Do Wild Fans Still Believe in Bill Guerin’s Plan? #minnesotawild #mnwild #nhl

Do Wild Fans Still Believe in Bill Guerin’s Plan? #minnesotawild #mnwild #nhl

on today’s episode of lockdown wild the fans have spoken the athletic fan survey what did we learn and what are your thoughts as to the direction the team is [Music] headed you’re locked on wild your daily podcast on the Minnesota Wild part of the locked on podcast Network your team ever every day what’s happening everybody Welcome in another episode of lockdown wild your daily Minnesota Wild podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day we thank you for making lockdown wild your first listen each and every day make sure you subscribe on YouTube and your favorite podcast platform so you don’t miss out on any new episodes throughout the week on today’s episode of lockdown wild we will take take a look at the Athletics fan survey and a few of the interesting responses to the various questions that were asked of Minnesota Wild fans and uh we’ll just see kind of where things stood out very interesting a few of the responses here that we’ll we’ll touch on specifically my name is Seth topal your daily Minnesota Wild Insider and joined by Alex MTI here today it is hours after one of the big biggest wins in Minnesota sports history as the Minnesota Timberwolves took down the Denver Nuggets he raced to 20 point second half 20o third quarter deficit Alex and so um not even remotely tired I I don’t I probably won’t sleep tonight and so uh we’re just soaking it in make sure to give all the love to locked on Timberwolves and locked on Sports Minnesota for all of the A+ content that they can continue to churn out celebrate with them enjoy with them this is this is a fun time we’re we’re kind of waiting into Uncharted Territory here um as as was mentioned on the uh the score North postgame show uncharted waters with Minnesota sports in that the Timberwolves now are in the Western Conference finals and so hopefully the wild will get there at some point uh here soon Alex because as just kind of a new a fan Observer here this is a lot of fun yeah it’s you see on social media how how enthusiastic people are getting it’s it’s really cool you’re seeing multiple generations of of Minnesota sports fans uh you know and uh you know it’s it’s nice to see a team that uh you know it’s it’s a team uh it you know it just seems like a complete uh complete team from from top to bottom and you know this this state uh needs it like we we’re talking about off air uh it’s just just so much fun and uh um you know it’s it’s good for good for the entire State good for Minneapolis and it’s good to see it packed Target Center for sure and you look at the Timberwolves uh being able to get to this point because of the vision that their franchise has carried out uh and so this is a perfect segue to the first question that we’ll start with from the fan survey are you confident that bill Garen will be able to turn this franchise into a Stanley Cup Contender after the biopan disappears 2500 plus responses to this one Alex 43.6% were somewhat confident 23.3% were unsure 20.9% were very confident 99.9% were doubtful and 2.3% said no way and it’s interesting because very confident was at 46.9% last season uh in this survey and it dropped all the way down to under 21% um unsure increased from 7.8% to 23.3 and so I think this one speaks to the fact that a lot of people in seeing this franchise lock in all these pieces people are starting to get kind of uneasy as to uh to where things are going with this wild team yeah I mean they really have to hit on you know once once the buyouts are done they’re going to have to get that BigTime free agent and you know the the rumors of Brock besser can will always continue uh because his contract’s going to be up by when you know the buyouts are are done maybe go big big game hunting you know Leon dry SLE I know people think it’s crazy but if you offer somebody enough money they aren’t going to turn down not playing with uh Krill capris off in the in the best hockey Market in in the United States too you know if you’re used to playing in in Canada you come to Minnesota you you’ll be treated very you know very kindly here and so you know you can’t can’t turn down you know spot in with the wild I I don’t think um it it is it is fascinating because you go from that and like we can go even a rung further in to the bill Garen side of things Garren is entering his his wild GM and 2500 people rated his performance as such 54.8% said satisfied 27.7% said so so 10.3% said excellent 7.1% said disappointed uh excellent was at 42.7% last season to now 10.3 massive drop and we’re six seasons in and I I think I I think there’s frustration with I don’t think people are frustrated with the decisions on perisian suor happen I think people are frustrated with the decision to lock into this group specifically now if if you’re