Locker Room Talk: Bucs 2024 Schedule | Winfield Jr contract extention

Locker Room Talk: Bucs 2024 Schedule | Winfield Jr contract extention

oh oh oh what going on with you come on now oh boy let’s see what we got here tonight come on in come on in I’ll be dropping random videos I don’t be playing you want to talk about crypto you got time talk about some salana some some RW AI some dpin feel me we gonna talk about some bucks tonight for a little bit dive in a little bit come on in welcome to Buck was Locker as y’all join in behave yourselves come on in we going to talk about a little bit of crypto a little bit of crypto just a little bit that’s a little bit let’s see I’ll give everybody a few minutes to come on in popped up on y’all like that popped up on Pop Goes the Weasel cuz the weasel say Pop Pop Goes the Weasel couple couple things going on with the Bucks you know what I’m saying when I’m going talk about the Winfield Junior contract I’m going talk about the buck schedule and I’m going to talk about in tonight’s episode or tonight’s show also going to talk about the Bucks social media social media team you know what I’m saying like Lego myo threee no I ain’t having it bro it could it could happen it could happen but yeah I definitely want to I want to dive into a couple of things especially the Bucks soci media team I don’t know what they be doing but they we’ll get into that they so lame they so boring you know I’m looking at man look we G we gonna have a nice little conversation tonight how everybody crypto bags looking if you in the crypto how your bags looking how your crypto bags looking uh Bitcoin had a little pump today got the 66,000 currently is that what currently is at uh currently it is at 65,000 you know what I’m saying people bags pumped uh GameStop AMC if you into um stocks and also meme coins AMC and GameStop uh GameStop uh pumped a little bit today on the crypto side and stock market side you know S&P 500 so everybody bads looking good right there get get what you can it’s gonna probably pump again most likely so that’s not done yet Ryan Kitty mcoin the guy he created this whole GameStop AMC pump got any Pepe got any she Inu you got some bunk got some dogecoins good time to buy some Dogecoin you know so a lot of good things happening right now a lot of good things a lot of good things you know so let’s get down to business since everybody’s so ansy I want to talk about the first topic and for those of you that join in a little late make sure you uh don’t walk in the locker room and sit to the back make sure you come in and acknowledge that you’re late you got about 12 minutes 15 minutes late after 15 minutes you late so the first topic I want to talk about is uh Winfield Jr’s contract extension right that that was the topic of conversation before the uh everything like free agency and stuff like that the bus gave uh Winfield Jr uh extension they gave him a franchise tag first which was like $17 million um and they was they worked out a deal and the details of this deal I’ll give you the details of this deal Winfield Jr agreed to or he signed a 4-year $84 million contract with the Bucks couple days ago um it’s $45 million fully guaranteed at sign the fully guaranteed consist in 2024 and 2025 compensation wise so that’s pretty cool right Winfield Jr deserved it he earned it uh top two safety in the NFL I think him and Justin Hamilton are the two two young stud safeties I think um uh both of those guys got uh underrating well Justin Hamilton got he went in the first first oh I’m sorry Cal Hamilton Cal Hamilton went in the first round but he he dropped quite a bit because of his speed and you know his athleticism but it goes to show you you know if you draft the guy he fits your system it makes sense um so him and uh so Winfield Jr I would give I would say 1 a 1B um Winfield Jr is 1 a Kyle Hamilton is 1B both of them are 25 and under both of them both of them are studs but Winfield Jr is to me the best safety but I got I had to give a shout out to just KY Hamilton because he’s he’s good too I I’m not g to do that you know what I’m saying like you know I love football so but Winfield Jor in my opinion is the best safety and if you don’t agree with that that’s cool you can give him one beat I’m fine with that or you can give him top two top three whatever but he’s he’s a a top safety and the contract what the Bucks gave him he earned it you know there’s a good side to this and there’s also a bad side so I’mma tell yall the good side first um um the ramifications of this contract he became the highest paid defensive back in the NFL averaging averaging out annual average per year uh $21.5 million now what the Bucks did with this contract it’s very very actually a rare occasion and and over the years in the NFL we’ve seen safties never seen a safety become the highest paid defensive back in the NFL it’s always been a cornerback you know safeties are not looked at as a premier uh position to pay a lot of teams don’t do that they’ll give they’ll give they’ll pay their safeties but not make them you know give them that much money it’s usually cornerbacks getting that type of money so the outcome for Winfield Junior’s contract it’s good that a lot of the cornerbacks up and cominging quarterbacks young guys they should be thanking Winfield Jr right they should be thanking Winfield Jr because he basically reset the market um will he be the highest paid defensive back it won’t be for long I’m saying it won’t be for long eventually the S Gardner the Derek Stingley Jr um the JC horn if he stays healthy the Patrick rains they’re going to surpass Cal Hamilton contracts going to be bigger than his so this is the so down the road this contract that we gave or that the Bucks gave Winfield Jr will look fairly pretty decent because but for the for right now it looks kind of crazy when you look at the bigger picture because there there is an after effect to this too in particular Chris goard but we’ll get to that um in a second or down in in a little a little while but back to Winfield Jr his stats he shows it on the field he shows it off the field too he don’t get in no trouble he comes to work he do what he’s supposed to do he pays attention uh I know Levante David has been the leader of the defense for a long time for a long long time but I I gotta say this ever since Winfield Jr got drafted by the bucks he’s been right there with lante David how he carries into self he’s quiet you don’t getting No Nonsense he his dad taught him very well shout out to Antoine Winfield Jr senior shout out to the dad because he taught his son very well how to conduct himself and it shows on the field and off the field so shout out to Winfield Jr getting that massive contract resetting the defensive back Market he’s the highest paid defensive back that’s cornerbacks and safeties you know uh it will be shortlived because I think we can agree that some cornerbacks will get paid more than $21 million a year the prices keep going up folks supply and demand when a player see a player gets a contract and this in in the same position or in the vicinity or on the o line or in the secondary or the receiver slot whatever they look at this cornerbacks history shows you cornerbacks are paid more than safeties and this is It’s almost like an Unwritten rule like safeties are not a premier position because you can have a good safety but still not be good in pass defense so in the Bucks case the Bucks have a top two top one safety in their pass defense is bottom two let that sink in for a second it’s greatest Winfield Jr is as good as he is top top safety in the NFL right but the pass defense still not good so what does that tell you you going to have a really good safety but if you don’t have really good Corners the impact of Winfield Jr is felt but it’s not felt to the point where he can prevent the Bucks cornerbacks looking bad think about that for a second Winfield Jr deserved all that money he deserved every bit of it right but the impact that he has on the pass defense can only go so far it’s the same scenario with the Tristan Wars on the old line David ruffing in The Temptations there’s nobody outside of Winfield Jr in the secondary that teams are going to jump up and down for nobody’s jumping up and down for Jamal Dean or Z Mulla Jordan wad is is decent he’s good but he’s not a top safety he’s not scaring nobody you know what I’m saying so Winfield Jr has a lot to carry when it comes to the buck secondary but he can only cover for so much he can’t be everywhere you get what I’m saying now he’s a focal point in the buck secondary but teams can scheme away from him or catch him out of position we’ve seen this last season he had a couple plays here and there and he tried to help Jamal de he’s tried help Z McCulla and Caron Davis former Buck player traded to the Lions for a third round pick but he can only do so much he can only do so much this is why I’m still concerned about the buck secondary despite having Winfield Jr playing at an elite level right and he’s not even in his prime yet but he’s playing at an elite level but he can’t cover for everybody he can only control what he control and what he’s assigned to do slot duties safety nickel but now that they got ta ta Smith agent Smith he can go back to playing free safety and roaming around and getting more interception I I believe his interceptions should go up this year now that he can play actually he can actually play free safety he don’t have to be at the line of scrimmage as much as he used to now he’ll still do some you know Blitz and stuff like that because he’s really good but ta Smith agent Smith he’s goingon to learn from Winfield Jr he’s going to learn and he’s going to learn really quick and coming from Georgia he’s already battle tested so this is the after effect of Winfield Jr being I’mma officially say that Winfield Jr is the leader of the Bucks defense of of course lante David is still there he’s still the captain whatever but I’m just saying it’s lante David and Winfield Jr equal right and what concerns me and this has nothing this is this is not about Winfield right now this is about everybody else in the secondary Jordan whad he’s good but he has limitations Jamal Dean we already know what he is we’ve seen Zion Mulla it’s it’s we’re going to have problems in the secondary I I have to give you the good part which is Winfield Jr and he deserved that contract All Pro he deserve it but also I got also got to give you the reality of the situation so clap for clap for Winfield Jr but let’s get to reality a little bit this signing does not still does not cover up how poorly the buck secondary has been the last couple years despite having a All Pro safety the buck secondary is still bottom three let that sink in and it it’s sad to see a guy play at that level being a part of a secondary that’s bottom five in pass defense actually bottom two bottom three it’s sad to it’s sad to see that because it’s like he’s too good of a player to be a part of a secondary that has weak Corners giving up 300 and something yards to CJ stra you know just getting embarrassed and the Bucks really didn’t they didn’t address the cornerback situation like they should have to be honest with you when you look at free agency in the draft Yeah they drafted ta Smith AKA agent Smith yeah they resign Winfield Jr to a hefty contract but the Bucks still have problems at corner remember cornerback is a premier position in a Passing League you must have cornerbacks of course you must have you know Nickelback too but you must have two good Corners you got to have it in the the Bucks are not even close to having two two good quarterbacks so taii Smith aent Smith and Winfield Jr and Jordan Whitehead is going to have to make up for the lack of skills outside by the way D Delaney is not coming back to the bucks he’s sign I think he signed with