A deep dive into the “Young Bucks” on the Milwaukee Bucks roster (Part 2 of 2)

A deep dive into the “Young Bucks” on the Milwaukee Bucks roster (Part 2 of 2)

what it do welcome to another new episode of lockdown bucks where we continue the conversation that we were having with Tai wendish yesterday about some of the youngsters on the Bucks roster and what we might be able to expect for them in this upcoming season or in years beyond that so get ready for another new episode of lock on bucks you are locked on bucks your daily Milwaukee Bucks podcast part of the locked on on podcast Network your team everyday you are locked on bugs part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day I’m Camille Davis you can catch me weekly on the technical file podcast and the pack a day pod joining me in this episode is Justin Garcia other co-host of lockon bugs voice of the Bucks radio network and our special guest Ty wendish from the eurostep podcast in gspn as I mentioned yesterday a big conversation that we did not just keep on one day had to make this a two-parter We Appreciate You tuning in for both parts especially during the offseason here appreciate you thank you for making lock on bucks your first listen every single day free and available wherever you get your podcast as well as on YouTube so sit back and enjoy the rest of the conversation between myself Justin and Ty as we talk all things Young Bucks um but I do think this summer is just so big like these workouts training camp preseason Summer League we’ll see how many guys go to summer league from from this group but uh just to kind of show where everyone’s at as we go into next season um but yeah I think I I I was almost at a point at one point this season where I was like maybe you just move from Maran here maybe the opportunity is just not right but the way doc spoke about him Rohan and I on our show both came around of like keep him around let’s see what happens because this guy could pop like any of these guys could pop and you don’t want to be in this Dante situation again even though that’s more nuanced more complicated but you don’t want Maran be looking incredible for the Knicks in the playoff SE it’s it’s more complicated still um doesn’t feel great to see that Serge Baka was your return but I think that’s the other piece when you you had a chance to watch him at the G League he’s one of those guys that um I mean you see it a lot with baseball when you hear about 4A players I don’t know if he’s there I think he’s clearly far too skilled to be a g-league player but he’s just not he hasn’t put it together yet whether that’s development or injury he’s not quite fully reliable NBA rotational player as of last season that could change this summer and next season that’s the hope I think that’s what we all hope like at least one of them has like if one of the young guys at the very least can be a Bonafide rotational piece for the Bucs that’s a success given the fact that there’s like four possibly five uh that will be on this roster you hope it’s more than one just given the fact again the bugs need some athleticism we’ve been talking about that throughout the year especially if they can play some defense which brings me to Andre Jackson Jr somebody who I said when he was drafted he is somebody who Mike buen hoser would have probably never have drafted because of what we knew about his uh shooting ability and that just didn’t fit in but he has the tools he is a great defender he has all the tools for that he’s good facilitating we saw that in Co the college level with him in Yukon and just kind of running the offense a little bit at times there and I think part of his NBA transition that was difficult for him was having to learn how to be off ball most of the time where in college he was somebody uh who had the ball a lot could initiate but one thing that jumped off the the screen when watching Andre Jackson Jr is the athleticism is just the effort how he comes out there super hot ready to go sometimes it led to files which some of them were like okay you gotta you got to reel that in and some of them I thought were just he’s a rookie he’s not going to get the benefit of the doubt from the referee’s whistle um and we saw him under grip I’m under Doc and we saw him have some big moments in that Pacers series as well so we’re looking at Andre Jackson Jr’s game and what you saw with him down at the her level uh what do you think we might see from him going into next season for the Milwaukee Bucks yeah it was actually interesting because I agreed I thought being off ball Mo was going to be I think it was an adjustment for him at the NBA level and then it almost was like an adjustment back going to be on ball a bunch at the herd he he didn’t have a he only played two games he didn’t have a great showing in ashkash I think one was home and one was road but um the shooting splits weren’t great but he still average seven and a half rebounds and four assists per game so you still saw I think the good and he had some tremendous uh blocks and dunks as well so that that stuff is always fun and a more open a smaller Court environment the athleticism really shine through even more but I think overall on the SE on the whole Andre Jackson Jr had about as good of a rookie season as you can have being again 36th overall pick a draft the Bucks we’re going into with only the last pick and and hopefully we have time to talk about Chris Livingston