going to have lean years have lean years but it seems like it seems like we’re getting two sides of the coin where it’s like yeah we’re dealing with all these constraints but still trying to be as competitive as possible and it’s just like this past season it just didn’t work well there’s injuries there’s key context too with locking it in in the core you can lock in the core but the no move that’s that’s the killer because you can give them multiple years uh but but you still have you would still have the flexibility to make trades well now some of these guys you know you can’t do anything about uh and it’s very rare where a player will wave their no trade clause you know look at Alex gagoski he did not want anything to do with a trade and it could have maybe even b a better you know playing situation for him but he just was a dead set and on staying home even if it meant not playing um so you know it’s extremely rare to see a player wave their their no move clause and so I mean you look at it you have a lot of emerging young guys coming in too I mean look at what ogren did in his short sample HOV I mean these are two keys of the organization coming in the next few years you know as as full-timers and you have to go back to the Brock Faber trade I mean just just imagine I mean if they decided to go or try to get a different you know Kings Prospect and not favor how much different the franchise looks even now yeah it’s just uh that was you know the most important move that he’s probably gonna make in his in his tenure getting a guy like that the only thing that is always going to be intriguing to me with the Kevin fiala trade is what would have happened if Bill Garren would have gotten like Quinton bfield back in return that is about the only other way in which I would be intrigued to see how that plays and that’s largely because Byfield took a massive step forward this year yeah good good on good on the Kings for not giving up on him we saw a lot of that you know this season and you you can take a look at you know it wasn’t this season entirely but Joel Eric anck I mean you know it was you know Savage for for so long that hey why did they not take Brock besser and now it’s uh you know they’ve kind of evened out there as far as their careers so that’s uh yeah there’s just so many examples this year of guys not give up on law for year with the Rangers the Rangers might win the cup I they are going to be tough to beat and when a kid like that is playing so well you know it it helps their team so much one more before we turn our attention to some trade chatter uh John Hines and the confidence that John Hines can get the wild over the hump uh the wild went 34 24 and five under Hines after Dean Evon was fired 2500 plus responses 36.6% are cautiously optimistic 34.3% say it is too early to cast judgment you got to have a full deck you got to have 14.7 additional million to be able to get a full assessment 25 .4% said doubtful 3.7% said very confident and it’s interesting here because we see such different styles Alex in what John Hines did compared to what Dean Evon did um Hines very willing to shake things up during games way more tactical with kind of how he he attacks things throughout the course of a game game to game Dean was very much this is our system if you beat it then good on you um didn’t make a ton of adjustments until unless absolutely necessary but as we’ve discussed like the fact that Hines has not been the architect of a playoff series when as of yet is a concern granted a again this team is still trying to do it without uh full capabilities so I don’t know I tend to probably lean towards that same vein of like I don’t think it’s I don’t think it’s super fair to judge the guy when you haven’t given him the full allotment of the roster yet 100% look what happened to David Quinn and San Jose too he delivered on them getting getting mlin celebrini and and gets gets fired but that’s what you told them to do um yeah makes makes zero sense uh but this is uh you know this is a big year for for John Hines even though the buyouts aren’t done you have to you have to show um that there’s the goal of of making the playoffs still I mean you have an owner uh that is not happy missing the Playoffs you lose that playoff money at you know the attendance is it’s it’s not good and so you know the pressure is going to be on him uh you know it even if I know we have to give you know we have to be fair but uh at at some point you have to win a playoff series correct at some point you know if you’re if you’re GNA be a veteran coach in this league you at some point have to get the job done no matter what because that’s that’s the business so that’s that’s what everybody’s graded on you have to give him flowers for um for how he turned around Matt baly because yes Matt baly was a big part of why Dean got fired um because he was you know Matt Baldi was not contributing the