Do Detroit Lions Fans Actually Like Jared Goff? The Truth Revealed!

Do Detroit Lions Fans Actually Like Jared Goff? The Truth Revealed!

[Music] Detroit D 313 we’re back Stephen will talking at Detroit Lions football before we get started you know what to do hit that subscribe button and do not forget the Bell icon so you don’t miss any of our new content Steve lay it on the people man we’re talking Super Bowl flat out we’re talking Super Bowl it is the end of May we’ll call it the end of May we’re we got Super Bowl out our mind I’m pretty hyped up today I’ve had a good day woke up early hung out with my wife a little bit hit the gym get on here I’m talking some football there’s no one who’s having a better day than me I’m just going to say that so now I got Super Bowl on my mind and this is all coming from a I don’t it wasn’t an interview I think it was just RG3 Robert Griffin the third’s podcast correct just him talking yeah yep so give the people some context well what what are we talking here when it comes to RG3 and Detroit Lions Super Bowl tie it together so listen so RG3 got on his podcast and I I don’t want to make it like I watched his podcast cuz I did not no shade RG3 I’m just uh you don’t talk about just the Lions and that’s what we do here most of the time we’re talking about the Detroit Lions and watching Detroit Lions content but uh he got on there and he mentioned Detroit Lions and he was talking about how basically the Detroit Lions are set to come back and win the Super Bowl this is a team who the core group is not satisfied with just the taste of success they are coming back to win a Super Bowl and that was down to Briant Holmes Dan Campbell Ben Johnson he even talked about Ben Johnson and listen how he came came back because he’s not satisfied he’s got unfinished business he talked about how the front office and uh Brad Holmes decided that we need to pay these guys so they could not be focusing on getting paid they could be focusing on taking care of their business which is winning a Super Bowl bringing a Super Bowl to Detroit bringing that parade down woodwor Avenue can’t wait for it Steve I’m with you 100% um it’s got me excited man it’s got me excited so that leads me to this question for you Steve do you feel like going into this 24 2024 season it is super bowl or bust for the Detroit Lions I don’t like I don’t like the word bust because my motto is I’m kind of 50-50 on this my motto is this is a Professional Organization this is a professional sport at the beginning of every year every single team has the same goal it’s to win the Super Bowl so if you don’t win the Super Bowl did you have a failure of a season that’s the question now in my opinion a diard fan that is the goal to win the Super Bowl if you don’t win it is it a failed season I I I don’t know because what this is a tough question because I don’t like the word bust but you have to win a championship that’s why you play the game this isn’t for shits and giggles like this is a business like if you’re not making it if you’re not bringing me a Super Bowl title like I have to make some changes like I mean you can win a divisional championship you can win a divisional championship that’s great are you having a parade at the end of the year because that’s what I want I want a parade I want a parade I want to see the Lombardi trophy in a Detroit Lions player hand now I saw it at the draft behind behind glass I I need to be there for that prade I need to see Jared G holding the trophy Dan Campbell St Brown pen I need to see those guys holding that trophy I can be entertained during a football season but if you don’t win that’s the end of story like you have to win I don’t want to call it a bust because that’s a that’s a tough word Hey listen listen I I gotta stop this right now cuz here at Detroit Den 313 there is only one person here that gives political answers I need an answer is it a bust if we do not win the Super Bowl yes or no this year yes you’re set up you got close you got you should have been in the Super Bowl last year you should have been going against the Kansas City Chiefs who you already beat in week one on their home field while they were celebrating a Super Bowl it’s our turn now to get to the Super Bowl it’s hard just because we got there last year doesn’t mean God’s going to grant us the gift of getting close again like we have to still show up put in the work win 17 we have to win the majority of 17 games to get into the playoffs preferably through home field I don’t want to go on the road in the playoffs anymore I want all three games or maybe even just two games if we get that one seed at home I want all roads leading through Detroit if you want to make it to the Super Bowl you have to come through the Detroit Lions so yeah I guess I will say it it’s super bowl or bust now yeah give it to us but am I am I gonna blow up am I gonna blow up this roster if it doesn’t happen no but obviously you have to make some changes because we didn’t get it done so it’s hard to get back um look at the San Francisco 49ers they’ve been to the Super Bowl what twice in the last five or five or six years and they lost both times to Kansas City like it is hard to get