Looking at Toronto Maple Leafs’ latest rumours involving Mitch Marner, Marc Savard & Steven Stamkos

Looking at Toronto Maple Leafs’ latest rumours involving Mitch Marner, Marc Savard & Steven Stamkos

the rumor mill is running rampant around the NHL right now today we address three rumors that the Maple Leafs have been linked to you’re listening to the locked on Le podcast part of the locked on podcast Network it’s your team every [Music] day you’re locked on Maple Leafs your daily podcast on the Toronto Maple leafes part of the locked on podcast Network your team and every day hello and welcome into the lock on Leafs podcast a daily Maple Leaf Cent podcast hosted by myself Mike D Stefano and my co-host Dave morui today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply what’s going on Dave how you feeling on this beautiful Thursday feeling a lot better than Rangers fans after that game W debacle against the Panthers yeah yeah I mean been there I I know what it’s like when when bosski is unbeatable you know we we we are well aware of what officer Bobs gets up to come playoff time they found out the hard way uh yeah the Rangers falling three nothing at home in game one the Florida Panthers up one- nothing in the best of seven Eastern Conference uh final the west Western Conference Final goes tonight between Edmonton and Dallas and that should be a really entertaining game as well I’m excited for both of these series uh realistically but outside of those four teams that means that there are 28 other teams who have been eliminated and 20 other teams that are looking forward to next season which means the rumor mill is starting to really you know run rampant here around the NHL and there’s a few that the maple leafes have been link to so on today’s show we’re going to kind of address and attack each one individually and kind of work through them and see are they possible do we think it’ll happen What will need to happen for this to uh to to come to fruition um so that’s kind of what we’re going to do here on today’s show and the first one I think we should start with is one that I mean a lot of people have been speculating about and and you know speculation rumor same thing and it’s marks ofart um po joining Craig bre staff and this one really uh is going to take up a life of its own over the next 24 hours after the flames and Mark saard officially parted ways on Wednesday making him free to sign elsewhere H if he should decide to and we do know that Mark zard was a part of Craig Brew staff Once Upon a Time back when he was in St Louis potentially a reunion of foot here in Toronto Dave yeah we it was It was kind of reported just before breu was even hired officially hire like it was like we knew that that was coming eventually and then we’re like okay this kind of makes sense because of the ties with buub and I I was trying to remember how exactly the coaching tree kind of landed right so I know he was an assistant in St Louis then he went to be a head coach in the OHL the Spitfires and then he went through the Flames I thought maybe TR he had a connection with Brad Tran but appears that happened after Brad was gone but yeah it’s kind of weird how the how the P like the pieces of the puzzle seem to be formulating right now and it wouldn’t be surprising to hear a agreement with the Leafs is coming soon I think that we we’ll probably hear that at some point it would make no sense for sard to leave his Post in Calgary if didn’t have something already lined up and usually when there’s smoke there’s fire so that that’s rumor number one that Mark sard uh is is set to join Craig Brew staff after leaving the Calgary flame staff and um it’s interesting because online you look and and there’s you know you got your supporters you got your doubters uh but why don’t we take a look into what Mark sard has done over the last few years so we know that he was on Craig Brew staff in 2019 2020 the pandemic shortened season uh and that season he was there ran the power play which has been reported uh to be pretty successful one it was ranked third in the NHL That season um but that was the only year that he was with St Louis the only year that he was with Craig bruy as an NHL assistant outside of that uh he then went on to be a head coach for the Windsor Spitfires for two seasons as you mentioned uh while he was there he went 88 35 and 13 taking the spit to an ol Final in his first season as their head coach uh both years was the number one offense in the OHL and had the number three and number two power play in the OHL that year and this guy this kid named Wyatt Johnston was uh one of the players that he was able to cultivate in Windsor and has turned into a superstar um so a lot of success as as a head coach in the OHL and he was able to Parlay that back into another NHL assist role this past year in Calgary didn’t go as well uh obviously I I I think if it went extremely well then they probably would have probably just would have stuck it out right like Savar would have stuck on staff if it went swimmingly and they would have just you know gone on about