Despite William Wallinder’s efforts, Griffins’ face elimination after comeback falls short in OT

Despite William Wallinder’s efforts, Griffins’ face elimination after comeback falls short in OT

today on lockdown Red Wings the Griffins comeback falls short and overtime and now they face elimination on Friday your locked on Red Wings your daily podcast on the Detroit Red Wings part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome back to the locked on Red Wings podcast we are your hosts Brian fiser and Scotty Bentley I’m formerly a broadcast producer for 971 the ticket where Scotty is the host over at locked on tigers as well as a freelance journalist for the Detroit news and today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms and conditions apply Scotty pretty straightforward episode for the people today uh Griffin’s loss in overtime we’re just going to break that down for the people what we saw what we liked and honestly for most of that game didn’t like uh out of the Griffins performance uh how’s how’s Thursday going for you buddy happy Thursday yeah happy Thursday man it’s going pretty well I uh honestly from our perspective I guess maybe not the best hockey game in the world just because it was sloppy at times and honestly the fact that that they even brought it back into overtime is uh is uh impressive I guess gu we say given how much they struggled there for for a lot of that game but uh really fun game to watch just from you know like a viewer perspective overtime playoff hockey is always cool so um but yeah going pretty well how about you it’s going all right would be better if the Griffins had won but you know can’t control that other than that I mean had a pretty good Wednesday before that so we take what we can get uh Scotty as far as differen makers go in this hockey game I know we talked you mentioned it there man the the game was just the first 40 minutes was abysmal uh for the Griffins they just did not look like they were ready to play they looked like they slept walk through it and they mounted a comeback and just barely fell short they could not overcome who in my opinion is the first Difference Maker in this hockey game fasv for the Admirals who ended up scoring a hattrick obviously that means included the OT winner as well he was either fighting to go to the right place at the right place at the right time or just took advantage of an a fortunate bounce in all three of his goals just he it PR simply right like no need to break down his game he was just the guy who scored all three goals for the Admirals and that’s like as clearcut of a Difference Maker as you can get and you know Bob kaser said it after he scored the OT winner but he’s like when things go your way they just seem to continue to go that way because on the first one that was all AAS say but I don’t want to take that away from him he took the shot nobody went to clear the rebound so he beat out everyone to the rebound it was a lazy play and he scored the first goal the second one every single rebound that or every single save that kosa made the rebound went to an admiral and then finally I think that was the power play goal yeah it’s found its way to aov who was sitting at the top of the circle who buried it the third goal he was just breaking down the wi wing and sent it to the net went off a Griffin’s defender in for the hat-trick and the OT winner I mean right place right time difference maker yeah hats off really well like ha hats off Patrick I thought that was intentional it was totally an accident but I I realized how slick it was um yeah man no I mean it’s one where you just tip your cap and and I try try to move on to Friday really I mean that he obviously again like you said three goals all three of A team’s goals including an overtime winner is kind of hard to top um but yeah he was kind of flying too and you know obviously the goals are what people will look at and and you’re right I mean the second and third one were um I I think more uh situational based but you got to be able to take advantage of you know the situation that’s in front of you as well and I thought he was he was really skating pretty well all night so yeah I mean just you know credit where credits do really absolutely who do you have as your Difference Maker in this hockey game um I mean we were kind of talking about it um off air before uh we both talked about how good Wallander looked and I know that uh boltman I believe put out there during this game a few times as well uh noted how good he looked in this hockey game and I think that that’s a a pretty easy one especially just because uh you know we’ve been talking so much about other names and it’s a nice reminder at how the the phrase that you’ve been using lately is like how how filled the C it is right like it’s a nice reminder in games like that how you know we’ve been talking so much about so many other people you know like kosa is obviously one that gets talked about all the time but just really I mean the the forwards Danielson getting the call up Etc um it’s Wallander is a guy that is still very highly regarded and that people are really optimistic about that we haven’t really said his name I don’t know if we’ve said his name once this postseason run uh to be honest and so him going out there and having uh as good of a game as he did I think was a pretty big deal and and I think the the phrase boltman used was just like the most confident he had looked uh game and I think that that was pretty easily uh agreed upon by anybody who watched this game he looks really sharp yeah absolutely I mean the first goal he was his goal obviously and you know also shout out to Austin zarnik you could almost give co- Difference Maker to that to him as well because they both had a goal and assist in this game and both of their assists were real pretty on the the first goal he scored the first time they scored in this game at four on four both of their goals weirdly came at four on four in this hockey game but he jumped up into the play Stride took strides towards the net Austin zarnik who had gotten the puck from janathan berren found him streaking and then just behind the door back behind the door or back behind his back rather uh tapped it to him and William W wander showed patience patience