Should New York Giants Head Coach Brian Daboll Call the Plays?

Should New York Giants Head Coach Brian Daboll Call the Plays?

on today’s lock on Giants podcast should head coach Brian dable take control of the play calling I’ll go over the pros and the cons and tell you what I think amongst other things coming up next on the locked on Giants [Music] podcast you are locked on Giants your daily New York Giants podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day today’s episode of the lockon Giants podcast is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the promo code lock on NFL for $20 off your first purchase last minute tickets lowest prices guaranteed hello New York Giant fans and welcome to another edition of the lock on Giants podcast part of the locked on podcast family your team every day I’m your host Patricia chaina credential member of the New York Giants media for locked on as well as for the New York Giants team page over on The Fan Nation Network you can find the written work NFL Giants and a special welcome on in to my blue crew community members to my everydays to my newcomers and everybody in between thank you for spending part of your day with us here on the Lun Giants podcast you are appreciated and if you watch on YouTube please take a moment to subscribe to the channel make sure you click the little notification Bell so that you’re notified every time I post a new video and if you wouldn’t mind like the video it all helps us with uh getting the word out to other giant fans who might not know about the Loon Giants podcast so welcome on in on today’s show we’re going to cover a few things we’re going to start off with a look at should head coach Brian D take over the play calling I’m going to go over the pros and cons of both sides of the coin tell you what I think and uh why I think it may or may not make sense so that’ll be up first and then for uh segment number two we’re going to take a look at what I call Spring sleepers who are several players that I’m looking at this spring with OTAs and uh the mandatory mini camp coming up who are the players that I’m looking for to really kind of have a big spring so we’ll talk about that and then in segment three with the Giants media allowed in to see the First otaa on Thursday which is actually the third OTA the team is holding but it’ll be the first the media is allowed in I’m going to talk about what I’m going to be looking for and of course on Friday’s show I will come back and I will give you a full rundown of all my observations I’ll empty out my notebook for you and we’ll just send you off into the weekend the long Memorial Day weekend with uh some hardcore Giant news so that is today’s agenda again welcome on in let’s get started we’re going to kick things off with should head coach Brian dable call the plays now um my every dayers and my readers probably know that in the past I have been kind of against coaches calling plays head coaches calling plays and the reason for that is is I feel that if a Coach isn’t organized he’s gonna miss things he’s not you know if he’s focused on one side of the ball he is going to miss them and I hearkened that to when bed madoo was here and he insisted on calling the plays and I think back to you know things that were missed you know opportunities to call challenges to call timeouts you know clock management all that stuff you know decisions that might have needed to be made on defense and on special teams all of which kind of fell by the wayside because madoo had his face in that big menu card that he used to call plays so that kind of put me off a little bit to the concept of coaches head coaches calling plays now obviously I’m aware that coach there are coaches out there that do it Andy re does it down in Kansas City I believe Shawn McVey does it um I think Kyle Shanahan does it so it can work for teams all right so with the Giants does it make sense now for Brian dable who is now entering his third year as head coach to call plays I think it does and I think he will call the plays and here’s why I say that number one we all know this is a big year for the Giants this is a year that they have got to get things back on track all right um I think the first two years D was head coach of this team it was more or less him getting his feet wet getting acclimated to the expanded responsibilities and right from the moment that Mike kofka the current offensive coordinator received the promotion to assistant head coach right then and there that told me that there was very very real uh possibility that Brian D was thinking of taking back control of the play call but here’s the other thing and I’ve mentioned this um earlier in the week I think you know with dble having developed the system that is in place and and you know he’s going to say that everybody contributed and I’m sure everybody did you know contribute bits and pieces here and there and whatnot but you know let’s face it this Giants offense is primarily DA’s Concepts and his ideas so if he’s developed it why not call the plays why not say okay look I understand the system as well as anybody let me get in Daniel Jones’s ear or Drew Lock’s ear or Tommy DeVito’s ear and let me make sure that