goalie goal tending as we always talked about but um we have to bring up the fact that baly was lost out there and uh you know John helped uh helped baly get uh to where he was and look look at the summer he’s having so far too in the world men’s uh World Championships so uh hopefully he hopefully baly carries that into the fall here yeah leading leading the entire world junior or World Championships in scoring um is Matt baly with I think five goals seven assists in the the six games that he’s played so he’s a two-o per game player uh that’s certainly certainly off to they played Borat yesterday to one they WIP the floor with them yeah some of these seems It’s like oh boy it’s not great um so that’s that that is I think the leadership side of things now there are some interesting questions in here too on the roster side and so we will turn our attention to of the extension players who are you most open to trading so we’ll talk about that we’ll talk about the return for Philip Guston all that more as we continue today’s episode of lockdown Wilds after this today’s episode of lockdown wild is brought to you by policy genius the world of life insurance is a daunting one even for those that know what they’re 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the player report card for juel ericon E here for your Tuesday episode we’ve got draft profiles coming up for you on Wednesday and uh Isa jeromi of the soda pod going to be uh joining me for a uh draft year Revisited uh should be fun for uh later in the week here as we we’re already at Memorial Day weekend next weekend I can’t believe it where does the time go the summer will be over before we know it just I hate it um Alex couple of questions on the roster so taking a look at uh this one uh in the athletic fan survey regardless of no trade protection they may have which one of these core players would you be most open to trading the options Ryan Hartman Jared Spurgeon Matt sarell Marcus Felino and Jonas Brodin again over 2500 responses Ryan Hartman number one at 29.9% of the vote Jared Spurgeon is next with 25.9 Matt sell 21.8 Marcus f 21.7 and Jonas brodine 7% I actually was surprised at this because um with Hartman I think the thing that we always harp on with him is if you can just keep the penalty minutes in check uh fifth leading scorer on the team he had 21 goals um 40 points in 70ish games this year I honestly expected to see Spurgeon as the number one of these of these groupings because I think people have started to understand the severity of the situation for for Spurgeon and how tough of a hill it’s going to be to come back after back and hip surgeries um but I think the big takeaway here is that you know again this is the this is the Crux of the issue for wild fans with the bill Garen tenure is that he rushed his way into locking in this group that doesn’t really have that signature moment they don’t have a signature playoff run they had one season in which they they set the franchise record for points goals and then they go into the postseason they’re up two games to one and they just they they get run off the ice in the final three games of that series and so the decision to lock in this whole group is I think the one that everybody is confused about the most yeah it’s uh it remind this this core is reminding me of the previous core with with Cole neita ryer you know all those guys that just uh they’re just kind of stuck in this in this rut um and I don’t know if they’re ever going to climb out of it um and so yeah you’re going to have to you know make some really tough decisions here soon and that’s why I know we’re worried about it but you could see arasi get moved uh which would be super unfortunate but when you lock in all everybody else you know you don’t have a whole lot of assets to to try to improve yeah the team and so you know that’s that’s why his name continues to to get brought up and then you know same with the with Philip gustofson so it’s it’s going to be an interesting time right around the right around the draft because that’s that’s where we see a ton of movement um you know and uh you know there’s uh it’s not a it’s not a great free agency class this summer so you you could see a lot more trades uh for guys that have you know only like one year left compared to who are free agents right now please know David pan please um we’ll talk more about Rossy here in a bit but I do want to also throw you this one uh because this is we we talked about Philip gustofson um last week if the wild were to trade Philip gustofson and to be fair we’ve talked about him quite a bit since the season ended if the wild were to trade Philip guson what kind of return would you expect 2500 plus responses second or third round pick had the top amount of votes with 44.8% middle six forward 22.8% top six forward 10.3% top prospects 8.5% blue line help 7.9 first round pick 5.7 and another goalie 2.6% um