who I may be higher than anyone on Chris Liv be second high oh oh we can compete about it I I keep talking about the Utah game like I’ve said it so many times uh that Chris and we’ll get we’ll get there Andre Jackson Jr um I’m I think I’m just really high on on what he can do my biggest qualm with him is not the fouls it’s not the shooting just dunk the basketball that there’s so many possessions where he drives me crazy you are a 99% NBA athlete according to Stan Vini someone who really knows this isn’t just me you know putting a number out there and he will be around the rim all the time and you just see him like passing out to Brook Lopez it’s like I love Brook Lopez just dunk just dunk the basketball and that’s the number I literally think the Bucks this off season I mean put in the work everywhere else should just have days where he just gets locked in a gym and they just make him dunk and make him drive to the rim like you’re so he’s not a bad finisher either like that’s the thing that it’s not like you know Dante in some of his early years was really just not and obviously wasn’t wasn’t as athletic either but wasn’t a good finisher so it’s like okay maybe you make some decisions based on that I mean Ajax can just go and and easily it’s not like he’s a bad dunker I mean he’s he had some insane dunks mostly putbacks yeah but it’s like you just have to bridge the gap of you can do that with the ball in your hands too it doesn’t have to be floating there Above the Rim for you um but I think that’s that’s an adjustment he should be able to make and I think it’s part of it is he is just a natural passer he’s such an interesting player he’s not a clean fit but I mean I think there’s like this desire to okay the Bucs need to find their drik Jones Jr and I’m actually working on a project about this now they might have him I mean they might really I mean the way Andre Jackson Jr has played he might just be one of those guys right now and certainly next season after his first full NBA off season and you know working with the buck staff some more uh I I don’t think there’s anything he can’t do and I’m really excited to see how he progresses going forward is I mean I think he’s got the best shot of these guys to start next season and Beyond and certainly be a rotation player given what he showed in the playoffs when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you have to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free and Linkedin is not just another job board LinkedIn 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not a bad thing uh I hesitate to throw out the name because of the connotations that come with it but in many ways his role as I’ve mentioned before is kind of reminded me of Ben Simmons where he can handle the ball and as we’ve seen the Bucks need more guys that can handle the basketball um but he seems more comfortable on bigger guys not that he can’t defend Smalls we’ve seen that uh but as you mentioned that Derrick Jones Jr comp I think his wingspan is around 611 that he can he can hold up with his physicality too so I think he is a very position player and I mean that in a good way and I I’m very curious to see how they use him as you mentioned if he’s a starter if you start him alongside Giannis knowing look we should have scoring from Dame and Chris and Giannis that we need defense which is why I think a lot of us thought is this guy gonna crack the RO the starting lineup last year because of that so he’s he’s very interesting in that sense to me is how do you deploy him defensively and I think it’s pretty clear doc loves him so in offseason and training camp with Doc Rivers I I think is is only going to enhance what we saw this past season yeah I think the fouls are always the big one with him I agree with you I think he’s better at defending bigs but I don’t think in a way that you need to put him in that box right like I I think I’ve seen some hesitation idea that he could start because like what if you need him to guard a two guard and while I don’t think that’s ideal give him that matchup and see what he can learn so he’s athletic enough he’s long enough I mean look at these playoffs like PJ Washington is not a player you’d look at and go yeah you want him guarding you know Shay guilis Alexander or players of of that nature he’s s a great job like if you can be physical without fouling and just be long and quick enough it’s hard to score on you and I almost wonder like one of my takeaways is playoffs we’re about to do a pot on this it’s like do you need the elite Defenders or do you just need like athletic players who are big and can that make up for it if you don’t have the Drew holiday on your team because we’re seeing some of these playoff teams play amazing defense the Mavs are an easy obvious one but like these guys are not no one was like Derrick Jones Jr is gonna be amazing n Alexander Walker was a throw like but but they’re athletic they’re long they get in the way and and you know you can get away with a little bit more in the playoffs and it makes it really hard to score if you’re just like okay I have a step on him but his arm is still in my face that’s very helpful like Size Matters is another big thing with the NBA this season I think um so yeah I think Andre Jackson Jr is not not a player I want to put in the Box in any aspect I I certainly see the Ben Simmons of it all I think he’ll probably never at least not for the foreseeable future