this offense runs the way it’s supposed to be now this is not a knock on Mike kka I want to make that very clear but that’s not to say that you know if you have say third and 11 from your own 40 yard line line that the call Kafka is going to make is the same call that D’s going to make so sometimes when you have you know the author of The Playbook so to speak and he’s not calling the plays he’s giving it to someone else to interpret even if that’s somebody had a little you know contribution into that into creating that Playbook sometimes the uh the concepts and the ideas are a lot different and not always successful so I believe it does make sense at this point for Brian able to call the plays not just to help the quarterbacks and the offense get off off the ground and become what they Envision it could to be but look let’s face it the Giants have got to show progress this year they absolutely have to show progress the offense you know you can make an argument that the offense has kind of held this team back because it’s just not been very good it’s been you know ranked at or near the bottom um so look get the offense headed in the right direction keep it so that you know the defense all they got to do is get the ball back and then they can enjoy a nice long rest on the bench while the offense eats up the clock and you know that hopefully puts you on the right track towards winning games so that’s my argument for D calling plays and I do believe he’s going to do that and by the way that is something I will keep an eye on uh during the OT I want to see who’s actually calling the plays now the argument against it is like I said you go back to the madoo era when he was calling plays things get missed but madoo if I remember correctly I don’t know that he had an assistant head coach and the operation on game day was always a little you know disjointed to where things were missed I think dable in tightening up things on his staff and again being in year three as a head coach I have reason to think and to be hopeful that any of those problems that might pop up won’t be an issue where you know oh my god do we call a timeout here do we call for a challenge here um it hasn’t been a problem yet I think what dble has done is he’s delegated some of that to the people who sit upstairs in the Press Box and watch the games so that’s been working well for him I think you know him as a play caller can work well here you know he’s got an experienced defensive coordinator and Shane Bowen so it’s not like he has to hold his hands Michael gbriel um is the firsttime Special Teams coordinator at the NFL level but he has plenty of experience no reason for dble to hold his hand these are all reasons why I think the Giants are set up for Brian to able to call the plays and why I think if he does call the plays I’d like to see how the quarterbacks end up doing you know um can he Salvage uh Daniel Jones get him back on track because look Daniel Jones is going to be the quarterback you know at this point you know whether we like it or not that’s how it’s going to be Drew lock is here as the backup whether we like it or not that’s how it’s going to be Tommy DeVito and Nathan War are G to battle for number three whether we like it or not that’s how it’s going to be so why not give those guys the best opportunity to succeed and dble calling the plays I think would do that would give them the best opportunity to succeed all right giant fans coming up next I’ve got some spring sleepers guys that this spring I am looking for to have a productive showing in the OTAs and also in the mandatory mini camp that’s coming up in June I’ll tell you who I have on my list right after this hey giant fans so let me tell you about Yahoo finance our sponsor today if you have trouble keeping up 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the number one Financial destination that’s all right everybody welcome back to the lock on Giants podcast I’m your host Patricia chaina and again Friday Giants uh we will have the otaa report otaa number three I’ll actually have that for you probably at some point on Thursday the Giants uh I think our day starts at I want to say 9 30ish if I’m not mistaken practice will run into the afternoon and then of course there’s writing to be done and then as soon as I can get home and get everything set up I will sit down I will record a podcast for you we’ll try and get that up for you as early as I can uh some sometime around I would say early evening would be my guest depending on how long it takes me to get home and get everything set up but that will be coming um so make sure you check that out and uh that’ll of course be our final show for this this week so uh again thank you for your interest in the lock on Giants podcast all right let’s talk about spring sleepers all right now these are guys that I’ve identified that I’m interested to see how well they have come along because I think they could potentially have a big role on this team whether it be on the offensive side or the defensive side so here are the names that I’m going to be looking at when I get in the building for the OTAs and for the eventual mandatory mini camp Now spoiler alert there are no rookies on here