Buffalo or something like that D Delane is not coming back so what’s the so does anybody understand this the Bucks secondary depth Is Not Great particularly at cornerback let’s not lose sight of the issues that the Bucks had or have in the secondary and Winfield J is not even nowhere near the issue the issue is the Premier positions outside cornerbacks that is the issue with the Bucks it’s always been an issue for quite some time I don’t know how Todd B’s going to do this but I’mma take a stab at this I just i’ I’ve seen enough of Jamal Dean and I seen enough of Z McCulla to a degree where I just don’t see the buck secondary becoming top tier and that sucks too you know Jordan whad solid safety uh rolling partner Winfield J All Pro ta Smith I think he’s gonna be impactful guy but our problems are still the cornerbacks and there’s no way around this and that is true jaylis we do have a short safety group our safeties and Nickelback are small agent Smith Winfield Jr Jordan W all three of them are under 5’11 so we have a small safety group they’re really good safety nickel group but I just don’t see the problems being solved because we’ve already seen what the secondary look like we’ve already seen what the players are like we know what Winfield Jr is All Pro we’ve seen Jordan Whitehead he’s a really good tackler very very very aggressive he will he’s injury-prone he get nicked up because how he plays football he plays like Bob Sanders on steroids like a heat seeking missile and we know what Jamal Dean is and we know Zion McCulla has limitations and we’ll get to the schedule part in a little bit but I just want to give yall heads up congratulations Winfield Jr but the Bucks still have problems in the secondary in particular cornerback not nickel I believe aent Smith is gonna do really good I believe Joe Way’s gonna be solid and Winfield J’s gonna be all bro but the problem is still cornerbacks Premier position it is not safety safety not not not knocking with I’m just talking about in general how you build a team the big contracts usually go to the quarterback the number one receiver left tackle number one cornerback and now right tackle you don’t give safeties off ball linebackers oh yeah pass rusher pass rush is a premier position too safeties off ball linebackers um running backs slot guys they don’t get big contracts they don’t get huge contracts like Winfield Jr look at I’ll give you a prime example durren James durren James is really good but look at the impact of the Chargers defense even with durren James being really good the Chargers secondary still not good still not good buron James is the top seven safety but the charger secondary still not good because of the cornerback situation which goes to show you no matter how good your safety is if you don’t have cornerbacks it’s it doesn’t matter not to say like Winfield J don’t matter I’m just saying it’s not the safety position is not impactful enough to affect the entire game now back in the day the safties played it a different a different way with the Ronnie Lots the Steve at Waters the the Ed Reeds the Troy palalo you know those guys were just and Winfield Jr is in that category too but in today’s NFL has changed you can be a top level safety but if you ain’t got cornerbacks man at least you got to have at least a number one quarterback a really good corner just have one if if Winfield Jr had one cornerback just one left or right that is a top 10 15 cornerback the buck secondary will be probably top 15 easy that’s what’s holding the Bucks defense back for real for real along with the outside pass rush the Bucks exactly Creo King 33 they don’t have an elite cornerback toir with Winfield Jr look you look it’s okay not to have two but you got to have one you got to have one if you don’t if you don’t have one how serious can you be as a team how can you go to the Super Bowl when you don’t have a shut down cornerback or close somebody that’s you know top 15 you know what I’m saying the Bucks don’t have that and then you then you compare that then you pair that with a with a terrible pass rush on the outside that’s not a good combination folks having a bad pass rush and a bad secondary in particular cornerback that’s not a good combin folks the Bucks do not have an elite cornerback they don’t have a top 15 cornerback even I don’t think they have a top 20 I’m just saying I’m just giving y’all the reality of how things are structured and we saw this as Bucks fans game after game one of the reasons why the Bucs went nine and eight and eight and N the last couple years is because of a a lack of pass rush and a terrible secondary in particular cornerback that’s not going to change cuz what let me ask y the question what significant change did the Bucks do at cornerback that’s going to make the cornerbacks better just cornerbacks what did they do there what do they do at cornerback to make you believe that the buck secondary will go from bottom three pass defense to top 15 because if you say well Winfield Jr well he’s been on the team for a couple years and the Bucs pass defense is bottom 10 so you can’t say Winfield J will be the reason why the Bucks pass defense go to top I mean to 15 like you got you got to have some sort of secondary to be a real threat that’s where the Bucks they lack Elite skill at cornerback they lack Elite skill at pass rusher if the Bucks just had one cornerback that was really good just one ain’t gotta be two just one matter of fact if keep Z Mulla and you had another guy like if you had a JC horn or Patrick Cain or S Gardner or Derek Stingley Jr you know Tyreek woen you had one of those guys or Trayvon digs you if you had just one on just one just need one of those type of guys just one the Bucks defense will be so much better just having one guy at cornerback cuz also remember cornerbacks can also help with the pass rush it can make the quarterback hold the ball a little bit longer remember you can I’m G say this again you can have a really good safety but teams know how to scheme around that if you’re weak in other areas they’re going to attack that nobody scared of Z Mulla and nobody scared of Jamal my ankle my feet hurt Dean think about that for a second we got two cornerbacks that nobody is threatened of teams are threatened by Winfield Jr’s presence teams got to take heed of Jordan Whitehead and of course agent Smith he’s going to make a name for himself too but I’m just saying outside of that on the outside in a passing Le League when you got all these Elite receivers do the buz got a cornerback that can actually scare the quarterback from throwing the ball over there just you you your whole secondary ain’t got to be stacked we don’t have to have a stacked secondary but you just got to have you got to have a a a guy that’s compatible to Winfield Jr we don’t have a guy on the outside that’s compatible to Winfield Jr which explains why the Bucks got to keep blitzing to try to get to the quarterback as quick quick as possible we we don’t have guys that can stick Like Glue okay you don’t have to have a stack secondary it’ll be nice to have a stack secondary it’ll be nice to have a Kansas City chief secondary I mean from the outside to the slot guy to the they all good or the Baltimore Raven secondary it’d be nice to have New York Jet secondary it’ be nice to have you know the cowboy secondary with Bland and digs you know it’ be nice to have Playmakers on the outside I’m not saying we got to be stacked but I can name several teams like man you know I bet you y’all wouldn’t y’all wouldn’t be mad if we had AJ Terrell or Marshon lore you wouldn’t you wouldn’t trip about that you wouldn’t be mad if we had a JC horn would you you wouldn’t be mad you actually embrace that you’ll be you’ll be you’ll be jumping up and down if we had one of those a sauce Gardener you be jumped up and down so let’s not try to downplay quarterback like oh well you don’t really need a quarterback yes you do I just named seven eight quarterbacks that the Bucs fans will be more than happy to pair with Winfield Jr you will be jumping up and down if we had just one one of those jar Alexander we just have one one one uh uh Jus sne just that one just give me one to pair with Winfield Jr that means the middle of the field will be the quarterbacks will be kind of nervous to throw the ball by Winfield Jr and then if you had another guy I mean come on man come on you can’t downplay quarterback because it don’t fit your narrative it’s actually you got to have at least one that’s that’s suitable we don’t have that he’s not a playmaker he’s fast but he don’t play fast he don’t get a lot of interceptions he don’t make a lot of plays so oh Christan yeah chrisen Gonzalez he’s good he got hurt but he’s good you could tell he was gonna be good but the Bucks need a guy like that and at some point in the next year or two the buts they’re gonna have to draft a guy they’re gonna have to draft a alpha quarterback and we don’t have that stop trying to downplay the cornerback position like it’s not a big deal you don’t need a guy yes you do you do need a you need a guy oh well you don’t really need no guy in the secondary for real for real really so you comfortable with the buck secondary despite having Winfield Jr a top safety number one safety being 31st in pass defense that’s not a big deal uh you know the Bucs defense is pretty good even though their pass defense is not good stop playing yourself Winfield Jor can only do so much he can’t do everything you can’t now if you had it’ll be nice if we can do a a shadow clone JSU for Winfield Jr Shadow clone JSU you know Naruto chakra Shadow clone Jutsu Winfield Jr three times two Winfield junors on the outside and two actually just two two two Winfield Jun on the outside but they like 62 61 you guys would not be complaining if you had the cornerbacks I named if you just had one you would not be complaining right now you would not be well the buck second you won’t even be overlooking that because I guarantee you I named 15 of them 15 quarterbacks iant Samuel I guarantee you if we had one of those guys just one on the outside you guys would be like oh man we straight but the fact that we don’t have that and some of you I can see it in the chat you’re trying to downplay like the quarterback position not a big deal it’s a premier position so with Winfield Jr being a top safety with weak cornerbacks it is not it’s not a great combination stop trying to PL downplay and act like Winfield Jr can cover for everybody he can’t do that he can’t cover for everybody he can’t cover for Jamal Dean he can’t cover for Z and color he can’t do it and then you look at our cornerback de what what is that so I feel for Winfield Jr as great as he is as good as he is he just he’s a part of a secondary that is bottom five talent-wise cornerback wise to me there are several I can name I can easily name 15 teams with better quarterbacks I can name 20 actually I can name 25 with better cornerbacks just better just better pair of quarterbacks why can’t we have just one why when I bring stuff up like this to help the Bucks defense to want the Bucks defense to be better it’s always push back from Bucks fans oh see you go we we we we don’t have to have an elite secondary you don’t have to have an elite secondary but you need a alpha cornerback stop being delusional you know the buck secondary is not good you saw this multiple times over multiple years you know the secondary is not good and you still some of you still don’t get it but don’t worry when the season start and you look at the schedule and we getting toasted on the outside then you going to be complaining and then I’mma bring you I’mma bring y’ butts right back to this video May 16th 2024 and I said I told y’all we need some cornerbacks every game that we get shredded for 330 yards 350 I’m gonna look at the screen I’m G be like see what did I tell