have the ball in his hands enough to be fully there but the skill set he has I mean it’s really intriguing like it’s it’s about how can you fit him in right and I think he’s a much better player to have on the Dame bucks than he was on the Drew bucks because it just shifts what can you put out there with the starters I don’t think you need spacing at all five spots like you used to on this team and that’s been great and he shot the ball well but he doesn’t add spacing no no team is like we got to take away Andre Jackson Jr 3es so I I think the change had been at a perfect time for him your point about length and how just having bigger Defenders might be able to bother like I think about the Pacers Nick Series where they threw n Smith at Brunson where they’re like let’s just put a six6 guy on Brunson like let’s just see how this works because they knew like they had to try something different and brunson’s a bucket so when you have guys who are really talented like that they’re going to get theirs and your goal is to make it as difficult as you possibly can instead of them getting you know 30 on 20 shots you want them to get 30 on 30 shots you wanted to make it as difficult as possible and to your point about the playoffs and physicality being allowed a bit more I think that’s when you see Andre’s game like if he can really put it together in the regular season and he can be Unleashed quote unquote in the playoffs that could be a really big boom for this team and we got two more Young Bucks to talk about guys the other one is AJ Green who surprised me we kind of mentioned it already throughout this show but uh the defense was a bit better than what I thought it was with with uh AJ Green I just assume like he’s just a shooter he’s just a shooter um and as the season progressed you saw him moving his feet you saw guys trying AJ whenever he was on the court and he’s staying in front of him uh in addition to that one thing I saw towards the end of the year that I really liked because the Scouting Report was known at this point that this man can shoot the basketball close out hard drive him off the three-point line we started seeing him uh get those the catch for the three drive in and just take a nice little mid-range jumper when the defense is being a little bit too over aggressive and I loved that aspect of his game if that mid-range pullup can be in his game if he’s getting driven off the three-point line that’s going to open up a lot more for him in addition to that he tends to make the right passes he just he just fits like a I’m going to do the right thing most of the time type of basketball player and with Malik Beasley assuming that he’s not coming back given the fact that he was on a one-year uh minimum deal with the Bucks this past season as you mentioned there is a starting spot open for that two guard I mean AJ Green’s a guy who on the roster you can kind of look at him be like maybe he could be that guy who starts for this team it could be Andre as well if you’re looking for something a little bit different but uh AJ Green personally surprised me a little bit this season doing a little bit more than what I thought that he could do yeah I think that’s the story of his season I remember actually last herd season he played only one game this year cuz he’s just he was too good right like he wasn’t wasn’t going to go down very often but there was a game last season when he really wasn’t playing at the NBA level at all and I remember you know everyone knows the book on on this you look at his b basketball reference page from college right or Sports reference right after the draft it’s like all right bunch of Threes pretty big for pretty big you know some sometimes it’s like a 6’2 63 guy who shoots that many threes in college might not hang but AJ is certainly a little bigger than that 6 5 six6 but I he made this like beautiful spinning midi last season for the herd and I just remember being like didn’t know about that was in the bag and then you kind of realize like you know he wasn’t an offb player in college I mean he was their offense at Northern Iowa so I think those reps kind of helped him refine the offensive game and then defensively he just moves very well I think the best way to describe his game is he’s just actually it’s not for a shooting form he works on very unique shooting forms so he can always get it off but but everything outside of that he’s just very fundamentally sound I think he’s almost always doing the right thing he’s rarely following he’s in position defensively he doesn’t usually get shook I mean it’s like I think there’s this level of Defender where they stay in front of their man but you know he’s not going to rise up and like block somebody’s shot like they’ll get the shot off but it won’t be clean and that’s really you know that’s a pretty good bar defensively for players who you don’t look at as excellent Defenders and and offense good offense wins but that’s the case for every player anyway as we’ve seen in the playoffs multiple years with great Defenders who sometimes the offensive player is just better Jimmy Butler U flashbacks there but I think AJ Green is his Poise to just be probably the highest floor of any of these guys like I think he’s already there he’s already a player where I look at and go he’s probably GNA have a long NBA career because that shooting has sustained over multiple Seasons he can do it at a high level he holds up at least