Nate Danielson’s pro debut spoiled by Admirals, as Griffins are routed in game 2

Nate Danielson’s pro debut spoiled by Admirals, as Griffins are routed in game 2

today un locked on Red Wings the Admiral spoiled danielson’s Pro debut as the Griffins are routed in game two you’re locked on Red Wings your daily podcast on the Detroit Red Wings part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday welcome back to the locked on Red Wings podcast we are your hosts Brian Fischer and Scott Bentley I’m a former producer of 971 the ticket where Scotty is the host over at locked on tigers as well as a freelance journalist for the Detroit news and on today’s episode guys we’re gonna pretty simply break down the game between the Griffins and the Admirals did not turn out very well for the Griffins unfortunately but Nate Danielson debuted we got to talk about edon’s injuries I thought Casper played a pretty dang good game so there are things of not to take away from this uh hockey game but before get to any of that I got to let you know that today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel make every moment more right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks with any winning $5 bet visit lockon to get started Scotty it was just a double whammy for you today Griffins got routed Tigers dropped a massive egg and Reon got hurt so how you your Tuesday’s just off to a fantastic fantastic start yeah oh yeah I won’t be in bed till like 1 1:30 because I have to talk about both it’s going to be a really fun night yeah yeah I’m sure it’s going to be a blast well let’s get one of your two painful conversations out of the way we start talking about the Grand Rapids Griffins who fell five to2 in game two uh in Milwaukee when it comes to difference makers in this hockey game Scotty you know who you got is your your Difference Maker um that’s a great question to be completely honest with you um I was going to I still might honestly just run with special teams and we’ve talked about the power play so much but they did get the power play goal at the very end of the game to technically get on the board and score a power play goal um so maybe that’s uh maybe that’s not as valid anymore but um this was all in all just a a I don’t want to say sluggish because like they came out they I thought they you know came out fine we skating fine but just uh there was no opportunity for them to get back in the game every time the ice was tilted something would happen and momentum would shift uh this was really just kind of a a dud of a hockey game yeah we saw the Milwaukee Admirals we were promised going into the series right this this is the first seated Milwaukee Admirals and they looked like it in this hockey game uh and I agree with you special teams absolutely was a Difference Maker it’s one of the two things I have written down Griffins had five power play opportunities in this hockey game and they scored on one of them and it was in garbage time right like the score is five to2 but don’t let that at least we know it’s possible at least we know it’s possible sure but like don’t let that fool you it it was 4 nothing with five minutes to go and they scored two late goals to make it close before they finish it off with an empty Netter like the speci teams continues to just hurt this team and that’s where and we’ll talk about Nate Danielson later but the addition of Nate Danielson to this roster I don’t want to put too much pressure on a kid making his Pro debut in the playoffs in the cter Cup playoffs but like he could be such a boon for this team’s power play because this power play is just flaccid man there’s nothing behind it it’s just pass pass Zone clear pass pass Zone clear like it’s crazy that this is supposedly the same system that’s being run in Detroit because they’re having such less success than they had in Detroit and like it’s just so obvious like and yeah and the penalty kill did fine they they got scored on once but so they went three for four overall but we talked about it in the Rockford series if Grand Rapids wants to make a Deep Run you got to be able to start converting it special teams especially if you want to beat a team like Milwaukee which is one of the best in the American Hockey League and just for the what they played four games in the first series so for the six consecutive game they’ve done basically nothing like yeah they had a power play goal in the first game on the empty net because it was on the power play with the empty net it doesn’t mean anything like the air quotes are coming out in full force already because it again it doesn’t mean anything so the Special Teams man it kills me the other one I think is uh yaroslav askarov you know he took the net back over from gnik after gnik got the start in game one gnik finished the series really strong for the Admirals against the Texas Stars so they ran it back with him he got exposed by the Griffins and so they decided to go back to their primary starter their main guy in askarov who hadn’t been very good in the playoffs up until this point but he made big save after big save after big save there were so many moments in this hockey game where I went how did the Griffins not score so many times the Griffins could have had momentum Stoppers against the Admirals that were just the door on that was shut by yaros slav Asar off so for me he’s my other Difference Maker in this hockey game yeah yeah and that’s I I completely agree with you for starters but I mean just looking at the again kind of what I alluded to the the momentum in the game every single time the Griffins had even some sort of momentum you get swiped out on a play like that and askarov as we are very well aware is one of the uh highly higher regarded goalie prospects out there was obviously a really big name in his draft class and you’re seeing why and you have uh you know during the regular season