as Russo notes you’re probably right on the money with the second or third round pick the wild would love a first round pick for Guston but his value isn’t high right now coming off of a Down Season he’s somewhere in between he’s somewhere in between what he did two years ago and what happened this past season and again Alex this is just this is the gravity of the situation right now is there are so many guys that are locked in [Music] to difficult to move not impossible to move but difficult to move contracts to where you got to dangle the guys that don’t have that in order to really improve his roster and guston’s the exact same way flurry’s not going anywhere and the wild would prefer to get yesper up to learn from him which means that guston’s the gust ofon is the one of the three he’s the one that’s the most movable if you read to what’s been said by Bill Garen um and uh you know read and heard over press conferences for whatever reason guson um is having a really tough time staying in shape or getting in shape uh it’s uh you know with the most important position in hockey being go golender and you don’t know if you have a fully committed goalie to the to the cause that that that’s not a good look at all and you know he’s 25 now he’s not 18 so I I don’t know what is going to get into his head uh that that he need to be fully committed uh you know it’s uh that’s that’s the most baffling thing to me because he was given a great opportunity to be a number one goaly for a long long time got a new deal and then hasn’t really rewarded the getting that deal and you you see it all the time in sports but this is really concerning because it’s at the goal tending position and like I said it’s uh it’s like quarterback in the NFL it’s uh the most important position and if you don’t have a a steady stable goendale stars and they Jake they have they have Jake ainger and he’s the same age as Gus and look at at the difference it’s it’s it’s night and day they are both 25 and it’s uh that you’re looking at Andre he’s the gold standard um and Gus is a bronze well and I forget the show I I want to say it was jud’s hockey show but I was watching some other wild content and I think Philip gustofson has toyed with the possibility of getting a sport psychologist at various points it might it might have been um it might have been worse seats in the house too um I I listen to a bunch oftentimes back to back to back um so I I will have to go back and find the exact um instance but I’m pretty sure that was discussed that Guston was looking at getting a sports psychologist because he’s he’s really good like really up after the good starts but kind of gets in his own head when things go wrong and it wouldn’t surprise me if that is another piece of this that the wild are kind of concerned about too is like you got to be pretty even Keel which I think is is why they’re trying to you know get Mark Andre flurry to rub off on these guys as much as he has is flurry’s about as even ke as you’ll find yeah and he’s been doing this for a long time look look at some of the goalies that are that are left in the playoffs now don’t uh Edmonton Vancouver’s I don’t I don’t we we won’t talk about that because the go tending is a mess in that series but you look at Bob Sergey bosski look at look at what he’s doing it’s just it’s he’s playoff Bob when it comes comes to the playoffs he locks in eigor uh she’s twerken shurin um yeah he is just he he looks fan fantastic right now he’s probably the best goalie left uh you know the the way he’s playing in in the playoffs and then ainger it was just incredible to shut down McKinnon and ma yeah just what a performance uh and uh yeah so you look at look at those names it’s you know it’s some of the best of the best in the entire league and they’re doing it uh because because they have that mental game and they have you know they’re in phenomenal shape too and Gus for whatever reason is struggling in in both areas so that that would be huge for him to find someone that can can get him reite the ship yeah just just to consistently be able to handle wins and losses without those real big uh ups and downs so that I I thought that was interesting and obviously kind of speaks to you know other reasons as to why they’re they’re looking to potentially deal him uh we’ll finish with a couple of cues on Marco Rossi what we think he could become and uh what would be looked for in return if he is indeed traded we’ll discuss that to finish today’s episode of lockdown wild after this today’s episode of locktown wild is brought to you by eBay Motors passion drive and patience the formula for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors has everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has got you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you’ll always find exactly what you’re looking for and with eBay guaranteed fit