Steelers Quarterback Plan for Russell Wilson, Justin Fields Before OTAs | Leadership Identity Key

Steelers Quarterback Plan for Russell Wilson, Justin Fields Before OTAs | Leadership Identity Key

it’s Steelers ota’s week but we’re going to start off with a mailbag Monday answering your questions that you called in to the locked on Steelers podcast I’m your host Chris Carter let’s get into it you are locked on Steelers your daily Pittsburgh Steelers podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day [Music] hello and welcome to the locked on Steelers podcast I’m your host Chris Carter bringing you your daily dose of all things in the Pittsburgh Steelers as always you can find the show in your favorite podcasting apps and on YouTube like this video if you enjoy it subscribe to this YouTube channel to get all of your daily Monday through Friday episodes as well as our bonus content we thank you for making us your first listen every day because we’re your team every day and today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel sports book the number one sports book in America make every moment more right now new customers get $150 back in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s $1 150 bucks with any winning $ five bet visit lockon to get started all right Steelers fans we had a good weekend hope you got to get out a little bit there was some tornadoes touchdown on Friday on Pittsburgh that was scary but let’s get into what this week is going to be a little bit we know OTAs we’re going to be able to be there Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday we’ve talked a lot about cam Hayward not being there if you miss those episodes go back and check out last week’s but I wanted to take today because we’ve been focusing a lot on things that were developing things that were happening uh we didn’t get to answer some of you guys’ phone calls that you that you’ve dropped on us over the past couple weeks so today we’re gonna get try to get through a bunch of them we’re still we have we have several will get to today and then I’m going to try to sprinkle other ones in throughout the week um and you know and as time rolls on here so if you don’t hear your question come on here today do not worry you will be brought on at some point we’re getting a lot of people you guys have dropped a lot of great question question on our hotline and as always to get on the hotline you call 412 223 6644 leave your name where you’re from and keep your question under a minute and you’ll get a chance to get on the show with your question here to the lockon Steelers podcast and we start with this question from Michael all the way out in Las Vegas take it away Michael hi Chris this is Michael Hopkins from Las Vegas Nevada I just had question on our quarterback situation I’m excited to see what Russell and Justin can do this season but what do you see them doing after this season as far as a quarterback goes do you see them trying to resign one of those two or both of those two or drafting a quarterback or what thank you by thank you Michael and again appreciate everyone who calls into the show 41222 36644 now the reason I let with Michael’s question because it delves into probably the thing that we’re all going to be trying to ask on Tuesday no one in Pittsburgh media has got an official on the books record chance I think to talk to Justin Fields like we’ve all had the chance to talk talk to Russell Wilson uh well actually not all of us but people he did speak at the facility but everyone’s wanting to see what’s Justin Field’s stance on this how is how is he handling everything what will he be like when he talks to talks to the media scrum for the first time and how will Russell Wilson do with him right around him there that’s GNA be one of the biggest topics that gets talked about all off season and Michael kind of tips at not just this but also how does it play into next year so first Michael let’s go into let’s let’s get to let’s get to your question by starting where we’re at now right now it is presumed Russell Wilson’s going to be qb1 he’s at least going to go into training camp holding that poll position and they’ll have technically a competition what’s most likely going to happen is Russell Wilson’s just gonna be qb1 and that’s G to be that unless Justin Fields is just lighting it up day and night and Russell Wilson is just falling off the the the bandwagon entirely I doubt both of those things happen one might but I I I I I doubt that both of those things happen to the degree that forced the Steelers hand in this situation but I do think the Steelers have put themselves in a situation where they’re hedging their bets at the quarterback position what they’re probably doing this year to answer your question uh Michael they’re going to Omar Khan’s going to make it so that hey if Russell Wilson is the guy guess what Steelers are gonna be able to get a chance to be like hey you want to stick around and keep being the guy for an organization because let’s say if Russell Wilson’s really good and the Steelers are really good because of it well then all of a sudden the Steelers he he Russell Wilson said he