their day but obviously it did it it it doesn’t sound like it went well um their power play wasn’t great 17.9% this year uh which you know that’s that’s not what you wanted he was Brad in to help spark this team’s offense and and it’s not quite what happened however Dave I did look into it a little bit because you know one thing that I’ve learned about coaching and and just from you know observing the NHL the NFL doesn’t matter what sport it is sometimes it takes a little bit for the systems to really get going so I thought I wonder what the power play numbers looked like a little later in the season Once you know the the team kind of got the hang of what Mark sard was trying to do they were ranked the fifth best power play from March 1st onward at 27.1% so it took some time but eventually the Flames figured out how to operate uh sard’s power play um and they got it going in the final 23 gam so I actually look at that as as a positive you know we try and be as positive as we can here on lockdown you know sure 17.9 throughout the whole season not great but from March 1st onward the fifth best power play in the NHL that’s what he’s bringing to Toronto and that is sorely needed for this group uh to to kind of bolster that power play I also wonder if that correlates to the Flames going with the younger with younger players right putting younger players in more favorable positions after they made a bunch of bunch of trades right they a lot of the R roster got kind of gutted right of like key veterans and that I mean remember like the Flames went on a roll and thought maybe potentially could have they were I wouldn’t say in the playoff conversation because they eventually dropped off yeah they were deadline around the deadline it was like H what do we do here like I don’t know about that but they ultimately did yeah kind of fall off so like I I do I do remember watching a and I I edited a lot of columns on the flames and it was talked about a lot how the younger players were kind of picking up some of the veterans right especially Nas madri playing with Zari ppil was doing quite well for them like when you get these younger guys into the fold they just bring a different element I feel like that’s on the Flames that’s why the Flames are going in that younger Direction they want to inject some youth into that into that roster there so I I think that probably plays a little bit of the factor in how that all played on Calgary and I know yeah I saw the tweets it’s it’s it’s funny how many people try to throw cold water and it happened in the Discord too and it’s like let’s look at the situations and the circumstances before we completely try to kibos what could be a potentially good thing for the Leafs here oh 100% I mean just because you know something didn’t work out very well in one situation doesn’t mean that it won’t work out in another you know so I I I I I think Mark sard would be be a good addition to uh to Craig bur staff you know they’re they’re I think it’s pretty obvious that a lot of people are expecting the leaves to move on from at least giou and that opens up a spot for Mark Saar to run the power play run the forward bench and you know just kind of seamlessly go in and work under burby and possibly if they keep Mike Van Ryan like that’s the exact staff that worked together once before so there is some cohesion there and we’ll see what happens with D Dean shinel as well should know that it it sounds like Sheldon Keefe is uh getting set to take the head coaching position in New Jersey so with that expected to be made official later today you know does he want to take any of the Leaf’s coaches with him like is that maybe Dean chinel just joins um cheldon Keefe in New Jersey instead of sticking it around with a Craig buuy so that’s something to also kind of keep in mind as the Maple Leaves round out their staff does Keith want to take any of his guys with him and then baru is going to have to fill in um after that I do want to pull up uh that exerpt that I sent you um can we pull that up quickly it’s about Mark sard and his philosophy I I found an athletic article uh that was written last year just ahead of the uh just ahead of the season when sard signed it was written by juliia McKenzie friend of the show and he this is what he this this was a little exerpt from it sard’s philosophy is to trust his higher skilled offensive minded players to be creative and free well in attack he wants players consistently moving in order to find open spaces and constantly anticipating where their teammates will be on breakouts speed is the name of the game whether that’s in transition as they Rush the blue line or race to the corners off quick short dumpings is that not what we want to see like that that’s that’s exactly what we were preaching uh the whole time especially on the power play like you talk about he wants players consistently moving in order to find Open Spaces on the power play how often were we sitting there yelling at this TV move like skape move the puck play faster it was way too stagnant and uh you know Mark seard who’s known for being