you saw why and like you said you know in the postseason had a couple of bad games and and lost the net there for a little bit but uh yeah back in in Prime form in this one and I think uh yeah a lot of people are are pretty over at least on that side of town pretty excited about what the future holds in net for uh when you see a performance like that I also want to loop back to the Special Teams cuz there was something we missed when we were talking about a pretty big one they allowed a short-handed goal to Lar as well which is like if you’re not going to score on the power play you you really can’t get scored on on your power play that one felt like watching the Red Wings it felt like the Red Wings gave up a ton of short-handed goals throughout the season that’s the system we know yeah that’s the system we’re aware of uh and laru with just a bush League move afterwards taunting Sebastian kosa actually got a second minor or got a minor after his goal for unsportsmanlike conduct Griffins went to A5 on three with an opport to respond and again get the momentum stopper after allowing a short-handed goal to go down three nothing and they couldn’t convert on the five on three or the ensuing five on four so it’s just like right there like you want to talk about a moment that really killed any type of and like the team continued to push I’m not trying to say like after that the team just gave up because they didn’t you saw them continue to try but like you want to talk about a moment in a hockey game where it just felt like yeah they’re not going to win this game it was that second period short-handed goal leading to a five on three where you didn’t score on that to get the answer goal back it was just like all right well this clearly is not their night so I mean in terms of difference makers I think that was their biggest Difference Maker but you know what Silver Lining here Scotty and here I am come with silver lining you went to Milwaukee and you stole a game against the number the number one seed so now you come back home the series is a wash right or the first two games are even and you have two back-to-back games in Grand Grand Rapids you take care of business at home where you have the home ICE Advantage you now have the opportunity to not have to go back to Milwaukee because it’s a five-game series you only need three to win so just whenn you’re take care of business in Grand Rapids and you’ll be square like that’s the Silver Lining here is I it sucks that they lost but let’s not unell how important it is that they did take that first game you’re not going to win every game of a playoff series and getting one win on the road in the barn of the best team in the division is huge yeah taking game one is is absolutely massive and uh yeah now I mean not not just to repeat whatever you just said but yeah now you uh you have an ability to come back home and really take advantage and that’ll be a hopefully a pretty fun week yeah especially because we’ll be there on Friday so we uh let’s let’s hope for a a series clinching Victory Scotty uh let’s take a quick break head to segment two and when we come back we’ll talk about other notable performers from this game and of course we’ll talk about Nate Danielson uh so stay tuned for that in segment two of locked on Red Wings it’s winner take all time in the NBA and NHL and FanDuel is giving you a shot to bring home a big win of your own right now new customers get $150 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 150 bucks to bet on spreads money lines player props and more visit lockon and make every playoff shot count FanDuel America’s number one sports book segment two lockdown Red Wings podcast you know talking about this 5-2 loss to the Milwaukee Admiral Scotty what who are your notable performers what stood out to you in this game that made you go huh that was actually pretty nice or on on the other side of the coin really bad thank you for explaining what notable means um you’re I I need it sometimes for real um I uh I mean you kind of alluded to it earlier so not to steal your thunder but I do think Marco Casper was kind of a standout in this game uh and he was kind of the Talk of the Town I mean for a game in which again it was kind of relatively uncompetitive and and they didn’t really uh didn’t end up being a very close hockey game well I guess the garbage time made it closer even than it was but but you get my point I I think a lot of people really noticed uh how well Marco Casper did and I think he deserves a lot of credit we just talked about it what last week yeah that makes sense last week we talked about uh his three-point night and how well-rounded his game has really been looking lately and how you know they’re emphasizing the defensive side of the ice but also how much he’s producing and how uh honestly just like Smooth he looks uh on the offensive side of the puck as well so yeah I think that he was uh a pretty easy stand out in this one yeah I think so too I mean most notably was so in the first period the Griffins had three penalties they went they had three penalty kills in the first period one of which they allowed a goal on that was that shot off of Didier uh which became this a two nothing lead well shortly after that they went to a third penalty kill but for some reason on that penalty kill the Griffin provided a lot of offense there was a kind of partial Breakaway by Dominic Shan released a slap shot where he missed the that high on off the glass but you had two opportunities by Marco Casper where he got behind the defense and was able to get in all alone mostly in all alone on asgarov the first one asgarov made the stop the second one hosi fed him the puck just to like a nice little floater was a little bit too far so we had to chase to the long the boards and so a defender came to intercept him and he made this beautiful move to cut inside on the