MacFarland Set to Talk to Media…With Landeskog. Reason to Worry? Andrew Cogliano Season Grade.

MacFarland Set to Talk to Media…With Landeskog. Reason to Worry? Andrew Cogliano Season Grade.

all right on today’s episode of Locked on Avalanche Chris McFarland is set to give his end of the year press conference Gabe landeskog is Gonna Be by his side anything to worry about let’s talk about it new episode of lockon avalanch coming at you you’re locked on Avalanche your daily podcast on the Colorado Avalanche part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day all right everybody Welcome to the lock on Avalanche podcast part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day I’m your host Chris Meli with me as always is Mr Shaggy Von Doom Kyle Sullivan thank you for making this your first listen of the day always appreciated make sure you’re following us on our social media Outlets lopor avalanche on Twitter X locked on Avalanche Instagram and threads questions comments concerns and opinions lock the avalanch and follow us on our YouTube channel hit subscribe get notified when a new show goes live and make sure you’re subscribed to our subtext as well link to that’s in the show notes below below whatever that word was um and when you do chat with KY and I oneon-one we get your opinion everything avalan related which we share on this very episode which we will do a little bit later we got some grades we’re going to start in on our season grades we always do this alphabetically and uh that would be Andrew kagano so we’ll get uh you’ll give uh we’ll give our season great along with the people of sub text as well and if you’re watching on YouTube uh you see the third bullet point over there is another slap in the face Bednar we will explain that as well we’ll explain that a little bit later but where we’re gonna start today is um it broke the first one that I saw posted up was zif Dean who said um Chris McFarland is gonna give his end of the year press conference and that Gabe landeskog would be there as well and I’d be lying if I said I my first reaction was not uh oh because it was that that was my immediate knee-jerk reaction of okay the last time Chris McFarland and Gabe landeskog did a press conference it wasn’t together I remember Gabe landeskog did like a zoom meeting and then there was like a quick break and then Chris McFarland did his meeting so they weren’t like side by side but it was for the reason of Gabe lcot is gonna be out for the whole season so you can’t help but go there you cannot help but your mind go there but is is there an overreaction here is this just the GM and the captain just kind of giving a state of the team press conference here see that’s the wonderful thing about this this this it was they dropped this little nugget you knew this meeting was coming up they they had this scheduled for quite some time and the little reminder that hey it’s happening by time you’re listening to this today right why include the gabis cogn Nugget what what what are you putting that like front of everybody’s mind I mean there some people saying like I mean it’s it’s it’s always plan like there’s always a a end of the year GM press conference um I don’t remember Gabe Landy being at those am I wrong in that he I don’t usually remember uh the captain being there for them I feel like it’s it’s usually Joe sakic and Chris McFarland answering those questions so for it to be PL yeah of course it’s planned but is the the gab blandis part of it planned or did that just happen recently I don’t know and see and I’m I’m I’m I’m kind of struggling with it is this going to be the quote unquote announcement or is this going to be hello ABS fans I’m gab blog let me give you an update on where I’m sitting right now and what what things are going to look at going forward like I don’t think I’m going to be 100% at this date but maybe this date are we going to go through that again right that that I wonder if that’s where this is going but I would not be shocked either if this is I tried my best this is year three let’s be realistic here I don’t think I can do this it would be weird for that to happen now because you have the whole off season uh to to continue to work on being ready for the opening of next season so the only reason I it would it would be the step back is what Chris McFarland has has always said in that if there is any step back we start back at square one so and there was nothing in any reporting that I saw or any uh videos that people were taking at practices during the the postseason that would lead you to believe that there was a step back if anything it seemed like he was progressing Gabe lcog in his skating and and his drills and things like that it seemed like he was getting better so if there is a if something happened between when the season ended and on uh Thursday when they have this meeting it it happened then where something took a turn where it went backwards so I don’t like I don’t want to go there because there was so much good news for since he came back on the ice everything was going in the direction you wanted it to go but I think like I said it’s just natural to to to say because he hasn’t been like in the public eye in terms of he’s not doing press conferences and why would he he’s not he’s not playing in the game or