your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back back because with eBay guaranteed fit your burning rubber not cash with all the parts you need at the prices you want it is easy to make your car the MVP and bring home huge wins keep your ride or die live at eligible items only exclusions apply eBay guaranteed fit only available to us customers welcome back to today’s episode of lockedown wild one final segment for you here today and once again we thank you for making lockdown wild your first listen each and every day Seth toppal and Alex mlti finishing things up here today and Alex Marco Rossi should the wild trade Marco Rossi if it’s a cutter Goa type trade for a young a top young player with bigger upside 2500 plus responses depends on the return was the top response with 45 and half per yes was 30.4% and no was 24.1% here’s the problem with this is the wild the wild in my estimation by dangling this in particular um as Russo as Russo points out if the Wilds could get a bigger faster more prolific version of Rossi they would have to consider it who is who is offering that up what team is going to take a prospect that is taller than Marco Rossi that is faster has higher upside what team is making that deal you don’t don’t see it you know unless it’s like a like a team that’s right on The Fringe of of making it you know like a New Jersey Devils type team but Buffalo Sabers who the who the wild seem to always go back to that well is trading with Buffalo but uh you take a look at Marco too um and we talked about it in previous episodes um he’s just uh he continues to press on on all sorts of different levels too look he’s playing for a team and team Austria in the world men’s championships and you know they’re you know overwhelmed because don’t have as much NHL level Talent um and he’s he’s performed really well for for that team too as you know scored a goal against you know Jordan Bennington and and Team Canada the other other night um and uh uh but like we talked about earlier in the episode two um it you’re it it’s hard to just to dangle a guy after the season he had because it looks like he’s really ascending so you’re really you’re really stuck stuck there but you know if you know if Bill Garen can can pull off a heist like he did uh with the Brock Faber trade you know it’s he’s been hitting on trades so yeah that’s true that’s uh you know and we we’re seeing this happened too and every day you and I we message each other it’s like really I mean people are coming up with trade scenarios of inner division trades and that’s just that’s just not happening Chicago Chicago is trying to to be the you know best team in the league again they’re they’re not going to trade with the wild you think Dallas wants to make a trade with the wild heck no same thing with Winnipeg no Colorado no I mean this is who the wild have to deal with and until they change the playoff format it’s going to be a hell hell of a ride to just uh win in the first round uh if you’re running into Colorado Winnipeg Dallas and I I want to clarify too um cutter gotier being the example here of a trade uh obviously the trade was cutter gotier for Jamie Dale the reason that trade came about is because cter gotier did not want to be in Phil Philadelphia that’s the only instance you rarely see a situation like that that’s the only instance in which this works because otherwise you’re making a trade for a prospect that has fallen out of favor not lived up to expectations you’re maybe looking at going to Seattle to try to get Shane wri that’s that’s the type that’s the type and like people listening people listening to this hear me say that and are probably driving off the road at even the suggestion but that’s the kind of thing I’m talking about is this this scenario in which you’re going to find a Marco Rossi type player in the body of a Nathan McKinnon it just doesn’t exist you got to draft those guys if you want them yeah it’s uh you’re you’re seeing it uh time and time again and when you when you mentioned Shane right it could be Charlie stramel in a couple years uh because you know it could flame out at Michigan State too and then you’re you’re like what do we do with a guy like this you know it’s uh yeah it’s that’s that that’s a tough thing too because so Marco doesn’t have the size so then they panic and try to get a Charlie stramel and you get the size and nothing else and nothing else so and that’s a first round pick and your first round picks you Absolut absolutely have to hit on and the wild have struggled to do that so that’s that’s the thing they’ve been hitting on second round picks but your first round picks have to be absolute studs and they’ve they’ve missed the Mark here you know a couple times one more year one more year and the the free agent class is phenomenal you know we mentioned Brock bester Leon d d you know trical so I mean there’s there’s some real talent uh you know coming in a couple years