Should Stephon Castle be on the Charlotte Hornets’ “Do Not Draft” list?

Should Stephon Castle be on the Charlotte Hornets’ “Do Not Draft” list?

after the NBA draft combined who did we change our opinion on the most plus Gordon Hayward didn’t show a whole lot for OKC what do we make of that situation and the blueprint what teams are winning in the postseason we’ll discuss all of it today lock on Hornets you are locked on Hornets your daily Charlotte Hornets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day in the minute cuz we live [Music] it’s locked on hornets part of the locked on podcast Network it’s your team every day thanks for making us your first listen we’re free and available anywhere you get your podcast and that includes YouTube today is uh it’s a I can already talk today’s episode is brought to you by prize piic the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to lockon NBA and use code all lowercase locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 there’s Doug Branson you can find him on his substack every Hornets boox I’m Walker mail you can listen to me WFNZ every weekday from 12 to3 and no we are not beefing we are doing an episode together people we are not beefing speak for yourself yeah you know I I joked about me have what like there was there was a segment that we did a while ago and then I mentioned Malik monk but it never saw the light of day and I feel like ever since I brought Malik monk up as a guy that maybe we miss here in Charlotte I haven’t been been on with Doug ever since so maybe it is you beefing with me that’s right yeah but people are noticing people are noticing that we’re doing more shows without each other and uh all I have to say is you know we’re we’re almost in the summertime like this is you know this is a time when when you know we’re going to take breaks and we’re gonna you know people will be off so just hang on we’re in the offseason we’re in offseason mode folks uh but we’re still happily married and uh doing the show every day well and you have a baby that’s right what you what do you want from me I’m potty train I’m potty training right now also the baby is potty training that was that’s a good one I like that one that was uh bam right over the it’s such a CL it’s a good one too it’s such a classic who is it it’s Andy gelnick who does a great job at that much more brutal anyways let’s move on the NBA draft combine we’ve been talking about that the last couple of episodes you shared your opinions with nada I had Sam pearly join me on Friday but now we’re kind of combining these segments as we do our episode together doug because you had the conversation with NADA about some of the players at the combine who you changed your opinion the most on because of their performance maybe their interview process I was talking to Sam about the inter you interview process and how important it is well now if we bring those together the Stefan Castle comments are pretty interesting I so I I played him on Friday we’ll play him again so we can both talk about it here’s Stefan Castle on how he sees himself transitioning from the college game to the NBA you know just being more on the ball you know I feel like my true position is uh a point guard and I feel like the past couple months you know I had to sacrifice for you know the better of our team and you know I worked out for it so it’s not anything to you know really harp on or you know be bitter about but um I mean I mean yeah that’s just some of the things you know being on the ball you know shooting off the dribble a little bit more and you know just stuff like that all right so let’s go back to back on this because I I I want the effect of harping like Stefan harping on hey guys I’m a point guard he’s getting out the megaphone and screaming NBA teams faces I’m a point guard here he is again on his strengths transitioning also from Yukon to whatever NBA team drafts him I mean I would say you know I I can do it on both ends uh and I take pride in doing it on both ends um I feel like I have a a pretty pretty good offensive skill set and I mean like I said before I feel like I wasn’t able to showcase it as much as you know I probably wanted to but I mean at the end of the day I mean we still won a national championship and I feel like that shows that I can be on the court and play in you know so many different ways and still still impact the game all right Doug you know what are your thoughts on the comments here from from the guy by the way that has been mocked by far the most to the Charlotte Hornets at 6 well look if you if you start out by saying I’m not bitter about this I guarantee you you’re bitter about like he obviously was not pleased with his role he was pleased with the results of getting a championship but I guess somewhere inside him he feels like the sacrifices that he made at Yukon are potentially hurting uh his draft stock he probably doesn’t like the idea that he’s being mocked to the Charlotte Hornets at six he probably wants to be like anyone would want to be a top five draft pick uh he probably wants to be number one overall and sees this look especially I think if you’re hearing constantly over and over this is a weak draft this is a weak draft and you’re seeing yourself mocked outside of the top five that probably