defensively he’s not a guy who’s going to get relentlessly picked on teams go at him sometimes but I don’t think he’s a huge weak spot on that end and his you mentioned Camille a good passer has made some wonderful passes when if he runs as part of a screening or like a dribble handoff action and both Defenders he’s so good at rising up and hitting that pocket pass and I think in the playoffs some big moments where the Bucks needed a bucket he kind of was able to open it up for a player around the rim and just get them something free what I’m going to be interested in is for him next season in this offseason I would love if you worked on the anti-tp lock cutting that Duncan Robinson has done I think I think Duncan Robinson completely changed his game just by being a devastating cutter and that’s one thing that we haven’t seen it we just haven’t seen AJ Green much period but we haven’t seen as much of that from him on tape and I would love if he worked on that I think it’s very difficult like I think the fact that Duncan Robinson became such a good cutter driver is a huge Testament to him this isn’t like just something you decide to do one day and you can do it but I think that makes him even more of a devastating option offensively because you know you stick with him too hard around a screen or or try to deny him cutting and he could just be gone at the rim and then of course we already know about the passing the midies and just the three itself so really intriguing player really high floor seems like an absolute steal and a guy you just imagine is going to be on the bucks for at least the rest of this contract because when you’re around the second apron you can have a real contributor on a vetman deal over same with Andre Jackson Jr that’s like gold for this Bucks team um and the fundamentals are no surpr he’s he’s a the son of a coach and that’s who taught him that shooting form to get it off over any of The Bigs and and Doc has said this a number of times too uh what what stood out the most to him about AJ was he’s not going to beat himself defensively like you have to beat him so that’s that’s half the battle is is just having a guy that’s going to be assignment sure and and not lead to easy baskets on the other end this next segment is brought To Us by our sponsor better he help we all carry around different stressors they can be big things they can be little things and sometimes those little things just add up to becoming a big thing and when we keep them bottled up it can really start to affect us negatively therapy is a safe 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we’ve said year after year man the Bucks need athletic bigger wings that can hold up so when you get a look at Chris Livingston you think okay this is exactly what I’m talking about uh the offense is still very much a work in progress but you saw flashes from him and when we talk about the size granted it’s not necessarily defending one through four but this a guy that has the body to defend those bigger Wings a near seven foot wingspan that he has another one of those guys as we mentioned with Tai Tai too that was pretty highly touted out of high school landed at Kentucky didn’t go as he imagined and now you get a chance on him um I don’t know if it’s next year that you would look at hey maybe he could carve out something like what we saw from Andre this year but am I crazy that I have always thought there is something there with Chris Livingston if you’re crazy then I’m I’m right there with you we’ll be at the the institution together I remember when he came out the book was like so raw and and I was still like really intriguing last pick of the draft like a player that raw you just you don’t know and the cost of acquisition is I mean they had to give him a four-year guaranteed vetman so that’s really but you know again as we’ve as as everyone’s gone over a million times with the thanasis thing and a 14 15 threr spot not really a huge deal at the NBA level and this is there’s clear upside there this is a different different than that but I actually thought his offensive game was more mature than I expected given that being the book and the reason that he fell and I I just think for the the pros at draft was like he was 19 at the time he is the youngest player to play for the herd this season is the only one who was logged as a 20-year old he’s 20 right now who played in Wisconsin at all and like has just like this really like like mature big siiz body for someone of that age like most of these players come out skinny especially these days when you know everyone got to watch Kevin Durant as kids uh Chris livson did not and and he plays like that too like he does the Dirty Work he likes to do it I’ve talked to him about that he’s like that’s just how I’ve made an impact and I enjoy doing it and you watch him and he’s always going for offensive rebounds I think at the herd level one of my most intriguing things was in the 16 games he played he shot nearly 38% from three which again like expected that to be a rougher number year one and I agree with you Justin I I don’t expect him year two to be next season to be like oh yeah he’s playing 20 minutes a game now like I think it might still be another year but I do think this could be a season where he shows out at the Junior League level um he I I think has been a pretty mature player overall again given the age and just like how young he is and what he’s gone through