on the free agency market yeah let me uh let me pull it up here quick just as we wrap up here for uh for today let’s go to 2025 2026 free agent class update results John tarz Mitch Marner Jamie Ben moo ranton Nicholas Backstrom cydney Crosby Leon dyle Ryan Johansson he might be Brent Burns Victor Hedman if Genny KZ Nets off Dimitri orov Aaron eblad Ivan proov Brock besser Claud jaru Jeff Petri Brad marshan Taylor Hall Brock Nelson that’s your top 20 at least according to cap hit on C friendly for 2025 2026 I mean that’s one of the best free agent classes in a long time I know some of those guys will get resigned but that you have some some Hall of Famers in that group that are free agents yeah it’s it’s incredible well how about here’s here’s one that here’s one that the Wilds could be keeping an eye on because this is going to play out in massive fashion Nikolai eers yes Winnipeg is right up against it and they are going to have issues bringing a guy like that back and a guy that would be the absolute home run Perfect Fit from Minnesota Brock Nelson that you mentioned at the end there he’s playing with Baldi on the world men’s team right now imagine a guy like that on the wild it would be the absolute perfect fit great power play guy great Faceoff guy huge you know and but can skate too you know it’s just that it would be the absolute perfect fit and you know he would love to come home yeah so there will be there will be options but you gotta you got to get through this year first yes and we got to we got to start to evaluate what we have I think so you know because maybe the difference is okay we need a center or we need a wing wouldn’t it be nice to know that before you have a bunch of free agents on the uh on the open market I sure would like to know 100% yeah it’s uh oh they’re at a real Crossroads with the goal tending position too that that is going to determine everything you know this team wants to get back in the playoffs it’s gonna come down to goal tending and uh you see it it has to be so frust I know they just won a cup recently but but for Colorado ABS fans to not have that goal tending position completely figured out and you’re wasting prime years of a Nathan McKinnon a kale marar Miko Randon and Randon might have enough in in bounce and that would be be devastating it’s same thing with Leon Dr style I mean he cannot be he he has he’s looking at his situation and we have steuart Skinner and Calvin Pickard not not not not home run guys I I not not vzna Trophy winning goalies uh so you know he might try to find a team that has a better you know situation in in go well we will uh we’ll obviously see how everything plays out but uh it is interesting to get the actual response from the fans as to how they feel about where we’re going um and you know a lot of those are season ticket holder people and so they are smart fans this this franchise has some of the best fans you know as far as like knowledge of the game and so they know they aren’t they aren’t messing around and it’s amazing the X continues to be fully sold out no matter what um and so you know these fans believe in this team and it’s just the growing pains right now and they have a lot of work to do you know they finally got their front office fully set too so that’s huge um and so this is a pivotal uh offseason and draft and you know Jud bracket’s ready to go for for this draft let’s build them a winner uh that will do it for today’s episode of lockdown wild once again we thank you for making lockdown wild your first listen each and every day make sure to hit that like button on YouTube make sure to leave us a a uh review on your favorite uh podcast platforms and uh we’ll continue to keep you up to date on all things Minnesota Wild off season as we uh move through the rest of the offseason so make sure to stay tuned with us we’ve got new episodes for you every Monday through Friday as part of the locked on podcast Network

On today’s episode of Locked on Wild, Alex Micheletti joins as we dive into The Athletic Fan Survey to see how Wild fans feel about the direction of the team! We start by looking at what fans feel was the biggest issue for the Wild in 2023-24. We also discuss fan support in Bill Guerin and John Hynes, with support in Guerin taking a hit after a very subpar season. We look at potential returns for Filip Gustavsson, Marco Rossi and which veteran fans would be able to stomach trading!

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  1. Guerin has no plan other than self preservation. This isn't about winning the Cup It's about collecting a paycheck. Guerin said he's building towards the future. Hey Azz-clown, the future is NOW when you have the best player in franchise history in his prime. Also, how is spending $20,000,000 on MoJo, Freddy, BoGo, Fluery, Hartman, Zucc and Foligno "building towards the future"?

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