like an offensive a very creative offensively driven guy there’s another part of the story where guess he had like this 200 Page um Playbook essentially almost like a a Football Playbook but like a bunch of hockey plays with like 200 of them and I guess it got damaged or lost or something like that in some sort of uh catastrophe that happened in Windsor so he lost it now he’s has to try and come up with all these plays again um but yeah he should bring some creativity and uh you know with with the offensive weapons that the maple leaes have it should be a good match so uh again the news not made official as of now it’s still just a rumor but with him officially party WS with the Flames seems likely to happen at this point yeah it wouldn’t be surprising within the next couple days we hear something of where he goes next yeah on the other side we hit up rumor number two and this one has really run wild over the last couple of days has to do with Mitch Marner in a certain landing spot out west we’ll get to that and more on the other side you’re listening to the lockdown these podcast part of lockdown podcast Network it’s your team every day Today’s Show is brought to you by game time game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of the NHL and makes getting playoff tickets even faster and easier priced on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to puck drop with killer last minute deals all in prices views from receip and their lowest price guarantee game time takes the guesswork out of buying NHL tickets they’ve got Flash Deals they’ve got Zone deals all in pricing you can see your seat views right when you get your tickets you get that panoramic view from your seat from the app before you even buy and the lowest price guarantee uh or game time will credit you 110% of the difference take the guest work at of buying NHL tickets with Game Time download the game time app create an account use a code locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase turns apply again create an account redeem the code locked on NHL for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed welcome back into lockon leaes podcast Mike DFO and Dave moris sui with you we are a daily Maple Centric podcast you can find us uh whichever platform you use to download your podcast audio wise and you can also find us up on YouTube uh hit subscribe get that daily dose of maple Lees content directly to you Monday through Friday uh we’re going through the the the rumor mill and uh what the Maple Leaves have been linked to over the last couple of days here where he talked about how uh the coaching staff could get an addition in Mark sard over the next little bit and the other rumor that’s really Making Waves right now is uh Mitch Marner and possibly the Leafs could uh know could could the PRS be making space to acquire Mitch Marner could this be a match made in heaven for these two squads um you know obviously this really came based off of Nashville moving out Ryan McD’s $6.75 million only took back draft picks so you know they’re opening up cap space we know that they’re looking to get better and add a lot more offensive Talent perhaps Mitch Marner is the guy that they could be targeting what do you think about this rumor Dave does this one make sense to you it makes sense to me because when I was looking at destinations for Mitch Marner Nashville’s a team that needs that needs scoring right and they have they always have a tough time getting players that can uh generate offense and there’s no one that’s going to do that better than Marner for what they have right they have forsberg on the team but they really don’t have like an elite score outside of him they have a playmaker too like it’s not really how like in their DNA in terms of how they play and because they just don’t have guys like that Romanos is like probably the guy that helps do do a lot of that and I know everyone and I think the thing people need to realize here is everyone’s talking about UC Soros as like the guy in the trade to me I you have to be very weary of that because of yes he feels immediate need for the team at goal tending but if you’re going to hit your ride on UC starles being the main part coming back I that could be problematic for the leavs why why is that problematic because I think the Leafs should be aiming a little bit higher in terms of their return right you’re looking at a 30-y old goenda coming off a very good playoff right now right I think if you’re going to be trading Marner go and get some of these younger players that the Predators have started to build up a little bit here right and they have I’m not saying go for draft picks yeah but but I I I just get very when you got a guy like SOS on the last year of his deal you’re going to open up the same can of worms as what’s his next contract look like well I yeah I mean that’s obviously the the role of the dice there and I would think both parties are like ah can we talk to the other guys see if there’s interest in extending like I think yes if if a trade like that were to be done where both players need