What’s Next For The Los Angeles Clippers? (2024 NBA Offseason)

What’s Next For The Los Angeles Clippers? (2024 NBA Offseason)

YouTube in this video I want to talk about what’s next for the Los Angeles Clippers in the 2024 off season after being defeated by the Dallas Mavericks in the first round of the NBA Playoffs what’s their offseason look like are there some bigname players in this organization walking out the door this off season or perhaps coming in or perhaps sticking around let’s talk about all that in this video and more let’s get right into it folks so you know with the James Harden trade I’ve covered extensively on this channel right around the time that it happened I’m a 76ers fan so it was big news for me and my fan base as well as Clippers fans and you know the Clippers needed a point guard and I think it was a good move overall for their team you know they only gave up some veteran role players and you gave up some draft picks right you took a shot at harden and I must say it was going pretty well until around the final stretch of the regular season and all of a sudden things got pretty messy right but I will say you know even from my bias 76ers fan perspective of Harden and the Clippers overall I think it wasn’t a bad decision to make at the time I still don’t think it was a bad decision to make trading for Harden and I do think if Kawhi Leonard had been healthy for your playoff run the Clippers could still be in the playoffs right right now as we speak I think there’s a good chance of that you know I think the Mavs were a better team but I also think if Kawai who is playing at maybe the best level he’s ever been at in his career offensively if he had been healthy for that playoff run things would have been entirely different I truly believe that so all that being said I think the Clippers are in trouble going into this off season they have a lot of Big Time franchise altering questions that need to be answered in regards to their roster and their cap situation and free agency now the big ticket item on this list is Paul George is he going to be sticking around in LA gut reaction I would probably say no honestly I think Paul George if he was going to sign an extension he would have signed it by now he can probably get a lot more money in free agency it doesn’t seem like the Clippers want to pay him a Max contract which is understandable for a player of his age and although Paul George is a great player in the NBA still at I believe 34 years old had a great season and still capable of being a number two option on a championship level team I truly believe that with Kawhi Leonard signed a massive extension in hopes that he can be healthy in the future for many more playoff runs it’s a legitimate question do the Clippers even need Paul George with what they have on the roster right now well I think that depends on if James Harden signs an extension you know James Harden actually all things considered played pretty good basketball this season you know he had some big moments in the playoffs he had some bad moments in the playoffs that’s nothing new we’re expecting that from James Harden but I do think he was an overall positive for this team in 2024 if you can’t retain him and if he wants you know similar money to what Paul George is going to get I think that’s a real issue I don’t think James Harden at this point in his career is worth that amount of money but you might have to pay him something similar to what he’s earning now around 30 million a year to retain James Harden for at least next year right so that’s going to be the two big ticket items right Paul George and James Harden if those guys stick around the Clippers are right in the race again in the Western Conference doesn’t look like Paul George is going to stick around we still don’t know much about Harden Russell Westbrook also could be on the move but I think these questions maybe might not be as important as Clippers fans might think just on paper when hearing these big time Hall of Fame names and hearing that they might leave the Clippers right something I think the Clippers traded away in the Harden trade that they really could have used used towards the end of the season was depth right and the Clippers you know they sold a lot of depth for Harden and weren’t really able to make it up you know in the buyout Market or anything like that they had just a lack of you know really solid role players when compared to other teams in the west and I think if Paul George and James Harden walk in free agency or at least Paul George let’s just say Paul George leaves LA Signs a Max somewhere else right maybe with my Sixers who knows let’s just say that happens and then you get Harden back on a similar deal to what he has now Russell Westbrook walks as well I think that’s an opportunity for the Clippers to really f out this roster and you know put all their chips on the table as far as surrounding Harden and Leonard with really really solid role players who are versatile right you know you lack a lot of I think defensive versatility size in the paint you know zubac had a really good year and I think he’s above average NBA Center I actually like zubac a lot but the backup five was kind of an issue and the wing and guard depth was also an issue as well I in my opinion so you have a lot of really good shot creation offensively you have kawi Leonard James Harden Norman pal Russell Westbrook played like really really good defense this year you know he really