How will Boeser’s absence affect Canucks’ Game 7 lineup?

How will Boeser’s absence affect Canucks’ Game 7 lineup?

I’ve spent a lot of time beside two reporters the last few weeks I finally get to squeeze between two reporters it’s our Vancouver bureau chief Farhan LGI and his beautiful dog and our Edmonton bureau chief Ryan Rashad and a beautiful set of curtains guys a Sunday evening bombshell for the Canucks hours after the team’s media availabil is on Sunday uh reports of Brock besser being out for game seven due to a blood clotting issue surface faran first of all what can you tell us about it and what exactly does this mean for the canx lineup going into game seven well Jim my understanding is the signs and symptoms around this issue were there yesterday uh during game six and they significantly worsened overnight and into the morning now fortunately for B this is not a life-threatening situation it’s not career-threatening but it’s also something that’s not going to be resolved in short order so even if the Canuck somehow find to get through game seven without him I’m not sure he’s going to be ready for the early stages of the next round I think this could take some time the Canucks want to be very cautious with it and as far as what this does to the lineup look this is a team that has offensive challenges to begin with it’s going to be even more difficult for them to replace the guy who’s leading their team in scoring in these playoffs 12 points seven goals and he also plays a matchup role at times against some of Edmonton’s top players so you know one of the things they are going to do it looks like is Elias lindol is going to reunite with Conor Garland and Dakota Joshua that could be the match up line for Conor mcdavid’s group but then I do believe even though maybe the lines today didn’t necessarily show it Miller wasn’t at practice I do think Pon and Miller are going to see extensive minutes together so that they could provide some additional offensive support on that line in tomorrow night’s game and then on the other end and of course we are hoping for the best for Brock besser we are hoping he recovers quickly but Ryan for the Oilers with the K leading score out of the lineup uh this is big how does this affect Edmonton’s plan going into game seven yeah I I don’t know that it you know materially affects their plan Jay but I mean you just heard Farhan lay it out there I mean their leading score and the thing about besser is he’s an Oiler killer like this guy scores goals against the ERS you remember earlier on in this series he scored two on steuart Skinner right from point blank and you know that that essentially chased steuart Skinner from the series for a couple of games you know the results from that game and besser played a big role in that so as faran mentioned he plays a lot of minutes against cter McDavid being on that JT Miller line in fact he’s played the most five on five minutes against McDavid of any of the kuu forwards now someone else is going to have to take uh those difficult minutes so it doesn’t necessarily affect their game plan a big loss for the Vancouver cans and no question we got to call it what it is it’s a break for the orders Faron how’s your dog doing is he’s upset there’s someone outside the house there’s there’s someone at the door and she’s trying to protect us kind of like you know something like maybe Nikita zadorov would do against against Vander Kan that’s really good that’s a Perfect Analogy you’re very sharp now arur Sheila we know he allowed those five goals in the game six lofs this is interesting Rick toet guys catching you guys in the media offard to start his Sunday availability let’s take a listen Rick a big opportunity here tomorrow we’ll hang on before we start D go starting tomorrow so actually yeah okay I’m joking get get it get it get it out of the way that was incredible rible who said he didn’t have who said he didn’t have a sense of humor uh so Demco let’s make it official will not be available Monday night uh but Ryan I mean taket caught you a bit off guard there didn’t he I bet I bet so hard jay like I was diving from my phone to send a tweet I looked at farand I was just you know uh completely bit but why not start with a little bit of levity like good for him because that question’s been coming every single day so I bit hard it was really funny uh Farhan believes that it was only us traveling media the bit though that all the the local guys knew exactly what was going on the whole time Jay this reminds me of a story from the 2006 Olympics in tur and Ryan played one on me and basically the the nuts and bolts of it is the short version our good friend and hockey producer Bill Dodson Ryan set it up that he was very very angry with Bill and Bill was not happy with Ryan and complained to our bosses and Ryan thought he was going to lose his job so the next time he saw Bill he was going to strangle him and sure enough Bill walks in Ryan jumps in his face and I get right between them and say this isn’t happening and they both started laughing and I bit so hard Ryan bit that hard today and that was pretty amazing I look at and I go running at him and farhan’s like no this isn’t happening he gets between us he thought we were GNA fight Jay and it was on Valentine’s Day you want to talk about between two reporters I was between reporter and producer at that moment now as far as as far as Rick talk is concerned he’s got to keep his team loose right I mean this is a group that hasn’t faced elimination as a group yet in these playoffs or at any time since this cor has been assembled so he’s going to try to keep it Loose I asked Archer sheos I said are you going to wear a tacky shirt so that JT Miller might be able to make fun of you and just keep the team loose he said he wasn’t going to do that but I have to believe someone’s going to try to do something to break the ice around this group that just hasn’t been down this road before um man you guys are having so much fun in this series I love it no ultimately ultimately though you know Monday’s game could just come down to game seven experience right the Oilers have plenty of that don’t they Ryan yeah and I think you know the cans have some individual game seven experience for sure but I think where the Oilers it’s a little bit different is this Core group has been through this together right the McDavid and dry sidles and Newen Hopkins nurse um some of these guys couple years ago they got through a tough game seven situation against the LA Kings so more recent experience as a group I would say for the Oilers uh it’s a calm group the leadership group presents that the head coach presents that and and they certainly have something to sink their teeth into as well Jay because you know the power play uh oh for the last couple of games here I think that’s something they’ll put a real focus on so something to focus on and I think they’re going to be a a relaxed group yeah as far as the Canucks go they’ll lean on guys like Ian Cole who has played in Eight game sevens and Tyler Meyers and Carson Susi and lindman Miller and a few of them have done this but not together Rick hasn’t been a head coach in a game seven yet so they’re going to learn some of these lessons together we’ll see if the if the lessons are memorable or disappointing in ones they want to forget I wish we could have a 14 game series so I could hear some more stories about you guys on the road but we got to go because we got to talk with our NHL analyst Marty Bron about besser in game seven so Ryan Farhan we will talk to you Monday night after game seven this is B why am I on the outside why am I way out there how did I end up on the far right nobody knows between two reporters

