Should Montreal Canadiens trade Brendan Gallagher? What if the Habs had never traded Ryan McDonagh?

Should Montreal Canadiens trade Brendan Gallagher? What if the Habs had never traded Ryan McDonagh?

today on locked on Canadians should the HS trade Bon Gallagher you’re locked on Canadians your daily podcast on the Montreal Canadians part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hi everyone and welcome to episode 1,75 it hurts just to say that of lock on Canadians where you get your team every single day as part of the locked on podcast Network and today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase my name is Laura Saab also known as the active stick and I’m joined this time not by Scott Mata uh but as a member by by a member of our locked on Canadians family Ian B of the build subscribe to the build podcast Ian thank you so much for joining me today always it’s always a pleasure to join you guys thanks for having I like I love having you on because I just I feel like we finally found a topic where we might disagree on and so that’s what I wanted to tackle today um I’m of the opinion that one of the priorities for trading a contract to be traded off the books I should say is Brendan Gallagher my reasoning for this is that I feel like it will also be part of yes he does make a lot of money he’s signed for more than you know just half a year whatever like he signed more than the ideal time um time frame for me uh and I think that in my mind trading Bren and Gallagher off of this team also signals a new era and that’s one of my reasons and I understand that there are other contracts on the Montreal Canadians books that maybe they might benefit from removing earlier but I also feel that there might still be takers for Brendan Gallagher in a way that some of those contracts will not Ian thoughts yeah I think I I agree of like of the the contracts still on the books for the Canadians his is among the least palatable if you are the Montreal Canadians um you know Gallagher’s contract that he signed was not a show me contract it was you have shown me here’s the money you you have earned while we underpaid you right and that you know he’s already he’s he’s past that 30y old Mark he’s 32 and he’s got six and a half million on the books uh for the next three years with a modified no movement clause and then a no movement clause which really just means you can’t trade me unless I want to be traded um those things get wiped out quite often nowadays they almost mean nothing based on how often guys get traded while they have them um or unless you’re the Ottawa Senators who just trade guys who have them and then you know face the consequences later but um I I I enjoyed the last like the back half of the season for Brenan Gallagher because I think he really came into his own as a role player on this team which he hasn’t been right like he’s been a top six guy it wasn’t that long ago where we were looking at brandan Gallagher as onethird of one of the most effective lines probably in the NHL with him Phil do know and Thomas Tatar so that transition has not been graceful for Gallagher but I think he has landed on his feet the problem is going to be that cap hit um it unless you are eating a contract in return that another team thinks is unpalatable it’s gonna be really hard to get rid of him right um you know I I think like you know we look down at the the ybry CAU kinami situation down in Carolina that c caphe head is less but it’s longer do you want to take on a contract like that in exchange for moving on from a Gallagher we’re really just extending the problem it’s not solving anything at that point you know what I mean I I do believe that they ha they are going to have to move him for the reason you like the first reason you said that it’s time it’s time to to hand this core over to the next generation of the Montreal Canadians that’s already kind of here um so curious like would you move him if we were taking a contract back that’s maybe like two years longer but like $2 million cheaper every year is that a is that a forward-thinking move I think I guess it depends as well because like there’s never a straight answer right so like is the player that the Canadians are getting back somebody where they’re not you know they’re not a defensive black hole for example right like they’re not always on for chances against or something like that like I don’t necessarily think they have to add too much value in that scenario because again you’re trading a bad contract you have to eat something in return uh but at the same time I feel like part of it is just it’s simply that he is now the only person left um from back in the day and I know we’re going to get into remembering some guys a little bit later um but I do think that I do feel that part of it is that you know as you mentioned this was his is paying for the performance he’s already provided kind of contract so he’s secure no matter what they do whether they trade him or they buy him out which is not a good idea but any of that like he still has that uh contract that money that he earned right like that