patience saw the five hole and scored on uh yarl slav askarov to make it 1-1 at the time and then in the third period it was a nice feet across by Johansson Wallander stepping in stepping in stepping in finds zarnik then cutting to the slot feeds him zarnik one shot two shot off the inside of askarov and in and it was a beautiful feed from Willian Wallander and like it’s like Max said right the most confident he has looked uh with the Griffins in at least any of the games we’ve watched uh so far which was just a handful of regular season games and then all of the playoffs so far so you’re right it’s like he has been in I remember when he was taken right he was taken very early in the second round in fact I think that was in 2020 so the Red Wings would have had the first pick in the second round so he was the first pick in the second round in 2020 I remember at the time I was really really high on Wallander but he’s kind of been just quietly behind the scenes in Grand Rapids from a fans perspective as as other players have risen up and gotten prominence and and it’s already Tough Enough if you’re a defenseman to you know get the attention For Better or For Worse from the fandom because people are so offensive oriented that Wallander in the role that he’s he’s had has kind of you know Fallen to the waist side but he’s still a very good Prospect and he showed that much in this game with the amount of confidence and the production that he had you know and it was more than just that right all around he had a really good game but those two moment obviously stand out because as much as aov’s goals won the Admirals the game I mean the goal and the assist by Wallander is what made it get to that point to begin with like The Comeback would not have happened without wallander’s presence of Mind in those instances for sure and and again like we we talked so much and harp so much about the you know complete like player because that’s something that this front office and that Eiserman really drives home so seeing him be as effective as he was again like on both sides of the ice your point there right like defenseman are uh it’s sometimes hard to get recognition this was a game where it was very obvious on both ends I think how how much of an impact he was having absolutely we’re going to head to a quick break and when we return we’re going to talk not performers and just more of the game at large so stay tuned to that in segment two of locked on Red Wings game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace of the NBA which makes getting playoff tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the closer it gets to tip off with killer last minute deals all in prices views from your seat and 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21- 11 through the first two periods as a whole and then had 15 shots in the third finished just three shots shy like the first 40 minutes Admirals possessed the puck the entire time the Griffins in the defensive Zone were doing nothing but reacting not acting they were just Puck chasing they looked lost and if they did get the puck they’d carry it up the ice just to dump it and then not beat the r win the race of the puck and it’ come back down the other way like everything that was infuriating us about the Red Wings when they were losing was exactly what we saw with the Griffins just constantly getting hemmed in and then because you’re so tired because you got hemmed in you then dump the puck to either change or you’re too tired to win the race for the puck and come back down like those first 40 minutes were the most infuriating Griffin’s hockey I have seen in the again admittedly you know handful of games of games I have watched this was the worst performance um no you’re right though man I it’s um the what time period was I want to say it was the last seven minutes of the first last five minut of the first or maybe it was to open the second either way somewhere around there end of The First beginning of the second um there was a a solid like four to seven minute stretch where they legitimately like when you say Puck chasing like by definition we literally just chasing the puck to wherever the Admirals had it uh around the ice I it looked like you know when um you know when like tolers play soccer and there’s no formation and it’s just like the everyone’s following the ball yeah my like my little sister played soccer and that was so that’s where my brain went but it’s just like they they all just formulate around the ball and there’s no like anything going on it’s just kind of Mayhem that is that’s like what it reminded me of for a solid like I said like five to seven minutes there it was just legitimately that I don’t know if they possessed the puck in that time period for starters um it was uh yeah it was it was really not great but again like to their credit and this is something the wings went through a lot as well they bounced back and recovered and forced overtime and made it a competitive hockey game and it’s just very hilarious how they they are the Redwings affiliate I I can I can tell you that much it was pretty safe to say that was uh that was pretty proven I think in this one I mean the third period was just the unreal the parallels right the third period push we always say is very real for any team but that was the amount of opportunities that they had going down the stretch there and the fact that they did tie it up and even nearly took the lead right after they scored the goal the momentum kept rolling their way and it was you want to talk about a notable notable performer like it was a bit of a goalie deal duel there in the third period especially like Kos had a very nice bounceback game finished with exactly a 900 save percentage after the overtime goal like he was in top form on a lot of the big time saves but on the other hand yaroslav askarov who was not tested at all in the first two periods in the third period made big save after big save after big save so as bad as the first 40 minutes was the last 20 minutes was an absolute I just again I’ll say it again goalie duel the two tendies kosa and askarov just were putting on a show of big stop after big stop it was incredible to watch but it was also infurious fiating because I don’t want to say like the