I don’t consider rookies right now sleepers unless you’re talking an undrafted rookie um to make to really you know make waves but here are the guys I’m looking at all right I’m going to start off with tight end Daniel Bellinger all right now I have said um that I believe that Darren Waller is going to retire um if he does that means that Bellinger is going to become tight end one all right now last year Bellinger was kind of an afterthought for this team because you know Waller came in and you know Waller was the the source of most of the targets and W you know it was Waller’s game and Bellinger was kind of an afterthought but you know you hearken back to Bellinger’s rookie season and he was a pretty good pass catcher not as athletic as Waller when Waller is healthy but still effective uh got the job done and reliable so I’d like to see the Giants maybe get back to using him more in the passing game um now this we won’t be able to tell until the pads go on but I thought last year Waller’s uh blocking went a little backwards there might have been an injury in there that we don’t know about but um that being said I want to see moving forward how he blocks because you know I think how he ends up blocking could determine who they keep as the third tight end right we know tight end number two is going to be uh Theo Johnson the fourth round pick who depending on how you know Waller and and Theo Johnson block um that’s going to depend on whether they go with like a Lawrence cager if they go with a Chris manherz or Jack stole or or maybe somebody else all right so that’s number one number two I want to see danne belon safety now you know everybody probably thinks that Tyler nubin the second round draft pick is automatically going to step in and play the starting role next to Jason pinck the role that was vacated by Xavier McKenna that is probably going to be what happens but you know the coaches will of course say that they got to compete I still say though that if that does happen there will still be a big enough role on this defense for Belton who last year when he had to step in when pinck was injured and belon had to step into this starting lineup Bel didn’t look that bad you know the ball found him he he was you know he showed good instincts the concern with belon is you know can he hold up to the physical nature of the game I think that you know is something we saw his rookie season and something that kind of popped up also last year that said I’m curious to see how they deploy belon if they you know rotate him in with Newan or do they you know go to a big nickel package or however they’re going to use all right another guy that um I think is a sleeper offensive lineman Joshua audu entering year three now going back to the pictures that were posted on of the first otaa you saw Joshua audo working with the first team offensive line at left tackle the position that audo tried to play last year but just wasn’t ready to play so it’s interesting there you know Carmen Brillo the offensive line coach came in with the reputation of cross you know you know liking to see his guys cross train unless they’re like top five at their position I don’t believe Andrew Thomas was at the Monday OTA which is not a big deal you know some guys you know they missed the first OTA it’s not the end of the world but um you know it was good to see Joshua zudu who ended last season um with the toe injury get an opportunity to work with the first team offensive line that’s a kid they really need to develop you know I got a question for um a mailbag that I’m doing over on uh the Giants uh Team page for SI fanation about which of the young offensive linemen really need to step up and develop all of them is my answer and especially Joshua zudu who can give them guard and Tackle um versatility there so uh I’d like to see him what he does coming off of the injury all right another guy that I’m going to be looking for is Jordan Riley who is probably going to be the um backup to Dexter Lawrence but a very important role all the same Jordan Riley flashed didn’t look like he was out of place last year you know wasn’t polished as you know would you would expect for any rookie to be at this that stage but uh look Dexter Lawrence you know if you need to give him a a rest can Jordan Riley go in there hold down the fort and there not be as much of a drop off so I’m looking to see how he does that we might have to wait though until the pads go on as as would be the same thing with audo because offensive lineman defensive linemen they need to put the pads on they need to hit but still you can look at things like you know what technique are they being taught how are they executing in the individual position drills and that sort of thing so I’m going to see if I can spot that depending on you know what how close the Giants let us get to the various U drills that are going on in the field okay I also have Ryder Anderson defensive lineman as a potential sleeper Ryder Anderson is the guy who you know when we talk about who’s going to play defensive end on in the three four defensive scheme he’s a possibility so somebody to certainly keep an eye on um you know he’s a guy that last year did not get uh any snaps