been really big uh Supreme Panda ask if uh why don’t the Astros just trade to Bru uh if they would have done that they would if they could do that they would have already done that he has a contract that nobody would take on especially at his age and his production uh it’s just like trading back to White Socks why would the white sock want him they’re already struggling right now so I don’t think that’s even a trade that they can do it so um yeah I think that at this point the Astros can only try to fix them if they can’t you have John Singleton who’s playing great baseball they obviously don’t intend to put lero out there that much so uh he’s going to be field and who knows when chm mccor comes back up who knows if Li profito is going to still be up so there’s a lot of moving Parts over the next week and E here to stay well you need to tune in to lock on Astros podcast because we’ll keep you up to date with all the news what does it mean and you’ll hear it from Eric and uh Brett and we’ll be here for you every day after every game so Brett and closing thoughts no let’s just keep the winning alive the Angels come to town let’s kick them back to um an with the series loss and then let’s go take it to Seattle and show them who their daddy is in the aest all right that’s all we got and we’ll see you next time my name is Eric Heisman he is Bret chansy we are the locked on Astros podcast and ghost coming for Seattle coming

H-town Wheelhouse and Eric talk about a huge series win against the Brewers. Jake Meyers is on fire, and Kyle Tucker goes deep twice. Arrighetti had another solid outing. The Astros are only four games back of the AL West Division leaders.

Locked On Astros is a daily podcast about the Houston Astros, hosted by Eric Huysman and Brett Chancey. It is part of the Locked On Podcast Network.

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  1. Locked on Astros is orange to the core! Let's keep it going! For as much as I was beside myself through the Astros struggles, I know that you guys were really going through a lot of difficulties. Thank you for being there through these tough times for all of us!

  2. Does anyone else think we should trade Bregman for someone younger before he has no trade value whatsoever? If we can only give out one big contract, I’d rather keep Tucker over Bregman.

  3. I agree with Brett before his injury Meyers looked like the better player and maybe now he is comfortable and settling into his role. I am still a fan of Dubon as the starter in cf but if its not broke dont fix it keep playing meyers.

  4. Abreu is being rushed way too quick. I understand but at the same time I don’t understand the need for abreu. Like I get crane will do everything possible to justify his signing but I don’t understand why bring him back.

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