compensation that he earned so for me I just I feel like you mentioned that he’s kind of come into his own and it’s true that he’s now kind of come to terms with not being the guy or allowing other people to be that really annoying netfront presence and sort of you know changing his game like I do feel that it did take him a little while to evolve and and we will give him some Grace because he had he suffered a lot of injuries but I think from my perspective it just it feels like a bygone era and it feels like it’s still haunting them and you know it’s not to me it’s not the end of the world if he’s still there and I do understand that most people their priority is trying to get J Josh Anderson off this team or off the cap um and an interest comment actually from one of the listeners said that Josh Anderson would have a place somewhere like Florida I mean I don’t know what their cap situation is right now but I thought that was interesting they do like to have uh guys who are a bit more physical but not necessarily as uh I’m gonna say finessed refined in their game uh but I understand why people would want to move him I understand why people think Christian Dvorak uh should should not be on this roster anymore because he’s also taking up roster spots for people that we want to kind of progress from uh the prospect ranking depth and so for me like the idea of training Brenan Gallagher is partly just because I have not the the use that he now brings this team to me does not outweigh the benefits of starting fresh if you were yeah and that’s a perfect you know risk cost analysis right is okay we’re we have him on the team he’s it looks like anyway he’s going to to be able to perform in a bottom six role pretty effectively is that worth the roster spot is that worth the cap hit how much can we swing in the other direction where we we’re giving up something of value to get rid of him before that becomes a wash um it’s really like I I think it was um Arpin Basu and and Mark antoy Gan they had brought up the fact that he’s kind of got the career Arc of like a Dustin Brown out in La like Dustin Brown was the end of at the end of things with the Kings like he wasn’t the guy anymore but he he turned into a really effective role player and was able to retire there as a hero essentially like he’s got a statue outside the the staple CER I guess it’s arena now um you know like also like can we just can we just talk about the fact that like you know what statues are outside the Bell Center oh I know it’s it’s like i’ I I’ve never gone to the Bell Center I’ve been a Canadian fan for for I don’t know somewhere near almost 20 years at this point I’ve never been wow the stad like I’ve gone to New Jersey and they have a statue of Marty bder out front it’s like okay that makes sense he’s one of the greatest goalies of all time but then like you do get into those other Arenas where it’s like you know like like Dustin Brown like statistically might end up being one of the better American players of all time certainly not I don’t I don’t think if he played anywhere else he’d have a statue but to that team he’s important and for that that matters to me right like if I was rooting for a team like in LA you know an expand not an original 16 like an expansion franchise I would have statues up for the weirdest dudes that would just make everybody upset you know like that would be my that would be my thing if I was running one of those teams um and and I like I think for me the prime example of that is like you know for example Nashville would have a shay Weber um or yeah pear that’s a great one or in Columbus um oh my God yes I was gonna say he became a ranger later I I wanted to call him Sean something no I was thinking about him and then yeah but like I think and that’s the thing right so in in Montreal like even though like he’s not in that Pantheon of Legends like this is a different kind of time that we live in it’s a different kind of time we play hockey and Brendan Gallagher is one of those guys where like he is For Better or Worse associated with a level of legend for the Canadians where I think you know like and and it’s not to say that that didn’t have value at the time you know him emerging as like one of the hardest players to play against or being a leader on the team or whatever you want to call it I just feel like now is kind of a new time and and I feel like dragging around the past I feel like they’re dragging around the past by keeping him on is my yeah one of Mark Ban’s last parting gifts was that contract really stunk it up on the way out of here man he he he left every light on in the house and then bailed yeah and now we’re stuck paying six and a half million dollars for that electricity so bad all right so um I you know I and and again it’s not to say that I don’t appreciate Brendan Gallagher and whatever he’s brought I just feel like it’s time for something new you can flame me in the comments I don’t care in the meantime uh we do want to talk about we we want to talk about the draft because is coming up and we want to talk about the implications of uh matre