is a little bit disheartening he obviously is confident in his skill set right I mean he believes that he can be a an impact player but he believes that he has to be on the ball to do that and that’s a problem because the Charlotte Hornets have a guy named lamelo ball who is going to be on ball they have a guy in Brandon Miller that they just drafted very high that they’re going to want him to be uh on Ball and receiving the ball and shooting the ball a lot in the next couple of seasons and so to to draft another player in Stefan Castle who wants to be that not only wants to be that but consider sacrificing his own play as a little bit of a detriment to him I think is a would be a problem I mean to me this we talk about changing opinions like this completely changes my opinion about whether the Charlotte Hornets should draft him and that opinion now is that they shouldn’t oh so okay that’s what I wanted to be clear and we let’s just reiterate that he’s on your no draft list now I think he has to be unless it’s drafting to trade the pick if someone else is is interested in Castle and you know like Portland OR San Antonio or Memphis those teams that are right below them on the on the draft list if they’re interested in Castle and you want to move back a spot or two to take a Ron Holland or a Dalton connect then I’m I’m totally about that but I don’t think adding Stefan Castle to this roster makes any sense anymore and then by the way that’s kind of like I don’t understand what Stefan Castle is doing here unless he really believes he can push his draft stock above the Charlotte Hornets and if he can you know more power to you and then try to uh finagle your way but you could be costing yourself millions of dollars here by uh you know shying telling teams hey I’m only going to play point guard and if you’re you’re not willing to do that for me then look elsewhere okay I’ll tell you if I think he should be on the do not draft list after the break coming up next on the lock on Hornets podcast that’s a good don’t go to sleep on the Hornets just yet classic joke form classic tease form I will tell you my opinion a little more so on Stefan Castle plus we’ll start to look at the blueprint for the teams that are winning in the postseason the last couple of years that’s still to come here on lockon [Music] Hornets before I tell you those opinions I want to tell you that this episode is brought to you by Yahoo finance wouldn’t it be great if you could see all of your investment and retirement accounts in just one place with Yahoo finance you can consolidate your views from multiple accounts into one Hub and access the expert analysis you need to tend to your entire portfolio with confidence let’s get straight to the point you want to grow 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did a great job consolidating all that audio and then putting that up there so uh it’s great they put the audio out there of a guy saying but I you have to wonder Walker you have to wonder if Stefan castle and his team have been seeing all of these mock drafts including this latest mock draft from Kevin Hicks of of who has the Charlotte Hornets taking Stefan castle out of Yukon with the number six pick he writes the Hornets take another shot at an intriguing guard Prospect from Yukon Trey man doesn’t deter Charlotte from Making this pick you have to wonder Walker if Stefan Castle has been looking at these mocks and they say look we’re not going to Charlotte we’ll we got to say whatever it takes to we’ll say we don’t like Bank of America we hate NASCAR we will say what we like eastern North Carolina Barbecue we like it with vinegar we will say whatever it takes to stay out of Charlotte so okay if you look at the teams on either side of Charlotte you know Detroit has a couple of guys on Ball and Kate Cunningham and Jade and Jaden Ivy so that doesn’t really work if you’re trying to Parlay yourself into that fourth spot that’s possible and what makes sense with San Antonio you go after Charlotte like if you were trying to tank your value because you hated Charlotte so much not saying that’s happening but if that’s what you were trying to do seven is Portland with scoot Henderson and Simons in the back court you also have San Antonio at number eight so that would be the way that you would tank it to go to two spots down you better hope wimy wants you wimy is running these drafts by the way I mean I think this guy out of uh France and I’m going to butcher the name but tan Saloon like that guy’s going to San Antonio at 8 I’m just guarantee it like wimy is running these drafts it feels like kabali is going to be traded to San Antonio because he’s running the draft so much um I don’t think that he I I think not being on the draft list is a lot because for me and I get your point if you draft somebody that would be going into a situation where they’re already going to be unhappy not a great start for sure but I wonder if it’s just one of these points where you’re like look man you’re too good at this we’re not going to just let you fall because you want to play on ball a little more I’m not going to let you fall to another team and then wreak havoc on the rest of the league the way that you’re able to or just become a hit right like become a hit at five six or seven I’m