y’all well see buckles you know the quarterbacks really you know what I’m saying it’s not that big of a deal y’all understand how football Works pass rush coverage work hand in hand and when both of those areas when you when you have a weak pass rush that you can’t get to the quarterback and you have cornerbacks that are not really good or they they average at best that’s not a great combination your team can only go so far your team can only go so far with weak cornerbacks y’all know this we’ve seen this already unless you have an elite offense that can score like in 2020 the Bucks had Brady rowski AB forette so the Bucks can score all day long and give up points but they can score all day long the Bucks the Bucks offense prior to Dave Canales and Alam Cohen people forget the Bucks offense was top 10 the Bucks office was top 10 before Dave Canales and before Liam Cohen we outscored people yall understand how that works so it’s it’s like now that we don’t have a top 10 offense being that we have a bottom two uh rushing attack and a a a middle of the pack passing game at best we we we can’t outscore teams and just say well oh well we just outscore you we don’t have the luxury of that so when you look at the defense we don’t have an elite quarterback we don’t have an alpha quarterback and we don’t have an alpha pass pressure that can get you 12 sacks 13 14 sacks we don’t have none of those we got some good young Talent we got some good young Talent with kagic Clancy you know with Y dii and hopefully Chris Braswell he he turns up a little bit we got some good young talent but we don’t got no Alpha pass rusher exactly if we y’all know this if we don’t get pressure if we if the Bucs don’t get pressure with the front five front four front five y’all know the buck secondary gonna get torched if that pass rush don’t get to the quarterback we seen this for 17 weeks straight in about eight games we seen when the pass rush don’t get there it is over with overdose from the dopest pen you know I wrote this my condolences it’s a rap y’all know this and the ball is not the ball is not going at Winfield Jr the ball is going everywhere else but at Winfield Jr because teams are like well we know Winfield Jr is really good so we’re not gonna try him like that we’ll catch him off guard here and there but we’re not going to throw the ball at number one safety in the NFL we’re gonna throw the ball at a bottom five cornerback in Z Mulla we’re gonna throw the ball at Jamal Dean who is so so at best how far do you think the defense can go with the weak cornerback combination and a weak pass rush so going into the season the two young guys KAG clany and Yaya diabi they got to make a jump y’all know this we got to get a guy that can get us 10 to 12 sacks we we we need a guy we need we need we need that in order for these quarterbacks to be average just average they they need the pass rush need to help them Winfield J is he going to do his job don’t get me wrong Winfield Jr gonna do his job he going to do what he’s supposed to do Jordan whad he seeking missile he gonna Seek and Destroy agent Smith agent Smith I think he’s gonna be good but my problem despite having a top safety is the cornerback situation so yeah it’s roses and bubbles for Winfield Junior’s contract but the reality reality shows you and if you still don’t understand how reality works just look at what has transpired the last two years in the buck secondary that should tell you you are who you are you what they say uh you you are who you are what you did last and everybody knows this amongst the Bucks fan base we all know that the buck secondary has been bottom two the last two years bottom 3ish we know this the record shows for itself 8 n n and8 and you go look at the secondary uh statistics go look at the pass rush without the Blitz the pass rush win rate bottom 10 like where are we going we’re going to be a scrappy team it’s going to win some games but the ceiling we have a ceiling folks the point I’m trying to make folks we have a great safy in Winfield Jr got a hell of a contract but there’s a ceiling with the buck secondary until they get a guy to pair with Winfield Jr in particular a cornerback a JC horn a Patrick rain a s Garner a Derek stenley Jr you gotta get one do not underestimate a good cornerback please don’t folks y’all remember Vernon har Graves Jr y’all remember MJ Stewart stop playing with me now the detail let’s get back to Winford J so the details of Winford Jun contract 45 million guaranteed so his his cap hit for 2024 is $9 million $9 million C pit for Winfield Jr 20124 good job good job Jason light John [ __ ] Mike greamer great job making the cap hit small now here’s the cast 22 behind that 20125 cap hit is $26 million 2026 24.5 million 2027 26 24.6 million so he got some Hefty cap hits these next few years and I’m pretty sure the Bucks are going to kick the can down the road they’re going to do it’s almost the contract the contract itself is set up to be restructured the contract is set up to be restructured just look at the contract details it is set up to be restructured and on top of that the buck still got to pay win still got to pay Tristan Wars they still got to pay Tristan Wars he is going to reset the market when they give him a contract so now you’re going to have Winfield junr at24 $26 million a year you got Mike Evans making a ton of money you got uh you have Tristan WS making a ton of money you got B Mayfield with 30 million the Bucks get the Bucks are literally going to have to draft really good they’re gonna have to keep drafting good because it’s going to be basically impossible for them to sign anybody of significance these next two or three years let me repeat this Winfield Jr contract details $26 million cat pit next year $24 million in 2026 $24 million in 2027 the aftermath of Winfield Jr signed his contract I hate to say this folks but we might be seeing Chris gowa in a bucks uniform one more season that’s it this the last season this might be Chris Godwin’s last season look at Winfield he’s not a priority nobody’s talking about CH Chris go getting the contract extension you want to know why and as good as Chris go is he’s replaceable you’re not GNA give Chris go $23 million $24 million his cat hit is crazy this year and they’re not going to give him extension nobody’s talking about it look let me let me help y’all out with the Winfield Jr situation the priority was Winfield Jr Baker Mayfield getting getting back Mike Evans getting Levante Davis one more season that was the priority and then Tristan Wars you can’t give Chris gin the contract because you got Chris Tristan Wars coming up so Chris gowin is not even a priority and that sucks because he’s put in the work he’s earned another contract but what he’s going to ask for the bucks can’t afford can you imagine if Chris gowin gets paid 20 something million after they just paid Winfield Jr 21 24 well $45 Milli guaranteed can you imagine paying Chris Goin then turn around you know picking up the 50 option and then turn around you franchise tag Tristan Wars and he said that’s a lot of money the Bucks need to build that team they need to get younger players Jay J M Jay McMill Trey Palmer they have to get younger Mike Evans only got a couple years left they got to get younger at the receiver and you can’t pay Chris G in the money he asking for the bucks are good with all their priorities and Chris G is not one of them the biggest priority the two biggest priority or three biggest priorities was resigning Baker Mayfield giving Winfield Jr contract and getting ready for Tristan War’s contract that’s what the B got to get ready for because Tristan Wars is the best player on the team well I would say no let me let me take that back Tristan Wars and Winfield Jr are 1A and 1B when it comes to the best players on the team they’re neck and neck they’re equal as far as impact for the bucks not talked about much outside of the Bucks Community really but people know they know about Tristan War they know about wentfield Jr every team wish they had a Tristan Wars or Winfield Jr let’s keep it 100 those are the two best players on the team Baker Bros be quiet Baker is not even close to being the best player on the team not even close it is Winfield Jr and Tristan Wars are the two best players on the team and is not even close that yes that’s including Mike Evans as of right now the impact Winfield Jr Tristan WS are the two best players on the team neck and neck as of right now all capital all capitalized letters do you understand the word is coming out my mouth Winfield Jr I’m repeat this one more time as of right now Winfield Jr Tristan WS are the best two players on the team and is not even close get out your feelings and look at the impact for those two players both players are top Winfield junr the top safety wor a top three left tackle come on man stop playing with me stop playing with me do I have to go with the statistics and this is no shot at Mike Evans and Chris gowin and Baker Mayfield this is just the facts this is a coh both players are top three at their position Mike Evans is a not a top three receiver Baker Mayfield is not even close to being a top three quarterback not even close neither one of them at their position but you could bet your bottom dollar that Winfield Jr and Tristan Wars are top three top two at their position that’s a fact nothing against lante David because he’s you know he’s he’s a really good linebacker even at this stage of his career but he’s not a top three linebacker at this stage of his career Mike Evans is not a top three receiver but you can bet your bottom that Winfield J is a top three safety you can bet your bottom dollar that trist hor is a top three left tackle or right tackle stop playing with me it’s not even close those two it’s like you got them two and then everybody else you and you can fall you can put them in order how you want to put them but for but if your list does not have Winfield Jr and Tristan wor at one a one b or one and two you tripping you clearly don’t understand the impact of those two at their positions they’re both top three at the position I’m going repeat both are top three at the position Baker Mayfield is not a top three quarterback Mike Evans is not a top three receiver Lamonte Davis is not a top three linebacker it’s not happening with those three they’re still great players they’re still good players but they are not at the top of their position or at or near the top or at the Top This is a I’m not telling yall no lies if if I’m lying can somebody please correct me if I’m lying about Winfield Jr and Tristan Warriors as far as position ranked and then you look at the rest of the Bucks team and you rank them at their position outside of Winfield Jr and Tristan Wars the Bucks don’t have anything else that’s at the top we got two players on our team at the top of the food chain and then position outside of them two we don’t have that we don’t have that nobody else in on our team that you can literally say he’s a top three Rashad white top three running back stop playing me stop playing with me Baker Mayfield top three quarterback stop playing Mike Evans top three receiver stop playing who else do we got on our team that you going to have a legit argument of being a top three player at the position nobody outside of them two so you have to build the team around those two that is your core you build around Winfield Jr you build around Tristan WS you don’t build around Baker Mayfield you don’t build around Mike Evans you don’t build around Jamal Dean that’s not how it works now unfortunately we don’t have a elite cornerback we don’t have an Elite pass rusher you know we don’t have an elite quarterback so you can’t build around those guys because we don’t have that at those positions still like I said the B still a good team it just when it come down to position