mitkov coming over and whether that hurts the Canadians shot uh at potentially seeing him being available at fifth overall and that is coming up in just one moment here on lock on Canadians but first this episode is brought to you by game time I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to purchase tickets but sometimes it is such an ordeal and especially right now when things like the NBA playoffs are going on you really want attend a game and it’s so so hard to find tickets but I’m here to tell you that game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of the NBA and they make getting playoff tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to the tip off and here’s the thing game time is one of those places where there are no hidden fees 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last time the Canadians pick in the top five and hopefully top 10 for like 10 years so let’s talk about like the news and this this was um actually your suggestion mat mitkov is going to be able to come over so how does that that that kind of I think hurts the Canadians chance of getting uh demidov I think so I think that if you’re looking at a team like Chicago who’s picking second like tell me that they wouldn’t want to put Conor Bard on the same line with mat or with Ivan demidov like it fits so well um as much as I think that they would like a defenseman um you know probably pretty early in this draft I think that Chicago knows the value when they see it and they’re going to go after a guy who can be a Topline player um in the NHL in a draft that really it doesn’t look like there are that many Surefire options it’s really mlin celebrini and a tier of his own um and then you know you sort of get into the other forwards like demad off who’s probably pretty close to you know two if not at two and then Kaden Lindstrom and I know TJ ginla is making a whole lot of noise um yeah his stock has risen up like yeah and that’s I mean that’s the kind of guy the Canadians love right like they they do love when guys are on the upswing um they did it with they did it with Y lvovsky he was you know over in the Olympics he was the tournament MVP they did it with reinbacher who that it was that summer that summer World Junior where like one of the co years where they they ended up like playing it in Alberta One Summer and like he he would had a big tournament there and he and they that that put him on their radar um so I think that you know if the if somehow they do get demidov does fall to five he’s my pick it just I I think that the the fit is too easy for the Canadians but it wouldn’t shock me if he was off the board already given what we know about mitcho he was supposed to not be over here for four years and then a year after he’s picked they’re terminating his contract in the KHL and he can come over um I think I don’t know if any of that’s been fully ironed out yet but that’s the that’s the plan it makes all of like the the hand ringing over over him being picked and not coming over look very silly in retrospect and it was it already looked very silly at the time he wanted to come over to the NHL it was just this whole thing that well he’s playing in the KHL he’s a Russian kid he’s not going to want to come over and there wasn’t really a ton of like reason for any of that and I think the difference with demidov is with we had our episode with Haddie calic and you know he is refusing to to sign for long term in the KHL so he’s also being kind of punished for it um over over there and so like it’s very clear that should he get drafted he wants to come over and he wants to get his NHL career started so um I think you know there there shouldn’t be any concerns on that front and but that really does hurt the Canadians because that was kind of the hope we had as fans was hopefully other GMS will be deterred or they’ll Galaxy brain their own picks right and now Chicago I know I know last year they had first overall it was a no-brainer I totally get it I completely understand it but Chicago in my mind is not a Galaxy brain type team no especially that early in the draft right so like our hope has to be that they really want someone else significantly more right and then in terms of Columbus like to me that’s kind of a wild card because we’re kind of familiar with um you know Trevor Timmons and his drafting strategy um but you know we we they don’t really have a GM and the or the the vision has not been set right the vision is not set and so that leaves us with Anaheim who do things inexplicably yeah they they I mean Pat ver just kind of does what Pat for Beek wants to do right um so that it’s it’s really going to be tough to see him falling to the Canadians I just really have a hard time with it um so while you’re here Ian I’m gonna ask you because all the content we’ve done so far uh we haven’t had a chance to talk to you about Becket Sena because that has been a name that has been associated with the Canadians now and as we’ve seen in the last two drafts a lot of the times with this team whether smoke that somebody on that on that scouting team is is leaking so