not going to let you just fall right past us because well you want to play point guard I just can’t do that the I I would talk with castle and say look you’re too damn good defensively like you eat up guys on the drive and they have to kick out and they turn it over too much I’m sorry you’re too good defensively you’re too good of a cutter you showed that you could hit enough shots when challenged in the final four like Stefan I’m gonna have to draft you now you can have some of this primary ball H not even primary more so secondary ball handling in the second unit but the other thing here Doug is maybe there’s a little bit of lamelo Ball Insurance baked in here and he’s not a point guard I don’t see him as a point guard but maybe there’s that tiny bit that you could sell to him for him to have a good enough attitude over the next couple of years or so and then see where he is then but especially in a draft that’s this lackluster and you can still go on one of the more bankable traits which is Castle’s defense that’s one of the more bankable items that you can go with in this draft I’m not going to pass up on that because he’s saying all of this stuff even though I’m totally with you on being a little like wary of it I I get why you have the opinion you do I’m just still saying look man I’m gonna draft here you’re too good at it and we’ll figure it out down the road so I would be totally with you if this were a different draft and there was generational talent to be had and Stefan Castle was one of those talents that didn’t I mean all of these guys have question marks he’s not that so I mean I was with it last season when when I was on the scoot wagon my whole thing was like scoot is too good to pass up on because of fit and and I still believe that despite the struggles of his rookie season I still think he’s is going to be a really really good player and Stefan Castle may may be that good player as well I my concerns are these he is not that level of of prospect in my mind also I’m still stung by the James book Knight experience and this would be different because Castle would almost have a guaranteed role Off the Bench that would be part of the sales job I think you’d have to be really confident in Charles Lee and Jeff Peterson and their ability to get into a room with this kid and say look I know you want to be X and you’ll have an opportunity to be X it would be interesting if part of the sales job was listen we don’t know about this lamelo ball guy we don’t know if his ankles are going to hold up he may be the starting point guard by the middle of of season that to get out you don’t want that to get out no don’t say that that that can’t be part of the sales I wonder if there’s like a wink wink it rhymes with schow SCH um I don’t know if that could be part of the sales job but you would have to be confident in their ability to sell him on that role but then again you you’ve you’ve got this now you’ve got it on record and so in the back of everyone mind when they see Stefan Castle being frustrated in a Charlotte Hornet’s uniform they’re going to constantly wonder is he upset with the the role that he has or the lack of role that he has and the other thing too is like you’ve just hired a new head coach you don’t want to make things more difficult on him immediately you certainly don’t want to have a a bergo book Knight situation with Charles Lee and you’re trying to build a culture and you’re you’ve got a guy in Brandon Miller who seems like so so suited to establish that mentality and that culture in the locker room and you’ve added Charles Lee okay let’s just keep that moving let’s keep the Good Vibes moving and not introduce these elements that could break all of that down before it even gets started I want guys that want to be here and and want to play a role that they’re that they are given and everybody get on the same page and not have this rookie Diva stuff right off the Jump yeah I I hope I hope it’s not Diva stuff and it’s more so him trying to plead to the world that has questions about his offense like I wonder if he’s just correcting on all of the offensive concerns like hey on ball maybe I’m a little worried about it more so with the shooting I wonder if he’s saying look I had to sacrifice at Yukon and it just comes across as rookie Diva but it it does come across like he wants to play one it it feels like that and we’re going to see with the individual workouts if he decides I’m not going to work out for sh if if anyone besides like I mean really SAR like I think SAR has there’s enough consensus around SAR at one that if he just wants to work out for Atlanta and maybe Washington fine but all the rest of these guys like if you’re not working out for Charlotte then I don’t honestly in in a lot of years I would say that’s just part of being the Charlotte Hornets people skip Charlotte Hornets workouts you’ve got to consider all players but with this draft and and how Wild it is with guys going from like 3 to 12 if you don’t work out for Charlotte then I’m I’m out honestly I’m out with with the previous regimes that meant that they were going to draft you if they didn’t work out for them that’s how it was going to go and that’s just what the mo was for a while so I hope that’s not the case with Castle let’s move on let’s talk