anything like that so maybe it is that maybe it is just we’re going to give you an update on the team how we thought the season went what’s going on in in our offseason and you know Lisk hasn’t talked to you guys in a year so he’s going to give you an update on his thing as well I I’m really like going back and forth of like man it literally could be either or and I clearly hope it is not like you know the worst case scenario which those we don’t speak of we don’t want to use the word uh but I don’t know man it was just it was just odd to to see that’s the combination of of of what this press conference is going to be and you know thinking about it this might be one of those situations where aen style like from Narnia gab Bland diskog royally gets up in front of everyone sits down and says for far too long this team has gone without a captain I have tried to come back and I just can’t and this team needs leadership and we’ve talked about what this offseason is going to look like for the Avalanche with the circus that it will be and Gabe lisc says I can’t be a part of that and take away from the team my leadership I’m starting to be a deterrent I’m starting to take away from where this team should be and he lays that Jersey down and then blinks into a thousand butterflies and disappears but I I wonder if that’s where this is going to go is I see where my team is and if for order to me to be a good leader I have to take a step back and realize that I can’t do this to my team for a third year this is just too much for me my team they need to move on and I need to get on with my life post hockey he lays down the Jersey the sea is now part of the circus that is the off season and we go from there it would just be weird to do that now because you have four or five months until the next season and you you like I said everything seemed like it was it was going in the right direction um I know bedar said after they they were eliminated that he didn’t really think he was anywhere near coming back for these playoffs he’s still progressing and and things are going the way that they want them to go but even if they had moved on he didn’t think he was coming back for these playoffs and that’s kind of what I think deep down everybody thought but was just hoping otherwise maybe there’s some minor miracle that happens here um so we’ll just have to see what this is all about I’m I’m just really hoping it is that I am really hoping it is just just giving you an update on on where I stand uh because if anything if anything happened where there was a step back it was recent so um we’ll see but what do you think from the Chris McFarland angle what do you think his words are going to be he’s gonna be asked about valich chukin like that is going to be question number one two three four five probably um but other than that outside of that like how do you feel like his his response is going to be to how they played this season where they’re going in the off season all that GM stuff that you hear the GM talk that you hear well I’m glad you brought that up because I think I’m going to be listening to that more than anything lcog will say because I don’t think any anything’s going to really change on that front I think McFarland’s words are going to be crucial and something that I’m going to chew on for days because honestly the McFarland experience has not been that beneficial um he’s made Moves like we talked about what this offseason was with the moves coming in and having the course correct um we’re have to hear from McFarland on what what are the plans going into this season what are you going to do about nuke what about this guy that’s about to talk what are we going to do here what are we going to do about this money what are we going to do about the depth and hey that Mo contract’s coming up so I would like to hear a little bit more of a commitment to an identity instead of avalanche this Avalanche that like yes it got you the cup in 22 in 2022 but what are we going to do in 2425 yeah uh I’m with you on that I’m I’m kind of uh really curious to see how he responds to the the NuSkin stuff and what the plan is for the off season and I don’t really feel like there is going to be a ton that the Avalanche can do um I mean all of their unrestricted free agents are depth guys so that’s what they’re going to go after it’s going to be a very like unsexy off season for the ABS in terms of free agency um the interesting stuff is what we’ve been talking about the the Gabe stuff which maybe we’ll get something on that tomorrow um the nusan stuff and and the draft is always interesting but um yeah that’s kind of where we stand with the ABS just gonna kind of be a ho hum offseason I feel and I really I would like to hear what McFarland thinks about the season that just wrapped up I I want I don’t want to hear well I believed in our team and I love what we put together and I hate that a couple bounces didn’t go our way no there’s some plays players and instances that need to be held accountable and do they hold it accountable or do they consider this season a success because it’s one round over Seattle is this progression in the right way or can you look at this team and say ah something’s a miss here and we have to course correct we will see so we will uh definitely talk about that on tomorrow’s