extensions I think that they would both come with sign and trades would be my assumption or else yeah that that would not be good to trade Mitch Marner for a a one-year rental of UC sorrow would not be wise that would be terrible terrible Asset Management completely agree but I actually don’t like I I disagree I think if you can really solidify yourself in net with a guy like UC Soros like this guy’s been a top five goalie in the league for what five six years now like and and goal tenders can last deep into their 30s like look at what we’re seeing out of Jacob marrom you know deep he’s what like mid-30s at this point Sergey bossk’s 35 look what he he’s pitched a shut out in a conference final La uh last night last year he took you know the the team all the way to a Stanley Cup Final um but we’re talking about a guy who’s a career 9917 say percentage even in this past playoffs so 202 goals against he just couldn’t get any any offense couldn’t get any support uh unfortunately but I don’t know I I think I would be okay with like even if it were just a one for one swap assuming that it comes with a sign in trade um or maybe not one for one but like where the main piece coming back is UC Saros I think I’d be okay with it honestly Shore up that goal tending because there’s one thing that I think we could take from this year’s playoffs dude you can win if you got good goal tending they could steal you a game or two and you could go far look at the goalies that are left in the playoffs tinger shurin bosski obviously the situation Edmonton’s a little bit different than the but three of the four goenda stud goalies and Os is that to me I I believe he is that so if you can turn you know obviously Marner is a superstar player in himself but if you can turn that into a top tier golender have that completely shorted up you go forward with Soros and wool I think you’re set and then from there you can you w I don’t think Soros is even going to cost that much you know like goalies they only play six games a year so it’s not like they go out there and Garner the 101 million I mean what hell Buck sign for eight eight something I think like baseski is in the eights like so you would think Saro is probably going to be in the seven to eight range so that would leave a few extra million dollars you know to go out and upgrade from you know a number four to like a number two defenseman right so I think I would be uh even like the cap space I suppose that you’re getting back by not having to resign Mar by getting a guy like Saros might even be worth the extra little bit of value uh in that deal I I would be okay with that being kind of the main the main pieces at least the main Targets in a trade like that like I understand why Saros would be the most attractive part of it again I I also just think I’m I’m always very weary of go investing a lot in goenda when they get in the later ends of their career right well but like 30 is not that old for a goalie though no but how how long would you give him a contract for right five six years and I think he’d be perfectly good to perform throughout the duration of that contract okay like because hellu had to get push got an eight-year deal right the market gets set by someone like that right and if we’re touting Soros like a hella Buck why wouldn’t he just say okay I’ll go to the market get an eight-year deal from a there gonna be a lot of teams that are desperate for goenda get an eighty year deal you can only get a seven-year deal if well unless he do again unless he tells the prayers well I’m not going to sign unless Leafs are going to give me eight years then that could complicate things as well I I we’re playing a lot of hypotheticals here so yeah I get that I just get very weary about goenda can get you in trouble fair fair I mean you look at obviously what we saw happen in Edmonton a couple years ago with Jack Campbell but I think the track record of a guy like UC Soros is far more Superior than what it is for Jack Campbell and I mean at one point I guess Sergey bosi that looked like an albatross of a contract the last two years Dave that dude has made his money he has made his money and he is fully worth the 10 sheets that he’s getting paid on a yearly basis so you know if you can get good gold tending I think it’s worth paying up for but we’ll see but that is another kind of interesting little rumor that’s circulating and that’s kind of stemmed from the Ryan mcdna Deal that was made a couple of days ago between the Tampa Bay Lightning and the uh and the Nashville Predators there’s also one other little tentacle that is linked to the Maple Leafs via this trade that did occur between the PRS and the bolts that’s rumor number three and we’ll get to that next today’s edition of the locked on these podcast is brought to you by indeed there is no I in team but there is one in indeed and that’s the hiring platform you need to build yours when you’re hiring you need indeed instead of spending hours on multiple job sites searching for candidates with the right skills indeed has a powerful it’s a powerful hiring platform that