a little more about the blueprint to the postseason how teams are winning and also still to come here on the lockdown Hornets podcast don’t go to sleep on the Hornets just yet we got to get to our Gordon Hayward takes we already had the the former Hornet PJ Washington convo we didn’t have the Gordon Hayward convo yikes we’ll get to that and just just a moment coming up lockdown [Music] Hornets this episode is brought to you by FanDuel it’s winter take all time in the NBA and the NHL and fanduel’s giving you a shot to bring home a big win of your own right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks to bet on spreads money lines player props even more than that visit lockon make every playoff shot count handle America’s number one sports book more lock down hornets ahead Doug Wild games yesterday really for very different reasons we we saw the Indiana Pacers move on to the Eastern Conference Finals and we also saw the game that everybody was excited for most last night between Minnesota and Denver Minnesota got up to a two- nothing lead Denver won three straight games then everybody said okay it’s the Nuggets they just decided you know what we’re the Champions here we’re going to turn this thing up Minnesota answers with a dominant performance in game six and then they come back on the road to beat the Nuggets in game seven and by the way like two monsterized teams jumbo sized squads where Jamal Murray is the smallest player for Denver that is in the starting rotation he’s like a big strong physical guard and then for Minnesota you have the 27f footer thing going on I mean Anthony Edwards is like Mike Conley is the smallest player that they have but even still like just length all over the place I know you were kicking to me before we started to record that small ball is dead according to Doug Branson well small ball is dead I mean teams are sizing up and teams are Skilling up they’re getting skilled big man but they’re getting lots of skilled big man because that’s that’s how the league is adjusting there small ball did exist and now leagues are adjusting by getting big guys that are skilled and so I think the Hornets uh need to continue to adjust that way it’s what you know it’s I bring it up almost every episode but they had two two uh lot lottery picks or one Lottery Pick and then one you right outside the lottery and they had the opportunity to use both of those picks and they decided to trade one for a worst pick and while everyone’s excited about the guy that they ended up taking with that selection in Nick Smith Jr Nick nsj tiny and they had an opportunity to to stock up centers and they didn’t take that opportunity and so you know I think that’s why look as as talented as Stefan Castle is uh guys are starting to take notice of Zack Edy too and he’s moving up and in fact in this SI mock this guy’s got Zack Edy going nine to the Memphis Grizzlies I think the Hornets ought to take a look at him I think you know obviously if kingan falls I don’t think he will at this point but if kingan falls you got to take a hard look at him too yeah and continue to size up but but across the board in the Hornets to their credit except at the center position have been doing that I mean Brandon Miller you know if they can get him to a point where he’s playing two and ball is a tall point guard uh so you know they’re continuing to do that I think I think they have the right idea but they got to keep pushing the envelope and make sure that they don’t I mean it’s how long have have they just gone into a season without a really NBA level Center rotation it’s been a long time now they’ve got to they’ve got to figure that out whether it be trade uh free agency whatever they’ve got to come into the they’ve got to come into this season with some experience and some Talent at the center position well know a couple things one I will say we we can discredit Mitch cup Che for a lot of stuff but he valued size in the draft and even if he didn’t go after centers a lot he he valued size on the wing right for Miles Bridges PJ Washington lamelo ball at the point guard spot and then even Brandon Miller I mean goodness gracious it feels like the smallest and that’s what he valued in the second round they traded up to go get Devonte Graham who was a small player but other than that I mean there was length on top of length and he loved the versatility especially defensively then you start Okay small ball is a dead well what’s funny is like it always felt when people talked about small ball they really meant skill ball it wasn’t necessarily I want six-foot players out there all across the board and then the center I’m cool with him being 67 the reason that you were cool with having a 67 Center was because they could shoot but if you have Carl Anthony towns who is 7 feet and is one of the best s foot Shooters of all time you would rather have that yes please like when when the giannis’s are starting to be just a little more frequent it’s not necessarily as much of a unicorn we want the skill ball and would rather have the skill in a 68 or taller body compared to a 65 or shorter body and it does feel like with Denver being jumbo sized joic being the primary playmaker but even Michael Porter Jr being a 610 knockdown shooter not in this series but usually that’s