and his career thus far he seems to me to be about the right things he scored efficiently overall 46% from the field had some great he’s a really he hunts big moments in transition he loves to get running in the break and just get to the rim and just knowing he’s probably bigger than the guys who are between him in the rim and he can just get through them and that’s the kind of again the opposite with Andre Jackson Jr that’s the kind of mentality I don’t know if you can teach it’s it’s really just like kind of just how players go about their business um I I think he’s got a lot to work on offensively more of again just kind of the decision making but he can come in and just make some big plays I I I’ve talked about the Utah game where he played that second half and the Bucks almost came back against Utah kind of in you know one of the really the lower points of their season and he just kind of showed like how big that athleticism and that hustle is and you know what it’s like to not have a player who’s really trying to do that dirty work I think Pat Bev kind of offered them that later and that was a big deal but um yeah I’m really high on Chris Livingston and I think it’s a little tough to look at more than one year away in NBA terms but that’s why he’s on a four-year deal like you’ve got some time here if he matures and he’s ready to play next year I’m not saying don’t play him but I’m saying I expect we’ll probably see him more at wherever the her are playing hopefully for my sake Oshkosh um and and able to show what he can do there but I I’m really high on him as that future stretch four which if he can get the shooting down get the offensive process down continue to improve as a Defender the rebounding is there probably get even bigger a little bit but I think I think it’s really fascinating to have a player who you could be is just someday the PJ Tucker successor on the roster with that level of draft capital and I think Chris Livingston is that kind of could be that kind of player I I mean is mentally not is there as a player right now yeah and that Utah game I think it was he and and Entre that were on the floor together for basically all of the third quarter that was when the Bucks were down what 33 at halftime and you noticed something where you’re like granted it’s the January game against Utah Jazz but man there’s something here and the other thing is it’s albeit very limited minutes outside of that Utah game and a handful of others we basically saw him for two minutes each game that he played but he has an edge right when he’s in there and and the Bucks are down and it’s garbage time he’s not a guy that’s going to take anything from anyone and that was evident too that he just as you mentioned the PJ Tucker name he just brings that Edge and that’s something the Bucks have long been searching for before and after PJ Tucker he had a highlight poster with the Herd on a player that I think they had been going back and forth all game and he immediately got in the guy’s face after and just talked so much smack just directly to him and I think he got a technical for it and he’s like I shouldn’t have done that after the game but it was an intense moment but the great thing was the dunk was too good that they couldn’t clip it as a highlight so you just see he makes this incredible and like as the camera starts to pull in on him he just immediately beines over to this guy to get in his face and they have to cut it so quick after but they couldn’t cut it fast enough yeah he has that edge for sure that’s what that yeah uh which is fun to watch you know you gotta control it you know as we saw with Bobby Portis right in the playoffs that can that can go bad but I do think you need to kind of walk that line and have some players who bring that uh especially as you want to be a physical defensive team you know certainly in the playoffs going forward it’s important to know where that line is and know how walk right to maybe your toe on it a couple times but not actually cross it like that’s very important and the bus mentioned that going into the Pacer series about emotions and how important it is and how you normally see more veteran teams are able to control that aspect of it but the PJ Tucker comp not saying that you’re saying he will be PJ Tucker let’s be very clear but thinking of him as a a small ball four um it’s a different way to think about it because I think a lot of times you think of Chris Livingston you automatically think oh he’s he’s a three he he’s going to be a three but having that flexibility to play either forward spot that could be really huge especially if you want to try to do some really more versatile things defensively which you’re switching or just being more aggressive as well so I I love that with what that could be uh if that actually did pan out for the buck so let’s end it with this question here Ty we talked about quite a few different Young Bucks uh throughout this episode which of these younger players on the Bucks do you think is most poor for a breakout next season so I’m GNA so should we Define breakout as like versus where they’ve been basically break out in the sense of like they’re they gonna get regular playing time not a star not like they’re most improved player or anything like that carve out a real rotational role on this team I am I’m just I think it’s the most boring pick but I’m going to stick with Andre Jackson Jr and I think it’s it’s probably