Titans CB Chidobe Awuzie Talks Titans Offseason

Titans CB Chidobe Awuzie Talks Titans Offseason

welcome back he’s playing Bishop I’m Brad Hopkins we are brought to you by all four seasons garage doors whenever the guest pick the music we got to go with it so this was actually chosen by our next guest Cheeto woozi and the first thing Blaine said was he chose this oh Cheeto what’s what’s going on man what’s up with the music selection hey man I’m a Cali boy if y’all didn’t know that’s a Cali artist so just wanted bring local flavor to the station we we love the flavor sou yeah to the yeah South Station either way well we love the flavor that you’re bringing to that secondary as a matter of fact you know not only are you a guy with some expertise and knowledge for the youngsters but you’ve also got knowledge of some of the other guys on the other side of the football you and uh Tyler Boyd were teammates for a couple of years up there in Cincinnati how has that transition been for the both of you here to Nashville man I was one of the uh best free agent tick news alerts I got on my phone when he signed I was I was so excited you know TB I already know what he brings on the football field but more than that as as a teammate and a brother and uh as a leader and just in the locker room I know he’s going he’s going to pay Leaps and Bounds for this team so I’m really excited um you know I think he’s going to love it here um we saw we saw him today I got to dab him up and talk to him and felt like nothing changed so I just know what we’re going to bring to this team so I’m really excited for him to be here yeah ammani talked earlier at the podium uh after you guys were finished with practice and he mentioned how you and Leger is working against the likes of Calvin uh Ridley the against Tyler Boyd and DeAndre Hopkins is only going to make both units better is that how you see it oh man for sure and uh you know we want to make sure that we that that when we go out there and step on that field that we we be in the best version of ourselves because there’s not going to be a day where we’re slacking because then none of us are going to get better you know we need this work and you know uh Calvin Deandre Tyler boy they’re going to they’re going to face a gauntlet of great BBS and you know we’re going to face a gauntlet of great receivers so the best way to get prepared is do that with each other and when you have people that’s established in this league already it makes it really fun competitive but also you know that whatever they’re doing is what you going to get on another Sunday so it’s going to it’s going to definitely uh be an interesting uh camp and also just during this period competing with them I know we’re going to all get better he’s one of the starting corners for the Tennessee Titans defense Cheeto aozi joining us here on the program well Cheeto I saw that you are a Colorado graduate I wonder if you met prime time but I know you least happy all this attention that Colorado is getting whether Win Lose or Draw right yeah yeah so Colorado is my alma moer um I’m Colorado to the soil I mean that’s that’s where I learned a lot of what I know in football and uh you know had a lot of fun there my teammates was able to turn around the program now when it comes to the current state of the program as you guys know there’s a lot of cameras around and you know they The Talk of the Town so things have changed a little bit um I’m still involved with the program but you know I there’s certain barriers right now to to meeting certain people so that’s all I’ll say about that oh oh I didn’t know that was going to be a sensial nerve there but something that could be sensitive is number 13 why number 13 there’s something behind all of that number 13 Lucky 13 um the yeah the number just called to me you know um you know a lot of people say the number 13 is unlucky and uh yeah to me like so if someone were to say oh don’t buy that sword you know like like a sword that that that you cut things with oh it’s a dangerous sword it’s like well a sword is supposed to be dangerous you know like so the sword that’s more dangerous that cuts better that’s the one you want so if you say number 13 is a dangerous number or unluck it’s like okay well I feel like my my faith my my preparation all that like that’s that’s that’s the type of number I want and um yeah some some for some reason it just I just got was drwn I was it drew me to towards it and uh you know right now I’m saying one God three person so that’s the Trinity too I’m a Christian man so yeah there a lot of reasons I wore the number it’s just and it looks cool it looks cool oh yeah it looked nice out there when me watching today I guess what team and it could be because of the wide receiver that you dislike I’m not going to say hated just disliked and despised of when you play them and why you saying for a team that I despise in the NFL yeah yeah uhhuh that’s what we’re talking about mine was the Ravens you know because they beat us you know I’m so pissed till today man but I think that life goes on I will say um I despise them all the same I just answer nice answer I will give you this I will give you I do despise I despise wide receivers I just despise them now the certain ones that I’m cool with I’m cool but other than that I don’t like receivers I just don’t like them all right I’m going get you on this one then you’re you’re playing these tricks on me and I have to ask you if you had to go back and tell Cheo his rookie year something that you wish you would have known that you know today as a player what would that have been that’s a that’s a great question I think I mean I tell the rookie year for any for any player is different they’re going to have a different experience and um you know I will say one thing is your your job there is to earn respect to your teammates number one um I would have I was doing that but at the same time I’m also there to try to improve the team you know like they drafted they drafted me second round when I was when I was a cowboy to be there to to improve the team and I and I became a starter what the second week of the season because of an injury and the team was counting on me you know and like it’s not sometimes when you get drafted you’re going to get certain opportunities but you know it’s not it’s not hard to get it’s it’s harder to maintain it and to keep to keep chasing after greatness even though you’re in a position where you you’re touching the field you’re able to make plays don’t don’t get comfortable you know that’s probably what I would have told myself great answer there one more question for me and then I’ll hand it over to my partner in crime here Brad and that is I saw that you only gave up I think it was six TDS off the cuff I can’t remember how many TDS you gave up last year but what were your take takeways of why you gave them and I want to believe that you know every single one of those touchdowns that you gave up cuz I remember mine right so tell me your takeaways and what you could have done better in those you don’t have to tell me the players and who it was and all that but I want to hear what were your takeaways cuz you learned from your failures yeah so I think they got me down for giving up three TDS last year oh three TS okay yeah the first one I gave up I was in the slot it was against the Ravens