Luca Cagnoni Signs His ELC & Ranking The San Jose Sharks Defensive Prospects

Luca Cagnoni Signs His ELC & Ranking The San Jose Sharks Defensive Prospects

Luca kagoni officially signs his ELC we did it guys you’re locked on sharks your daily podcast on the San hose sharks part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hello welcome to locked on sharks the premier hockey podcast coming your favorite team in the Bay Area my name is JD young caretaker at the reef and also uh the western conference Tuesday co-host of the lockdown NHL podcast want to thank you for making a lockdown sharks your first listen probably part of the lockdown Network we cover your team every day and if you want to be an everyday all you have to do is just foll wherever you get Podcast or you can watch this on YouTube as well and today Luca kagon signs his ELC uh so we’re going to be talking about that uh talk about his year kind of do a nice time to dig into his season and then where he plays next season because I think that’s the big question uh behind with every sharks fan is when do we get to see canon in San Jose and it might be sooner than possible then we’re gonna uh take a step uh kind of a global view at the Sharks defensive prospect pool I’ve kind of teered them up into where I think everyone kind of fits so we dig into that but before we do all that do want to let you guys know that today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app crate an account and use code locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply Luca KAG signed at zlc Peer Pressure Works kids uh if you’ve followed me on Twitter you know all season I have been very much driving the the canoni bandwagon when are the sharks going to sign as the LC and we finally got it today so just as a quick reminder of kenyon’s season uh he was awesome this year and met with the media today had some great quotes as well so let’s dig into what his season looked like 78 games including playoffs 21 goals 82 assists 269 shots on goal had a really great start to the playoffs and then suffer a concussion and I don’t think he was the same player afterward especially missing some time there and kind of getting dropped back into the playoff series where they Lo they got swept by mustra and didn’t kind of seem like he was fully back to him himself so I’m not going to hold that last series against him but he he started the playoffs just off to a dynamite start I think he had like seven points in the first you know two or three games for for Portland and he was a huge reason why Portland was so good he was was the motor on the back end for for them and um amazing quote today where he said I really want to work on my two-way game focus on my defense and I still was able to score 90 points this year so um and you you’ve seen watching his tape this year you have seen that effort defensively where he again he’s not the biggest guy right uh you know I think 5’8 5’9 somewhere in that range but this is a guy who’s had to work his entire career was passed over in the WHL draft you know get gets drafted works his way to becoming a draft eligible Prospect a lot of people had him as a potential second round pick in last year’s draft falls to the fourth round where the Sharks pick him at 123 and what does he do he comes out and puts out 90 points just dro 90 points in a season first time we’ve seen that in the WHL in 30 years this is this is the equivalent of like what Carlson did last year for the sharks of putting up a 100 points just something we have not seen from a player and yes Portland’s really good and you can only put up 90 points when you have great players on your team and Portland was a great team that went to the the WHL finals but kenon was a massive massive mive piece of that so looking at Byron Bader’s model you can see his is very much scoring driven right as a draft eligible in his draft eligible year he was considered to be a 16% star probability so um for just kind of as a quick refresher a star as a for defenseman is a career 045 uh points per game so you basically score 045 points per game for your career he’s now jumped from a 16% which is ridiculously good in the fourth round that’s value right he’s kind of taking those darts to a 31 pertile player in that so 31% chance that kenon is going to be a star producer in the NHL his NHL probability went up from 58% to 65% um his nhle which is basically the equivalent so if you take what you do is you take kind of the the league you play in WHL they have a formula they run it through the formula and see how many points he would at the pace he scored in the WHL he would have scored 34 points uh which would have led the Sharks defensive core um I’m I yeah he would have led the Sharks defensive core with 34 points this season and I know I know the size is always going to be a thing with him but guys like this they either never make it or if they do they’re amazing and I’m going to bet on the amazing with with kenon uh some of his comps after this season uh Aaron eblad Adam Fox David yic like he doesn’t play that way but it’s kind of the production and those guys are all uh good players great players are on their way to being good players so um this is this feels like a home run pick for for San Jose so I think that begs the next question is where do we see Canon next year so he is 19 he turns 20 in December he’s eligible to play in the AHL next year because uh he as long as you turn 20 before the cutoff date which is December 31st of that year you’re eligible to play even though he’s only played three seasons so with a CHL NHL agreement you either have to be 20 before the end of the season or before the end of the calendar year excuse me or you have to have played Four full seasons in the ah or in the CHL he’s played three full seasons uh he had a little bit of a season where he played like 10 games but played Four full three full seasons but since he’s one of the early part kids in the NHL draft he can play in the AHL this year and I don’t see why he won’t and espe especially if you look at kind of recent history right um artam GV played for the Barracuda and the E and and the witch tall Thunder in the