This helps, ngl.

This helps, ngl.

  1. No New York team will ever deserve anything until they cast off their links to the British Empire and change back to being New Amsterdam.

  2. Watching the panthers win a championship will hurt me as they arent the panthers I want to win.

    But with that said I’m ok with the teams in this order

    Fuck the rags

  3. Oilers > Stars > Panthers > The NHL going bankrupt and immediately dissolving > Rangers

  4. Every year who I want to win is

    Hurricanes (obv)

    Failing that, the team that hasn’t won a Cup yet.

    Failing that a team that hasn’t won a Cup in a while.

    Failing that, a non-Canadian/non Original Six/non “traditional” team ranked via a completely non-scientific gut feeling of how snobby/insufferable they are.

    Panthers, Stars, Oilers, Rangers in that order.

  5. Dallas>Edmonton>Florida>meteor that destroys earth

    Florida is a former Southeast conference foe and Paul Maurice has been a major asset so I’m begrudgingly picking them.

  6. Stars. That’s all. Just for Chris Tanev.

    Fuck the panthers. Fuck the rangers. Fuck the oilers with their two whining stars

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