yeah I the I’m of two minds about it one it seems like the Canadians would be well served to trade back if he’s their guy um with that said the idea that he is their guy means to me that I think there are some teams behind them who would want him um you know it’s the reason why they didn’t trade back when they wanted to take reinbacher because he was probably going to Arizona now Utah if if they didn’t pick him I I wonder if there’s a similar sort of issue here where they want they want this kid and they probably are throwing a little bit of value Away by making the pick at the spot that they’re at but they know that if they trade back even a few slots that he might not be there um it’s really it’s I the way that this front off this goes a pick in the draft has been nothing but an anxious for me since they got here um with that said I I do trust their their Vision here I think they know what this team lacks um and if you know I I think that their chances to grab that top Elite Talent in in the draft after this summer is is kind of gone right like they’re not we’re not expecting them to be a top five draft pick next year we’re not expecting them to to win a lottery next year so the the door for them to acquire those players via draft essentially closes after this summer so then we’re looking at trade and free agency to get a guy who’s going to be a top Elite offensive talent because it’s a hole this roster has that until they fill it we’re going to say why why didn’t you take mitkov if demidov is there at five this year why didn’t you take demidov you you know so I do trust that that they’re going to find a way to fill that hole but it’s just until it’s done like I’m I’m just worried about what they’re going to do with this pick like that’s that’s exactly how I feel and again like so you know they kind of I feel like get and this is not just unique to them like front offices often kind of get married to their choice they think that this guy would be good on our team and then that’s it so they talk themselves into it and we’ve seen you know the behind the- scenes draft videos a lot of times the Canadians and it’s like they seem to have a foregone conclusion a lot right and again we’re only seeing 10 minutes out of months of discussion but still to me it feels like front offices tend to do that and and like you know people that I’ve talked to who are in the know kind of also support that whereas the idea is always taking the best player available sometimes you get married to a name and you luck out and they are the best player available but sometimes when there’s a better player your fan base will be until you bring home that cup your fan base will be second guessing every single draft pick that you do yeah not I mean not to dunk on him for a second time in a half hour show but yes Barry cot kinami is that right like he was a reach at three he made no sense at three at the time and then they said no this is going to work and they kept him in the NHL they sent it down to lval for a little bit kind of a failed experiment and then they just kind of you know made him hate the Montreal Canadians and want to leave at the first chance he got like his entry-level contract ended and he was like I’m out I’m never playing here again so like you know like that’s that’s a case study in in you know the the alternative of falling in love with your guy and it just not being a good fit especially because Brady kachuck goes right afterwards you know like exactly there were good players available there and they fell in love with the idea of of filling that Center role that Mark Berman failed to fill in the decade that he was here um and and they PA for it right they they all paid for it with their jobs realistically um you know so I I do like the idea that they they get comfortable enough with a kid where they’re like this is our guy we believe in our guy that’s all well and good until a few years from now we still haven’t seen much success right and I know that’s a challenge to to put that pressure on them now but that that’s the weight of the decision-making that they have is they have to make the right decisions now so that in five years we’re looking at a Stanley Cup Contender we’re not looking at a bubble team um so I I if it’s senic I hope he’s awesome that’s all that’s I hope I’ll say the same thing that I said when they picked uh your slowski I hope they know what they’re doing right and this the thing is like sometimes you know like there there are teams that maybe five year dra like they draft for five years in a row and then they get four hits and one miss right you just don’t want it to be the opposite you don’t want it to be one hit and four misses and that to me is like the biggest thing especially in a rebuild that usually the timelines around around five years in the meantime we want to talk about remembering some guy speaking of filling that Center Hole unsuccessfully uh let’s talk about the McDonna trade and uh play a wh if game and that’s coming up in just one moment here on locked on Canadians but first this episode is also brought to you by indeed because