the idea and Jamal Murray being a stronger point guard you’re right about that I actually think that’s a reason if everything works out healthwise to look favorably on the Hornets right now like you you need another Center like for sure you need a better Center depth you need a center better Center rotation but lamelo 67 Brandon 68 69 we’ll see what they do with the wing but right now miles is kind of like that 34 hybrid at 63 or excuse me 68 67 you know stronger they they have size across the board now they just need the center rotation but I do think that would help and to have the two tall Shooters dug that’s what’s nice about not only just having a shooting backourt you know golden state has the best shooting back of all time that’s really valuable but the fact that the Hornets have a couple of really good shooters that are also 6 seven or above there are ways to create some advantages with the squad that you have right now in a league that is starting to get bigger we’re here like as far as the trends we’ve been following that a little bit if we can just short up the center rotation then maybe we can also uh compete once we have the skill part and then once we have the talent part on this roster that’ be great if poku figured it out I mean we don’t you know yeah that’s the idea that’s the idea and he hasn’t figured it out really in the NBA had some nice moments but I we got more poku moments in Charlotte than OKC did with Gordon Hayward oh God I didn’t see that coming like H how shocked are you that he was a complete zero just a complete non-factor for Oklahoma City as soon as he stepped foot in that City it’s crazy I I saw a great tweet that said a number of fans that hit um like halfcourt shots in the playoffs for Oklahoma City three number of shots that Gordon hit zero it isn’t it is incredible because the trade when it happened we said it made sense for both teams because Oklahoma City really that’s all they did at the trade deadline and now they’re getting criticized for that and you would think if that’s all you’re going to do in the trade deadline that you would utilize the piece that you got back especially because it seemed like the Hornets really they there was one player that they I can’t I can’t really figure out if it was man or if it was meic but there was a player there that they really didn’t want to get rid of and the Hornets hammered him on it and so you know if you’re going to give away that much talent you would think that they would use that Talent it it is really incredible I think that him being hurt to start like if he had been fully healthy ready to get into that rotation and make a difference right at the trade deadline like a lot of those guys for Charlotte did maybe it would be would have been a different story but it’s almost like you know they they were just scared to take away time from some other guys that were contributing late in that season and and Gordon obviously unhappy I mean the quotes you know from from him outside of this are you know that that he was he was surprised he was unhappy he wanted to do more for this team um so you know I don’t think he’s long for OKC I don’t think he will be reigning there for the NB what team right like what team who Charlotte vet minimum you’re stealing Josh Klein’s bit now vet minimum but yeah like with if you look at Gordon hayward’s game log he played the first seven games of this postseason until you just couldn’t justify it anymore game one through four against New Orleans and then well I guess not the first seven but games one through four against New Orleans then the first three games of Dallas and then didn’t play again after that didn’t log a single second 9 1084 those were the minutes logged in against New Orleans 753 you’re right zero buckets zero points just brutal what he didn’t give Oklahoma City and I think most people if you listen to the Zack low podcast over the weekend he hammered him and and Zach really liked this trade for OKC because he thought Gordon was going to be able to help them and he said you can make an argument and I think it pretty easy won that every single player they sent to Charlotte Doug could have helped them more than what Gordon gave them in this postseason meic everybody and I guess poku wasn’t a part of the trade but in that trade every single player could have helped OKC more and meic and Trey man bertans could have come in and hit a couple of Threes at least and stretch the defense like they didn’t get anything from Gordon and I know like I know some people might say well guys it it wasn’t necessarily because they thought Gordon was going to come in and then W shop getting to his spots in the half court like we’ve seen him do before I I know that they valued Gordon Hayward being in the last year of his contract and then freeing up 30 million I totally get that you still thought that they got the best player right here right now in the trade you you got the guy that you thought could help you out the most currently in all of the players that were swapped and yet he turned out to be the worst that was a shocking like maybe shocking is too strong but I was pretty damn surprised at that development of him just being a complete zero well I think part of the problem was that Oklahoma City really wanted to evaluate the