HL he could have gone back part of the 2021 draft class right could have or 2022 draft class 2021 anyway could have gone back for a season uh is an over rager nope brought him back g rock could have gone back guy who missed basically all of last season due to an injury he played Four I think he played four games right um the Sharks and bear they wanted him in San Jose maybe with L Rockets more of a you can focus on his recovery type of player Jake Furlong can go back next year to the quebe I don’t see it happening I think the Sharks want to see these young guys growing to together and I would be surprised to be honest if if luuka Canon goes back and he hung around for a little bit with with the sharks before going back to Portland um they had him last year with the train in training camp like they had him kind of stick around for you know a lot of the rookie tournament like he was a huge huge part of that I think he is ready and it’s going to be important to find the right partner for him and whether it’s a veteran type of player or maybe a bigger body um I would personally I think if if g rock we we kind of hope this is the season where gck takes that step and we’ll talk about him a little bit more here in a minute Lorac on the right and kenon on your left that that’s that seems like the the beginnings of a beautiful partnership where can get canoni not the biggest guy but Lorac definitely makes up for that in size um both these guys are tough again maybe not the biggest guys but tough hard-nosed they play the game like they they play that style of game and I think that that is the pair and I would try to put as your second pairing um for the Barracuda next year if if we again we’ll talk about more of these defenseman here in a minute but assuming Jack Thompson kind of starts the season as your your ond uh with Shakir mukum Mulan hopefully in the NHL um having that pairing as of Lorac and then a Canon as your second pairing where maybe don’t have to face the the toughest competition right away they’re going to be able to provide some offense uh that that’s where I would start and then maybe like a jake Furlong who is really focused on his defense again we’ll talk about these guys as your first pairing with a Jack Thompson that that’s where I’m I’m I’m really focusing but I I know he they can send it back I just I don’t know what else he has to prove he’s Portland’s still going to be really good next year I know they’re going to lose some pieces here but he needs the the things that he needs to work on he’s not going to be able to do in the WHL and I think for him is getting to play against bigger stronger competition because he just dominated this WHL season and was one of the big stories for for the Portland Winter Hawks and for this sharks 2023 draft class so I expect him to be in the to and he can always start in the AHL if it proves to be too much you can send him back to his Juniors as well so um we’ll talk about this defensive prospect tiers and where I how I rank these tiers where I have these guys uh so we’ll get to that here in just one second game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace for the NBA and it makes getting playoff tickets even faster and easier pric on the game time actually go down the closer it gets to tip off with kill last minute deals on prices viewed from your seed and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guesswork out of buying NBA tickets or any tickets if you want to go to a Giants game A’s game whatever it is game time has got you covered uh the thing I love about game time is you can actually see what your seats are going to look like nothing worse than getting to a game and realizing you have bad seats actually the only thing worse is when you go to check out in a certain service will slam a bunch of fees with they’re all in pricing you don’t have to worry about that you know exactly 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himself as an NHL player right he played the majority of the season in the NHL he’s going to be on the NHL roster next year unless something horribly goes wrong or the Sharks do something crazy but like you you kind of know what Henry thrund is trending to be and it doesn’t mean thr is stopped developing again I you have to put a cut off somewhere and I like the 50 game Mark for players and that age 24 is again kind of where I’m I’m I’m I like to focus so I have five different ti so lowest to highest have a replacement level tier these are your guys who are probably more like AHL type of players or they’re you’re like you’re never really gonna see these guys in the NHL or if you do it’s because of a lot of injuries but they just kind of get washed in washed out right these are these are unfortunately I have below average players so these are players who are usually um on a good team maybe like your sixth the defenseman sixth or seventh defenseman or like really really high-end AHL players where maybe they have really long AHL type of careers um you know think of somebody like Andrew agino right um great AHL player just never really could kind of stick in the the NHL I know he’s a forward but that that’s what you’re kind of thinking about um next you have average NHL players and these were guys who would be on most rosters uh maybe if you’re like a Superstar roster but for the most part these are guys who are would make it would stick to most uh rosters then you have quality players these are basically like good players players who I think are going to be good maybe on most teams would probably be your second pairing to you know kind of that borderline between a second and first pairing defenseman if you’re a team that doesn’t have a true number one you’re probably playing number one minutes or you’re uh because necessity but you’re on a good team on like a championship quality team you’re probably more like a really really highend second tier second pairing type of guy H then you have franchise cornerstones these are your like going to be your best of your best type of players these are players who are you build your pillars right these are players who you think are going to be pillars uh long term spoiler I