UNDISPUTED | Skip picks the Eagles as NFC East champions and says his Cowboys will miss the playoffs

UNDISPUTED | Skip picks the Eagles as NFC East champions and says his Cowboys will miss the playoffs

the ranking can flip for me the Cowboys Buccaneers Bill any of them teams to me can most likely fall off and not win the division if you think about the Cowboys they kind of they won the division but it was one of those deals where Philadelphia fell off and they kind of fell into winning the division in a number two spot to some degree but they W enough games to be able to do that so I’m not going to Discount that they’re not as good as the Philadelphia Eagles on paper as it stands right now no and I would say Philly’s probably going to win division when you start to look at the Buccaneers I think a lot of people were looking at Kurt Cousins and saying that Atlanta was so close to the bad division without a quarterback last year that they finally got a solid quarterback that they can win division although Baker Mayfield at one division is coming back to Tampa so I still think Tampa wins the Division I don’t think the I don’t think New Orleans Carolina or Atlanta wins the Division I could be wrong now here’s the issue with the bills the bills issue is they lost a lot of players in the off season including Stefon digs Miami got hurt they got banged up defensively and they to a degree Tyreek Hill was in and out of games because he had hamstring issues at times they’ll be better they’ll be better I believe so with Buffalo losing their players the Jets getting back Aaron Rodgers and a bunch of players in free agency via the draft they think that the bills can slide to which I I believe the bills are going to be bad too then you go to the Ravens you say the same thing about the Ravens they lost a lot in the offseason a couple offensive lineman although they got Derrick Henry they still they still lose things on the defensive side of the ball and Patrick Queen and so you start to look at it they can lose with Cincinnati getting joe burrow back Deshawn Watson let’s assume is healthy Russell Wilson over at Pittsburgh now with Justin Fields as his backup so you start to put all that together and as you go down the line the Texans that division is bad Detroit could be higher in my opinion just because of where Green Bay ended the season and where Chicago started the off season they could fight and challenge Detroit for that particular Division I like that the 49ers I don’t even know why they on the list in Kansas City I don’t know why they’re on the list that are either they shouldn’t even be in the top eight no and that’s basically a list okay that was a an astute breakdown with which I completely agree but I think you you’re with me at the top of that list should be the Dallas Cowboys they’re going to topple they’re going to get toppled by the Philadelphia Eagles I I I think that could possibly be the case so schedule got released a week ago we went back and forth I have Dallas at 8 and N next year and I hope I’m wrong I’m just trying to be objective about it I put him in nine and eight and you had nine and eight we had Richard Sherman on and I think he had him 11 and six I believe it was I look I’m I’m lifelong die hard I know Hop’s supposed to Spring Eternal but I I’ve just been burned so many times I can’t I I can’t let myself get burned again where that playoff loss was so painful to me because it was just so ugly and hopess it when you’re down 27 to nothing late second quarter to the youngest team in the playoffs at home the two seed versus the seven seed and you wind up early fourth quarter down 48-6 something just wrong and then you go from that you springboard into the offseason the Allin off season and you lose way more than you’ve added maybe they’ll I don’t know Stefon Gilmore’s still out there but now I’ve read this morning he’s targeted to go to Carolina I I don’t know how many players can you lose and still be credible because Tyron Smith and bades and dorrence Armstrong and Dante Fowler and Jonathan henkins and Neville gallamore and I can just go on and on and on while Philly won the off season they won free agency and you can argue they won the draft they got the two best young Corners in the draft they got the best athlete in the draft that jayx hunt um who who’s a project but I think he’s a explosive project and and he will make some waves there and and then you go out you get sequ one I’m not the biggest fan but they’re way better at running back than we are and CJ Gardner Johnson I love and Devin white I love and Bryce Huff they added the pass rush and beckton they added to back up at the offensive line and then they go cell at the re Campell yeah and then they they go sign seal and deliver everybody two big offensive linemen receivers locked up sign seal and delivered and I have to read every morning oh CD’s not at the OTAs well well he’s not going to be because he’s not signed so we got that hanging over our head let alone what are you going to do with Dak let alone what are you going to do with Micah it it just does feel right to me so they are by far the likeliest candidate to plunge here because the Giants got a little better I thinking the Giants didn’t win the division they did not but but they’re they’re they’re going to come up and they’re going to cause some problems for the Dallas Cowboys and your Young quarterback that you love in Washington that you had on your podcast that they’re just going to be better I like everything they’ve done I like their head coach who used to be our def defensive coordinator you don’t think I wouldn’t be I wouldn’t be shocked if they win nine games hey seriously I wouldn’t be shocked okay I wouldn’t be shocked either well if they win nine games they might win a game more than the Dallas Cowboys win right that