um the year before he made the team as an undrafted free agent so they obviously saw something in him so let’s see you know again in drills we won’t be able to see it until we get this the summer and the pads go on but how is he coming along with his footwork with his explosiveness all that good stuff usually the defensive line drills are usually in front of the media so I usually get a pretty good look at that so hopefully I’ll that’ll be the case but again depends on where the Chinese put us uh to watch the practice one other guy I’m going to mention and he’s sort of a forgotten guy and that is aiz oil now obviously with the arrival of Brian Burns you figure okay it’s going to be Kavon Tibido it’s going to be Brian Burns as your outside linebackers and then Dexter lawren and there’s your pass rushing Trio I still think though Aziz Oiler if he can stay healthy big if is going to be a part of that pass rushing mix sort of like the old Four Aces package I don’t know if y all remember that but back when Steve spagnolo was here I think it was in 2007 he used to have a pass rushing package that he called the four a and it was basically four defensive ends that he managed to get on the field by moving some of them inside the defensive tackle and they would come after the the quarterback and boy were they disrupted it was a it was a really really neat uh package and then years later um they came up with a NASCAR package which was their speed rush package you know because they had Jason Pier Paul um I think they had ocum minora at the time all speed rushers and that was also a pretty cool package so with those z o if he’s healthy I’m thinking maybe they can come up with a package that’s very similar to what they ran with the NASCAR group so something to to also uh keep an eye on for me at any rate it’s in my notebooks to to keep an eye on okay so since we’ve been talking about OTAs the next topic we’re going to talk about next segment is what else do I want to see in otaa number three I’ll tell you right after this hey giant fans so with the Dead period coming up in the NFL calendar I’m really looking forward to catching some shows and concerts in my local area and no matter what I end up choosing I never have to worry about being shut out thanks to game time with game time there are always great seats 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you’re listening on audio you can follow me Patricia tra t r a i n a or if you prefer to watch videos clips from the practices and from the media sessions go to my Instagram account it’s a verified Instagram account and that is Patty trainer p a TI t r a i n a and check that out throughout the day um I’ll be posting Clips I’ll be you know uh pictures uh whatever I’m allowed to post I will try and get that out so that you guys can enjoy that and get a little taste of what’s going on with the OTAs so anyway what else am I going to be looking for mentioned my sleepers my spring sleepers in the last segment here’s a few things that I’m going to be looking for from a broader perspective in otaa number three now before I go into this list real quick the Giants have in-house media has been putting out you know observations which are appreciated but you know as with anything if you’re you want to see for yourself kind of what’s going on so uh one of the things I definitely want to see is how Daniel Jones is moving around how is he throwing the ball now I have heard many times from you know not just on the record but off the Record that Daniel Jones is making incredible progress in his return from uh the torn ACL that he used moving around beautifully without any kind of you know hint of hint of a limp um without any apparent discomfort so I want to take a look at how he is throwing the ball you know I want to take a look at if he you know attempts to run the ball how does he look now I don’t know that he’s necessarily participating in 11 on 11s um but that is something that I will certainly be keeping an eye on um as part of the the practices I’ll keep that in my notes I also want to take a look at the offensive line instruction now on they made it note of you know how there was a lot of teaching going on I’d like to see exactly what type of teaching you know you know how does Carmen Brillo the new offensive line coach approach teaching these guys and if we get an opportunity you know to request individual players I might just see if I can get an offensive lineman or two and see you know what Brillo has been teaching them what is his philosophy kind of get an idea for you know what to expect now the defensive coaches just a quick note the defensive coaches are going to be available to the media on Thursday and then the following week we get the offense coaches so um we won’t get to actually talk to Brillo and the rest of the offensive position coaches until next Thursday but uh just something else to keep in mind um plenty to ask of the defensive assistant coaches by the way all right so I want to see you know the cross training on the offensive line and how braillo approaches you know the different drills the you know teaching and whatnot hopefully the offensive line and defensive line p uh individual groups will be close