episode and anything that comes out of it we definitely kind of break that down so we’ll wait for that um and that’ll be tomorrow’s episode definitely but we’re going to take our first break for today and get into our first uh season grade and that is Andrew cogliano so we’ll do that right after this let’s hear from game time it’s an authorized ticket Marketplace of the NBA which makes getting playoff tickets even faster and easier prices on game time actually go 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the way that we we do this alphabetically and we really do it for players that have played at least like half of the season so like I know a lot of people are like well alphabetically it should be usess Anu and he only played like 12 or 14 game like we’re not going to get that’s kind of unfair but I do think we should include Zack paresi in this you think I I think when I looked it up he had 30 games played for them I think that’s close enough I think we saw enough of him so when we get to P we will we will include Z pry and also because it’s likely his last season so why not send him off uh with a grade uh but we’re going to start with Andrew cogliano here and let’s uh move some stuff around here on the YouTube and get a a nice graphic there so that’s where we stand if you’re watching on YouTube you see um what we gave it and then uh social media so I went with a C+ you went with a flat B um and for social media they can’t do the Plus and minuses so it’s just flat grades so YouTube 48% B Twitter x uh 46% C Instagram said 49% B and threads said 60% B so uh the majority gets a b and I want C+ and along with Twitter so and I think that’s kind of where where you’re going to get with Andrew Kagan bees in the trap for Mr Andrew cogliano and this is I I like that alphabetically he lands here because this is your prototypical your textbook example of stats and production that does not show up on the stat sheet yeah agreed Andrew cogliano is put in games usually when the AVS um start building momentum it’s constant line changes and building on the line before when kagana goes out there he’s a flow disruptor he automatically has that aggressive a for check he he gets in and he’s like sandpaper he wears you down or he’ll completely flip the tone of a game he can flip momentum like that he is that kind of caliber player and that usually doesn’t end up with points like he’s sitting 14th on the team in the regular season with points with just the 19 but he gets things started and he stops momentum when they need it and he doesn’t he doesn’t go out there and he’s not flashy he’s not like in contention for hat tricks or Point streaks he does what is needed to be done and he has a blue collar lunch pail asset to this team we always talk about you know don’t take Nathan McKinnon and uh kale marar for granted and mik Ranon for granted and I think you can kind of lump Andrew kagano in that for obviously different reasons and like the one thing that I I I hate about Andrew kagano is whenever he gets hurt I just assume he’s coming back in yeah it’s like oh he went to the locker room he’ll be back I don’t like that I feel that way with Andrew cockley off because the Dude is genuinely probably hurt but he just he’s he’s just a bowling ball he’s a wrecking ball and uh he is going to come back dude broke his neck and came back and played like like he is he is is reliable for what you want him to do he’s Wolverine like oh God yeah yeah no he is adamantium flowing through his veins um and he he is you know penalty kill is his Jam like that’s where he excels you’re you’re yeah you can throw out the stats and and I think you threw out a couple of them for like points and stuff like that it doesn’t matter for him he’s got one short-handed goal and four short-handed points your penalty so I mean he he like you said he’s got a 19 points total um and what were the total points for so five points for penalty K uh short-handed points I think he had yeah he had one goal and four points Four Points okay so but you know his his his point production is not really you’re looking for Andrew kagano to to Really lead your team it is in the the all the extras um and he does it like he he does it great and he’s at his age um he’s still playing the same way and I think that’s that is another question like does he come back do you feel like if he wants to come back do you think the avalanch is saying like yeah I I we’ll we’ll roll with another year with you um I I don’t it wouldn’t cost you a lot you didn’t see a a massive dip in production if for him it’s just does he want to put because he’s gonna put his body through another season of just getting beat up that’s just his game so does he want to do that and if he wants to I would have zero problem with the avalan bringing him back again yeah kiano’s kind of got himself in that Darren Helm Jack Johnson like at the end of every season you are perfectly fine if he hangs it up or if he comes back for one more year you know it’s not going to cost you but you know what you’re going to get out of this player is far beyond what you’re paying for him and that’s kogo like he is like he’s one of those that when he is out you feel it you know it and when he comes back you don’t know what it is because again it doesn’t show up on the stat sheet but