wants to win Super Bowls why would you leave the organization that that that you that you started that with or that you got back to competing at that level with you only got a few more years left in the NFL why not stick this out for you know a decent contract that wouldn’t uh cost too much to break the bank and break up this team that really supported you this whole time I I think that’s one angle that they could take but let’s say Russell Wilson’s just decent and Justin Fields is kind of looking pretty decent coming off the bench and you’re you’re you’re excited to see what he has maybe you let Russell maybe Russell Wilson does just enough that gets him a moderate contract somewhere else and then you say you know what here’s what we’re g we’re gonna do we’re gonna you know we’re gonna make Justin Fields keep Justin fields around he’ll have a chance to be the number one quarterback the next year and then maybe they do draft a quarterback maybe in the middle rounds to kind of play to kind of learn behind Justin fields and then they give that a shot but here’s the thing Michael I don’t think that we’re going to know have a definitive answer I don’t think that they the Steelers themselves have a definitive answer for what they want to do next year at quarterback I think what they’re doing if you’re looking at it from Omar KH perspective is they are lining themselves up with as many possible good outcomes as they can Russell Wilson works out great you have him for a few years he can be your veteran quarterback that that leads your team and resets the leadership on the offensive side Justin Fields your guy great he’s a Young quarterback he’ll he’ll he’ll develop into things and he’ll be part of the this this new age coming but if neither of them are the guy well then you keep one of them for not expensive price and you work at trying to find the next guy soon whether it’s this draft or the or the draft a after coming coming up but I think that’s the thing the Steelers are putting themselves in right here there’s no definitive PL plan I’m sure in in the heart of hearts Omar KH Mike Tom would love it if Justin Fields was just what everything he was at Ohio State for the for the Steelers and all the all the bad things that people saw in a Chicago tape just went away and then he’s amazing I’m not saying that that can’t happen I actually really like Justin Fields I think that he can develop but I think if you’re the Steelers you can’t afford to put your eggs all in one basket I think that’s what they’re not that’s what they’re avoiding doing right now um until they feel that they have a guy who proves that he can be the franchise quarterback long term for the Steelers this is what it’s going to be like they’re going to hedge their bets they’re going to keep guys around that they think can compete with each other until they find the guy that they think okay this is the guy who we buildt our franchise around this is the next Ben rothberger Terry Bradshaw but let’s let’s build around that guy I think of these two Justin Fields has the better chance to be that just because he’s younger and he can he can develop I think Russell Wilson I think he can be a very good quarterback for the Steelers if he plays the at at at his Peak uh at the stage of his career that he’s in I just don’t know how long he can if he does that how long he could do that and how long the Steelers would want to commit to that and if the if you’re the Steelers and Russell let’s say Russell Wilson goes crazy let’s say 40 touchdowns he’s not throwing 40 touchdowns I’m just giving an outrageous number here let’s he throws 40 touchdowns then all of a sudden his he just prices himself out every like he’s like listen see thanks Pittsburgh see you I’m going to go make 4050 million next year because someone want wants me again and the Steelers aren’t going to pay that for a quarterback right now especially a quarterback that’s only gonna be around for two years what they’re probably gonna do is probably Gonna Keep Justin Fields uh you know and and say all right well that’s why we got you here’s here’s a short-term deal it’s not a whole lot of money prove us that you that you can play Within this system and I think that’s what the Steelers are hoping develops is something along the lines of one of these guys falling into that role and being able to be the guy that they rely on or at least being the bridge until they find the next guy there so it’s a good question uh Mike Michael and again I appreciate when Steelers fans come from all walks and they come from all parts of the country we got people from out of the country that are gonna be asking questions on this show and we got a lot more of those questions to get to here on the locked on Steelers podcast I’m your host Chris Carter stick with us we still got a lot to discuss but first want to remind you this show is brought to you by FanDuel sports book the number one sports book in America it’s playoff time in the NBA and the NHL and it’s getting oh so close to the championship times for both leagues and as well as baseball being in full swing that makes FanDuel your number one destination to place bets on every single