Griffins deserve to win that game because the first 40 you got to you got to have a better first 40 minutes but that last 20 minutes like the only reason they didn’t win that hockey game is because askarov just stood on his head and I don’t know how the bulk majority of those pucks did not cross the goal line yeah well there’s that weird moment too with the push the pad push and whatnot but you got something to say about it I I mean we watched the goal I I think that it the maaz it was not a goal it would have tied it up two two with 45 seconds left just for people who are unaware uninitiated didn’t see the hockey game the puck was on the goal line sitting on asaro’s pad he never had it covered M merer pushes the puck across the goal line and then the whistle blows so the whistle blows after the after the puck crosses the goal line they ref’s huddle they talk about it they say no goal we we on the broadcast like us listening to the broadcast rather never got an explanation for it so we’re left to just make assumptions and I’m assuming one or two things happened either they said intend to blow the whistle or that they you know merer had pushed asaro’s pad in which you can’t technically do and that’s why it was a no goal but I don’t know man that askarov never had the puck covered it was always a live Puck so intend to blow the whistle looks that I I my assump was push the pad but um we don’t know we don’t know so anyways you were saying I anyway yeah no it’s uh from a from a rooting perspective like obviously we want the Griffins to win and what not it’s it’s certainly frustrating but from a like fan of hockey and hockey development seeing two of the biggest goalie prospects in the sport like completely just go toe-to-toe in a playoff game that again it at one point became tied and then went into overtime is is absolutely phenomenal and I think you know I had a moment in there where I was just like this is just like fun you know like this is just a a a fun product to watch and and obviously again like rooting for the Griffins and it didn’t go our way but uh just from a a fan of the game and the you know the development of players and whatnot it was that is is is Peak AHL playoff hockey right there baby yeah that’s all fair too I mean I can’t take that away from you and you know let’s not try to get too overly invested in the Griffins trying to win the cder trophy right because this is all for us as Red Wings fans primarily this is about development watching how these players play um the other thing I’ll say and then in segment three we’ll get into the notable performers but man the penalties in this game were unreal I if the Griffins could decline a power play I would but the fact that they only had two power play opportunities in this game and one of them was cut short 5 seconds in because power play I would is a great quote just I’m just saying it’s been brutal there were a lot of penalties in this game that were like guys stepped on sticks and then fell and it’s just like oh and like yes and like yes that’s that is a tripping call I won’t argue that but it’s just really frustrating when you got then look at what didn’t get called for the Admirals which was a lot of cross checks especially in the second period and then it’s also equally frustrating when someone like laru on a delayed call will then fire the puck down into the empty net and get a 10-minute misconduct because you know that the Griffins won’t respond the won’t answer the Bell they won’t score on the ensuing power play Yeah Lil Ru at some point those Antics that he keeps doing is going to hurt his team but playing the Griffins you’re free it’s you’re free to do it because the power play is so abysmal that they’re not going to score the one legitimate power play that they had they couldn’t enter the Zone on and then again the second one was cut short because they gave up a near Breakaway and then end got into the corner in the defensive Zone and somebody stepped on a stick I think it was merer stick and then wiped out and then a four on four later in the game became a fouron three penalty kill and that’s the power play in which they scor uh a off scored his power play goal so it’s just like the penalties in general and I know like some of them a lot of them were just bad luck but the penalties and the Special Teams just continues to kill this team yeah I mean even like both of the Griffins goals in this game were four on fours like what like what a ridiculous hockey game yeah it it got absurd too because in the second period like there were quite a few legitimate nasty cross checks that didn’t get called and meanwhile somebody accidentally steps on a stick and it’s a penalty and it’s like come on dude but I’m not going to blame the refs the the Griffins didn’t do themselves any favors right like those first 40 minutes they didn’t deserve to win the hockey game it was only in the last 20 that they woke up so I don’t know just things that I observed and I wanted to say that’s podcasting baby observe and say that’s podcasting baby I’m gonna start I’m gonna start saying that that’s podcasting baby it’s our new new new new slogan uh right maybe this one won’t cause a no losing streak no no no that’s not on us they won a couple more games before that losing streak began that’s not on us I blame myself we didn’t no we didn’t cause that I think I did all right uh we’re gonna head to a quick break when we return we will get to the rest of the notable performers because there are are some good things to talk about and actually bad I do have one less than Stellar one written down here as notable performer so stay tuned to that in segment three of lockdown Red Wings there is no I in team but there is one in indeed and that’s the hiring platform you need to build yours when you’re hiring you need indeed indeed is the hiring platform where you attract interview and hire all in one place in instead of spending hours on multiple job sites searching for candidates with the right skills indeed a powerful hiring to tool that can help you do it all I can say personally from somebody who has been the hirer and the person searching for a job uh it is a massive help when I worked at LCA and I used indeed to hire the way that it presented everyone’s resumés in a clean concise