TSN Canucks reporter Farhan Lalji and TSN Oilers reporter Ryan Rishaug join SC with Jay Onrait to discuss how Brock Boeser not playing in Game 7 will affect both the Canucks and Oilers as they look to advance to the Western Conference Final.

  1. Not having Boeser is going to be the viable excuse as to why Vancouver couldn't beat the Oilers . ESPN already slotted in the Oilers vs. Dallas, so we'll see if that was an accident or an accurate prediction. It won't matter either way as Dallas is a better team than both . Dallas vs. Florida in the finals . I want to say Dallas in 6 , but the Panthers are no pushovers this year .

  2. No, no, no, no, NO! It is NOT a problem to replace Boeser! There are PLENTY of Canucks who can step up for what, after all, is only 1 game. It could almost be anybody! Joshua, Zadorov, Lindholm, Petey for a couple at least, Miller, Soucy, Garland, Hoglander, I mean, COME ON! If even half of them score we will win so stop with the hand-wringing – it's contemptible. Have saome cahones – we will find a way!! Deadmonton Leaking Oil only has a few players who can do much of anything. Canucks in 7.

  3. The Canucks problem is not realizing that the McDavid line isn't the problem…. It's draisaitl with his line! And McDavid becomes dangerous if he help is paired with Leon. Leon's liberal scored first in a 5:5, scored a with Bouchard the deciding goal in game 4….

  4. Man i knew Boeser was having a great series and was really important for the Canucks but the fact that he has the most 5 on 5 minutes against McDavid is nuts. Especially considering McDavid has honestly not done a ton in this series.

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