But if you smoke weed I will suspend the fucking shit out of you

"Lookin at you Josh Gordon no shot you're ever getting back in this league fuq outta here"

  1. “He was just giving a speech about Catholic ideals to a Catholic audience!”

    – the refrain of the worst enablers you’ll ever meet

  2. He was suspended for two games.

    Then was suspended for the entire next season for a DUI, but a new revised drug policy knocked that down to 10 games.A month later, he was suspend by the team.

    He then violated the drug policy, again, and was then suspended for the following season.

    Then he applied for reinstatement a year later, only to be denied for failing his drug test.

    He was approved over that summer only to be suspend the first four games of THAT season.

    Then he left the team for rehab.

    A year later, he was reinstated, but then he was suspended by the team again because he showed up late to practice high as balls.

    The following season, he was traded to the Pats and, shocker, was suspended by THEM for drug use.

    Then he wound up on Seattle a year later and was suspended by THEM because of his drug use.

    He was reinstated, and then resigned with Seattle, but then suspended for a 5th time for violating the league’s drug policy….

    Very similar circumstances.💩

  3. Do you remember which team gave Josh Gordon an 8th chance? (9th, 10th, shit, i don’t know, NFL teams don’t care about this Butker shit.). Picture Loyd Christmas at the bar getting his ear talked off by the undercover. “Noooooo! And I don’t CARE!”

  4. You honestly think the NFL wants the fight against Catholic/Christians/Alt Right/ Trumpers?? That’s like 60% of the NFL fanbase. “I’m going to suspend you cause your beliefs are different than liberal ideology.” Yeah that’ll go well.

  5. The NFL sure hell didn’t treasure Kaep’s opinion, so gfy, Roger.

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