Blue Jays pull away early vs. White Sox

Blue Jays pull away early vs. White Sox

[Music] [Applause] [Music] it was a rough day at the office for the White Soxs Nick Nini gives up nine runs on seven hits and six walks Bo bashet a home run and three RB for the Blue Jays Tommy fam went deep but the white sock lose 9 to2 and they Clos the road trip going 1 and five it is White Sox postgame live here with the legend o again I’m Chuck garine before this road trip the white sock had this 19 game stretch where they went 11 and8 and you’re feeling good about the socks and you’re feeling like okay this is going in the right direction but we also knew that starting on this road trip the schedule was at least on paper seeming to be something that could be the toughest stretch of the entire season it’s Yankees Blue Jays Orioles Jays again Cubs Brewers so this road trip begins if you can go three and three that’s a huge Victory unfortunately it was one and five no they they well they had to play against everybody that’s a good thing about the new schedule everybody fa everyone uh knowing this because okay now they’re going to face Baltimore playing well I think they they easy the easier team in the last thing is it was the Blue Jays they know was playing good last place and we thought okay there opportunity to go back at least win the series yeah I think if fetty I’m not trying to put this on Eric fetty but you had fetty and crochet starting the series you’re thinking okay this is a good chance to at least take the first two games they got the Fetti crochet was great last night and then here’s Nick Nini just didn’t have it tonight at all at all you know I mean he just after two out they scored all those run but they’re scoring they not how cheap hit they they really hurt him struggle all day with all his pitches CH up he wasn’t around the plate he’s under the ball his fast ball was is not a strike all the song in a bigly level when you go that through that you behind the behind the count you got to throw the ball around the plate and they’re ready to hack all right here’s teue to do it yeah here’s the field coverage pitch and recap Ro by Liberty Mutual Insurance Nick nstr nine runs six walks no strikeouts for him either 86 pitches and three and a third and the wheels really came off in that second inning he gave up seven runs all with two outs and and we saw Nick have a good start against the Royals in his debut then he struggled Big Time against the Phillies went down to Charlotte and they bring him back up and you know he just didn’t have it tonight nothing nothing at all working you know it’s fball early in the day was 95 96 90 from 93 to 96 that mean no matter how hard you throw it’s location location that’s a good P right there I think that open the gates with the this triple you know mean you look at the pitch it was was down and away and for some way barall push the ball right to right field right on the line when nobody’s playing uh Pall said before the game that this would not be a one start and go back down thing they’re going to give him some rope here even you know after a start like this he’s going to get another shot and uh and actually his next start this will be interesting his next start will probably come against the Blue Jays in Chicago first day when you blue JS com in town they got four games against the Baltimore that mean the fifth game going to be yes again yeah so I was talking him at spring training talking to Nick and you know I asked him if he’s ever like lost his temper cuz he seems to be this calm cool collected guy and he said he had one start when he was in Triple A and he went into the shower after the game and he did some damage he let it all out uh I’m not saying he’s going to do that tonight but this would be one of those games where you uh might lose your temper afterwards because he’s better than this he knows it and just didn’t show it well you know I got to keep cred to those too because they hit few balls few balls yeah it was in a straight song and they just put a good swing on it and they get away with that because you know those balls out there I know he throw a lot of balls around the plate but a couple couple pitches you see V with the you know open the gate right there with the triple that boy was on in way and B he was he just put a good swing on it for the Triple uh suck offense last night the white sock scored five runs all with two outs and we celebrated this on the pregame show tonight the only get two the White Sox put five lefties in there against Basset and he goes seven scoreless gives only five hits socks had some early chances in this game didn’t take advantage of it and once the seven runs were scored it was game over for the this funny thing I just telling people behind the scen I say I I want to see this guy when they G on the line to see how good he throw he wasn’t he wasn’t that great obviously throw very good today you know no you know he only walk away twist strike C by one there he got in trouble right there yes that’s the only time got in trouble uh we can get it done and we can make anything happen obviously the game was out of the ridge but the end of the day they know had the big hits you know I thought that Bo was a bloop right there that looked like an aigan special right there no my will fall because got the third base will he was playing in all my pick to click I thought Ben attendi would turn it around today I don’t know why probably because I just chose him for my pick to click yeah but every day Ben tend is at the play we expect a lot of good thing good thing happen but still waiting we are still waiting uh that was a was that a strike nope sorry you don’t see I don’t see players argument anymore about Bo strike I know I know I mean that Ball’s off off off the play not a strike with Jason and you know it’s it’s it look like Chris looked like it was sa Young Award right there yeah I know he just playing Nintendo with those guys don’t throw that much strike but at the end of the day he changed up it was terrible okay so this is where we’re at right now White Sox fans this off defense uh there is a massive gap between them and everybody else the Blue Jays believe it or not have the second worst offense in the major leagues I mean when you see that what goes through your mind wow cardino should be hitting Marin be hitting Athletics no Blue Jays oh athletic can hit and it cannot P Blue Jays it that surpris me Blue Jays down the 20 and 29 I thought that that they have better ball club and they what they showing offensively you know I’m asking you about the white socks what goes to your mind when you see that what go to my mind yes we watching every day what go to mind I mean a 40 a 39 run Gap CH they in last place almost every every category offensively what you think is going to happen that’s going to happen no home runs no walks no stolen bases not little thing no a lot of thing no that’s why they are like that yeah uh fortunately they have Tommy fam on their team because they were getting shut out and uh we’re going to take you a little bit inside the game here’s fam he strikes out and after he strikes out he goes into the Dugout and you’ll see what unfolds here he’s just mad he swung at that pitch I’m assuming bam how many times did you do that I you know what I love that I don’t see any players anymore like that yeah I see players get him out and like you sit down look at