What adjustments can Tocchet make with Boeser out Game 7?

What adjustments can Tocchet make with Boeser out Game 7?

let’s take a look at fanduel’s odds for game seven between the Oilers and cans Edmonton opens as the favorite to win the series finale and despite never trailing in the series and having home ICE Advantage for game seven the cans 16 to1 to win the Stanley Cup at FanDuel the longest odds for any team by far let’s talk with our TSN hockey analyst Marty Bon about this late breaking Brock besser news besser is out for game seven for the Canucks it’s a blood clot issue and for Rick talk it this comes it’s got to come as a as somewhat of a surprise like how do you adjust how do you how do you change things when you head into such an important game at this point it’s going to be very hard for Rick toet to fill in that Gap right left by Brock besser already the vanc Canucks are not a high-scoring team in the playoffs of the eight teams that made it to the second round they’re seventh in goals per game so they don’t score a lot and now you’re taking away their scoring leader out of the lineup so yeah it’s already scoring by committee but now it’s going to have to be even more scoring by committee if you look at Rick toet well leas Pon has had a lot of pressure to perform in these playoffs there’s even more pressure on Pon right now but that line with lyom and oglander they’ve done pretty good so okay Elias slol it’s up to you as well to be able to fill in that Gap and the one that’s GNA take the Brock besser spot on the top line in my opinion it’s Conor Garland he needs to perform he has hasn’t been up to par you know in the points and goals Department in the playoffs so far so those three are going to have to step up big time and if it doesn’t work I think there’s a bit of an ace up Rick toet sleeve and it’s Dakota Joshua if it doesn’t work and you need to change the lines again mid game you got to elevate Joshua and try to get that energy going but it’s going to be tough for the Canucks and rck to have to overcome the loss of Brock besser you know and it’s not one thing working with K’s favor it’s not like momentum has really been a factor in this series right Marty no team has won back-to-back games so even though Edmonson won on Saturday doesn’t really make any difference when it comes to Monday in Vancouver but if you had to pick a winner in game seven Marty who’s your winner of this series you got to go with the anont Oilers and I’m doing this exercise saying okay which which way does the arrow point right the Oilers five on five scoring at points their away power play it points the Oilers penalty kill it points the Oilers no Brock Bas no that Demco but usually when the arrow points in Only One Direction I pick the opposite but this time there’s there’s too big of an narrow too big of a gap and Advantage when you look at the edman Toros the even the star right Conor McDavid Leon dry cido in my opinion they are better than the stars on the uh Vancouver Canucks and JT Miller has been fantastic but look and it’s m David and dry Sidle it’s a five on five it’s special teams it’s everything pointing the enman Toros I’m going to pick and also look goal tending in the game seven is really important at any moment a goalie can make a bad mistake or steal a game and Arthur shil off well he wasn’t great in game six I know he’s going to be confident to go into game seven but he it’s not the same Stuart Skinner at a couple games off and then he played really well in game six yeah he didn’t face a lot of shots but I also worry with the canox not shooting a lot and not having those opportunities to score so I’m going to pick the Oilers just because everything seems to be you know checking the boxes there way all right Marty this is very exciting you are the very first guest for our brand new segment it’s a segment about offseason coaching news and it’s called coach them up all right Marty uh the latest coaching news the big news over the weekend the Toronto May police have hired Craig baru they make it official the fan base gets the guy that they want my question for you is do you think he is the right coach for the Toronto Maple Le Craig Buu I think it’s the right choice yes it’s instant credibility it’s a coach that has won a Stanley Cup there’s not a lot of coaches out there that have won Stanley Cups like Bruce Cassy Jared bnar John Cooper they’re all hired by other teams you can’t get Barry trotz he’s a GM where are you gonna go Daryl Sutter right I mean Greg buuy is won a cup and I think he brings that credibility and he is going to be a different coach that Sheldon Keef West a lot tougher in my opinion I had Craig buuy as an assistant coach with the Flyers and look he’s got that reputation the way that he played is the way that he coached so I think it’s good but the one thing with Craig barui though in the Seven Seasons that he has been a head coach two with the Flyers and five I’m not counting this year five with the St Louis Blues other than winning the S cup he’s only won one other Playoff Series in the other six years so I think there’s still a question mark there can he come in and really change what has been the the you know the identity of the Toronto a police because the roster my opinion is going to stay pretty much the same there’s not a lot they can do with the roster but I’m going to give him a chance I think he bring the brings the credibility and it’s going to make a difference in Toronto at the very least he will strike fear into the entire Toronto media Corps and for me that will be really really funny to watch Marty um there are now four head coaching vacancies in the NHL including in Winnipeg at this point Marty is there a name out there you like to be the new head coach of the Jets well the way I look at the Winnipeg Jets is they made a lot of moves last off season right Blake wheeler perer duwi to try to change the roster and you want to continue building on this so rig bonus retires the guy that has been there next to rig bonus even was the head coach this past season when bonus had to leave with personal reason it’s been Scott arneal and I know Scott arneil he was my assistant coach in Buffalo I know that he’s ready for that challenge and that job but it would be a one-year trial for me because if if with arneal and if with the same roster the Jets don’t go anywhere this season then you got to change everything in the year from now so I understand that you’re taking a head coaching job you want the security you want the long-term ability to put your plan in place but Arnel has been there with bonus he has had a part of taking the plan to the Jets and I think you got to give him the chance to continue that at least for one season before you go completely rip it apart and change totally the direction and the identity of the Jets and arneal to your point Marty was terrific when he had to fill in for Rick bonis when bonus was with his wife this past off season and had some health issues of his own so we will see if it’s arnel’s job in Winnipeg Marty Bon always a pleasure thanks for this

How will the Canucks overcome the loss of Brock Boeser in Game 7? Who will advance to the Western Conference Final? Is Craig Berube the right choice to lead the Maple Leafs? Who should the Jets hire as their new head coach? TSN Hockey analyst Martin Biron joins SC with Jay Onrait to discuss.

  1. as an outsider that picked EDM to win – still as a fan of the game, want both teams to ice their best guys, as much as reasonable health permits.

    VAN as a bunch has managed to survive and keep plugging away with silovs the 3rd stringer. losing the brockstar hurts and thankfully this isn't a life threatening situation like what freddie in CAR was involved with.

    about VAN, for starters, petey needs to put on his big boy pants and grab the bull by the horns. time for him to earn his paychecks.

    people who are crapping on silovs, well…without him and jt miller, this series would have been over already.

  2. It's a shame that Demko can't return. I think this series would have been 4-1 for the Canucks with a healthy Demko.

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