wise there’s only two guys that’s actually top of the food chain which once again I’mma say this the Bucks as a team have a ceiling and you see my hashtag my hashtag tonight is called is Hash breakthrough the Bucks got to find a way to breakthrough they have to what they have to find a way to break through and this season this to me this season right here the books have had two seasons to kind of get the self together 8 n n and eight 17 and 17 the last two seasons all right the BS got two seasons to get their yourself together two draft classes 2023 2024 got Baker Mayfield for this his second year gave Mike Evans his money gave it’s time to break through and as I transition to the next topic the buck schedule for the next 15 20 minutes let’s talk about the buck schedule the strength of schedule did y’all know the NFC South all four teams are have weak schedules well quote not say weak but they did a schedule a strength of schedule ranking right and I went and I’m looking down the schedule I’m looking at the strength of schedule uh farest winning percentage of opponents and I’m looking I’m looking I get to I go from 1 to 7 then I go from 7 to 12 I’m like okay where the bucks at okay okay from 12 to 15 I’m like then I went from 15 to like 19 I still don’t see the Bucks and I got down to the 20s I see the buck schedule I see the uh B the buck strength of schedule percentage I see the Saints I see the Falcons and the Panthers I think are 31st or 32nd in the NFL as far as strength of schedule winning the win the win percentage as far as the teams that’s on your schedule let that sink in folks the the entire NFC South strength of schedule is bottom 10 all four teams is at in the bottom 10 think about that for a second folks that’s how weak the NFC South is so if the Bucks can’t win well they’re going to be the favorite to win the division I can care less about what they talking about Atlanta this and Atlanta that or Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta Atlanta Kurt Cousins yeah whatever but the fact of the matter is all four teams are near the bottom when it come to strength of scheduled percentage that’s how weak the division is and I’m going to say I’m G say this before I before I break down the schedule here I got a feeling it’s going to come down to week 17 Again I a GNA say I got a feeling I know it’s going to come down to week it’s going to come down to week s 161 17 again because for whatever reason there’s not a huge separation with the Panthers Saints and the Bucks there’s not a huge separation yes the Bucks have won the division three three years in a row I get that part but the the last the last three times the Bucks won the NFC South so we got the 13 and four season and then we had the eight- N season and then we had the nine and eight season we didn’t win the NFC sou in 2020 because the Saints won that but we beat him in the playoffs but the point I’m making is we had one dominant year with 13 and four but then the next two years was below average and average at best so the Bucks despite winning the division two years in a row or three years in a row in the last two in particular they haven’t clearly dominated the division like this is our division we are the cream of the crop of the division there’s a separation between the Bucks and the Saints and the Falcons the Bucks have yet to display that the Bucks have yet to separate themselves clearly from the Saints and the Falcons because we lost to the Saints last year 9-0 and now we lost to the we lost to the Falcons with Desmond Ritter we split with the Saints and Falcons last year and we scraped by the the Carolina Panthers but my hashtag says breakthrough and we’re going to go through this schedule here I’m going to get my um phone in here let me see the Bucks must break through okay like so let’s talk about the schedule here let’s see if we can find a breakthrough for the bucks like in the break here’s the Breakthrough for me no more nine and eights eight and nines enough of that no more of that because if you have another record like that that pretty much will sign seal and deliver this team’s ceiling it’s already to me I think the buck ceiling is not high but maybe we can win a couple games the ball bounce our away this season right but just from looking at the roster looking at the head coach the Bucks is not a top tier team it’s pretty clear to see that they’re in the weakest division or one of the weak divisions in the NFL no team in the NFC South people are having a big conversation about there’s not one team that if you go into these football circles and I Peak my head in some of these circles there’s not one team in the NFC South that is a topic of conversation in NFL Circle in the NFL social media conversation let that sink in for a second not one team in the NFC South fans in general like oh we gota be we gotta watch out for the bucks or we gotta watch out for the Saints we gotta watch out for the Falcons and we already know about the Panthers not good but the most important thing is win your Division and let everything else take care of it win your division 8 and N 9 and 8 10 and 7 11 where just win your division okay that’s what the bus and they’ve done that three years in a row win your division so the BS the Bucks in my eyes the Bucs are the favorite I know the media they’re picking the Falcons and and I I do I can I can say from a football perspective that Falcons are going to be a problem the Falcons despite I’m not a big fan I’m not a fan of Kurt cousin like I think he’s you know I think he is who he is right it’s it’s it’s a quarter it’s a it’s a it’s a group of them that Kurt Cousins and similar to me their makeup but we cannot lie kurk cousins is a huge upgrade over Desmond Ritter I can’t even lie I can’t even I’m not even going to attempt to play the game push a narrative that the Falcons are trash TR they’re not going to be good they’re not going to be a problem it’s going to be easy peasy it’s going to be cupcake we’re going to run through the Falcons it’s nothing I’m not gonna do that because I’ll be lying to myself they upgraded that quarterback a clear upgrade and they beat us with Desmond Ritter and they almost got us the second time now you throw in Kurt Cousins who’s a better thrower than Desmond Ritter that’s a problem folks and they gotta top 10 rushing attack got a pretty good old line too and a top 10 defense got some weapons on the outside so you would you would be doing yourself a disservice to discredit the Falcons like they’re not going to be a problem let’s be real don’t do yourself a diservice it’s look be a bucks fan all day every day that I am a bucks fan all day every day y’all notice I’ve been doing this for a long time but I’m also not delusional either from a football fan perspective the Falcons are going to be a problem they have a better quarterback a veteran quarterback who’s better than Desmond Richard and if you go tell yourself so what they got Kurt Cousins they’re not going to beat us what you don’t think the F going to beat us with with Kurt Cousins when they beat us with Desmond Ritter you can’t be one of those type of buck fans right you can’t be that biased and I’m pretty I’m I’m very curious for the fans that are saying that that the Falcons are not going to be a problem we’re gonna beat the Falcons easily I want to know what their schedule prediction is I got a feeling for the Bucks fans that talk like that those are the same ones that were screaming last year and the year before 12 and five 13 and four 14 and three and then you look up 8 n n and8 now they got excuses well we should have won this game we should have won that game we should have won those are the fans that will discredit the Falcons like they don’t exist like they just not good or they didn’t upgrade the Falcons beat us with Desmond Ritter they beat the bucks with Desmond Ritter overall and I hate to say this because I’m I don’t like the Falcons I I get it but from a football perspective if the Falcons had better quarterback play and let’s be honest folks let’s be real like let’s not let’s not fake the funk on a nasty dunk if the Falcons had a better quarter now we talking about football we’re not talking about you know I took my bucks hat off I put my NFL hat on just from a football fan perspective if the Falcons had a better quarterback than Desmond Ritter they they don’t they win more than seven games they win more they they they probably win nine 10 games with a better quarterback I’m just I’m just I’m just giving y’all from a football perspective now when I put my bucks hat on I hope they lose all the damn games I hope the Falcons go to hell I hope they I hope we cook those birds with with some corn and some green beans and some and some um and some sweet sweet potato cornbread with some honey glaze on it you know what I’m saying with some collag green I we cook them Birds but I also got to keep it real I got to keep real that they’re going to be they’re not going to be easy out they’re going to be a problem I understand Kurt Cousins is an upgrade over Desmond Ritter and y’all know how I y’all already y’all already know when I speak about Kurt Cousins I I’m not a fan of how he plays his makeup but I also have the knowledge to not discredit Kurt Cousins and act like him and Desmond R are similar you’re ridiculous stop being ridiculous see it’s it’s almost like you keep trying to convince yourself that it’s not really an upgrade and it really is you can convince yourself all you want to but 99% of the NFL outside of you know that Kurt Cousins is an upgrade over Desmond Ritter if they won seven games with desm Ritter don’t you think they can win at least nine games with Kurt Cousins they have a top 10 defense a top 10 Run game a top 12 o line I me mean and and some nice weapons so take your buck hat off and put your football hat on just if you w if you wern’t a fan of the Bucks and you looking at the Falcons with Kurt Cousins and ask yourself the question is that seven- 10 is that seven- 10 with Kurt Cousins and that team that went seven- 10 with Des Ritter is that a seven- 10 team with Kurt Cousins now if if Michael pennick Jr was playing starting a quarterback yes but Kurt Cousins is a veteran guy he has experience and if he stays healthy they’re going to win probably nine games at at just at a you know I think they win nine games I think they’ll go plus two I think I think he’ll go plus two with with the roster that the Falcons got the weapons they got the running game they got the o line they got that’s at least nine wins they got a top 10 defense that’s at least nine wins at least just from a footb football perspective I put my NFL hat on folks get your take your buck hat off and put your NFL hat on think like a football player think like think about football don’t think about bucks bucks bucks just say put your football hat on and just look and as far as the Saints the Saints always gave us problems we know this when the saints have always given us problems right and then of course the Panthers been giving us problems too so it’s there’s no clear there’s no clearcut like dominant team in the NFC South now we know the Panthers are the bottom of the barrel but between the Bucks the Saints and the Falcons it’s it’s like damn near neck neck and neck it’s like neck and neck like you you might see a 10 and seven team you might see a nine and8 team and a nine you might see one 10 and 17 and two n and8 teams that’s that’s that’s what the NFC South kind of looking like right now you know it just just look at just look at first of all the strength of schedule all four teams got weak schedules well we got the hardest schedule because we the first place you know we the division champ so of course we got the harder schedule and we’ll get we’ll get to the schedule in a second we’ll get to the schedule in a little bit give me a second but all four