the iPod to see how that guy give me out but look at what he did next B that’s that’s a guy he grew up in Old School mentality me I don’t say you don’t be like me I was all for four every day and I I just breaking helmets and bats everywhere after after the wife say you break another one you going to pay it then I I I get the same helmet for rest of my career yes yeah I me I know guys have to be and are upset when they struggle but we just happen to capture that on camera and then he hits a home run so you see a little bit of cause and effect of what happened there with I saw him get upset but somebody strike out and I think he was in the on De Circle and I think got he got a little bit upset too come as well waiting went like he put his back down he got upset that someone had some stck out yes yeah uh here’s some good news Luis Robert Jr started his rehab assignment tonight for the Arizona complex League it’s basically on the back fields at cback Ranch they’re facing the Dodgers uh first at bat first at bat it was a home run thanks to the Welsh who happened to be there drops his bad and you know we want see him running but I think he’s played uh he’s played I think the game is going on as we speak right now but uh nice to see that first at B home run I think when you jogging and you sore you can see he’s running the same way he run you know mean way he normal uh they obviously the white had to wait to see uh any ground ball anything he had to run the B to see really how he feel I gives me some hope okay so aloy Jimenez is back on the injured list he suffered a strain hamstring rounding third base last night uh it’s his second trip to the injured list this season he missed two weeks in April with a an abductor strain uh that was suffered in the third game of the season and I mean it is like a broken record you know we had so much hope for him and his white sock career but it continues to get derailed by injuries what’s so funny every time we show the highlight of him he just getting hurt you know it’s funny thing because it’s like happening I remember early in his career with the white socks everything we show the hotl home wrong hi Mom home wrong hi Mom hi Mom and now he’s like look at this oh my God look at this yeah he’s he’s saying hello to the injured list more than his mom I mean this is crazy it’s the 20th time he’s been hurt since he’s made his major league debut uh that was back in 2019 not all of these led to stints on the injured list but many were there’s no broken bones most of them are soft tissue injuries but this is the third time he’s hurt his hamstring it’s another injury from running the B say why Azie do you think this continues to happen to theoy you know what I wish we know what’s going on because the only people we can ask is him because we can assume something get ready he know drink enough water he’s a big guy you know stretch we can come up with that thousand opinions but it’s is the one had to know exactly what’s going on with his body you know I mean I I asked I told you a couple days ago I say I want to I don’t know anybody with the cops say that’s the reason you guys trade him I don’t know I know because it was a shock when they traded canana and the White Sox got cease and aloy Jimenez yes like okay that’s you know like they they know something was in the future of him is’s happening right now I wish I know somebody from from from the cups asking him about yeah I mean he played 122 games in his rookie year that remains his career high he has not been able to get like had 120 games last year um but he’s just missed so many times and with Robert and makata out we were hoping that alloy could fill the void until they come back and when they come back alloy might still be on the injured list we don’t know how long he’s going to be out is a funny thing about it because besides the injury and being in I he wasn’t doing anything either you know I mean he was you know having hang in the lineup it’s a plus you know mean every time what he did in the past for this year he’s like oh you in the lineup who care we got to pit to you the same way but it’s unfortunately it this keep happening and happening every year we still something games to go yeah they got to play to 100 games I don’t know got to be back in I’m just thinking about his tenure and it’s just like it started out so high so high right and now we talk about all the injuries we talk about how he can’t DH he says he doesn’t like the DH doesn’t have a routine so they got to put him out in the Outfield and it just has not worked out at all I I was say I said don’t ever say you don’t like the anymore okay just that word it can come out of your mouth please don’t say anything because the only way you going to play you going to be a pinch hitter or DH because people see what you can do in the alpha say for now on when they ask you how you like this I love it I got to get ready I got to learn you know mean you know tell himself tell people oh I love the edge I can the Ed I want to get better I want to do this because in the end of the day when say you know like the eding people taking notes you know like the agent that mean nope me yeah what team is going to sign him assuming the white sock don’t pick up his option what team is going to sign him and say yeah you’re going to be our left fielder right fielder I tell you what if the white St picking the option I’ll be shocked okay okay so they’re not going to if they you’ll be shocked but say they don’t that’s why what he say you said don’t say not to anybody you don’t like play the you don’t like to you don’t like to the H because that’s why you’re going to end up we saw that long list have you seen a list that long of a of a baseball player to have that many injuries in a it’s only been five years I I know remember that maybe cono when you play with me in Tampa maybe wait oh oh for his whole career yeah career I don’t know because when people go down in injuries they go down for Tommy Young broken leg uh obviously P hamstring for for 30 days then come back then everything is okay you know but I see like that you like every Le part of your body food stomach all all over the place is just kind of kind of crazy well the white sock need hope for the future and I spoke to Paul yanish who is the White Sox new Farm director and I asked him a question for white socks fans who are looking for some hope in the minor leagues and you’re going to want to hear what his answer was we’re going to show you that coming up and on this date in 1990 it was old school versus new school Carl versus Dion Sanders aie was there and you’ll describe what happened in the Bronx that’s why my favorite ire right there who the that my boy look at look at those guy like now he try pointing people when he 30,000 people around him congrats you finished the video if you want to build on that success download the NBC Sports Chicago app it’s got highlights exclusive insights and push alerts tailored to you everything you need to be a real Chicago sports fan download it now

White Sox starting pitcher Nick Nastrini gave up seven runs in the second inning on Wednesday, putting the Toronto Blue Jays out of reach. On White Sox Postgame Live, Chuck Garfien and Ozzie Guillen break down the big moments from the loss, check on Luis Robert Jr.’s progress and more.

#ChicagoWhiteSox #torontobluejays #bobichette

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