uh manner made it very easy to sift through who was and was not a good candidate for the job at the team store 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three locked on segment three lock down Red Wings podcast thanks Scotty uh we are going to talk about notable performers now from this hockey game we talked about kosa and uh asgarov we talked at length about Wallander and aayov as the differen makers and even touched on zarnik Scotty do you have anyone else who stood out to you as a notable performer uh Carter merer is someone who when we when we were talking off air before uh he was somebody that I I thought actually played well enough to and maybe you know not production wise or points wise but played well enough to be in the conversation of Difference Maker I think if the game went in the Griffin’s direction that conversation may have been a little bit uh had some more legs to it but I he is just such a a stirer he he is uh he’s a dog as we like to say man I I love watching him play hockey I think there’s going to be a very leg legitimate role for him in the bottom six for this NHL team next year yeah I completely agree I I think he the more I watch of him the more I am like convinced he’s ready to make the jump you know just with his play style I really think that he is going to make that leap the question is is you know just where right where in the lineup that’s the thing that boltman when he was on the show what was that last week pointed out and he he’s exactly right is like you you don’t have to necessarily baby his playing time because he’s probably like that gritty bottom six player at his best anyway right like that that’s not a guy that you have to like that you have to to shelter the minutes for or like the the deployment for or or the usage and situational like type of stuff you don’t have to make sure like oh we need to get him wherever he’s just going to get the most playing time because his long-term role at the NHL level is probably that like grinder type of of bottom six role anyways so that’s why I am even more convinced every game I watch of him that um him being in Detroit next year is more and more of a possibility right spot on I uh also Simon Edinson did not play probably should have said that at the start of the episode but slipped our minds uh still really obvious how much they miss him on the back end his presence it’s just a steadying calming presence back there and they yet again missed him as he PR practiced in full but did not take in warm-ups and then obviously did not take for the ice in the game I’ve heard multiple or differing reports some say he’s a maybe for Friday others saying he’s probable for Friday so hopefully he returns seeing as it’s an elimination game they desperately need him uh the other thing too is Dan Watson really shaking up the lineup for this game taking out a few small skill players and inserting some big guys and he on the pregame show with Bob kaser they talked about it he and he said the reason why they are taking out amadas Lombardi Taro hosi and Captain Didier of the lineup was to put in Johannes and Wyatt new power and LU put them in the lineup because they he wanted more size and physicality he wanted to be able to get in the grime areas he wanted to win the puck battles he wanted to get to the net front and you know it almost worked I would say the first 40 minutes that experiment was failing horribly uh but at the end of the extra time they lost an overtime by one so they very nearly succeeded it was definitely a choice I wasn’t super sure about that one uh if I’m going to be completely Fair because you know I know ammo hasn’t done a lot in the playoffs I know hor roi’s been cold lately but taking out your captain Didier uh scratching him for guys who don’t necessarily bring a lot of talent but just bring like size and grit that was a choice in my opinion I I just I just really take issue with the DDA one but I’m not in the locker room I don’t know uh other than that like I’m fine with it because not like kosi and Lombardi were providing a lot anyways and it did almost work I guess but it was it was it was a a ballsy decision I guess is the best way to put it it was certainly ball I I think more so now that like you went out and did that and you lost like now what do you do for Friday like I think that’s kind of where my head goes is now you’re in a really interesting position where you had won a game on the road with a different group and and you know you know it’s three guys it’s not like it’s entirely different team but like I don’t know I I think that that now you are you’re gonna have to make another like really gutsy decision on Friday too um whether to to stick with that or not and again because it was so hot and cold right because the beginning was so poor but then obviously the uh the onslaught at the end is is what got you into overtime I don’t know I I think that that that it’s gut see it’s guts see and I think you’re you’re just in a position now where Friday you you have a a really really interesting decision ahead of you yeah absolutely and I’m glad I’m not the one who has to make that decision anyway Scotty uh anything else from this game that you want to talk I really just wanted to pump tires for Carter merer like the biggest thing I wanted to do going into this I just love the way he plays hockey uh Jonathan beon shoot the puck that’s the last thing I’ll say ah yeah I know was something you want to talk about Jonathan beon shoot the puck that’s all I got to say about it yeah all right uh well you know what you got to say we ball we ball we back with a new episode tomorrow we’re planning on having wheel scouch on to do another draft Pro profile so stay tuned for that same time same place it’s your team every day every day

The Griffins sleepwalked through 40 minutes of game two against the Admirals, before waking up in the 3rd to tie it and force OT. But unfortunatley Grand Rapids couldn’t beat Afanasyev who scored all 3 for Milwaukee as they now trail 2-1 in the series and face elimination. William Wallinder had an incredible game though with a beautiful assist and a nifty goal himself, and Austin Czarnik wouldn’t be outdone either matching that production. #LGRW

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