game right now new customers can get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 or more bet that’s 150 bucks you can use on point spreads money lines player props and so so much more bet on everything from slap shots to home runs to slam dunks and all on an app that’s safe secure and super easy to use just visit lockon to take advantage of this offer today that’s lockon for new customers to get $150 back in bonus bets if your first bet of $5 or more wins that’s from FanDuel America’s number one sports book [Music] back here in the lock on Steelers podcast I’m your host Chris Carter we continue our show here answering your questions on here on the show again you could call into the show at any time to the hotline at 41222 36644 leave your name where you’re from and keep your question under a minute and we’ll try to get you on the show to answer your questions here but let’s keep rolling here we have a lot to get to in this show we got trace a returning caller from Lawrence Kansas Trace take it away what up CC this is Trace from Lawrence Kansas had a question about sort of what the offensive identity is going to look like going forward uh the other day on the show I think you were talking about uh bmac or ik Taylor I can’t remember which one uh but one of them crediting the defense’s long-standing success to just how much continuity there is from player to player and generation to generation on a defense after the news that we’re not picking up naji’s fifth year option you know uh we’ve got Dan Moore who’s been around a while Prime trade candidate we’ve got a 300 yard tight end and P prior move who’s been around a while and not to discredit him but it’s just we haven’t had Steelers offensive production and that’s not being handed down it doesn’t look like what what’s the future look like because of that are we seeing a distinct changing of offensive identity and formation appreciate it absolutely great question trace and again you can call in just like Trace did at 41222 36644 to get your question in Trace uh I think you hit the hit at the heart of what the Steelers are doing here it is a complete upheaval of what the offense has been because they have it and to to answer your question about who I was talking about I was actually talking about Ryan shazir because I had him as a guest on the Northshore Drive podcast from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette which is the other show that I do all the time there Monday Wednesdays and Fridays go check that show out same places that you get uh lock locked on on on your on your podcasting on YouTube I do the same thing there and it’s great I talk to all our Post Gazette guys we also talk other sports there awesome place to work uh but there I talked to Ryan Shir and one thing that he talked to me was just about like hey like when he came in and he was drafted what in 2014 when he came in Lawrence Timmons set the tone but Lawrence Timmons got it from Casey Hampton and and and Troy poalo and James Harrison and then Ryan jayer and cam Hayward adopted it and then cam Hayward and and Ryan jayer were part of passing it down to TJ Watt and then make a Fitzpatrick and and now you see that there is a consistent passing down of the torch of leadership on defense that has happened and has allowed the defense to continue to set the tone year in and year out for the Steelers and always to be when Mike Tom talked about that standard it’s easier for the defense to reach that standard I think because they’ve had the leadership that’s passed that that’s had succession plans and they’ve worked and they’ve had Talent come behind them excuse me but the offense had a clearcut where that did not happen and part of this was not by design it was just unfortunate luck for the Steelers the major leaders of the offense in the 2010s when they were at their at their Peak and they were playing very well were these players Ben rothberger Antonio Brown Le’Veon Bell Maris pouncy David dcastro those were the big five of the offense and yes r foster was a good was a good leader and locker room guy Alejandra Vin NOA contributed um you know there there were other good pieces in that era that’s not to say the other guys didn’t also you know contribute you know and do things like that but those were the stars those were the guys that everyone built around right and what happened to those Stars Le’Veon Bell left left because he was they they offered him a contract he wanted more guaranteed money he never showed up that there was no transition of anything there they just had to figure out life with without without Le’Veon Bell Antonio Brown went full Antonio Brown what you GNA do about that then the three guys that you thought okay well these guys can be the torch passers Maris pouncy his injuries add up over his career he ends up retiring after 2020 and they think okay well guess what we got David dcastro he’ll be the guy then that next spring camp in fact in in these very OTAs and mini camps that we’re talking about right now in the 2021 season when he was supposed to be the the the big guard returning for the Steelers he suffers an injury that ends his career so then within a span