players that actually have a future in Oklahoma City they really they they viewed this right or wrong they viewed this playoff run not as we have a legitimate title shot but as we really want to evaluate everything that we have and our and all of these young players that are still on the roster who we want to move forward with and who we don’t and they weren’t going to move forward with Gordon Hayward regardless and so I think that just generally hurt his ability to get on the floor and then when he was on the floor it was the Gordon Hayward that we’ve seen in stretches for the Charlotte Hornets where he’s not you know really making a big impact he’s not assertive he’s not aggressive and that’s that’s part of the problem is that I think that that NBA teams have really lost the like idea of what Gordon Hayward should be for your team and look you can’t have this many injuries as a player and it not take some kind of toll on you physically and and what your gifts are and what you’re able to contribute and then I think that circles back into your mentality of like you know what kind of player do you want to be and so I I think just everyone’s confused about that um and to the question of because the question will come up does Charlotte entertain bring him back on a vet minimum and the reason that’s going to be entertained is because Gordon was very high on the city of Charlotte liked being here signed here in the first place and so would there be interest in bringing him back and look I mean on a vet minimum I mean I don’t know like if he’s you know I don’t know if there are no other options if he’s the only one that you can bring to the dance on a vet on a vet minimum contract maybe you know if there’s some and you’re getting a Gordon Hayward who I would think after this postseason seeing seeing himself being on the brink of being out of the NBA completely you might get a different version of Gordon hey again if it’s on a one-year deal if it’s like all right come here let’s see what we can do let depth I mean are you going to deny depth at this point as a Charlotte Hornets fan I don’t think so I I feel like I’ve left you alone too long you’ve been doing episodes either by yourself or not uh the sickness people don’t understand the signs Doug and then they just let you get sicker and sicker I’ve recognized the symptoms now this is one of them this is a glaring symptom of the sickness starting to come back as we do a show together Gordon you want is he available just bring all the people back that have look vet Min vet Min maybe he actually probably cost more than vet men with how he played for Philadelphia uh you have any more final thoughts before we end it today uh no okay then it look like you might have had something that’ll do it for lockdown Hornets we need to get Doug some help thanks again for joining us making us your first listen we’re free and available anywhere you get your podcast that includes YouTube also make sure you check out Doug substack every Hornets spox and you can listen to me on W fnz every weekday from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. Via West and Walker have a great rest of your day we’ll be back with you tomorrow I mean would you rather see him or JT Thor just right now him or JT Thor tell me I don’t [Music]

Walker and Doug are back together again! The guys share their thoughts on the NBA draft combine and more on Stephon Castle’s desire to play on-ball at the NBA level. Should the Hornets stay away? The guys transition into the trends of the NBA and discuss the Hornets winning the Gordon Hayward trade by a wide margin.

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  1. Doug is absolutely right regarding Castle, I would not want him in my team, I trust the new management to make the best decision. I Liked Castle, but not after his comments, my preference will be Knecht, Risacher or Clingan. I don't trust anyone from the G-League (Buzelis or Holland).

  2. Honestly considering Lamelos injury history I don’t think castles comments are a problem at all he’ll have plenty of opportunities. But in all seriousness Lamelo is so unselfish that it will work just fine.

  3. It's the off season, y'all take a little more time for yourselves. The season is a grind. I didn't think anything of it.
    "You better hope Wemby wants you" lol for real

  4. Speaking of Castle and potentially not wanting to come to the Hornets, gotta remember the UCONN connection and we don’t know what Bouknight said about the organization.

  5. I don't get how people see Castle as a better player then Holland. Holland had 4 times where he scored over 30 points. Castle has never done that. Castle has less blks, stls and Castle has no flash to his game. Holland finish at the rim % is also better. Holland had a better season than Scoot and it seems alot of analysts keeps sending us question mark players. I don't even see alex sarr shhowed anything special with only avg 9 points and 4 rebounds as a 7 foot player. Draft the best role player in this draft that we can get. However if Ron Holland is there i would like the pick, he reminds me of Kawhi Leonard we he was playing for San Diego State. The funny thing is Holland has better numbers then Kawhi coming out of college.

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