defender and go all alone on askarov he beat askarov just sent it wide I mean like moments like that and then like later in the third period where he was just like he he had dropped the gloves and was about to fight but the linesmen got between them and was like separating like let him fight like we talked about it back in the Rockford series but Casper is doing a little bit of everything down there in uh the AHL and in Grand Rapids you know he’s providing a little bit of skill and flare you saw that you’re seeing that underrated skill that Eisman was talking about on his draft night you know you’re seeing the fact that he can play responsible defensively as well because that’s what Eiserman drafted him for primarily is that 200 foot game you’re also seeing that feistiness and that’s something that you and I weren’t expecting when we tuned in for the AHL playoffs that just eagerness to get into the scrappy parts of the game and that there’s not one thing from his game down there in Grand Rapids that I dislike and so I don’t know how close he is to the NHL level that’s not for me to decide but you know me as my my my dumb fan brain is like starting to go I kind of want to see him sooner rather than later of course again that’s for Eiserman to determine but uh I’m liking what I see even though he didn’t get a goal in this game yeah I mean that that uh that conversation is going to get hotter and hotter I think as the summer goes along and I think you know if we’ll see what uh what camp and and what the preseason looks like but I I I think there is a legitimate chance that we’re having that conversation a little bit more seriously going into this fall uh obviously free agency we we have a long offseason ahead of us still but I do think that that is uh that is a conversation that’s that’s only going to get hotter and and if he keeps playing like this it’s going to happen sooner rather than later do you want to talk about Danielson now making his Pro debut yeah absolutely man we we didn’t even bring it up yesterday but uh yeah because that happened over the weekend right I think that decision was made so Danielson now on the Griffins roster and making his professional North American debut in the postseason is pretty exciting I think a lot of the fan base was very excited about that news and uh yeah I I had no issues with how he looked I I didn’t think he looked uh he looked bad out there no I I quite liked the little the few looks we got of him you know right away they put him on the third they put him on the third line to Center that so now you have you know Casper berren and Danielson lines one two and three which is just fantastic to see uh he was on a line with Soder Blom as well so you have the just the Unicorn we love in Soder Blom out there but I liked what I saw out of him you know for a guy who’s coming to a new team just a few days after losing the championship in the WHL to join another team pursuing a championship He adjusted pretty well to the AHL and like let’s not you know that’s a still a really significant jump to go from major Junior Hockey to professional hockey to the AHL which again let’s not get it twisted there’s a huge huge jump between the AHL and the NHL right we talk about it with zarnik right how he looks very good in the AHL and the NHL he’s like a forgettable replaceable fourth liner but there’s just as big of a jump to go from major Juniors to the American Hockey League and Danielson he looked I would say comfortable I wouldn’t say he wowed me he looked comfortable he was engaging in corner battles he was winning those corner b battles he had a couple of really good near interceptions he had a couple of really good near scoring chances but I think a lot of that will come with time with just learning the team learning his teammates gaining that chemistry as well as just you know learning the scheme right because now you’re on a new team that I would assume runs a completely different play style so I think it’s going to take a few games which is why I’m also like I understand why they didn’t as much as I want him on the power play because this power play is abysmal and he would help tremendously we saw how much of a how much of an attribute he was to the Portland Winterhawks on the power play I’m not in a rush to put him out there because it’s gonna take him time to acclimate to the American Hockey League especially the playoffs but I would like to see it at some point if this playoff this power play continues to struggle yeah for sure and and you know for as much as there’s going to be uh probably some conversations about trying to get him more opportunities or people wanting to see him on the ice more whatnot like this is this is the postseason you know what I mean like they’re I I think they’re uh they’re not gonna just throw him completely Into the Fire overnight but uh we’ll see I I do hope that he does uh stick in the lineup at a minimum and continue to get opportunities which it it looks like he will I’m not sure why they would bring him over if he wouldn’t so uh so yeah you know I I didn’t have any problems with uh with what we saw in this one and I I think that to your point I think the power play hopefully is an opportunity for him to shine just because that’s such an easy thing to point to and be like well what they’re doing isn’t working so maybe maybe get some new blood in there yeah absolutely um after that Sebastian kosa we want to talk a little bit about him you know just like game two in the Rockford series he had a rough one I wasn’t overly impressed with what I saw from kosa in this hockey game uh the one goal where I’m like eh whatever was the power play goal that was redirected off of D other than that like two of them were shots from the point one I know he was he didn’t he never saw because it was through a screen but in the laru short-handed Breakaway just went five full the first