team schedule is not major hard like how can you not win at least nine games with one of those schedules Saints Falcons bucks Panthers how can you not win nine games with a schedule that’s under 500 percentage wise win percentage wise under 500 the opponent’s records from last year all represent in in in the NFC South under 500 win percentage I’m just saying so let’s get to the boat schedule here I’m pretty sure y’all ready for me to like I see what Buck I can say because I know he gonna talk crazy remember now my hashtag is breakthrough breakthrough and also Atlanta Arthur Smith was not really a good coach let’s be real folks Arthur Smith was terrible for whatever reason he held that team back the bjn Robinson situation he was being weird with that he was he was gun ho about Desmond Ritter for whatever reason he wasn’t good so hopefully Rahe Morris is an upgrade he should be an upgrade but Arthur Smith was terrible terrible anyway let’s get to the Bucks uh schedule so preseason y’all we well well I could talk about preseason um let me see so preseason the bus got the bang uh the Bengals the bungal they got the bungal they got the Jags they got the Dolphins you know that’s three good warm-up games right you know all three teams you know some Roost they got you know the Bengals rosters pretty decent right Jo burrow but I don’t think Jo bro playing the preseason and then you got the Jags with Trevor Lawrence and they they they’re like trying to they’re trying to break through like the Bucks the Jags and the Bucks are similar they’re trying to break through um I think Doug Peterson is a better head coach than top BOS but hey you know um Dolphins the Dolphins you know with the track team they’re really good as far as in in warm weather but when it get cold we seen what to to bonga he has a ceiling too right um so I might I might I might ATT 10 one preseason games I might I might I don’t know I’m you know I don’t think so but we we’ll see now let’s get to the schedule don’t get mad at me I didn’t make the schedule they did so here’s the but schedule I’m g go down I’m g go down this fast and I and I’ll double back to the top so week one they got the commanders week two the Lions week three the Broncos week four the Eagles week five well let me let me back up uh week one commanders in Tampa week two at the Lions uh week three Broncos come to Tampa uh week four Eagles come to Tampa week five we go to Atlanta week six and New Orleans I’ll be at that game of course um and Atlanta game too um back to back week so and um week seven Ravens come to town they come to Tampa uh week eight uh Falcons come to town week nine at Kansas City I’m G try to get to that game it’s gonna be cold I think I’m G try to get to that game uh week 10 the 49ers come to Raymond James Stadium week 11 we get a buy thank you NFL gods for giving us a buy after that brutal six seven eight week stretch Jesus Christ we gonna come back to that stretch that’s a brutal stretch folks that stretch is brutal that is brutal that is a brutal stretch first 11 week we’ll get to that and say we get a by week and then we get the soft Giants at MetLife Stadium it’s gonna be cold uh at Carolina Panthers that might be a tricky game that might be a tricky game because Dave Canales he he knows the bucks right week 14 Raiders come to town week 15 we go to Chargers I gotta get to sofa Stadium this is my chance I gotta get to sofa Stadium this is my chance uh then oh Cowboys week 16 and oh I think I’m gonna go to that game too I think I’m gonna go to that Dallas game and Dallas because I went there last year that was pretty cool you know I like I like that that was a nice Stadium in Texas live you know what I’m saying so back to back weeks I might be on travel but that’s you know if all things go well um and then week 17 Panthers come to town and then week 18 Panthers come and the Saints come to town so the last two games are at home and I think it’s going to come down to those two weeks just by looking at the schedule it’s brutal at the beginning folks let me double back to the brutal part if we can come out of that if we can come out of that with no broken bones I think we’ll be okay I think but let’s go back and look at it but I think it’s going to come down to week 17 week 18 again I think the NFC South will come down to the last two weeks it’s I just gota I just it’ll come down to the Saints Falcons bucks again week 16 week 17 and I wouldn’t be surprised week 18 will be the game that decides the division again you know so let’s get let’s get back to it um this is brutal so got the commanders that should be a dub right you know that should be a dub but you know the rookie quarterbacks Jaylen McDaniel he hit us with a CJ stra be like and you think about it the the commanders got weapons too they got a terrible o line though so we should be able to beat them but the Bucks man against Ricky quarterbacks I don’t like it uh so being that I went through this schedule what is y’all schedule predictions now we did this last year we’ve been doing this every year for the last several years right so you know hopefully y’all kind of hopefully y’all think like a football brain it’s okay to be biased but understand think think about football right so as I go through this schedule here you can give me your schedule addictions that’s fine cuz remember now we we are out of phase two so phase one was free agency phase two was the draft and then we got phase three training camp coming up and then phase four is preseason and then we into the season so we in phase three now we going into phase three you know mini camp coming up Ricky mini camp training camp coming up in July you know what I’m saying so we’re getting ready folks it’s ramping up um my as far as my schedule prediction I got to go back through this again I I really I really got to I got to see because this will not be my official schedule prediction this will not be my official schedule pred because I’m I’m going to do my final one of course the day before the season start or two days before the season start like I I I always do this I always get my final prediction right before the season starts so if I give you a prediction of of a schedule right now that that’s not really that’s not set in stone this just me throwing something out there to talk about or I might not even give you a prediction but let me go back through the schedule again because I might need to just wait until a day or two before the season start that way I can see the training camp I can see preseason or I can just go throw out a number and have y’all play with that and do what you will you can do what you will with that um so the commanders we should be able to beat them at the Lions okay uh I’ll probably be at that game too um I might be at that game I don’t know go take my daughter to the game and then Broncos and then this this stretch let me give y’all this stretch here let me this stretch uh from week four to week 10 it’s insane folks I I don’t know I this is boy boy we gonna find say this right now remember we had went one and six last year we had a stretch that the Bucks went one and six this this stretch right here man oh man this is and that this stretch is actually harder this stretch is actually harder than last year stretch and you know what’s so funny the Falcons are in that stretch again because remember that’s when we lost that first Falcons game it’s almost set up similar it’s almost set up similar that tough stretch so week four the Eagles at Atlanta at New Orleans Ravens Falcons at Chen can City and in the 49ers folks I don’t know man like how do we survive that how like this a second year in a row they give us a stretch after week three actually last year started week three but let me see what week three we got um the Broncos so last year it was like week three I think it was the Eagles no it was the bear no it was Minnesota and it was the Vikings no it was Minnesota first then it was the Bears and then it was Eagles so this season the stretch starts at week four I don’t know how we going to survive that folks like I mean let just just put your football hat on for a second Eagles Falcons Saints Ravens Falcons Chiefs 49ers remember we had a rough stretch last year where the Bucks just was not good one and six one and six we had a we had a seven game stretch that we won one game and then you look at this stretch right here how many games do you think we’re going to win win in that stretch how if we can come out of that if we can come out of that stretch fake decent we can pull a double digit season it can get it can get 10 games out of this but this this is what concerns me about this stretch man good Lord and y’all know and we already know how the fck is right so if you don’t know by now I mean if you want to you can go back to 2020 and try to make a case but that’s that’s a reach um folks what have you done for me lately right so we talking about regular season we’re not talking about playoffs or nothing like that we’re just talking about regular season I think we I think we all kind of agree that the Bucks are going to have this weird stretch of like what the hell can y’all agree with that do y’all agree with that don’t y’all y’all kind of agree with don’t y’all got we kind of got an idea of this team like they’re gonna have this weird stretch of like what is this like I’ve seen enough other the bucks these last two seasons to not pound my chest like we some World beaters we’re going to have a stretch where it’s going to be like what the hell and the reason why I’m focusing on this stretch because it’s the toughest part of the schedule remember it’s not about the games that you’re supposed to win because you you kind of can Circle the games that okay you know what they gonna you know they should be able to win that game it’s about the games where it’s like ah man like and this is the stretch so before you get in your feelings and you get your panties bundled up relax I’m talking about the teams that matter not let me rephrase that all the games matter I’m talking about the games with stars on it like okay that’s a star that’s so we got several games in a row that you got to put a star next to that and then after the bye week 11 we should be able to win some of those games with no problem now the Cowboys game that will probably be a problem right you know because we don’t match up well with the Cowboys but I’m just talking about the stretch I don’t know how the Bucks going to do it and the problem I have with that stretch with the Bucks is to BS it’s Todd BS that’s the problem remember Todd BS to me has a ceiling Todd BS we’re gonna I’m telling y’all we’re gonna have this weird stretch of like what is this y’all know it’s coming how could you not see this coming folks like it’s almost like literally in your face and you still trying to ignore what’s about what’s most likely going to happen we had an 89 season and a 98 season with a first place schedule of The Division come on man like think about it folks you can’t be this naive you know the BSS are going to have this weird stretch of losing games you know it’s going to happen because the Bucks have not done anything of significance to upgrade the team and I and I say that to say this because they brought back everybody and they added the draft class think let me let me repeat that they basically brought back everybody that mattered you know Deon white Caron Davis not a big deal to be to me in my opinion right you running it back with basically the same team mayus Carlon Davis and Deon white you replac Deon white with KJ Brit you replaced car Davis with Zion McCulla but Zion McCulla played a lot anyway so we already know what the Bucks g to look like we just don’t know what they’re gonna look like with the rookies but for the most part you know what the Bucks g to look like with a new OC who people keep trying to convince