Charlotte Hornets Should Draft Stephon Castle

Charlotte Hornets Should Draft Stephon Castle

the Charlotte Hornets should draft Stefan Castle or Stephan Castle I’ve heard both we’ll go with Stefan because he doesn’t shoot it like Stephen but who does to be fair this is the first of many videos talking about who the Hornets should and could draft in the 2024 draft with the sixth overall pick we don’t know how the draft is going to shake out the Hornets fell down in the lottery if you haven’t seen my reaction to that go it’s on this channel go check it out looking at the consensus mock draft we can say with pretty certainty that alexar will not be there when the Hornets select at 6 still got a long way to go until draft night but we can scratch him off the list but just for the record I would have loved him and Charlotte him the potential of him and Mark Williams fortifying the front line sounds pretty nice to me but nevertheless he’s probably going to Atlanta and then after this after this goes like we’re talking I think any of these guys any of these guys in the top 10 are in play here I’m going to be talking about all these guys in the next few weeks here leading up to the draft and fit with this version of the Charlotte Hornets these this under construction Charlotte Hornets it only makes sense to start with Castle considering he’s the most mocked guy to Charlotte and honestly if the draft was tomorrow I’d be more than happy if the Hornet selected him with a sixth pick before I talk about him and I want to preface this I want to talk about this in every video that I make in this series talking draft and the off season in general but the draft is should be the best way to bring Talent into your team from a value point of view age profile and contract point of view right you’re not over spending a free agency you’re not giving anything up in a trade if you nail the draft you’ll be a good team for a long time this is the first full cycle of this new organization right new owners new front office new coaching staff hopefully that continues I love I love seeing The Hires to the new coaching staff by the way but anyway what do we have to work with well this team sucked last year a lot of guys were hurt but there’s an overarching thing about the 23 24 Charlotte Hornets that we have to be really honest with ourselves about that team was soft all right it’s a soft team not I’m not naming names all right but the the the soft player to dog ratio was way off and so when it comes to draft time adding more dogs into the mix like Stefan Castle is a must that team last year did not want to compete every single night you saw it you saw it if you watch those games you saw it this team had the worst the worst Point differential in the NBA last year they were 28th in offense and 29th in defense there’s no franchise saviors in the draft as we know it who knows what this this class would look like in five years but from what we know now as of May 2024 there’s no saviors in the class and so Castle his attributes his resume what he could potentially bring to the Hornets checks a lot of boxes and I’m going tell you exactly what I mean in a second so when IAL talk about other draft picks in future videos I’m going to hammer this home again and again and again because I do not want to see a repeat of what we’ve seen the last two years you can’t guys are going to get hurt it happens but what you can control is bringing in mentally strong guys because the other stuff will come right if you’re a competitor if you’re willing to sacrifice the other stuff will come right if you’re not a good shooter now if you’re if you’re a dog if you’re a hard worker that stuff will come you can project that out I think more than any other statistic if you have that that mentality just look at the 21 draft James book Knight had a bunch of talent but he didn’t have the mentality to live up to the talent and get better and he doesn’t have a job right now Kai Jones ton of talent ton of untapped potential what happened right we we know how that played out now I will say about book Knight the Yukon draft another Yukon guard is a bit of an l but you can’t hold that against Castle all right completely different character traits in my opinion from what I’ve seen from a distance has all the combined results the measurables without shoes Castle stands 65 and a half he’s the biggest the tallest shooting guard in the class what uh 69 wingspan 8 foot6 standing reach 210 lbs like he has an NBA body already no shots but you know you look at how slight lamelo is how slight Brandon Miller is is Castle’s coming in here with some heft so you got a 65 210 lb guard that is a willing and more than capable Defender that is a dog of a competitor right that has a handle that can play point guard the knock on him is the shot 26 27% from three is pretty brutal all right but he doesn’t Chuck them he takes two a game on average last year his freshman year and you know teams would dare him to shoot and he’s capable of making him every once in a while but it’s not part of his game at all and that’s okay cuz he knows that because he’s only on two attempts again 54% on twos that’s more his area right perfectly fine with that but the beauty of it with him is you’re not bringing him in to score if he if he’s in the starting group you will have hopefully a healthy lamelo Brandon Miller and whatever I don’t know what the rest of the five is going to look like all right we know Mark Williams isn’t going to spread the floor Nick Richards isn’t going to do that right you have miles Bridges maybe back next year who knows Grant William who knows about him but when you’re talking about scoring from that part of the floor if he’s out there with lamelo and Brandon Miller Castle’s not going to be called upon should not be called upon to do that right he’s should be the point of attack Defender guarding the other teams whoever’s bringing the ball up from the other team Castle should be on him allowing lamelo to play off of him right Melo has some really great hands he’s quick hands and he’s smart he knows passing Lanes he can intercept passing Lanes creating tip ball opportunities right right while Castle does the heavy lifting guarding the other team’s primary ball handler and generally like being an upgrade over what Cody Maron would bring if he can stay healthy so like projecting out a a starting five right everything goes well he’s ready to go right away lamelo at 67 castle at 66 with shoes on and Brandon Miller at the three at 69 that’s a big