shot was partial screen five hole there just uh he wasn’t his sharpest today and I’m not freaking out about that by any stretch of the imagination we just talked about it the other day one bad performance by a young goenda is like not going to make me jump ship we’ve seen kosa have bad stretches and then adjust and be lights out and we saw it last series too right he had a bad game in game two and then adjusted and was very strong to finish that series but it just was this was another one of those games you’re like ah he had a bad game and that does happen I agree I don’t have too much else to add I think that’s when you just kind of throw in the garbage and hopefully recover for the next game right yeah I I I agree with you I don’t think he uh he was super sharp in this one awesome we’re going to head to another quick break and when we return uh we will talk about Simon evensson because he did not play in this hockey game so stay tuned for that in segment three of lockdown Red [Music] Wings segment three locked on Red Wings podcast Scotty uh Simon Edinson did not play in game two he took a really hard hit in game one I don’t know if you remember that uh but because of that hard hit he played through the rest of the game but was very notably off and then it came out today that he would not play because of an injury he sustained in game one it has not been confirmed to my knowledge that it was that hard hit but like looking back at highlights of the game it’s hard to find other instances where it could have been that when it could have occurred but that doesn’t matter the point being is he is daytoday and I feel like you really felt the lack of his presence on the back end uh in this hockey game in which the Griffins obviously lost five to two for sure yeah on really on both ends of the Ice uh to be honest I I think it was pretty felt but at the end of the day his health is the number one priority you’re not gonna Rush him or or make him go out there I’m sure he wants to be out there more than anybody but you’re you’re not going to especially with the trajectory that he is on you know assuming that he’s going to be a part of the Red Wings future probably starting this fall they’re going to play that Ultra safe and uh even if that’s you know in uh even if that causes the Griffins to slide or get eliminated this round or really struggle on the blue line we again like you just said we we kind of saw the fruits of that in this game they’re they’re not going to prioritize anything above his health so you really need him though if you want to make a and like obviously his health isn’t the number one thing but he it’s going to be really tough to make a push into the playoffs without for sure yeah it’s your the back end yeah uh other than that Carter merer scored again that was they they made a late push they had several little pushes throughout the game where they put pressure on and askarov just shut him down and then kind of fizzled out but late in the game they finally got on the board with the power play the zarnik FED merer for the one-time Maser scored merer stays Point per game zarnik stays Point per game um will be I guess like throw our hands up in the air a couple minutes later Dominic shine scored to make it four to2 so you make it it makes you think that the game’s closer than it really was um and then Jasper Weatherby former Griffin himself has played a short time with the Red Wings last season or uh the Griffins rather last season scored the empty net goal so I mean really in terms of this game that’s really what it was It was kind of one of those games where it went I I don’t it’s not like the level of poor we saw from the Red Wings at times this season but it was poor enough that it’s like what really how much are you going to really break down and talk about like they just got outplayed by the Milwaukee Admirals in this one really yeah they just got yeah they got pumped like that it it happens uh and like you said I think the biggest takeaway is honestly that they uh that they took one of these first two I think it’s huge and at least gives you some optimism that they can make some noise the rest of the series uh cuz if was down you know 20 oh I think most people would probably view it as uh as as being WPS already so yeah it’s it’s yeah they got pumped Happ it happens um let’s see the other one other thing I really got on the docket for today is the fact that Lucas Raymond the team Sweden played France and Lucas Raymond scored yet again he continues to be just you know a clutch player that’s where it go the Raymond goal yeah it’s a slick rer yeah that was slick man he’s got a he’s got a secretly good shot man that boy nice he’s very he’s pinpoint accurate with that rer which is why we were saying early in the season shoot the puck right yeah I was say man you remember that era it was really not dude all the all the times you would pass the puck from the slot with a high dangerous scoring chance was not fun no we were straight up not having a good time um yeah no it was also their their sweaters are just so incredible oh Sweden yeah yeah yeah crispy always always have thought that crispy other than that I mean we’re done with riding stuff for the day I mean if you want we could riff about NHL playoffs or we could just sign off up to you buddy uh I mean right now I guess honestly we can sign off so I can go watch the third period of this Oilers game we’re recording right here it was 3 nothing going into second intermission and we uh we hopped on air to try to crank it out so um yeah I I mean if Edmonton holds on they’ve blown a lot of games this year so we’ll see but uh if they hold on I think that Edmonton versus Dallas would be an absolutely incredible Western Conference Final so yeah I don’t know I don’t want Canada to win a Stanley Cup yeah I love that Trend but I also don’t want Jamie Ben to win a Stanley Cup so