when you are creating your time you want to make sure that you have the right person for your team and there is no I in team there’s one in indeed and that is the hiring platform you need to build your team when you’re hiring you need indeed the things I love about indeed is that it’s a hiring platform where you can do everything you can attract interview and hire all in one place it’s streamline hiring because they have power to powerful tools that help you find the best candidates and with instant match over 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finishing school like obviously there’s not a whole lot left in his career but it got me thinking what if the Montreal Canadians never traded Ryan mcdna away and it we have to note that Chris Higgins and his extremely important abdominal muscles were also traded in that trade um and in return the Canadians got Scott Gman and Tom Patt I also had forgotten which Patt they got yeah yeah yeah they also got Michael buo I don’t remember who that is at all um the full trade is Scott Gomez Tom pilot and Michael boo to the Canadians for Ryan mcdna Chris Higgins Doug janick and pavle valenko so a lot of extra in there that meant nothing a lot of extra I didn’t even remember happen yeah yeah no that’s that’s that was a crazy I remember I was in the car with my dad when that trade broke and we kind of just like we were just kind of stunned because at the time it was like Scott Gomez is pretty good like this is a good like we were all like man this is great I mean we got him for some defenseman we’ve never even seen play and Chris Hagen who at this point was like a second liner for for the Canadians so like it was it was like cool this is awesome I love this uh that that trade failed pretty miserably um I would say within like two years it was known that this was one of the worst trades in NHL history um and that’s the thing like I think they they traded for Scott Gomez at the peak of his career but that’s the problem with getting a guy at at the peak of his career is that it’s all downhill from there yeah yeah so it’s it’s fun to play that game of what happens if the Canadians keep Ryan MCD um you know it’s it’s easy to sit here and say that they would be a better team but that’s that’s kind of lazy and obvious so I liked the the the thought that if they kept MCD and they didn’t get Chris Haggins or they didn’t get uh Scott Gomez rather when the lockout ends a few years later uh every team got a comp a compliance buyout um if you remember I think the Flyers bought out Danny Brier which is how he ended up coming to Montreal right and the uh the Canadians used theirs on Scott Gomez because he had an albatross of a contract at was not worth that you know we talk about Brennan Gallagher not being worth the spot or the space well Scott Gomez at that point he had just gone like a calendar year without scoring a goal so like it was pretty pretty bad um so it’s funny to think like okay so they they they don’t use that compliance buyout on um on Scott Gomez my attention immediately turns to renie Bor who had just really gotten there um and he was under contract for let’s see that that lockout started in 2012 so he had four more years left at three and a third million like that would have been the guy probably that that ends up getting bought out um because remember it’s Mark bersan stepping in and doing that um he doesn’t care he I didn’t trade for renie Bor it’s not my guy right so like that in my mind like we we move on from from bour I mean we ended up trading bour for Ian I’ll say nothing like Ki ramoo I think came back Patrick Holland like just a b just like guys just lowercase G guys yeah bodies so it’s it’s fun to think of it from like a transactional standpoint like okay what are the other parts of this tree that that look a whole lot different that 2014 Eastern Conference Finals sure looks a lot different doesn’t it like absolutely yeah and that was the thing because like that to me was like it felt like oh this thing is panning out and then it it it was a not a paper tiger it was like all a mirage right it was a mirage and for me I’m still bitter about that I’m still bitter about that knee I’m still bitter about everything I really thought we were gonna get I didn’t think the Canadians were going to win the Stanley Cup that year but I really thought we were going to get a Stanley Cup Final in this city which we eventually did in Co years when we couldn’t even enjoy it yeah I you know I I agree I don’t think the Canadians were winning that Series without price because the go the goal scoring just evaporated right like they the first round against Tampa they swept them which was shocking because well Tampa didn’t have a goalie if I remember correctly they were playing um good goodis I think is what I can’t even remember his name yes I believe so and they were also really green like they were always a team that people are like you know they’re gonna be right there next year and indeed it was next year yeah it’s true um then they went into Boston and they they beat the president’s trophy Bruins um you know just