team that’s a really big team it could cause some real nice uh matchup advantages for the Hornets when everything is clicking you look at the teams in the playoffs man like look at Minnesota how switchable they are how like how many big athletes they have adding another one to the mix is always preferred if you can do that castle as was a top 10 guy coming out of high school right and the fact that he chose to go to Yukon to sacrifice uh and be less of a playmaker over there and be what they needed to win a title like I love that he gets it and adding more of that to this Hornets roster is more more than needed like draft him please if he’s there if he’s there I say all that to say the Spurs May draft him before we get a chance to draft him I’m concerned about that like I said earlier and like I’ll say a lot as we get to the draft like no Prospect is going to check all the boxes but I think the main priority again is adding competitors adding dogs right guys that want to play defense guys that want to rebound guys that want to compete and do what it takes to compete that doesn’t have to include scoring there are guys I’m going to talk about that can score at a very very efficient level that should be able to do so when the pros that will help the Hornets out if they draft them I’m going talk about them later let’s talk about the poor shooting from him right it’s it’s not good right even the combine numbers are kind of right and there’s no one guarding you like it’s not great right but you look at the Hornets roster him starting if like projecting out him starting with lamelo and Brandon Miller he’s not out there to score he’s out there to play defense right and compete if you put castle with the second unit Trey man meic uh Nick Smith Jr right not so much meic from a scoring point of view but Nick Smith is a bucket Trey man’s a bucket meic is a good Creator I wish he would shoot less but that’s me all right vason needs the passer all right that’s me though if you put him with that some combination of those boys he’s covered Seth Curry he’s covered like you’re not he he shouldn’t ever be in a position where he needs to be the score his goal should be to replace Cody Martin on this roster Cody Martin I like I like his game but my guy doesn’t play enough doesn’t play nearly enough and what Cody brings is defense he’s a competitor right he runs the floor extremely well he can play make a little bit he can hit an open shot that’s that should be castles like archetype to be a better Cody Martin and in in the scope of this team right as a role player and that’s what he should be initially and I think his long-term future is being the role player never like the star of the team but who knows that’d be great it’ be great problem to have if he turns into a star he talks about being able to play point guard and being a playmaker and they didn’t really get a chance to show it which I think shows his character and commitment to being a good teammate for the grander good for the greater good right but if he could bring that somewhat even though it’s a little bit to the N to the NBA level NFL what I’m talking about to the NBA level then you’re talking about having an improvement over meic hopefully you’re talking about having real a real long-term option as a secondary point guard right no more Band-Aid fixes for that spot right we don’t know how lamela’s going to hold up in an NBA season but we don’t know and we need to have a real answer for that and if Castle says he’s a point guard and he can do that it’s a it’s an easy pick for the six overall selection like easy easy easy easy selection there that’s it on Castle big fan hopefully he’s there when the Hornets select at six um I do not think they should trade up for him I do not think they should trade down for anybody else maybe connect I don’t know if they really like him he’s F whatever given the state of the draft I have a hard time imagining anyone is trading for that sixth pick Unless somehow some way the Hornets put the pick in with the player in a contract to move to bring something else in more NBA ready I wouldn’t be mad at that maybe we’ll explore that later as as the summer goes on but as of now I’m just going to make videos about guys I think that should be considered and should be selected with the sixth pick so Castle was this video I’ll be talking about kingan I’ll be talking about Dillingham I’ll be talking about Holland buellis topic all those boys re Shepard all of them Reese the share all them later all right in separate videos so stay tuned for that make sure you like make sure you subscribe so you don’t miss those future videos videos and if I’m missing anybody let me know but this draft is so difficult to consider who’s going to be there cuz I think although you look at mock drafts across all the platforms it’s a lot of a lot of variance outside of the first pick outside of SAR I would love SAR but he ain’t gonna be there you know what I mean and it’s not worth trading up for so stay tuned for that I’ll be back soon with another video talking about another Prospect but until then I’ve been Sam you’ve been great peace [Music] [Music]

Let’s talk Stephon Castle as a prospect and fit in Charlotte. I’m covering all of the potential 6th overall picks every few days leading up to draft day.

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By: Sam Dracula

  1. im drafting (fantasy gm) edey and then trading back in and drafting devin carter — then trade melo and mark for a boat load — get markkenen and mikal bridges — trade cody and micic too

  2. D Rose and Zion Williamson shot better 3p% in college than Castle (with more attempts). Guy can't shoot and he wants to be a PG? I'm not wanting to wait 4 years for him to figure out his shooting.

  3. Ummm no… This man’s ANOTHER SG and wants to play PG.. It’ll be best if we aim for a PF as it’s the only position where we have NO young player at for the core.. I’m good on a PG cause tbh I think that kid we have on the Swarm from UCLA is solid (can’t remember his name right now) and we need to let NSJ and Tre Manns work the 2.. Stephon isn’t anything different from them.. This isn’t a MJ led team bro we need to cut the UConn players.. They mostly mid grade players or busts besides kemba.. Draft Dalton, Clingan, or Ron but no Stephon.. It’s such a “MJ like” move and imo a TERRIBLE sign for the future as we’ll again like MJ just be drafting who media says is best instead of the type of player we need..

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