themselves oh it’s GNA be the similar offense man keep convincing yourself keep convincing yourself it’s gonna be the same offense you know how this Baker Mayfield is going to go through the stretch of trying to figure things out Liam coh’s going to try to figure out what Baker Mayfield likes and how he likes to run and all this and this and that and it’s gonna take it’s gonna take some weeks for I’m gonna say this again because because of the situation now if Dave Canal was coming back I would not say this if there was continuity for two years in a row I would not be saying this but there’s going to be a struggle point with the Bucks offense y’all know this new OC for the second in a row and you matter of fact three years in a row so you had Byron leth Dave Canales Liam Cohen where’s the continuity where’s the continuity there’s no continuity with Liam Cohen no continuity no matter how much you try to convince yourself and go look go look at the Kentucky tape I don’t care I don’t care about the Kentucky tape well he was OC of Kentucky was he an OC in the NFL answer that question so don’t give me the Kentucky nonsense I’m GNA throw it out the window I’m gon spit it right back in your face no disrespect give me what Liam Cohen did in the NFL give me the resume give me the resume exactly don’t worry I’ll wait so there’s going to be a struggle point I’m going to I’m going to say this now yeah could I changed my mind sure but just based on history on how the Bucks have been functioning first time OC you will struggle they will struggle and y’all know this if you don’t know by now when it comes to the Bucs offense remember the Bucs offense is limited solid but not Elite I think I think most of us can agree with that part I think the Bucs offense is solid at best and the reason why it’s solid at best which means average at best 16 17 rank 18 19 rank since some up in there and the reason is because of the running game going into the season until proven otherwise the Bucks running game is bottom two so let me put that out there real quick for you Bucks fans that’s here listening tonight until until proving otherwise going into the season I’m me repeat this one more time going into the season the Bucks running game is terrible not saying the Bucks running game will be terrible during the season I’m talking about going into the season the Bucs running game is terrible until proven otherwise there’s no convincing me that the bu running game is going to be much better until I see it on tape or in live action so you can be Optimist optimistic and convince yourself the BCS running game will be better but you don’t know that you just going by the Bucks hat on got your buck hat on and you just don’t you not even really thinking about football you just well the Bucks running game should be better than last year how and what do you have that the base on what are you basing at on you have no ground no groundwork to base you can’t even make an argument that bucks running game gonna be better because you don’t know that for the last several years the Bucks running game has been bottom five so there is no proof that the Bucs running game is going to be good going into the season that key part see some of you might not be listening because you going to listen to what you want to listen to going into the season the Bucks running game is terrible until proven otherwise that’s going to be a problem folks until proven otherwise Baker Mayfield on the flip side pass the game will be solid at best because we seen the passing game right so we we you got to go by what you already know about team if you make up some make believe fake hope then you just basically that’s just wishful thinking I hope the running game be better but you don’t have any proof that’s going to be better you have no proof at all you just saying because we got this player and you know it’s going to be better you don’t know that it it can be another year of bottom two you better hope that the game running game is going to be much better because if it’s not much better matter of fact I’ll do you one better it it should be much better because you are number 31 you’re 31 rank 31 so if you’re third if you’re 27 that is much better and that’s a low bar folks that’s a low bar I don’t and like I said I’mma stick I’mma stick to this and you believe what you want to believe you can do with that what you will and tell proen otherwise the Bucks have a bottom shelf running game you can’t convince me otherwise because I’m not going to live in a fake world of what if or it should be I don’t I’m not going to live like that I don’t live like that I don’t think like that I think about the reality of the situation until proving otherwise proven otherwise the Bucs running game is not good going into the season understand that part now when the season start and it gets better congratulations thank God but going into the season before they take a snap the Bucks running game is terrible what have you done for me lately o you can’t refute that you can change the narrative you can TW and turning and the Bucks Renegade should be it don’t matter what have you done for me lately in consecutive years it has not been proven that it’s gonna be good the passing game gonna be solid like it was last year it’s not going to be elite it’s not going to be tier one tier two passing game because the first year OC you go to you got to factor in the reality see I’m trying to get y to understand the reality of the situation factor in what’s in front of you lack of running aame we’ve seen this for 34 games you’ve had 34 games to see the running game we draft the center we got a guarden late round so that’s wishful thinking that the game running game should be better with a brand new OC it’s almost like a similar situation like last year an unproven OC first time in NFL once again we did not get the OC that we really want we ended up getting scraps and what’s so funny is now that Dave Canales is gone now you can see clearly now that the Bucks offense was me at best why I don’t know what Dave Canal was doing he was pissing me off and blah blah blah and but wait a minute but some of you was jumping up and down for Dave Canales making a ridiculous case oh Dave Canal should be better than Byron levage oh Dave Canalis going do this n gonna do that and what did I tell y’all I’m I’m doing the same exact thing I did last year I’m telling y’all it’s not going to be cookies and cream with Liam Cohen if Dave Canales came back for the second year I promise you the conversation will be so much different tonight because it’s continuity continuity matters continuity matter matter it really do and that’s going that’s one of the things that’s along with the lack of pass rush the lack of pass defense first year OC for the second year in a row questionable running game it’s kind of like the same thing last year and then you pretty much brought the same team back outside of Devon white D Delaney Caron Davis seat belt Davis and you added a rookie draft class I mean come on man it’s almost lined up at the same exact situation unproven OC lack of running game going into the season questions in the secondary in particular quarterback questions that pass rush the same it’s the same [ __ ] excuse my language it’s the same exact situation yeah see thank you Creo King I think they don’t understand part cre Creo King being a carousel is not good we don’t have any evidence that Liam Cohen is gonna be better than Dave Canales there’s no evidence showing that in the NFL as a OC you’re just wishful thinking and that’s fine I can respect that wishful thinking can only get you so far in the real in the real world see the real world where I live at Liam Cohen hasn’t done sugar honey iced tea in the NFL as OC see in reality the Bucks running game has been terrible the last 34 games see that’s the reality of the situation the lack of pass rush without blitzing that’s the reality the lack of pass defense that’s the reality see I live over I live in the reality see I can see some of the comments wishful thinking I can respect that wishful thinking congratulations may you made a force be with you but I can’t live in la la World la la world makes you look goofy because if you can’t talk real football and you keep doing this should be and should have could have would have it’s hard to have a conversation with somebody think like that when it come to football because because they living on what ifs and and all this but the reality of situation going into the season first your OC that’s a fact going to the season the Bucs running game bottom two that’s a fact lack of pass rush pass rush run rate bottom five that’s a fact going into the season coming in coming into the season Buck secondary pass defense bottom five that’s a fact going into the season all these things I’m giving you the reality of the situation the facts and you still try to twist and turn that like it’s like it don’t really matter because now you’re trying to paint a picture that haven’t even been painted yet because you want to make yourself believe that it’s really not that bad it’s the same situation new OC lack of running aame pass defense pass rush H what’s one plus one what’s one plus one because now we got a hope that the Rick draft class in 2023 make a jump we got to hope for that we got to Hope Taki Smith and Jay McMillan and Graham Barton and Chase Braswell um make huge impacts Bucky Irving we gotta hope those guys come in and be like last year in that rookie draft class of 2024 have an impactful season and then we gotta hope that the second year guys make a big jump because that’s what you got to do you you you you you you can’t you can’t make this up you gotta hope for it you gotta cross your fingers and hope that Yaya diabi and kazic Clancy make a jump like a big jump I’m not talking about another seven sack season I’m talking about 10 11 12 sacks one of them you know uh you got to hope that the pass defense get better good luck I’m just saying I’m just giving you the reality and some of you don’t like the reality talk it’s it’s hard to accept the the truth it’s easy to talk about a lie but it’s hard to talk about the truth accept the truth we got a super chat here um Matthew I got two super chats I gotta read them so Matthew M with a $10 spot what’s up Isaiah I hope you’re doing great do you think Godwin will produce more this year at going back to the slot also his contract year or do you think we’ll move on from him I got two sides of that story I’ve been foreshadowing this for the last two years now that Chris Goin contract don’t look good right now because of the productivity but I’m doing great thank you for asking he should produce more but the flip side of that is the Trey Palmer and the jayen McMillan situation the J Mack the pack pill the pack pet I’m call him the pack pet the MC attack the J mck the mck attack I got to figure out I got to figure her name m j McMill J Mills something like that I forgot the name for him but you got to factor in those two young guys the Trey Palmer and the J Mill they’re gonna take catches away from Chris goard for one Jay Mill is very talented he should be the number three receiver going into the season like in in my opinion he should be number three he’s more talented than try Palmer coming into the league like if you look at both of those guys Jay Mill had has better pedigree going into the league than Trey Palmer not not take n away from Trey Palmer I think Trey Palmer is gonna be solid but Chris gowin will be productive if he’ll be even more productive if Jay Mill and Trey Trey Palm Trey Palm the Palm attack if he wasn’t like producing or getting better they both they both going to be good Trey Palmer’s going to be in year two so he’s going to be better Jay Mill he’s going to come in blazing so that’s going to take catches away from Chris gwin but he’ll still be