could potentially be the case all right now back to Tampa Bay I really like this team and I I don’t see how you can say this team’s a candidate for plunge because you you know when I look at Kurt Cousins okay look at the deal that Tampa Bay made I thought Atlanta would come after Baker Mayfield cuz he was free and they go get KK cousins but they have to pay him 50 million a year for each of two seasons and it’s guaranteed Sign Sealed and Delivered Tampa kept Baker for 33.3 million a year so he’s effectively let’s call it 17 million less than KK cousins I think he’s a little better than Kirk Cousins I realize put it that way yeah I just think he’s a little bit better than cousin if he’s not better than the same okay all right and I know this he is a great fit in Tampa because I know for a fact they really like Baker and Tampa the fandom likes him the locker room likes him and Mike Evans loves him and they kept Mike Evans when I wasn’t sure they could keep him because he had earned his way onto the open market and he’s a big time he’s a Hall of Fame receiver to me wouldn’t you yeah he should he yeah for sure when that time comes his name will be mentioned okay so they locked him up and he’s a happy camper and they kept Antoine Winfield and I weren’t sure they could I wasn’t sure they could keep him and they did keep him and he’s the quarterback and the leader of of a pretty but I see why everybody is feeling as though Buck slide Atlanta moves up because of Kurt Cousins because of Drake London and because of the cits and the running back and everybody likes rahem Morris a coach and they feel like Raheem with the second time or bet third time one time as an interim but full-time head coach for the second time what he did for the Rams defense he can bring some of that same intensity and Brain Trust to the Atlanta Falcons so I can understand why people would be picking Atlanta in these situations I’m not so bullish on it I feel like the Tampa Bay and and Tai bows and Company and and they lose their offense accordin to the Carolina Panthers so you you know people look at that go okay they barely won the division and now Atlanta’s gotten better with the quarterback but I believe those two quarterbacks are pretty equal to me okay I’m a Todd BS fan and I know he’s meat and potatoes and he’s a grinder and and but they just stay the course yes and their running back is pretty good he might not be bejon but but that Rasheed white is pretty good and I just like I like everything they did in including you you realize they stole right out from under the Dallas Cowboys a center who will start for them next year and he just Watch What Happens his name is Graham Barton out of Duke University Watch What Happens he’ll make Pro bowls and be like 10 to 15E guy making constant Pro bowls and we would have had him at 24 but Jerry said no I’m going to trade back I’m going to go from 24 to 29 because we’ll we’ll take whoever’s left there at 29 of the offensive lineman and Jason light said thank you very much and two picks later he took Graham Barton who I thought Michael Irvin thought that Dallas would take because we need a center thought that we would take him at 24 do you need but do you really need a center or you think they need a center well they lost their starting center they got a they have a center what do you mean they have a center on the roster that’s who they plugging into the lineup I don’t think so I think they their third round pick that that kid BB out of Kansas state will If he if he moves a center they got a center yeah yeah I this is a stud this is a big Tim and he he I know they were ecstatic to get him and he’s already plug and play and your problem skip really is you want to see movement you you you so caught up and watching other teams spend money in the off season draft players and you just want to you you want names okay Derrik Henry lives in Dallas Texas in the off season and he says they never even gave him a sniff because it probably work for them for the team time I keep telling you I know okay so in the third round we’re sitting there looking at Blake km I love BL he’s got some Smith and they said no didn’t work for you and your kid Marshon Lloyd I I like him a lot every time I turned your game on I said that kid can play but didn’t work for them they feel like they got that already in their building we brought back Zeke you know we got Zeke right I don’t mind veteran leadership that can still play football may not play football at the highest level but he’s still capable of doing some stuff if you have seven running backs you have none that’s what I look at because I I don’t listen they’re not remotely as good as they were last year when they’re down 27 to nothing in the second quarter of their playoff game September to Jan

UNDISPUTED | Skip picks the Eagles as NFC East champions and says his Cowboys will miss the playoffs

  1. Let's be completely Honest, the dallas cowboys are the NFL's version of Los Angeles Lakers… They get more media coverage the entire season, And they do absolutely nothing and have done nothing for the last twenty seven years… Dac Prescott is a bum, For his career he has a winning record against teams that are under .500.. Philadelphia is gonna win this division, And I think.
    A lot of people are gonna be surprised at how improved and better washington is this season And Dallas did absolutely nothing in the postseason To make thirteen better comma they lost their leading running back and their answer for replacement was to bring back Zeke, Who is five years past his prime…

  2. The cowboys still can play 100% healthy… 10 -7… but they are a Cee Dee lamb sprained ankle away from total collapse & utter disaster. They should have drafted a QB to at least compete over the last 5 years.

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