that was a that was I mean as a kid from Connecticut that’s the coolest thing that’s ever happened to me like just just like walking around and being like yeah we beat you guys like that was a lot of fun losing to the Rangers in the next round was the complete opposite end of that Spectrum for a long time you got to live both both ends of it oh I know it’s it was it was uh it was the blurst of times yeah it was just it was it was bad but like I again I don’t think they’re winning that cup but I think that series looks a whole lot different um you know you then start to you start to play the game like okay if McDon is here we have a you know more leadership on the blue line do they ever make the PK subin for Shea Weber trade like does that take place I don’t think so how much longer does marov stick around if we have a left-hand defenseman like mcdunn who can play with PK like there are a lot of positive Wheels to think about like kicking into motion but there’s a lot of other stuff too like that just maybe never happens that the Canadians were better for um you know having that that space on left e u maybe they never take sergachev you know maybe they take somebody else with that pick and we never get Jonathan drewan either right so like there’s there’s a whole bunch of stuff that could be completely erased if we go back and redo it like it’s you know the the whole thing you go back and you step on a butterfly’s wing and the entire future changes like that’s kind of what we’re looking at here right and Ryan mcdna like to me like Ryan mcdna was never going to be that like you know it’s not like I think that he was going to be the one guy that the entire Montreal Canadians were centered around like that’s not what his value was going to be to me but I felt like because one of the things that we were going to talk about was like all the other picks subsequent picks and trades and Etc like that’s still that still takes place like just anything that’s related to that trade gets erased like you said Jonathan drwan never comes over but then they still have PK suban so then still playing together on that blue line right and then they still have that core like they you know that pater ready core I always call it the pachetti core like and and you know there’s a possibility that this team could have had a lot of fun and like and I think even with Chris Higgins as well like he uh I think had lofty expectations for himself like I don’t want to say he screwed up his development because there were a lot of accusations that he didn’t take it seriously and he just like liked being a celebrity in Montreal I just feel like everybody kind of overestimated the expectations like the expectations weren’t very managed and he set them himself right like he said that he didn’t think that scoring 40 goals was out of the realm of possibility but like let’s say he was there and let’s say he was a good depth guy let’s say he was a good third liner right like that’s nothing to be discounted because we always talk about like having a significantly better bottom six than other teams like really gives you that that edge in the playoffs so you know there’s a whole lot there like there’s a whole lot of meat there to me and I feel like I don’t necessarily know if the Canadians would have won a Stanley Cup in that time like I’m looking at it and I don’t like like the cup would not have come but I feel like we would have had a lot more fun playoff years than we ended up having yeah that’s true and I you know we mentioned Trevor Timmons earlier that 2007 draft that man that man really secured the bag with one draft huh like he right he he hit on PK he hit on Max he hit on Ryan mcdna and then just never again like it was it’s so funny how like that guy really just coasted on that for a long time yeah ah an eari his reputation and then like every other time we were like what is wrong with the Canadians they’re so good at drafting why are they drafting badly yeah and the thing about drafting well is even if you don’t keep the guys you create value out of them like PK suban brought in sha Weber um max patre ended up bringing in Nick Suzuki the current captain of the montal kades like that’s that’s the the you know we talked earlier about the the pressure of drafting correctly it’s not just about picking the right player for this team it’s about securing that value for the history of the franchise like just moving forward I mean you look back at the the trade tree I think it was the um it was was what’s his name Craig re it was it was him going to San Jose they got Josh georgees which ended up not being nothing and the pick that they used for petti you know so it’s a lot of fun to look back at this but it is also very sad because like I just the thought of Ryan MCD and a Canadians Jersey for a long time haunted me right because that was always a piece that was mentioned that they were missing yes it was always a number one Center blah blah blah all of that but then also that defenseman that was always a piece that the Montreal Canadians were missing right and it was right there and it’s gone right and