productive in his role in the slot I’m just saying it he’s going to be productive but it won’t be what y’all think it’s going to be like you probably thinking that oh rris go was gonna get 100 catches nah first of all Baker Mayfield He’s not a big fan of going to Chris go for whatever reason they got a factor in Kate Aon Rashad white so I don’t think Chris goin’s going to have like this 100 Catch season if he does it’s going to be like 100 catches for 800 yards 100 catches for 900 yards you know it’s going to be like those those awkward checkdowns that and know Chris goin’s not a yak guy but J Mill and Trey Palm are Yak guys because they’re faster they’re more explosive and if if I was Liam Cohen I would design the offense for Chris gwin for tough yards like get the first down stuff like that but explosive plays I got to get my guys my young guys down the field and then get Mike Evans down the field so Chris Gowan his product his his catches is going to diminish but he still be productive and as far as his oh in the slot as far as his contract they’re not going to they’re not going to touch they’re not even G to talk about that they’re not they’re not even going to talk about I’ll be surprised you hear anything about Chris goin’s contract this season it’s it’s almost like taboo we know it’s there but nobody want to talk about it but Buck oaka I’m the first if you go around the Bucks Community you don’t see too many people talking about Chris G contract he ain’t getting one not during the season with Tristan Wars coming up they just drafted the J Mills they got Trey Palmer some something got to happen and I’m just saying if Chris gwin is kind of having one of those Trey Palmer and and J Mills showing out is Chris is Chris gwin tradable is he tradeable you can’t you because ain’t no way you can pay him but thank you for the Super Chat uh Matthew Miller um alge 335 with a $2 spot appreciate it man shout out to you um but yeah so back to the schedule it’s almost set up similar and and the team as far as the Bucks going into the season it’s similar similar situation and that’s a rough that’s a rough patch I I don’t see us coming out of that patch clean you know um I don’t see us coming out of that patch clean like some of you probably wish will think thinking I understand the Bucks are Untouchable 13 and four I get it you know that’s you did it last year and you did it the year before and how many times you going to keep convincing yourself or how many times you’re not going to live in reality how many times you’re going to keep not living in reality look sketch of predictions are it’s about having fun you shoot you throw a DOT at the wall hope it sticks but see I don’t like doing that I don’t like I don’t like throwing dots throwing darts at the wall and hopefully something stick I like the aim at the Target know what I’m aiming at or AKA know what I’m talking about I can’t just keep throwing darts I don’t like I have not I don’t like throwing darts at a a schedule board saying I’m gonna close my eyes bucks going 12 and five you know how ridiculous that sounds like a few a few people did that last year and it was kind of like weird like it was like what are you looking what what are you what are you doing you’re not even thinking about football you just gunhoo buck I’m a gun ho bucks fan I’m a gun ho bucks fan too but I’m not just throwing darts at the wall for a schedule prediction I can’t do that if I’m going to throw a dart at a schedule schedule prediction at the wall I’m going try to aim as close as possible to the reality so when I heard last year the 12 and 5s and 13 and fours I had to scratch my heads 11 and six I was like what like where are you getting this from coming up coming off with eight and n Season you screaming 13 and four 12 and 5 11 and six and you got no base no no no Foundation to scream for that record you you you you you really just throwing DS at the wall and hoping hopeful for something stick so you can try to say haha I was right and the reality showed you the last two years I got receipts folks the last two years it showed you for all you running around here talking about 12 and 5 13 and 4 11 and six reality showed you what the Bucks are you got 34 games the last two seasons to show you what the Bucks are with to B and some of you still don’t get it I’ve seen some of the I seen some of the predictions in the comment section tonight and it’s like they doing it again for the third in a row they doing it again literally doing it again like you’re you’re repeating it’s like insanity stop doing the same thing expecting different results because a clock a clock strikes 12 once a day so let me guess you get one now it’s oh I I got the schedule prediction right oh after 30 tries come on man you have no idea some of you got to really think about football screaming 13 and four and 12 and five is ridiculous even 11 and six at this point it’s ridiculous because you don’t have any evidence to show you that they can reach that point with Ty BS and you know it and you don’t care you don’t care if Tod BS is an average coach at best you don’t care you just saying the Bucks just gonna overcome Tod BS they’re gonna overcome the 32 or 31st ranked pass defense they’re going to overcome uh the 32nd rank Rush offense they’re GNA overcome all these flaws and win 11 games 12 games 13 games my question to you is as a bucks fan as a bucks fan to a bucks fan what are you basing this on because I would love to sit down and watch football with you and actually see how you actually look at football just in just just how you how you view football because screaming 13 and four and 12 and 5 11 and six when you don’t have no real hardcore evidence no concrete evidence to show you for you to believe that you got to factor in Todd BS you got to factor in the T running game going into the season you got to factor in a weak pass defense a weak pass rush remember I’m gonna say this again like I said last year I said this last year and I had a range I chose seven and 10 I chose the bottom part of the range I said seven- 10 bottom nine and eight at best what did the Bucks go n and eight so I I literally gave you the ceiling n and eight and the bottom the bottom of the floor is seven and 10 because the Bucks are not a bad team they’re going to be in some games they’re going to be close in some games but they’re going to lose some games they’re GNA win some games they’re gonna lose games that they’re not supposed to lose they’re gonna win games they they might not supposed to win it’s going to happen again this year just looking at the schedule how many times I got to keep doing this how many times I got to keep doing this over and over again when it comes to the Bucks this the third in a row what more what what more proof do you need watching Buckle Locker where I be as realistic as possible I don’t give you no outrageous schedule prediction outrageous ridiculous stuff I’m not those other channels I don’t push narratives I don’t clickbait and try to and try to uh get attention by starting drama I try to be as real as possible in the locker room I’m just saying man you got to come to reality man try to try to get as close as possible to reality that’s you will feel better about your schedule prediction if you think like that versus taking the dart throwing at the wall hoping it sticks cuz nine times the 10 is not going to stick aim closer to reality don’t aim at it should be or hope no aim to reality man I’m saying I I would love to sit down and watch football college football NFL XFL and just sit down next to those people that say 12 and 5 13 and 4 11 and 6 and just just just pick their brains about how they look at football and I I can promise you it’s a lot different than I look at it I look at football quite different because I’m a football fan first I think some of those I think some of those predictions come from being a totally biased bucks fan I don’t think it comes from a football brain I think I think you just you just like I just hope the Bucks be good and if if if you’re thinking like that I can respect that because you want your team to win a lot of games I can respect that I’m I’m not even going to get I’m not even mad at you because of that because you you you want the Bucks to win 11 12 13 games you want that to happen that’s you just being a doart bucks fan and I can respect that I’m not going to question your loyalty to the Bucks team organization I’m not going to question that you know what I’m saying I can respect that because you a Die Hard bucks fan and you want this team to be at highest level but the reality show you the chances the probability versus possibility the probability of the Bucks winning 13 12 11 games this season is very low folks it’s super low going into the season is super low the is there a possibility that they can win 13 for 13 12 11 12 13 games for sure there is a Poss ability of course but the probability is extremely low man because how this team is set up from the coaching to the Run game to the pass rush to the pass defense come on folks you got to think about the reality of the situation first year OC it’s the same situation again we got a OC that was not the First Choice same thing with Dave Canales he was not the first the second the third or the fourth choice he just so happen to be I’ll just go with these I just it’s like looking at shoes in your closet like you going outside of the trash way and you just looking in the closet trying to pick a Sho like I’ll just go with these then that’s Dave Canales here we are again Liam Cohen and some people try to Hype it up like the Bucks is really looking at him the whole time stop playing the buck was like okay anybody want the OC job none of the top none of the top guys this allseason that were labeled the top guys wanted to come coach under top BS so what did the bugs do they put a they put a they put a help wanted sign in front of book one book Palace does anybody want the job Liam Cohen like well [ __ ] I ain’t never had no OC job I’ll take it what up King cook I’ll take I’ll take the job my name is Liam Coen and I never been to OC but I was OC in Kentucky and I’ll take the job that’s what happened come on man stop playing with me acting like Liam Cohen was the guy the whole entire time he wasn’t the first choice he won the second choice he won the third choice he won the fourth choice it’s the same thing happening again who wants to coach under Tod BS nobody of significance who wanted to coach who wanted to be an OC under to BS no nobody but first year OC for this two years in a row what does that tell you about to BS two years in a row you end up with a first year OC come on man come on Ty BS man you ain’t got no credibility around the league man ain’t no hot OC former OC you know what I’m saying like nobody would experience want to come on to nobody second in with the first year OC what does it tell what does that tell you about tobs come on man so back to the schedule I I need to really look at the schedule again like like break it down and I’m gonna look at the schedule for the next couple days and I’ll come back with a semi- prediction but that stretch I keep I I really go to I want to hone in on that stretch because the back end after week 11 Panthers a couple times got the Raiders got the Cowboys and got the Saints right winnable games except for the Cowboys game and the Saints game those are tricky games because we don’t match up well with with the Cowboys because of their pass rush and you know Mike McCarthy is a better Coach than Tod B and you know Dallas just m we don’t match up well and the Saints were pretty much even with them so those two games are tricky the Raiders game we should be able to win that game Panthers game two two Panthers game we should be able to win that game so so that’s those are three games right there the Raiders and Panthers twice should