can help you do it all and it is the hiring platform where you can attract interview and hire all in one place they streamline the hiring process with powerful tools that help you find candidates fast with instant match over 80% of employers get quality candidates whose resumes on the D match their job subcription the moment they sponsor job according to us indeed data even better indeed is the only job site where you pay for applications that meet your must have requirements indeed is an unbelievably powerful hiring 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that he has not talked to Toronto about Mitch Marner and reports and many insiders have also acknowledged that no team has uh or the Leafs haven’t engaged with any team about Mitch Marner yet and I think the word yet is what’s operative there because think we all knew that the coach was going to be the first order business for Brad Tre living this offseason now that they’ve got the coach in place looks like he’s getting close to filling out his staff we already heard that they’re going through all of their meetings with the pro outs this week I’d imagine those discussions will be held shortly uh as to you know what to do with this core who fits who doesn’t what can they do what Avenues can they explore one of which I would imagine Mitch Marner at some point would come up which again we talked about another tentacle kind of coming uh Rippling through after the mcdna deal you look at what happens in Tampa Bay you know they give up just draft picks and bring in the full $6.75 million cap hit of Ryan mcdna that leaves the Tampa Bay Lightning with just a little bit over five million in cap space and they still have a couple of guys they need to sign uh one of which being their Captain Steven stos unless he’s preparing to take a big discount to stay with Tampa Bay people are saying that the mcdonut deal almost means that Stam they probably made a decision that they’re not willing to bre up stammer unless he takes a big time discount uh in which case could Stam Coast be coming home Dave possibly they open up some cap space they move Mitch Marner out they Shore up the goal tending does that leave enough money to go and bring Stam Coast home finally yeah I mean I I’m looking at the at the Lightning’s cap friendly page and unless they got a lot of guys they want to ship out here like I’m looking at the Players making big money on this team they’re all core important players I can’t see a scenario where they would move any of those guys like H cutra Point Hegel Celli Nick Paul sergachev starting his new deal chernak starting his new deal like these guys all most of those guys have no trade Clauses and they are making big money this is what happens when everyone’s like oh look at they got this guy to a good deal those deals add up and this is where Stam clast is just like how about me yeah where’s where’s my money I mean they they they’ve paid him a lot of money but at this point yeah he’s sitting there looking like John Travolta walking into the room what’s where’s where’s my new contract every everyone else is getting a new contract and the the wrinkle too is next year they want to go and pay another guy in Victor Hedman who is also in the last year of his deal and he doesn’t want to have the same thing happen that Stam Co did where he went into his final year without any sort of deal so yeah I I I’m I’m struggling right now to see a scenario where he returns to lightning and then okay so now it becomes who where does he go next he could potentially be I I I did a actually I did a story for sports and on places he could go to Toronto was like a Darkhorse place because the power play is but just and playoff scoring has been such an issue he’s a guy that fixes it he’s a proven winner a proven winner good leader Captain Champion Power Play specialist goal scorer in the playoffs he fits the bill for a lot of what Toronto needs and wants and when we also talk about guys who knows what it takes guys who do put their bodies on the line come playoff time stammer has been willing to do that stammer been willing to block a shot in the playoffs when they’re killing off you know a 2-1 lead late in the game or a 3-2 lead late in the game to hold the lead like stammer has been willing to do that so he’s he’s a gamer um so I I think the Mapes if he does get to free agency I would think that a phone call is made to him and his agent to see what it would take to bring him home now I am curious what you would like if you were Brad truliving like what’s a comfortable cont contract for you to sign him and bring him to Toronto and pull the trigger on that because you’re not sign it’s not a it’s not like last time where it was like blank check you’re you’re you bringing him down to the boardroom you’ve got all these plans and you know basically you were going to give him the tarus treatment is not going to be the same this time around it’s like what do you think that number would have to be for tree living to say all right this makes sense for us and pull the trigger and actually bring him to Toronto that’s