you feel the difference and you can tell with the way momentum is flipped and pressure is just sustained because of what cogliano does y um over on subtext we had some people chime in over there uh vargar says gos is Dependable he’s a locker room leader and has a typically solid season for him uh with grades I determine how well a player plays with his his potential so a player like kagano can be an a he’s part or excuse me he played up to his ability and always showed effort I’m not grading to Talent than uh if you give it marcar A+ and Coga C+ but that’s not fair uh you grade to their playing to the best of their abilities yeah that’s exactly how I I I do it too um but so if you’re wondering why I gave him a C+ I just feel like that’s where he that’s where he that’s what he gives you like he gives you all of that extra but um did he you know with all the the depth issues that the Avalanche had I think he fell into those traps every once in a while as well like he didn’t have a full season of just being uh the best ad depth player on the Avalanche and he goes through funks every once in a while of just being a little bit invisible but you know he’s always he always shows up on the penalty kill that’s where his bread and butter is uh but unfortunately or fortunately I should say the ABS don’t play 60 Minutes on a penalty kill uh because so five on five he he like I think that’s where his shows is when it’s five on five and and you know the maybe the speed is catching up to him a little bit um and does he struggle to keep up I don’t want to go there because he just his effort is always there but you can kind of see a little bit that maybe the age is catching up to him a little bit but it’s so weird because when the penalty comes out it’s like he’s you know the the Fountain of Youth has hit him and he’s just everywhere yeah and that’s the blessing of the curse about edri cogo’s play style he never takes a night off but he never takes the game over so when you’re on the losing effort it’s kind of oh cogs you could have gave us a little bit more but in a winning effort you never talk about cogliano because everything he did helped you win you just don’t see it so and on those nights where the depth isn’t there kagano is just lumped in by association but he just he’s never one of those that takes the night completely off he’s churning and he’s trying oh he’s definitely trying uh Easton said B I think he started great but as the year ended you could see the lack of gas left in the tank maybe that’s the best way to describe it I think that that could be a good a good way to describe it what what Easton just threw out there um ABS fan forever says a c maybe I’m off but I just don’t remember his name coming up a lot in games and I watched uh that I watched and even in episodes of this show besides wanting to see more out of him but that’s kind of what we’re saying here like he he is just that guy that kind of flies under the radar um he’ll he’ll just be right place right time he’s not going to wow you yeah he doesn’t just jump off the screen again save for the penalty kill yeah with the microscope that was on bow and Byrum Sam Gerard and Josh Manson this season no news is good news when it comes to kagano Y uh a couple more Zach says B+ he does exactly what is asked of him pretty cut and dry there um and then Madam battle ax she gives him a B+ I love kagano I really think he brought so much experience and knowledge to the younger players uh but he could have given a bit more on his line gave a solid performance just not Superior that’s kind of where I’m at with him yeah so yeah he averages 10 minutes a night he knows what he’s got and what he can give and he manages he budgets his energy that way exactly so um yeah so that’s Andrew kagano um for the next one that we do it’ll be Ross Colton so that’ll be uh that’ll be a fun one to do so uh brand new player um from this first this first year with the ABS what what’s his grade GNA be that will be uh the next one that we do all right let’s get one more break in and then uh Jared Bednar just continues to get no love and this time you could literally say zero zero love what do we mean by that talk about that coming up next all right let’s hear from indeed so there is no I in team but there is one in indeed and that’s the hiring platform you need to build yours and when you’re hiring of course you need indeed it’s the hiring platform where you can attract interview and hire all in one place instead of spending hours on multiple job sites searching for candidates with the right skills indeed is a powerful hiring platform that can help you do it all we streamline the hiring and with with powerful tools that find you matched candidates with instant match over 80% of employers get quality candidates whose resume is on indeed match their job description the moment they sponsor a job according to indeed you data in the US so start hiring now with a $75 sponsor job credit to upgrade your job post at lockon offers good for a limited time so claim your $75 credit now at lockon that’s lockon terms and conditions apply apply and if you need to hire then you need indeed all right so we got the uh excuse me the winner for the Jack Adams award we knew that Jared Bednar was not in the final three we didn’t expect him to be for this season