be able to win those games she’ll be able to beat the Giants right so you got the Panthers twice you got the Raiders and the Giants that’s four games right there that’s four games that we should be able to win those games with no problem and then you got the Saints and the Cowboys the two tricky games so going going for going four- two going four- two in that stretch will be great but the key the key is please don’t over don’t overlook the stretch week four to week 10 that is the most important part of the schedule folks we got to be healthy for one and unfortunately I don’t think we’re gonna be in sync on offensively and we got really tough games twice against the Falcons that’s going to be a tough game folks both of those games tough Chiefs we come on man Ravens need I say more 49ers I mean really I mean Eagles yeah we beat the Eagles in the playoffs but I’m GNA say this again that team checked out seven weeks before they played the Bucks in the playoffs everybody in NFL knew the Eagles was checked out did we beat him of course but on paper is a reason why they ranked ahead of us if all teams are if both teams are fully healthy and you put a you put a poll out there who would win that game the bucks or the Eagles I can pretty I’m not going to guarantee but I’m pretty sure a lot of those fans gonna pick the Eagles like just just put a poll out there fans across the NFL and say who could who can win week four between the Bucks and Eagles healthy both teams are healthy who wins 80% of 80% of the fan bases around NFL gonna pick the Eagles except for the Cowboys and the Bucks fans I’m just saying so look when when it when it comes to that point don’t get mad when they pick the Eagles that’s my point I’m trying to make don’t get mad when and all the analysts and everybody pick the Eagles because you got to understand why they picking the Eagles you got to understand why so um we’ll see but last but not least so I’m G hold off on my prediction my early prediction I will give one uh in a couple days but I want to analyze I I I don’t like to react right away when it come to the schedule releases but this particular schedule is fun so I really want to look at the stretch I want to look at the stretch I want to look at the teams between week four and week 10 I want to see what they did in the free agency I’m g go back and review that I’m going to go back and look at what they did in the draft and then I will come back with my pre schedu prediction that’s not my final one but I will come back with that’ll be a separate video now my last my last thing I want to talk about and this is I wanna I want to Target this to the Bucks social media team now for those of you that when the schedu when the schedules got released today when the schedule got released did you go to the other teams pages and look at that release video did y’all did anybody get a chance to look at all the teams or most of the teams schedule release video and then did you look at the Bucks schedule release video and I can’t be the only that think like this I hope I’m not the only one I might be the only one but is it me or the Bucks social media team the marketing team did a terrible job it was boring it was dry it was weak it was five minutes talking about tattoos and art and then you go look at the Chargers Cowboys and Dolphins and Eagles it’s fun it’s energetic you know taking shots at the teams and what are the Bucks is doing what is the Bucks marketing team social media team editing team doing is it me or was it it was it was boring to me it was terrible it was weak as it was weak it was weaker than um it was weaker than a Cuban a wet Cuban sandwich you ever had a wet Cuban sandwich like you know you had a wrap for too long and they got a little wet and you like I’m talking about the soft bread I’m not talking about the hard bread I’m talking about the soft bread Cuban sandwich like the soft bread it was like wet too long that’s how it felt it it just felt like it I was eating a a wet Cuban sandwich it was terrible I’m looking at all these other teams uh the Chargers they did something with the Sims they did a Sims schedule release video it was awesome it was awesome and I’m sitting there and I get to the BS I’m like let me save the BS for last I get to the bck schedule release video lante David R I see J McCoy I’m like and they talking about tattoos and art I’m like what did I just watch what did I just watch when it like for those of you that haven’t seen it yet go on Twitter or X and type in Tampa Bay Bucks go to their team page that was softer than baby dup that was terrible they so lame over there man like who gives the who who gave the green light for that schedule release video don’t ever do that again don’t ever don’t ever put out a video like that again that was terrible I want can somebody get that to the Bucks media team that thing was so terrible the social media marketing team the social media director you need to do better that thing was weaker than that was weak man it was just weak man I was not impressed bro it was like if somebody was recording me I would have broke the fourth wall what who who’s it let me what is going let me let me call do I need to get the name let me call them out man because they need to hear this man some way somehow somebody get this video to them and T time stamp this at 150 hour 50 minutes call them out there was nothing exciting about that but then I’m watching all these other teams with exciting because they was talking about this the the schedule release video is like the Super Bowl for the marketing teams or the social media teams well the Bucks are 0 and one right now or zero and one right now they lost that they if I had to rank if I had to rank the teams schedule release videos the Bucks are 32 from from all I watched I watched most of them but I’m just G to say it out there out of 32 teams that released their schedule release video on X AKA Twitter formally known Twitter the bugs are ranked 32nd in the NFL that was put together so bad it was so boring nobody cared nobody cared the boys got a trash trash marketing team they need me on there so I’m typing in Google right now the buck social media team I got to call these names out cu they were terrible cuz I don’t know who who gives a damn so the social media coordinator is Jill M Jill Beckman terrible Chief marketing Officer James Ruth terrible creative director Dan Beltran terrible did an awful job man come on glazers man get a better team than that they was so boring I don’t you really don’t even hear from them throw some Tomatoes at them they terrible Jam Ruth Chief marketing Officer Nelson L Louise Chief communication officer Christian hamy Chief people officer what Chief people officer I’ve never heard of that position before Courtney Sanchez Chief impact officer Kristen benon vice president of media and marketing terrible job you did a terrible job Christen terrible job terrible job mark budine vice president of parting and marketing Charles Harris vice president of Information Technology come on man you it I’m calling these names out folks Steve vulmer vice president of creativity that was not creative Steve Steve vulmer that was not creative man that was terrible Steve B that was terrible Dan Beltran creative creative director terrible like come on man like that was I had to make a separate part about that you know as I WRA this video up that was so boring I should play it right now they need yeah they all need to walk the plank because that was so oh I can’t even I I’m not even going to watch that again that was five minutes I can’t get [Laughter] back I mean come on man you couldn’t do better than that the Super Bowl for the media team with the schedule release video the social media team and the best you can do is a five minute and some change video of Art and tattoo in Tampa I mean you all the stuff that Tampa got to offer and all you can talk about is tattoos in art you couldn’t bring up the happy hours the beaches and you could you could have made a boy I was so disappointed in that tattoos and art man I’m like oh I’m trying to get hyped for the schedule and you talk about tattoos of Art and he try to mix it up with the schedule oh that was so cringeworthy like it is 2024 and the social media team is stuck in the 90s shame on the buck social media team the marketing director creative director awful job the Bucks are zero and one right now you already got a l i mean come on how many people actually watch that video I I actually watched the whole thing too if those of you if anybody got the link put it in the chat because I can’t even watch that man like I it’s I go back and watch the other team’s social media schedule release videos exactly we have no clear direction we’re just out there they don’t and the thing about the buck social media team they don’t even interact with the fans like that we got you know what see this what I’m talking about the got some of the worst promotion in the NFL the worst they put no money into this they put no money into creative directing of a schedule release video they put no money into it they didn’t give a damn as as a bucks fan when you see the Chargers and the Cowboys and and the Eagles and and and the commanders and all these other teams scheduled release videos as a fan you want to see your team compete you want to see your team you want to see your social media team represent the Colts had a good like what’s going on here do you give a damn glazers anyway I I had to put that in there man terrible job terrible and I hope somebody let them know I hope I hope they watching this if you need some ideas come holler at me holler at Buck oaka I could have gave you a ton of ideas to put together a better schedule prediction video they could have used they could have used uh one piece you know cuz you know Monkey D Luffy is the uh you know trying to get the trying to get one piece trying the treasure he’s the pirate they could have used the one piece theme they literally could have used a one piece theme they could have used the characters from One Piece they could have used Monkey D Luffy could have been the Bucs or they could have used the the mascot as like Monkey D Luffy and then like all the teams are like enemies of like one piece you know what I’m saying they could have that’s easy one you a pirate they could have used one piece and Incorporated that with the schedule prediction Black Beard white beard they could have used all these in one piece got so many different villains they could have used one piece theme for the bucks it fits right with the pirate look how easy that was I came up with that in matter of minutes they are out of touch for real someone left behind end of the mat reveal come on man only temporary they could have used one piece good Lord man that pissed me off man that really pissed me off weak anyway shout out to all the P C bers thank y’all for joining this live stream of buckos Locka two hours into it we talked about the Winfield Junior contract shout out to Winfield Jr and we talked about the Bucks 2024 schedule that’s rough folks um maybe we can get nine maybe 10 but I don’t know man 11 12 13 I don’t agree with that know what I’m saying but it looks like another 98 it looks like another 98 season it looks like it but uh we’ll see I’ll break it down even more but fire those cannons seiz the day raise the flag hash breakthrough man hash breakthrough hash facts or feelings hash reality reality over optimism possibility hashtag possibility over probability hashtag don’t get mad at me I didn’t make schedule they did I just talk about it hasht why hash what are we doing hash facts over feelings hash booko media team walk the plank anyway signing out I’ll see y’all soon with another with the actual breakdown of the schedule y’all enjoy the rest of Y night I’m out

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