transformed his defensive game this year he was a really great defender which was really surprising I think that’s a big you know positive sign for him to be able to adapt this late in his career similar to a Brook Lopez type thing where he’s a great offensive Talent sees that you know it’s not really working like that anymore in his career so he has to adapt and he did it but I think Paul George if he walks which I expect him to gives you an opportunity to attack the weaknesses on this team which I think are three Indie guys right you need really good spot up Shooters in a James Harden type system if he’s going to be controlling the ball most of the time which it looks like he will be if he sticks around you need really great catch and shoot guys right and you also need those guys to be able to be versatile Defenders and athletic right so you need really good three and D athletes that can play defense I think that has to be priority number one think of Terren man but on the wing right Amir coffee actually was really good this year something similar to what he is I think he is the type of player you need more of right so you give up AUM in the Harden trade which is a big win for my Sixers but that’s the type of player you need you need some versatility defensively a guy who can knock down a corner three or a catch shoot opportunity you could use a different type of big man right or forward just a guy in the paint that can block shots and provide solid Rim protection and rebounding I think that’s another thing the Clippers really lacked was an athletic big man or power forward who can catch lobs rebound the ball and protect the rim right zubac is great but he’s just not that type of player defensively right and I think a guy like Clint capella who could be on the move from the Hawks I think that’s a guy type of player or archetype that you could look at if you’re the Clippers we know those guys play really well in a James Harden Le offense and I think that’s the type of player the Clippers need to Target so Shooters three and D Wings versatile Defenders and athletes and especially towards the front Court out of the lineup I think that’s what the Clippers need to Target and I think Paul George potentially leaving in free agency will give the Clippers a lot of resources to be able to attack those weaknesses for the team now another thing that Clippers really need is youth I think the Clippers trading away their draft picks while it was the right decision to attack you know the playmaking aspect of the team and you know taking the ball out of eij and kawai’s hands all the time to where they have to be The Playmakers I think that was a good move in trading for Harden you also gave up a lot of draft picks and infusion of Youth on this team could really really help them unfortunately the Clippers don’t have any picks so maybe if Paul George decides not to walk in free agency maybe you do a sign in trade type of thing where you get some draft picks out of it right that could be something that the Clippers could explore if he’s not thrilled with the options on the open market the Clippers need young players they need Shooters they need depth and I think Paul George potentially leaving like I said maybe he sticks around gives them an opportunity I actually think Paul George leaving is a good for the Clippers I just don’t think his skill set is of much use anymore on that team obviously he’s a great player and any team would love to have Paul George and any team would love to retain Paul George including the clippers but at the price he’s asking you know it really limits you around your top other players so I would expect Harden to Reign you know hopefully on a team-friendly deal because let’s be honest he’s not a max player anymore and he hasn’t been for quite some time and if he takes less money it flushes out the roster and he needs a lot of help around him and a certain type of play style and system around him to be able to operate at his is best I think you need to give him the ability to do that if you add kawh Leonard healthy hopefully kawhai can get healthy that’s another thing I think the Clippers need to prioritize is figuring out a way maybe a middle ground between what he did this year and last year right maybe a middle ground between total load management and a minutes restriction and going all out in the regular season I think there needs to be some kind of Middle Ground where you have to be able to get a high seed in the Western Conference especially if you want to you know Make some noise in the west but you also need him to be healthy in the playoffs and we just haven’t seen that in about 3 years now so whatever happen happens this offseason has to you know at the end of the day be determined by Kawhi Leonard’s health so realistically you know that’s the most important thing so all this stuff is useless if Hawai can’t be healthy in the playoffs that’s your number one guy you just gave him a big extension I think he deserves it and he played some of the best basketball of his career offensively like I said but if he can’t stay healthy for the playoffs I don’t care what you put around him this team’s not going to work so that’s kind of it for the Clippers you know like I said I’ll make it short and sweet once again just a quick recap I think the priorities need to be trying to extend Paul George for the littlest amount of money you can possible maybe he’s not extending right now cuz he’s trying to leverage that in