of Four Seasons three SE within with no you within a spin of three seasons the Steelers lost four of those five guys and then by the end of that by that by That season that David dcastro was supposed to play in that was Ben rsb’s old man year that was his last year in the league and there was no quarterback for him to pass down anything to because it was uh Mason Rudolph and him and Mason Rudolph didn’t never got along so yeah that’s what happened there and what’s happening now is the Steelers are and I think this is a big reason why they got Russell Wilson they got him to reset the locker room they got him to come in and say hey I know what it’s like to be on a winning team I know it’s like to be on a losing team I know the difference and I know what it takes so let’s set this tone and that’s not to say that guys like you mentioned Pat fouth that’s not to say that Pat fouth can’t be part of something like that or can’t be a big part of that or or Naji Harris or bradrick Jones or any of these guys but I do think it takes a guy that everyone can get behind I think they were hoping Kenny picket would be that guy it didn’t work out that way now they’re getting guy who’s done that for for multiple teams and that’s where I think Russell Wilson’s going to come from but also it needs to come in an offense that’s going to lead to the like you talked about productivity has to be part of it because if you’re not producing on the field if you and you got and you guys aren’t winning no one’s galvanizing anybody it’s it’s not just raw raw speeches that wins it’s showing up in the big moments and doing your job and showing that hey if we if we all do our jobs we can win football games that’s the mentality they want to get out of these guys that’s what they want to see develop here and I think it takes one A system that makes that makes the offense go it takes Russell it takes not it doesn’t just take Russell Wilson it takes a quarterback that can lead in that system and it takes people people to get behind the system and say hey follow us follow us to Victory that’s what the Steelers defense does that’s what that’s what allows for guys to kind of come up I mean that’s what helped Alex heith he didn’t have to come in and recreate what the pass rush was with the Steelers he just had to come in and play what bud Dupri did improve it and make it his own style and pair with TJ want and and and the transition was seamless there Joey Porter Jr even though the Steelers didn’t have like you know a longstanding cornerback room he had a defense around him that said hey this is the standard we expect you to live up to it let’s go and now Joey Porter Jr’s playing well that’s what the Steelers on offense needs right now as they rebuild the offensive line all those young guys are playing are playing on it I think Naji Harris Pat fryou I think they’re part of the positives that can go with this group if they if things if things do take take Progressive steps forward this season but they need I think a galvanizing leader they need a system that allows that leader to kind of have success and that everyone could kind of feed off that success and then that kind of builds thing there and then you’ll get to the space where we’re talking about with the defense where there’s just a natural progression of leadership and then the you know to back to uh Michael the F our first caller who called in maybe that’s what they’re hoping is that Russell Wilson sets a tone that allows Justin fields to rise up into and then there’s a there’s a succession plan there already and then all of a sudden Justin Field’s a good leader for your for your offense bada bing bada boom you you you’ve now fixed the problem that was the void of leadership and you know a a a sense of a foundation for the offense to build off of moving forward from with bringing in young players and know and them knowing who to look up to on that side of the ball so very good question Trace but I think the identity uh is going to be get behind Russell Wilson don’t lean on him on the field too much he’s not going to throw 40 50 times a game you want him to throw 20 to 30 times a game and let the Run game be be the balance of the team but I think he’s going to be the face of the offense and he’s going to be the guy that kind of helps Arthur Smith and Mike tomman oversee it from the player side of things so very good question Trace let’s get to some of these other questions here we got Craig Coleman from Dayton Ohio asking about a specific Red Zone package I think this could be interesting take it away Craig hey Chris Carter how you doing this is Craig Coleman from Dayton Ohio I have a scenario to give you we had we was rated number 20 25 um in the League last year as far as touchdowns in the red zone I’m thinking if we had a red zone offense to where um beyond the 20 we bring in Justin fields and Patterson along with the reg with the um other um weapons that we have on offense I think that will boost our Red Zone touchdown capacity up way up what are your thoughts thank you have a blessed day thank you for the question Craig appreciate everyone calling in to the lock on Steelers hotline at 41222 36644 