we’re not going there um because yeah we you know it was just a a good season for the Avalanche was it Jack Adams worthy no but um the the thing that is very interesting to me here as I bring it up all right um so your winner was uh Rick tett really running away this thing was not even close uh as far as the points go he had 483 points in second place was Andrew brunette with 145 so this was Rick tockets to to lose and he did not do that but I’m gonna list all of the coaches that got a point um in this voting and for for the points you can you know you vote for first second or third right so here they are Rick taka Andrew Bernett Rick bonis Peter lavet Chris noblock Paul Maurice uh Spencer carbury Rod bore Jim Montgomery Peter dor John Cooper John Tortorella and Mike Sullivan that is it that is 13 coaches that got a point you did not hear Jared bednar’s name in there are you telling me that Jared bnar is not even with the season that they had where they finished third in the division still made the playoffs okay season for Avalanche standards he could not even get a third place vote he’s the 14 wor guessing the 14th best coach for this past season is that what you’re telling me I think Jared Bednar is now becoming a product of the Chicken and the Egg company conv ation when it comes to the trajectory of this Colorado Avalanche Squad and his current like yes he’s he’s getting all these coaching records for the Avalanche because guess what Avalanche coaches don’t stick around for as long as Jared Bednar has and honestly this year has he done like last year would have been the a really good year for him to win the award with all the injuries it would have been one of his better campaign for that on top of the cup year this year you had a good team twice you honestly the team could have performed a little bit better and in those instances that we talked about like you could have easily put a couple games together and got the central could have you had the West a couple times and you just let it go you had those blowout games against Winnipeg it wasn’t the best season and honestly with the the same with the vzna voting there are so many other good stories and jobs when it comes to coaching resumés this year that Bednar is just we’ll look at him next year we’ll see what he puts together not gonna matter like we’re we’re we’re in a situation where it’s I I I can’t Envision anything that will will get him over the hump to to win this thing at this point and I said it before I put up a a post on Twitter when when they announced the the final three for this year it’s like we’ve gotten to a point with Jared benar where you can say well the reason why I’m voting for this guy this year like for Rick taket is because what like maybe they exceeded expectations nobody expect them to be as good as they were that you know top in the league for the majority of the Season you can go back and say well Jared bnard did that in 2021 or or like you can always say like bednard did that in this year and wasn’t even nominated I think up this point he’s one nomination if I’m if I’m not mistaken and and that was the the year that they turned it around went from horrible to playoff spot and the only reason he lost it that year is because Vegas was a an expansion team that made the playoffs and they really weren’t an expansion team let’s get real here like that that was an all I shouldn’t say All-Star team that that that was uh uh with an as an expansion team with an asri right but hey I mean they still performed well I get it um but here I mean so like with Peter dor he’s 10th and you know I think with everybody feeling like at the beginning of the Season it was going to be abs and Dallas back and forth who’s going to win it or you know who’s gonna win the division well Dallas was one of the teams that was expected to win it they did he finished 10th and I think for the Avalanche finishing third you know look who finished second Winnipeg and Rick bonis is third here so I I think because that’s where we’re at with Jared Benard is just the expectation is that they’re they’re supposed to do well and because of that he’s going to get uh you know kind of pushed down in these vote the voting for Jack Adams and so even when you know they’re expected to win the division and they do is he’s not going to finish better than 10th according to stuff like this you know I mean I know there’s other factors at play here but I’m just like a little bit just mythed at like you can’t even like benar can’t even get a a a a vote and you have two guys on here out of out of the 13 coaches here two of them the last two and John torella and Mike Sullivan did not make the playoffs and I’m not saying the playoffs is the end all be all but because I think torella did a good job this year I talk you know I I come down at him a lot I don’t like the way that he handles things but um I think he got a lot out of that team is he deserving sure um the Mike Sullivan yeah they turned it around too but just rubs me the wrong way that you that people think that Jared bedar is is not at least in the top 13 of coaches for this year that’s a little bit laughable to me well you mentioned another name on that list that I think bedar is going to be permanently in that same caliber and that’s John Cooper year in year out you look