I do I feel that but also in August on this show my preseason cup pick was the Stars so so for the sake of trying to sound smart I really need Dallas to take this home and the only team I dislike or the only player on Dallas I really actively dislike is Jamie Ben like Joe pavelski I love that story you know Jake oers easy to root for rupe hints uh what’s the other guy other defense Robinson is Robinson Hein like they have a lot of players the the new guy the young kids that they just brought up Stan koven like yeah Wyatt Johnson like they have a lot of players that it’s super easy to for but because Jamie Ben’s on that team I’m like I can’t do it like I feel like it would just be a betrayal of my Red Wings fandom to root for the Dallas Stars so you’re right that’s fair I feel like I said Robinson by the way his name’s obviously Robertson Robertson it’s fine we get it 11:30 at night and I have another show to do on the flip side of that like I don’t want Canada to win a Stanley Cup again because that’s just fun but like at the same time McDavid really deserves a Stanley Cup and so does dry cidal so it’s like it would be a crime and I don’t think ever I think at some point McDavid will he’s too good of a player not to win the Stanley Cup um at some point in his career he might just be like one of those guys who it’s like though he’ll win like four when he’s after 30 all of a sudden um but I I if he they were to win the Stanley Cup I’d be like dang they broke they finally the Canadian teams finally won a Stanley Cup for the first time since the 90s but hey at least it was Conor McDavid lifting the cup but on the Eastern Conference side like buo panthers absolutely not absolutely not are you going to root for the Rangers yeah they’re more likable I’m fine with that you of the original six teams they have the few fewest Stanley Cups we can throw them one it’s like a Pity cup no no I’m good on that I I I have no ill feelings towards the Rangers I honestly don’t really yeah I like their Unis but I mean they original team so of course I do all the original six they are probably one of the more likable ones but I don’t like actively like them either I think it’s cuz they’re in the Metro not in the Atlantic yeah yeah that helps for sure it was like all the Atlantic division teams and like I was rooing against Carolina because I hate Carolina’s play style I’m just like I I can’t watch that team in the Cup Final are you kidding me like that’s just they’re so their their style is so boring bunch of jerks baby oh my goodness um yeah there there’s my feelings on the if it is Oilers again I’m not trying to jump the gun too much here because the Edmonton has a history here but um that that that that series should be high powerered and fun man Robertson and and McDavid dry Sidle all in the ice of the same time be really cool yeah and if the Canucks can Mark you know mount a comeback here in the third period and give picker to start let’s go let’s give uh let’s give Red Wings lore here let’s give H Captain peard if you will a uh a little head nod here in the Western Conference Finals why not I wouldn’t mind canox honestly I mean got a Canadian team thing but you know Phil pronic had a good season with Quin Hugh I mean pewter oh D minutes I wanted pewter to stay around stay around I like a Pew extension episode I feel like or I think we did a who stays who goes and we talked about keeping pewter in like a third fourth basically a Christian Fisher Ro but at center right um yeah he’s been he’s you watch those games man they’re saying sudor quite a bit he’s out there making stuff happen Chron’s going to get paid too I don’t know who’s going to pay him but pairing him up with Quinn Hughes was just exactly what he needed to explode offensively I still think I think he’s car people are going to be like oh we shouldn’t have traded him like let’s be honest he’s playing with Quinn Hughes of course his numbers are definitely inflated it’s um it’s fine it’s good it was a smart trade uh because we weren’t gonna pay him what he was gonna ask for yeah uh but I I mean that team’s fun so just not Dallas and not Florida I guess is in the really the two that I really don’t want to win yeah like I said I’m I’m pulling for the Stars just because I want to sound smarter than I am that’s really hard for you to do that’s why I’m rooting for him dude yeah I know all right we successfully have milked a couple extra minutes off of this when we didn’t need to we’ll sign off so you we can both go watch the end of this hockey game uh we’ll be back with a new episode tomorrow so so stay tuned for that you got any final thoughts we ball baby we ball we back with a new episode tomorrow same time same place your team every day day

The Milwaukee Admirals woke up in game two, routing the Griffins 5-2. Grand Rapids’ special teams continue to not be special, while Askarov was in net. Nate Danielson didn’t look out of place in his debut, but will definitley take a little bit to adjust. Marco Kasper did have a very strong hame though, despite not showing up on the stat sheet. Simon Edvinsson is day-to-day. #LGRW

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  1. I am so excited with Nate Danielson's debut and development and of course the rest of the AHL squad!
    Nate D and Kasper are our future centers behind Larkin that will make our top 3 lines full of talent and extremely hard to play against.
    It's easy to draft/sign good wingers who fit your cutrrent needs, but speedy workhorse centers with talent like Larkin,Danielson and Kasper who are really good defensively are SO SO valuable in the playoffs.

    Throw in all these huge talented defenseman on the brink of joing the wings roster WITH Cossa AND Trey Augustine with future NHL starter potential and we look to be a future powerhouse again imho! 🎉 #LGRW #Yzerplan

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