let’s get to this question he’s Craig is Right Steelers ranked 25th in red zone offense last year that has to be a lot better especially if they’re going to be running the football but I think part of that is finding continuity on offense I’ll say this to your question Craig I don’t think that something like that would be out of the question for the Steelers I think it’s something that if Arthur Smith designed it they could certainly draw it up and they could they could make it part of the offense but I don’t think it’s going to be a bread and butter like if it is it’s going to be more of a gadget situation where they just catch guys off guard occasionally in the red zone or like on a two-point conversion and you know it gets that but you can’t live off gimmicks you can at you can sprinkle them in so when they get to the Red Zone it honestly you want the Red Zone to be Russell Wilson or whoever is your starting quarterback with with that bruising offensive line and either Nai Harris or Jaylen Warren just pounding and pounding and and driving the the the defense back and back and back or if the defense is biting too hard at the line of scrimmage play action quick hit guy in the end zone wide open because the Run game’s working so hard I think the the gadget idea it’s smart it’s a good idea to have in your back pocket but the Steelers will not make that a bread and butter thing um now let’s say Justin Fields just wins the quarterback job I don’t think it’s going to happen let’s say he just takes off a Russell Wilson and then they want to throw in Cordell Patterson there that would be certainly be something that I think could be really exciting to make people have to think about I also think Cordo Patterson possess the versatility to make them think about that even with Russell Wilson on the field or just it being a normal play where they’re like hey that guy can line up in the back field and run the ball we better keep our eyes on him and oh man there’s actually two guys that can run the ball because Naji Harris or Jaylen Warren’s out here while he’s out there and there’s George vicking and Pat Bri Mo okay we got some some calculations to make I do think that there’s something there but not the whole package just being the Red Zone thing I don’t think you were saying that Craig but I just want to clarify for our listeners that if you’re getting an idea I think it could be an idea I think Arthur Smith If he if he pulls it out I wouldn’t be surprised but do not think that that’s going to be anybody’s bread and butter for the Steelers red zone offense I got a few more questions I want to get to here on the lock on Steelers podcast we’ll do that the other side of this next break here on the lock on Steelers podcast I’m your host Chris Carter stick with us we’ll be right back but first want to remind you this show is also brought to you by Game Time download game time is an app that on your on your phone to buy tickets to all your favorite events without it being a stressful Endeavor you can also go to their website and now that we know the NFL schedule that is out it’s time to book your Steelers tickets ahead of time and the best place to do that is with game time listen don’t get caught up trying to you know you know wait waiting too long and then all of a sudden your travel or travel is a lot more expensive game time’s got the best prices right 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until we see the death chart be settled take it away Andrew hey Chris this is Andrew from Plains Pennsylvania and I’m actually calling about uh the possibility involving two people um I don’t want to butcher his name but try falanu and broaderick Jones now Blindside needs to be a better needs to be a better pass blocker and that is clearly Troy F fanu do you think there’s a chance that he could be our left tackle going into the season and maybe even going forward I love the show keep doing what you’re doing thank you Andrew for the question as always 412 223 6644 um and we appreciate the question here and listen do I think it’s a possibility sure Mike tommen left that open door for a reason I think he’s trying to stay as unpredicable as possible but he’s Al I think the Steelers also know like look trying to pigeon hole guys into situations that that you don’t have to doesn’t always work trust me they’ve tried it recently it hasn’t worked and I think that they’re kind of just being open to the idea that hey things can happen but I’ll tell you this much the Steelers plann to put fanu at right tackle here’s the other thing about Brer Jones he’s I I you’re right I think that fanu with technique is a better pass protector right now than brck Jones but I think brck Jones’s ceiling as a pass protector is so much higher because of his length because of his height his size I think that that’s what you kind of want and I also think he can learn those things and he showed that he can learn those things last year is he got to be a better offensive lineman throughout the year as it as it progressed I also think Troy falanu can be an ideal right tackle for the Steelers with his mobility and ability to move out in space and it would also