don’t think the sharks have a franchise Cornerstone in their defensive uh group and that’s okay okay they’re really hard to find so let’s break down where I have uh these guys so replacement level um if Genny [Music] kikoff by the sharks or have NHL contracts I didn’t go through all the AHL uh guys because most those guys usually don’t like AHL contracts they don’t really kind of very rarely do you see those guys kind of work your way up if they do they’re usually like replacement level or below average type of players but just focusing on what what the sharks have so uh Genny kov who was a draft pick in 2020 over in the KHL we’re probably never ever going to see him so uh valter pulley who the Sharks signed last year uh he had a very up and down season and I I think he’s going to be uh one of those guys who either just sticks around the AHL or probably goes back to Europe um I know there’s a lot of injur with him he’s six foot6 and he does play like he does move pretty well for a six foot6 guy but I still see some questions with his decision making and just the way he processes the game maybe isn’t as quick as I I would prefer so those are those two guys on there the next slide is the below average guys so again um all the sharks players you’re going to see most these guys haven’t really been able to make an impact yet so Eli Barnett um the Sharks seventh round pick from a couple seasons ago uh played this season in University of Vermont another big guy is not going to be known for his offensive prowess but he’s big he plays a very tough defensive game but again I I see him probably as a tweener AHL NHL type of guy um artam GV played this year in in the with the Barracuda and then with the witch tall Thunder kind of the same where you saw a little bit of the offense there but very much a hard-nosed defensive defenseman uh stick up for his teammates type of guy uh again I could see him being that like sixth or seventh defenseman um almost very much um yeah that that’s I just kind of that’s where I’m kind of picturing him uh Michael fiser shks picked from a couple Seasons as well uh did lose basically an entire season because of a knee injury um and played this year with in kind of almost went from college straight or from high school straight to college without that USHL season I think he played like 14 USHL games as he’s recovering from his knee injury um you saw in high school he was insane offense but no defense uh at nor Eastern this year it was very much a focus on the defense and was not asked slash given an opportunity to do much offensively so if he can kind of pair those things together you could definitely see him maybe work I I think out of the group here him and axel Landon are the two guys where I think can make kind of move up here but just based on what we’ve seen so far um that’s kind of where I I have him picked as again probably the AHL NHL tweener type of of of player maybe like your six or seven defenseman and then same thing Axel Landon didn’t get a chance to watch him too too much uh I know he kind of dealt with some injuries at the end of his season over in Sweden he’s gonna be over in Sweden for the next couple years uh kind of working and developing on his game so we’ll continue looking at the next tiers here so we’ll look at I think it’s going to be average NHL players and who I think are going to be quality NHL players uh here in just one second there’s no I in team but there is one in indeed and that’s the hiring platform you need to build yours when you’re hiring you need indeed indeed is the hiring platform you can attract interview and hire all in one place instead of spending hours on multiple job sit searching for candidates with the right skills 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his game but your best ability is your availability and emberson struggled with injuries this year so hopefully this is one of those things where he can kind of overcome that and continue to work and really I was really impressed with with what I saw out of Tai Emerson again limited sample size but you see the defensive game there and I think given a chance to to show some offense you’re going to be I think he can really kind of grow and develop in that game I was very very impressed with with Tai emberson Jake Furlong I think is going to be kind of in the same mold as a Ty Emerson where maybe the offense isn’t quite there uh compared especially what we saw in the in the queue right um really I think took a small step back offensively but he was asked to carry the load defensively for Halifax this year and I think he really honed that that aspect of the game um where we’ve seen him put up offensive numbers with Halifax a couple Seasons but this season uh really really wanted to focus in on the details of his defense and I think playing in the AHL he’s going to kind of continue that to work his way again I don’t think he’s going to be a a good or great like two-way player I think he can be a really nice defensive stalworth type of player who’s second maybe a second pairing type of guy who’s partnered with someone who’s a little bit more offensively gifted but he can kind of overcome help overcome some of those guys especially for a guy again you got in the fifth round he’s really developed nicely and I’m excited to see what he does with the Barracuda this year g rock he’s a guy who has kind of lost the last two seasons because of injuries and you worry about that but I still think there’s a lot there he’s still really really young compared to some of his uh other guys you know he was one of the in his draft class some of the other guys he was a very very late birthday where almost cut into the next uh next draft class um if he can overcome some of his injuries and go back to what we saw from his draft season or after his his his draft year that D plus one year there I think that game is still there is again it’s the injuries you hope that they haven’t sapped whatever potential is going to be there from Lorac uh but this guy works extremely hard is always in the gym and I I think again working his way back I think he can be a very nice complimentary partner uh again maybe a guy who’s a