enough to the media so we can see all that I want to see what kind of defensive alignment they are running all right Dexter Lawrence is obviously going to be the centerpiece if he’s there you know so who’s gonna be next to him is it gonna be Jordan Phillips is it gonna be Ryder Anderson is it gonna be somebody else so we’ll take a look at that um you know I want to see uh other per uh per the pass rush plan you know they obviously again Kavon Tibido Brian Burns the primary pass rushers but how many you know do they do anything fancy I don’t think that’s what Shane Bowman is looking to do but does he have a trick or two in his book that maybe he’s going to take a look at and try out because remember this the springtime is usually a time to experiment get to know your personnel and get to know what you like and what you don’t like what works and what probably won’t work so that’s something else I want to take a look at and then this is probably an understatement but it’s important given how in consistent the group was last year but I’d like to see how maybe special teams might be taking shape you know I think we know that gunar alfy is going to be the punt returner who’s going to be the kickoff returner because now with that new kickoff rule how is that going to be coach who’s going to be called on to you know handle those duties you know are the are the Gunners on the punt team you know from last year darn Holmes and Nick McLoud are they goingon to be the Gunners again this year no reason why they shouldn’t but you know maybe there’s somebody better that steps in so you know it’s all preliminary I get it and it’s all subject to change as training camp goes on and whatnot but you want to get an idea a feel so that you know I know when I sit down and I write about it and when I do future shows about it I have a little bit more of a feel to where I can put some you know what I’ve seen into what I’m telling you guys so those are some of the things I want to take a look at you know and the uh rookie mini camp um podcast that I did for you guys I talked about the differences in some of the drills and some of the ways that the practice was structured you know that was for the rookies now hasn’t changed much for the veterans so that’s something else I’ll be taking a look at the running back committee obviously you know Devon single ter will probably be the main guy but how will that order Stack Up um Drew lock how comfortable does he look at this point you know he’s been here for a couple months now how was he learning the offense so there’s a whole lot of stuff uh to keep an eye on I don’t know that I’ll get to everything because again it depends on where the Giants let us stand and where the players actually practice if we’re outside then sometimes they take the offensive line and the defensive line in the back of the building where we can’t see it um if they um if they don’t you know if they’re in the Fieldhouse maybe we’ll we’ll get to see it a little bit more um that being said you know I’ll bring you whatever I can as always so make sure you look for that show again I will try and get that out to you just as soon as humanly possible once I get home once I get everything reconnected in my little home studio here and I organized my notes for you so that is going to do it for us here on the lock on Giants podcast as always thank you for tuning in thank you for spending time with us be sure to keep it here again tomorrow as I will be back with the a four mentioned promised uh ta show so until then giant fans have a good one and I will see you tomorrow [Music]

On Today’s LockedOn Giatns podcast:
* Why it would be a very good idea for New York Giants head coach Brian Daboll to call the plays on offense.
* Spring Sleepers
*What I’ll Be Watching at OTA No. 3

Should New York Giants Head Coach Brian Daboll Call the Plays?

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  1. Daboll should definitely call the plays this year and going forth. He was hired for his offensive mind and success. There are several NFL HC that call plays with much success both offensively and defensively. He has in place an experienced DC and an accomplished STC to rely on. Hopefully NO under-minding (Wink) will take place again. He’ll have no one to blame for the offensive calls but himself. The offense has been under-performing and needs a new voice.

  2. Goodmorning Ptrain another great video as always. I agree that Brian DaBoll should call the offensive plays the heat is on DaBoll I think Daniel Jones will benefit the most out of this. Spring sleepers Daniel Bellinger will be more productive I totally agree Ptrain as Sleeper 1. Bleton will pick p 2 will be a productive secondary I am not sure of Ezudu I have concerns about first 2 I agree. I like Jordan Riley I think he will be a solid contributor . Anderson I am not sure of Azee Ojulari if he stays healthy can be a major contributor he has the skills OTA 3 watch for Daniel Jones mobility the oline needs to get set and work well together I think our special teams will be much better this season Ptrain as always you had some excellent points as always keep up your great work go Gmen 😊

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