free agency and see how much the Clippers are willing to give him like maybe he wants to stay with the Clippers and this is his way of getting leverage in that regard getting the best offer he can from the Clippers somewhere close to a Max but it doesn’t seem like the Clippers are willing to give him that after giving that to Kawhi Leonard so that’s priority number one figuring out with Paul George you know what that situation entails priority number two if Paul George walks retaining Harden cuz you know otherwise you’re in a real tough spot if you lose both of those guys right priority number three let’s say the most likely scenario happens where all George leaves and Harden stays now you need to attack the team’s weaknesses in free agency and hopefully the draft if you can finagle some picks there’s not a lot more moves to be made if you’re La in terms of on the margins right you can’t really have you don’t really have any more bargaining assets to able to leverage some draft picks out of or some role players out of anymore your moves are kind of done on the margin so somehow some way you need to be able to find some shooting some defensive versatility and some size and athleticism in the front Court in free agency and the draft as best you can and that’ll be easier like I said if Paul George leaves but it’s still not going to be easy to get the right team around these guys the Clippers have a lot of big decisions to make and after those decisions are made they need to be able to attack the weaknesses of this team or else we’re going to get the same result next year unless kawh Leonard you know miraculously is healthy and that’s the biggest thing regardless of all this stuff you know the Clippers really need to make sure they find out way where kawh Leonard if everything goes right you know there’s no setbacks or anything he can be healthy for a playoff series because now if Paul George leaves your team is basically solely built around kawii Leonard and James Harden and if one of those guys misses a game it’s an instant loss Kawhi Leonard cannot afford to miss any more playoff games man and I really feel for Clippers fans cuz they had a really promising year this year it’s a real shame to see it end that way but hope you guys enjoyed the video make sure you guys let me know down in the comments section what you think the Clippers next move should be you think Paul George walks in free agency where do you think he goes we’ll talk about that maybe in a different video involving my 76ers but what do you think the Clippers next course of action should be do you agree with me do you disagree it’s okay to disagree as long as it’s not disrespectful you know we can all talk about basketball without insulting each other right we’re going to disagree on things I understand that I’m wrong all the time correct me if I am just don’t you know be disrespectful about it that’s all I ask we all love basketball here that’s the bottom line so hopefully you guys enjoyed the video make sure you guys drop a like if you did it really helps out the channel helps new people find the video so make sure you guys if you did enjoy it share it with as many people as you can please subscribe to the channel if you guys haven’t already because I don’t know if you know this but we actually cover topics like this every day on this channel you upload every day it could be a topic like this it could be about your favorite team in the next video so make sure you guys subscribe and stick around we’re really trying to grow and grind every single day in this NBA Community this the greatest sport in the world and I just love basketball more than anything so I want to share that with you guys so hope you guys enjoy it too and thank you guys for watching all the way to the end I will catch you guys in the next video hopefully the Clippers you know everything goes right in their off season while I’m not a fan of you know James Harden anymore or you know I’m not a Clippers fan by any means but I do want every team to put their best foot forward in free agency obviously I want the best result as an NBA fan that we can have for every team involved even the Celtics I’ll catch you guys in the next one this boy dehaven as always peace

What’s Next For The Los Angeles Clippers? (2024 NBA Offseason)

In this Video I will be outlining some key topics about the LA Clippers 2024 Offseason! With Paul George Free Agency Rumors Heating Up, it’ll certainly be an Important Offseason for the Clippers Future! James Harden is also a Notable Free Agent for the Clips this Offseason, and without any Draft Picks to Trade or keep and not much cap space, they have limited options after Kawhi Leonard Contract Extension! Hope You Enjoy!

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Tags: los angeles clippers,la clippers,kawhi leonard,paul george,james harden,nba news,los angeles clippers news,nba offseason,clippers offseason,los angeles clippers offseason,los angeles clippers rumors,los angeles clippers trade,clippers roster,nba los angeles clippers,kawhi leonard injury,nba playoffs,la clippers news,clippers news,whats next for clippers,clips offseason,2024 nba offseason,2024 nba offseason predictions,nba,paul george clippers,kawhi

#nba #clippers #laclippers

  1. Easy, KL will get the Clippers airline tickets, room & board & game tickets so Clippers can watch at courtside he getting a Gold Medal while he sits on the bench.

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