little bit more offensively gifted but I can help kind of cover that Eric pamp massive season for uh in college this year for Bei State as they they made a really long run now transferring to the University of Denver I’m excited to see what he’s going to do there with stiffer competition because to be honest buiji watching him play with buiji in a couple games he it I don’t want to say it looked too easy but I’m excited to see again as an overaging guy should be ready to to to face some of the this bigger competition I think playing for Denver who is great at development um great system great team they’re going to continually be good he’s going to play in some really big games here and I think we’ll we’ll see pole Camp kind of continue to see his stock rise and then Jack Thompson get a player who you I debated about where to put him but I think uh for him little bit of a rough trans or slow start with with the Barracuda and that’s to be expected right uh for a guy who was playing with Syracuse kind of was the guy with the Syracuse Crunch then had to take a little bit of a back seep to shakure Muk Mullan I know Muk Mullan kind of missed a lot of time at the end of the season and Thompson again sling into a new spot midseason I’m not going to try to hold too much against him I liked what I saw from him also in his very very limited NHL time but I think uh Thompson is again another guy who can probably looking towards a m maybe bottom six middle pair type or bottom six bottom pair middle you know your four five type of of defenseman so uh and then that gets to our quality NHL players these are guys who I think are just gonna be good um look at kenon again we spent the whole first 10 minutes of the show talking about him um if you somehow miss that go back in this I think kenon it’s again these guys guys like kenon are either gonna be they’re gonna make it to the NHL and they’re gonna be awesome or they’re just never going to make it right and I I just I think he’s got not only does he have the skill I just think he’s got the the mindset to be that guy so mat haved um start of the re season really well with the shl and kind of slid off there as I think they were really focusing on on the playoff push for Linko ping and I think maybe he kind of fell out of favor as they were trying to maybe go a little bit more established players I think next year’s a big season for for haved in his development um I again we still have a couple we still has plenty of time we don’t have to worry about when he’s going to be coming over um but again like don’t let I think next year like kind of letting him be the guy hopefully he can earn that role uh and then you can kind of talk about where where he goes from there but again kind of in the Canon where I think he’s a little bit bigger a little bit sturdier uh frame than Canon but those type of guys they are either really good or they just kind of don’t make it and I think between one of between kenon and havland one of these guys is gonna is going to pop for the sharks so then Shakir Muk Mullan um I I fully expect him to start the season on the Sharks next year I think he’s going to be great I think yeah there’s I know there’s some there’s still some questions about you know uh some of his like technical you know like his turning especially um kind of from skinny backward to to turn in especially with a bigger guy like that but he’s big he’s smart um he’s offensively gifted and you’ve seen his development just rapidly increase as he’s gotten used to the North American game and I think he’s going we’re going to continually look back at that team of Myer trade and say wow the Sharks did pretty well and I think between Muka Mulan Quinton musy and then whoever the Sharks pick uh here at 42 plus zedin like you’re we could be looking at back at like how this trade helps set up the next Sharks great team so um yeah so those are the players I I have um Henry thr if I had to pick I would have him in the um kind of the the tier right below this one I would have him in the average NHL player where I think he’s going to be like a really solid four five for a team maybe you know and i’ I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again I think he’s just gonna play like a bajillion games in the NHL and just be one of those guy like a Dylan Dello type of guy who just sticks around for a long time um because he’s really smart he makes the right play more times than not and he’s just um yeah I just I think very highly of thron in where he sits so um that’s going to be it for me today we’ll be back tomorrow where we’re going to dive deeper into the 2020 uh shark draft class we’re going to kind of start reviewing some of these draft classes um so we’re going to dig into the draft class there kind of review those guys’ Seasons um and then next week we’re GNA have more so we’re supposed to have a draft profile with the kagoni I thought it was a good time to to talk about this and we’ll kind of move some stuff around so uh another the draft profile is already in the books for for next week U we’ll continue to to look at free agency continue to look at the draft and start looking at some of these past draft classes and seeing how these guys are developing along here so make sure you guys are following wherever you get Podcast and of course you can watch this on YouTube as well um follow the show on Twitter Facebook and Instagram at locked on sharks follow me on Twitter at my fry hole till tomorrow bye friends [Music]

San Jose Sharks prospect Luca Cagnoni officially signed his National Hockey League ELC after a historic season in the WHL with the Portland Winterhawks. Start by reviewing Cagnoni’s season and how he has seen his stock rise this year. Then why is he ready to jump to the AHL and play with the San Jose Barracuda next year as the Sharks look to grow their defensive group together. Then, use this time to review the Sharks’ defensive prospects like Shakir Mukhamadullin, Jake Furlong, and TyEmberson and where they place into the tiers of replacement level, below NHL average, NHL average, quality players, and franchise cornerstones.

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