negate uh you know his lack of you know height uh you know when when you’re talking about being that that being important for offensive linemen um especially Blindside tackles and I think that’s where brck Jones that’s where he’s going to want to be that’s what the Steelers are going to want him to be he’s the prototype for that spot let let that be that and and and move forward with that but let’s say brck Jones just ain’t getting it done let’s just say he’s just not comfortable on the left side he wants to go back to the right I think the Steelers will keep that in mind to be like hey be prepared to support each other if one’s one’s not comfortable with the other side you guys are G to have to flip sometimes that could very well be part of the equation here I think the Steelers are keeping their options open it’s kind of like what I was talking about with the quarterback situation hedging your bets kind of just being open to the idea that they could play either side but the plan is Bon to the right brck Jones to the left they’ll see how things work out if things don’t work out they’ll re they’ll reevaluate but I think they’re high on both of these guys and they’ll expect them both to adjust to a switch like that all right let’s get to some more questions here I’m gonna actually pair together these two questions because they’re on the same subject they’re on the same on the same person but they’re from different people and I didn’t want to deny either of these people their chance to get their uh their question on the show so first of all let’s give it up for Owen all the way from England hi Chris you handsome devil this is Owen pron here from hure England and I was hoping you might be able to explain exactly what it is about Naji Harris’s game that makes him not a great running back is it his stats is it where he was drafted because I just don’t see it honestly thanks very much thank thank you very much I appreciate your question there let’s also get in we had I was Owen let’s get in Ralph from Pittsburgh again London to Pittsburgh or not London but uh you know England to Pittsburgh that’s pretty crazy uh but uh Ralph from Pittsburgh also has a question about Naji Harris I’ll let Ralph get his question and then you’ll get my response to both of them hey what’s up Chris love to show you B keep it up man doing an awesome job this is real from Pittsburgh man more of us I guess he just say a question or St you but I just don’t like the fact of how everyone is just overing like oh get out of here not even take it in consideration that three years in the over a thousand your back of russan not just off purpose but russan dude and like every down back like are you serious we really about to get rid of that who’s going to replace that you feel me like that is Derek Harry 2.0 just tell me if you agree man like I think I’m only one left on the na train but I really don’t like my man but love the show keep it up man thank you ra for your question appreciate everyone who calls in and thank you to Owen as well um so let me address a few things here one I think that there are people who are down on niji Harris simply because he has not broken out yet and and you can I think we can all agree on that right like niji Harris he’s had three Street thousand yard seasons that’s solid it’s not superstar in you know mode in the NFL but that’s consistency and that’s showing potential and here’s where I do agree with both of you if your point is like hey why are people dismissing his accomplishment of doing that in what the Steelers offense is because I do think that you’re being dishonest because a lot of the same people who are saying Naji Harris is so bad because he couldn’t he couldn’t get 1500 yards in his fir in any of his first three seasons in the NFL uh from from rushing by the way he got, 1600 Plus in his first year first year from total yards from scrimmage um but he can’t he can’t make these big plays in this offense those are the same people that also said that the offensive line was terrible that the offensive coordinator was terrible that we they were chanting fire Matt Canada every week so is the running back supposed to make up for all of that because they don’t and we know that and that’s why running back isn’t as valued of a position in the NFL you want to have everything else kind of working around the running back uh very well and that kind of leads their success but there are very few running backs if any who do that with bad offensive line Play Derrick Henry needed good offensive line play to get going I don’t think that Naji Harris is the second coming of of Derrick Henry I do think that he could be a very dominant back in his own way I actually think that Naji Harris in his natural abilities has a lot of things that could compare to Le’Veon Bell because Le’Veon Bell if you go back to when he was at his best it was when the Steelers offensive line was kicking butt and you go back to and you go back to Maris pouncy David dcastro uh Marcus Gilbert Alejandra V Foster like when they was just we’re coming and you can’t stop us he that’s what afforded him the ability to stop and start and pick the hole and jump here and do