tough because he a guy just put up 90 points 40 goals yeah you can’t walk into that room and say all right like can we get you in the five to six because that’s not going to happen it’s going to start North I think it’s going to be in the seven to eight range minimum if he’s willing to take a haircut to come to Toronto and even then other teams would be like well we’ll pay you more I look at Detroit that’s that looks like the like another destination to me like Steve Eisman good relationship there they need they need some leadership they need some goal scoring he’d be perfect there Nashville could just be like why would we give up assets for Mar when get Stam Co totally so least have competition here and the only poll they’re going to have is you want to come and and join the band and trying to end this curse that you kind of played a part in for a couple of years a little bit little bit but you know I I I still think that uh you know the the leavs at least can play the hometown card yes you know like you’ve you’ve never done it you came close you considered it before now that Tampa doesn’t want you do you want to come where you’re wanted do you want to come home to Toronto and take a bit of a discount I think term would have to play probably a factor in it like you could probably buy down the aav if you give him term are you willing to do that if you’re Toronto I don’t know like are you willing to go you know to to four years if that buys you down to like six million a year um potentially like now you’re kind of getting into Patrick Marlo territory at that point so you will have to weigh the pros and cons luckily uh the cap is going up and up and up over the next four years projected whereas the cap was flat due to the pandemic when uh Marlo’s contract hit you know his final year and it was like uh we need more money because the cap stayed flat and we all know what ended up happening for them to get out of that deal uh so yeah it’s it’s it’s definitely something that is intriguing and something that we could probably explore a little bit more throughout the offseason as we get uh closer to free agency and we start to Target guys who we believe could be um you know some some possible free agents to look at for Brad chillan Craig bruy and Company as as we get closer to July 1st who knows maybe stammer will end up signing a deal two days before free agcy just like he did a couple of years ago and uh Spa spurn Toronto uh for the second time who knows we’ll see what happens all right buddy uh I think that’ll do it for us here today on the podcast like to thank you all for listening and supporting the show you can subscribe to the lockdown Leaf podcast on all platforms and receive daily Leafs content follow myself on X Mickey canu follow Dave theore Mor studi and follow the show as well at lockon Leafs uh we’ll be back with another episode for you guys tomorrow but until then keep a locked right here on lock down Leafs

The rumour mill has been gaining some steam including connections involving the Toronto Maple Leafs. Mike DiStefano and David Morassutti go through the latest with Marc Savard and the Calgary Flames parting ways amid his connection to the Leafs and Craig Berube plus Mike explains why he would be a seamless fit in Toronto, especially for their power play. Mike and Dave then shift gears to the constant talk about Mitch Marner being linked to the Nashville Predators and whether a deal involving Juuse Saros makes sense To end the show, Mike and Dave wonder if the Tampa Bay Lightning’s cap situation leaves an opening for the Leafs to try and recruit Steven Stamkos should he reach free agency.
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  1. Marner has 50pts in 57 playoff games, while not great, it’s not exactly bad either. Perhaps Matthews converting less on good goalies is the issue…Marner set up several guys with tape sauce in game 7 vs the Bruins…Edmonston twice in the slot with the goalie out of position…he fired one 3 feet wide and the other into the goalie's crest…If that were Makar, we'd be watching the Leafs now. Marner was getting his dishes in to players in prime spots…the Leafs' shooters crapped the bed as usual. Yips I guess….Anyway, that's besides the point, which is…why would Marner agree to a move in a contract year unless it's to a team with a goal scorer on par with Matthews? I wouldn't…not with a big payday on the line. I'd hitch myself to that wagon and ride it to my huge payday. Why should Marner concern himself with the noise on the twitterverse? Most disgruntled fans are beer-bellied house-league scrubs. The kids love him. So do the fans who don't take 23 men they don't know losing a hockey game personally. As a fan of NHL hockey, I enjoy watching Marner more than most players because he's so dynamic and excellent both defensively and offensively. When I pay to watch pro hockey, I want to see plays that I can't make…rather than a dump in the corner and grunt up mucky muck. Pro hockey is entertainment after all…and Marner is extremely entertaining.

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