uh I had a I had a pretty wide lit between one and two all my keys were there for a slot fade and uh I ran with the receiver but you know Lamar threw a great ball touchdown that one I would have aligned better and I would have anticipated that route another one that I gave up uh was actually a tip ball uh a Whatchamacallit a linebacker or a receiver I don’t remember tipped it up and then the guy that I was guarding just happened to catch it oh that’s the yeah then the third one I don’t count the third one I don’t think that that one wasn’t really on me but I mean PFF or whoever whoever has the stats that going to say was on me but basically it was a option route and uh we had a a man a man concept on defense my man went up but the ball was thrown to another person’s uh Whatchamacallit assignment and I I ended up tackle him right on the goal line and he and he fell in so yeah those are my three touchdowns oh did you gave up we’re pretty good you learned I mean I don’t know how much learn but yeah not bad the recall and what happened and everything else always has to be in the DB because you know we always yeah and blame making you relive it so that’s also some pretty good stuff because he’ll never forget them I never forget the one TD somebody called on me over my career for sure there you have it we’re on with Tito yeah exactly and uh they say that dinard wison Cheeto has no problem in bringing the intensity to practice now I know you guys were just in shorts and just now getting to you know to to you know do some stuff and he wasn’t in attendance today but your first interactions with your wouldbe defensive coordinator what were your first impressions oh man he He commands the room that would be number one he really does command the room uh you could tell that he commands a standard you know on defense but not only that you know if you I could tell if you were his friend he would command greatness out of his friends too so oh wow he’s one of those guys that really cares about you know doing the right thing being successful moving moving in the right way and uh all the little Details Matter so um that’s that’s kind of my first impression of him yeah how excited are you to get to see uh guys like tandre sweat that are going to be occupying double teams and collapsing the pocket maybe even allowing for opportunities for for turnovers and stuff how good is it to see that front seven in front of you developing oh I’m really excited you know uh just getting with a new pack of wolves you know around us you know it’s just really like it’s really like every piece that we’ve I could just see the final picture even though it hasn’t come all together yet we’re still learning the defense we’re learning the offense but you know a player like tandre s when DeAndre sweat when he gets comfortable I know what he’s gonna be able to bring to the table obviously Simmons is going to be a great influence on him uh Sebastian is going to be a great influence on him and all our other D linemen um but really all the pieces that we’re adding I can just see if if it things go how we’re how they’re supposed to go as in we’re we’re making sure every day that we’re earning it you know we’re getting better we’re not just practicing bad habits we’re training to to be better I know uh the final picture will will will be will be very proud of our team yeah you know chidobe you might agree with this I think the hardest thing about being a coach is affecting the opposite side of the football from which you cut your teeth Jeff fiser was a defensive minded coach back in the day you probably weren’t even born when he was around here coaching um but he did have a a balance of influence on the offense that was obvious give us your thoughts about Brian Callahan an offensive-minded coach but yet who one that has to obviously have some sort of relationship with guys like yourself on the defensive side of the football what were your first thoughts oh for sure I’m um you know I was blessed to have known Brian the past three years when I was in Cincinnati and uh he always uh you know took time to talk to the DBS the linebackers about certain things that we’re seeing because they want to put in a new play okay yeah if we’re in the red zone and and ex receiver does this route are are you looking for it or whatever it is there there was a constant communication there and and that was really for the betterment of the team now on this team as the head coach I I have not really seen coach Callahan change at all you know he’s still very involved with every player on the roster um one thing I love about Coach Callahan too is like he’s going to let his coach’s coach he’s going to let his players lead and it’s it’s a trust it’s like a it’s like a base level of trust of being a professional and being a uh you know an elite athlete in this NFL he gives you that respect you know willingly now if you mess up obviously and you know keep loafing or not showing effort there’s going to be some repercussions but other than that he does give the respect willingly and and and Trust willingly um you’d have to lose it before you have to earn it so that’s what I really love about Coach kellahan we got about 30 seconds Cheeto leave us with this your favorite thing about Nashville and the thing that Nashville needs to work on go oh man the food I love I enjoyed Cincinnati uh obviously uh had some great years there but you know the food in Nashville and the and the downtown the energy the energy is a real it’s a real thing you know like you you feel life when you go downtown and you know when you’re in the city I just I just feel a lot of Life surrounding me a lot of things happening business happening people working hard construction people walking the streets enjoying themselves whatever it is it’s just like you know a really good energetic place and uh one thing Nashville has to work on is these dang house prices cuz I’m trying to find something there you go dang I missed the I missed I missed the uh the wave I missed the wave already now they trying to everybody trying to cash out on their Equity hitting me over the head right now that’s awesome all right before go out the door though Game Day music cuz people are talking about the music you had coming in what do you listen to on no doubt hey man I’ll get y’all the full scope so in the morning gospel in the morning I slow it down but then on the way to the game I’m playing Nigerian music I’m playing culture music I’m getting into that war mode and when I’m just vibing the Cali the Cali music will come on the Cali music cuz now I’m just vibing you know now I got to get loose that’s kind of like how I progress through the day yeah anyway nice he’s been fantastic like wzi chidobe thank you for joining us and we’ll catch up to you soon appreciate you much love all right Cheeto woozi number 13 that’s going to do it for us be man it’s been a great show talking about these organized team activities of course the vs and uh wait the the winner of the commodor and Gators to see who they play tomorrow lot to talk about tomorrow no doubt but as always Titan up peace

New Titans cornerback Chidobe Awuzie joined former Titans Blaine Bishop and Brad Hopkins to discuss the Titans offseason, his relationship with Brian Callahan, and a look inside his gameday routine.

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