Inside the NBA reacts to Mavericks vs Wolves Game 1 Highlights

Inside the NBA reacts to Mavericks vs Wolves Game 1 Highlights

yeah yeah that bear that’s a that’s a wolf who what is that that’s a uh that’s coote they got they had a Grizzly be out there too that’s Jaden McDaniels yeah he had a great game today Ernie he played out played well but this guys now that’s a grizzly bear y’all yeah this is Kyrie Irving setting the tone early this was uh leadoo DiCaprio in the rivet the bear got him he had 13 in the first quarter okay slow Kyle Kyle Anderson he played well today he did play well him and N Reed and D played great Raymond predicted a big day for Kyle Anderson there’s Luka going to need a big series yep that’s a two-point game and Luca just so crafty overextended what you said crafty if you mean stupid no he’s crafty but you leave a basket like that is just flat out stupid are you going to tell me okay good come on man you don’t lead a basket that’s basketball 101 McDaniels ain’t used to being in that position though Kyrie oh yeah I thought they had too many dunks every Lively and too many easy easy pass we saw yeah saw a lot of that thec that’s that drop though when you’re when you’re playing in the drop like that and you’re playing against Great guards you got to make them finish yeah they can pick their poison you got to make them finish that was a beauti that was one-point game Mavs on top look at Carl Anthony towns he did a good job of crashing the boards once he got offensive um goal tender but his ability to get in it was close I thought that was a good Buck McDaniels see smart plays by McDaniel all [Applause] night this was an impressive win by the Mavs it was methodical because at no point they really didn’t but two guys play well that’s what’s scary shot 6 for 25 from three still won this game c oh look at that man look at that you got to make that’s a great block smoke oh come on stop it got a dunk Edwards giving it up to NAS Reed in the corner honey 82 to 80 at that point this was a fantastic game yeah it really was I mean this was was that drop again here here comes the Run by Dallas 13 to nothing was it all by pretty much drop again Luca had a bunch of them Derek Jones did seven in a row that was seven in a row by Luca oh that’s nine oh no that’s Lively right there that made it 11 nothing they increased the uh the run to 13 nothing were up 9789 and then the Mavs resp I mean the Timberwolves respond 13 to one after that run yeah I just don’t think that you can give 19 points to Lively I mean plus 19 nine points there 10 points and 10 points to Gafford they can’t do on all dunks they can’t well if they going to play that defense that dunk going to be there every game every game an for three but what can they adjust to with Rudy he’s always in the drop well he going to be dropping home soon oh my gosh you already counting them out no I’m not counting them out I’m saying you keny we’ve been saying that for years that dro def awful Don you saw cut the lead to one the had he had a couple of turnovers couple of bad turnovers hey my man ginoa the jump pass is never a pass y’all that is PJ Washington that corner DJ keep hitting big shots for these guys that was that’s the go that was close y going to wave that off that was real close oo looks closer oh that’s in the BK that’s a lot of it looked different now yeah cat wanted it but it’s still 104 102 and then Luca oh hey you know what he’s crafty yes he is he’s no it’s an idiot he’s stupid talk about the defense I the bear 108 Hey kid 105 that is your final score and the Dallas Mavericks take game one they’ve they’ve opened up both both series the other guy had homec court they lost game game one they won the series in six see what happens here as they win game one on the road 108 a Kyrie Irving I know he is I know he is are we going to have miked up he’s getting are we going to have Kyrie’s getting miked up do we want to take a break and come back with Kyrie are just going to keep as soon as he gets wired up we’ll bring him on here but Ernie yes this remind me of growing up in leads Alabama what does we used to get together every weekend and play basketball at the park and the old guy comes out there and we’re like man that old guy can’t play like Uncle Drew Uncle Drew and all of a sudden them old guys be just kicking our butt Gip John Edwards reny Hardy and those guys man my homeboys I was like so they Pok the bear and the bear ate him a wise man once said let a sleeping dog lie

Dallas Mavericks vs Minnesota Timberwolves – Full WCF Game 1 Highlights | May 22, 2024 NBA Playoffs


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  1. This first game showed that Timberwolves are going to win this series….I mean they were poor tonight and in paint they were outscore 62 to 34 and still they lost only by 3….

  2. The goaltend on towns was a terrible call. The ball was still going down but it already hit the rim. There is no difference on his follow up dunk early in the game. Ball bounces the rim then dunk it.

  3. Hard to listen those notorious antiDončić pack. Waste of time, except for Luka haters.
    But: it is extravagance par excellence, having Kyrie and Luka, together.
    Talking heads, all the season: "Wemby, Wemby, Wemby, Chet, Wemby Wemby….
    But Lively deserves his name and is the best ROOKIE this playoff, for sure.

  4. Wtf is Draymond doing there? Don't you think it is super unprofessional to get there a guy who has a personal beef with and hates one of the players?

  5. Ant gotta step up and prove his hype. 30+ a game and the wolves have a chance. Otherwise, Kyrie and Luka's already got it in the bag

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