that and he had great vision and people always get on Naji Harris for his vision but go back and look at Le’Veon Bell’s rookie year Vision go go back and look at that year because that was the year that Mars pouncy got taken out in the first game of the season and the Steelers were trying to figure out a lot of other things in the offensive line David Casher was in his second year I think there was a lot of issues going on with the Steelers at the time and they were in a very much a rebuild mode and Le’Veon Bell wasn’t lighten it up right away now he he showed potential at times but he wasn’t lighten it up and that’s where I think Naji Harris is consistent he’s not going to be the flashy guy that gets that gets that gets the the the Home Run play but he’s going to be the guy that gets you the the yards that you need and that’s something that you need in this offense right now a guy who can continue to move the stick continue to to to to fall forward continue to make the right plays at the right time to get you the crucial The crucial yards and if he’s on a better offense with a better offensive line which we think it will be a better offensive coordinator who we think Mar Arthur Smith is versus Matt Canada um and better quarterback play Let’s also point that into a factor because when teams respect the quarterback a little bit more they back off the running back and they don’t try to crowd them as much and I think that’s a big part of what Naji Harris needs to hap needs to have happen at some point it’s just hey let let’s see what happens here go back and look at Rashard mendenhal not that he was some a great running back for the Steelers but look at people used to talk about how that guy couldn’t you know could didn’t have any Vision or anything because he couldn’t make things happen in 2008 or 2009 or whatever and as soon as they just got mares pouncy that the the one guy in the middle of the line that changed everything Rashad menahal was taken off he was just destroying people left and right now again I’m not saying that Naji Harris is gonna destroy everyone left and right this year but I do think he’s going to be better and that’s why I do think that there I think some people I think down him because he’s a first round pick and people don’t like running back being first round picks because they want to push that narrative that they’re not valuable um and listen there there’s there’s certainly value to them um and there’s value of that I think there lessons versus other positions because of the way that the the today’s NFL works but all that being said I I think that if you’re a Steelers fan who thinks Nai Harris can be a lot better this season and not less because of him but more so because of just the situation that’ll be around him you aren’t alone there are quite a few people that think that way and I’m one of I am a person who thinks that I think Naj Harris could could you know blow up this year and against some big numbers is also why I said that they should have given his fifth year extension because there’s a chance that if he does that he could just be like all right did my did did my one big year now I’m out and I’m I’m hot on the market I can you know get whatever money I want there that’s where I think Naji Harris I think he could get there not for sure we don’t know for sure but I I think those are good questions because I do think that he uh I I do think the team would be it would behoove the team to keep him around for multiple Seasons I think that he is part of the answer on the field and even in the locker room as they’re trying to rebuild this culture situation there but those are the questions we have we have time for today we have several more that we will get to over time here at the Lock on Steelers podcast I’m your host Chris Carter follow me on Twitter and Instagram at Carter critiques read my work at the Pittsburgh Post Gazette find me here every day Monday through Friday on the lock on Steelers podcast covering your Pittsburgh Steelers back tomorrow getting you ready for OTAs and all the storylines that are going be coming there right here on the locked on Steelers podcast [Music]

The Pittsburgh Steelers have OTAs this week, but what will be their quarterback plan for Russell Wilson and Justin Fields? Chris Carter talks about what Omar Khan and Mike Tomlin have lined up, and why their approach isn’t full faith in one of their quarterbacks, but a plan to hedge their bets that Wilson or Fields could succeed.

Also, Chris takes your questions on a mailbox Monday. What will the Steelers’ offensive leadership look like and how will they build the offense around it? Is Najee Harris being disrespected ths offseason? That and more questions answered on this episode.

Steelers Quarterback Plan for Russell Wilson, Justin Fields Before OTAs | Leadership Identity Key


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  1. My hope is that Justin Fields really get into the film room and study defenses and peep their schemes and what their trying to do, plus learn the ends and outs of the offense he's running! I want Fields for the long-term!

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