I think that that was also something with sergachev as well is that it was right there and then it’s on some other team yeah and and we talked about B leaving the lights on as he left boy Bob gainy kind of did that too like that was his mess I mean he did a lot that summer that I thought was nice like brought in Camary brought in uh Giana the howgill experience was fun I just remember the the photo of all of them putting on their jerseys together in the lock in the dressing room and I was like there’s a new core to this hockey team right um you know so like that was kind of neat but then that immediately just blew up out you know the Gomez trade just first season looked okay that run to the conference final with that edition of the Canadians where Hal Gill just laid on the ice in front of the blue paint on every penalty kill and it worked every time you know that was a that’s a fun era of the Canadians regardless of what the result ended up being I think for me the biggest memory is after the Penguin series like we were we were watching it at a friend’s house and we were doing the whole thing like the stressed out holding each other’s hands like gripping each other’s hands and know you know um and then and then we were like all right let’s go out and just like out in Montreal and and and you know we thankfully managed to avoid some of the rioting that was going on at the time but walking down the street and there were like chants like like this entire group of people chanting how Gill of all names it was just like how Gill howgill of all names right like that’s not what you’re expecting but that that memory for me is the one that’s enduring but you know that’s an air of the Canadians that I feel like it’s an era of hockey that I feel we’re not really going to see again like that’s I think the end of the time where you could win series with that kind of matchup like now you really need to be Mark marketing inefficiencies like that’s how you win yeah and I think like I think back to that that hero too and how like to me growing up like I was a kid when that Ser I was in high school or middle school when that was going on and like in this corner I’ll be back but like Camary was a hero to me growing up like the bar was the bar is so low for what greatness means in this city like I remember when Elia Kovalchuk came here everyone was like man look at this guy he’s so great it’s like he’s at the end of his career he’s like practically washed like you know the bar is just so low for what we expect greatness to be in Montreal like that team that went to a cup final a few years ago none of them are ever going to buy a beer in Montreal ever again like going to be falling over themselves to give to just like roll out the carpet for those guys imagine if you win like winning a Stam up in Montreal they will they will they will make you Gods like it’s it’s it’s unb I can’t even comprehend it like just how much like like I said Camary that run was the closest thing I had ever come to a player who was just dominant and then they traded him for Ren Borg so there it is still matter about it still mad about it um speaking of still being mad I will be very mad if you don’t send me mailback questions Scott we’ll be back for the mailback tomorrow so make sure you send questions to lockon Canadians you can also leave them in the YouTube comments you could put MBQ or mail back question at the beginning of it so you’ll know so we’ll know to bring it up on Friday you can also um either message them or uh tag us on Twitter lore Canadians uh if you would like to follow in on Twitter it maybe it’s Ian and also subscribe to the build podcast please it is a great podcast um and Ian will no doubt be back uh sometime soon I really appreciate your time today Ian um and this discussion because it was fun remembering some guys is always fun and I got to do it instead of Scott you and Scott always do it now I got to do it I remember say we can’t we can’t tell Scott he’s gonna be really upset I’m gonna taunt him tomorrow um and in the meantime make sure you’re subscribe to this podcast anywhere you get part your podcast as well as YouTube We’re part of the lockdown podcast Network where you get your team every single day thank you so much for listening and we will talk to you tomorrow [Music]

Should the Montreal Canadiens trade Brendan Gallagher in order to usher in a new Habs era? What does the latest Matvei Michkov news mean for the likelihood that Ivan Demidov will be available where the Canadiens are picking in the upcoming NHL Draft? And finally, with the Ryan McDonagh trade news, we go back in time and discuss: what if the Habs had never traded him? Special Guest Ian Boisvert joins us to discuss all this and more. Subscribe to Ian’s podcast, the Build, wherever you get your podcasts!

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1 comment
  1. Despite his heart and courage his body is just breaking apart and at $6.5 for another 3 years is not going to help us.
    So I would like to see Gally traded to a cup contending team.

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