at John Cooper he’s never in the Jack Adams running but he always puts together he knows how to make that lightning team work even we talk we had the crossover with Adam and he talked about the injuries to vasileski and how they overcame that you don’t hear any Fanfare for John Cooper that’s just what you’re supposed to do that’s how he gets that team to work that’s how Bednar is he is the John Cooper of the West no matter what this team does that’s what bedar is supposed to do with that team he knows how to make it work so I feel like that’s where it’s going to be and vard’s Legacy is going to be when he’s finally all said and done when they put his name in the rafters it’s going to be all these accolades and these coaching Awards and records without the Jack Adams but it’s going to be everything else in franchise history yeah man I agree like I honestly was not even expecting to talk about the Jack Adams because I I I like we said we didn’t feel like he would have should have been in the top three this year no um but to not see his name at all to get any any points at all um I kind of surprised me I was expecting him to be low on on the list you know maybe like single digits like the torella got seven points I thought I was honestly expecting to be somewhere in there but to to get a goose egg was a little bit shocking to me so um I guess it’s a it’s a new low for how they look at Jared bedar and where he where he sits among the coaching for for the league for this year I I don’t know didn’t make any sense to me I just I think the League’s comfortable with him and I think it’s a blessing and a curse to be in that position you did a good job that everybody’s comfortable and everybody else is coaching for their life and getting that Jack Adams nod yeah yeah so all right uh that is going to wrap it up for today so uh definitely tune in tomorrow we’re gonna see what goes on at this press conference for the AVS and uh Chris McFarland and Gabe lcog and we will talk about that tomorrow for this one thank you for tuning in and making it your first listen of the day always appreciated so he is Mr Shaggy Von Doom Kyle Sullivan I am Chris Meli and this is the lockdown Avalanche podcast we’ll see you guys tomorrow

It was announced that Colorado Avalanche GM Chris MacFarland will meet the media for the first time since the Avs season ended. Which is customary for front office members. However, it was also announced that Gabriel Landeskog will also take part in the press conference. Is that a cause for concern?

We also begin our season grades and like usual start alphabetically with Andrew Cogliano!

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  1. They aren't going to say anything about Val right now lol. Legit what can they say? Yeah screw that guy we are moving on? Like the dude has another 4 years on his contract AND has a no move clause. The only way they move on from him is A) It's determined that his actions warrant contract termination (Not gonna happen), and B) He chooses to move on himself. That's the only plausible solution.

    As far as Landy, who knows. I just want closure, whatever that looks like. This team needs a Captain. A leader on and off the ice. And as much as I miss Landy, he can't fulfill that role when he's not playing with the team. I hope that he comes back, but we need some sense of certainty either way.

  2. Landy is retiring and joining the Avs' front office. He tried to come back during these playoffs but couldn't. He's not going to let the organization go through the free agency period thinking he's coming back and then retire.

  3. Someone will have to explain to me the extreme importance that fans put on who the captain is. I worked in D1 college and minor league hockey for almost 15 years and can tell you from that experience that it generally isn't that big of an issue in the locker room. According to the rule book a team can assign a maximum of 3 captains per game, and their only official duty is to be the communication link between the team and the referees. In the NHL, that rule is even bent because if you're a respected veteran, the refs will treat you in that capacity anyway. What really happens in that room is exactly what they all talk about publicly – there is a leadership group of several players. For the Avs that group includes (but is not limited to) Landy, MacK, Mikko, Cale, Toews, and LOC. In their case, they have been blessed for the last decade plus to have a guy like Landy who is a clear cut leader in all aspects of the team with each of the others assisting in their own ways but always on the same page working for the team. In Landy's absence each of those just have to keep doing what they're doing.

    I think fans have this over inflated sense of importance of who wears the C and it just isn't reality for teams. Especially not teams at that level. Almost every single one of the guys in that locker room has worn a letter at some point in their career whether it was in juniors, college, or European leagues. They are and have been leaders, so it's not like there's an absence of leadership. They miss Landy because of who he is a person, a teammate, and a player. Simply putting a C on someone else's jersey is not going to replace all of those things.

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