toughest for him cuz I think he had come the farthest over the course of this season him or AJ Green but I think he’s going to be at a place next season where it’s not you know is he going to play is he gonna only get in the second half I really think he’s going to be like a very regular rotation player next season I think you look at the Bucs limitations in the offseason and everything and just clearly what they need I do think Andre Jackson Jr fits that I think the year of NBA offseason is going to be great for him and hopefully being able to get some of these workouts with these guys I just you know you look at again what’s working on the play play offs what the Bucks really need I think he checks a lot of boxes he’s not a perfect player but I think he’s we saw he’s good enough to make do I mean the onoff for him against the Pacers was dramatic I don’t think it tells the whole story of course but I mean they they were really good in his minutes in the playoffs without jannis playing at all which is a huge accomplishment so I’m gonna be safe and stick with Ajax but I do think you know Maran has a case here as well yeah I think that’s a that’s a good answer I would always lean a little bit AJ Green for myself just given what I mentioned earlier about Malik Beasley most likely not being back in there just being an opening at that spot with him being really fundamental and kind of sound I could see AJ Green kind of sneaking in there as well Justin what do you think well I was just gonna say we we kind of touched on the mix of vets and young guys um not to put you on the spot but of really the three guys that we focused the most on that we saw at the NBA level last year in AJ Andre and Maran and that number 23 pick how many of those are a part of the Bucks next year uh that’s a great question so I I really I shouldn’t say I think they will I think I want them to take a center if they can at 23 and load that because that’s really that’s what they don’t have at all right all the CL we talked about are wings if even if big wings or a point guard in Tai Tai Washington and they they had one on a two-way and Mar Lu bald had let him go so I I think if there’s a skilled Center there who you can make maybe get in the building with Brooke for at least a year we’ll see what happens there um and be ready to kind of step in and just give them another mode they could have really used an athletic center in the playoffs so I think if that’s the case they could all be around but I think if if they fall a wing player that they really likes fall to them then maybe there is going to be some sort of a move made but it’s you know it’s It’s just tough because we talked about how high we are on all these players for different reasons so as much as I said that I think what’s more likely is they maybe only add one player at the draft do some moving around with those picks and then keep them all at least for now and then maybe by the trade deadline you’re making those decisions when you know you’re down to a year and a half on the Maron clock contractually but I I do think I’d be a little surprised if they moved on from many of these young guys unless there was some dramatic trade that they were a big part of uh this offseason I I do think these guys are going to stick around at least going into the season but that’s a great question and if they make two picks then maybe not because I think that you’re get into a lot of young players at that point yeah yeah absolutely well Ty thank you so much for joining us uh a a two-parter uh covering all of the young bugs here on lock down books would you tell the people where they can find you in their work in case they want to after this they have to want to hear more of what you’re doing so why don’t you go ahead and let the people know where they can find you thank you very much again for the kind words uh all of our work at the eurostep podcast network is at gspn doino Rohan and I are doing our regular eurostep podcast diving into all sort of offseason bucks topics of course draft and free agency picking up real soon so wherever you listen to this fantastic podcast if you typee in eurostep or just go to gsn.com absolutely absolutely well for myself Justin and Ty we will talk to you all soon thanks for tuning in and come back on for more locked on bucks

Camille and Justin continue their conversation with Ti Windisch of the Gyro Step Podcast, discussing the interesting young talent currently on the Milwaukee Bucks roster.

What does Andre Jackson Jr. need to improve on to become a solid rotational player? What are some of the most surprising things about AJ Green’s game? Could Chris Livingston unlock small-ball lineups with the Bucks?

These are just some of the questions discussed during the today’s episode!

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  1. Honestly, I don't think much of the young guys cause.In my opinion, Doc would want to trade most of them for overhype veterans with no athleticism I look at the Dallas Mavericks.And I love their mix of youth and veteran talent But you have to let the young guys get on the court If the bucks come back with ninety percent of this roster This fall nothing's going to change

  2. Ti Windisch?πŸ™†πŸ˜ŽπŸ€”πŸ‘. Is Justin Garcia leaving Locked On Bucks? Is he? Ti is a great guy and i am so glad that Justin Garcia recommended him. Ti Windisch isβœŒοΈπŸ€ΈπŸ‘ πŸ™πŸ˜Ž

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