there it’s even harder to win yeah Steve I agree with you man I agree with you uh thanks for laying it out there and stop being shy man just and real quick can I say something else yeah they say that the Stanley Cup is the most coveted trophy in all of sports I have to 1,00% disagree the Lombardi trophy is the hardest trophy to win in every other sport NBA baseball basketball or um hockey it’s best of five or best of seven you get you get that many chances in the NFL it’s winter you’re go you’re going home it’s kind of like the NCA tournament only not as long right you get one game to win you gotta move on play an opponent the next week it’s not like baseball where ah we lost this game but you know we still got possibly six other chances to to to move on you you show up in the NFL on a Saturday or Sunday it’s one shot yeah yeah um I like that you talked about we need to come out to a fast start man and you talked about us as far as uh HomeField Advantage um RG3 mentioned one other thing that uh well he mentioned a lot more other things but one other thing that kind of stood out for me the Detroit Lions only play three games outside this season as far as their regular season so I think it would behoove them it’s not like we’re not a team that can’t go out we’re we’re from Michigan we know what the cold feels like but we play our home games in a dome so why not continue to play in the dome where our team is used to playing and uh get that home field advantage because there’s there’s a potential that uh we stay inside for this for the most of this season man super goals in New Orleans too that’s what I’m saying hey man like it could be listen three games outside all year home field advantage and then go play that Super Bowl indoors man so um that could be fun man that could be fun I I like that a lot man but uh staying on this thing where Super Bowl or bus for me um I agree with you Steve I say for me it is super bowl or bus I remember last year we got on here um before the season and we said this it is home playoff game right or bust right that’s what we said last year really we said make the playoffs or bust but we wanted that home playoff game we got it that was awesome so I think you got to keep on reaching higher and higher so I I agree NFC Championship game a halfway from going to the Super Bowl you can’t lower the standard The Following season and say hey uh that was a a freak that freak accident no it it was us playing great football I’m getting hot at the right time our players peing at the right time um and and having some success and I think that we can do it again I believe our team is better right I believe that we’re marrying what Brad Holmes talks about depth at every position so I don’t think there’s any reason why we can’t make the Super Bowl but it is 100% And I’mma piggy back you tremendously difficult to get back and there’s a lot of factors that go into making a Super Bowl um players staying healthy um peing at the right time um so that said if we don’t get back we’ll have to sit down and evaluate what happened did we have people banged up you know uh did the ball just not bounce our way in certain situations um did other teams get hot like you could be in a you know a situation where you win 12 games but you know other teams are winning 13 14 games which I’ve seen in other Seasons so um we would have to evaluate why we weren’t in that Super Bowl but to give a Flatout answer if this team is healthy and we’re not in that Super Bowl I will be disappointed right we now and I’m excited to even be saying it Steve don’t it feel good going into few years ago we like God I hope we win five games this year man yeah seriously man it feels good and this thing is growing so last year we were saying feels good to say that we should be a playoff team it’s if we don’t get a playoff game then and it’s a bust season that felt good now it feels great to say hey we are a Super Bowl Contender and we got better so now let’s go ahead and win this thing we signed our guys right we got them locked in our main Core group of guys uh we know they’re going to be here for the next at least handful of years let’s go out and bring home that Lombardi trophy man let’s do it why not yeah why not man why not on paper on paper the Detroit Lions have gotten better at every single position like defensively DJ reader revamp secondary like we’ve added starters oh not just guys who can come in and add depth because we’ve added that as well but we added some guys who are going to come in and be playing DJ reer uh terion Arnold Andis rraw like those guys are getting on the field offensive line upgrade Kevin zitler over Jonah Jackson no Shades just is what it is it’s facts um a guy that’s gonna be on the field every week we didn’t add a running back we didn’t add a flashy wide receiver you know we are still high on Isaiah Williams coming into training camp as drafted free agent but uh our offense is what it is the question’s going to be the defense like we keep saying over and over and over we want to show up on Sundays and say the Detroit Lions have a 90% chance of winning this game today they are favored in I think 14 out of 17 games on the schedule and that doesn’t mean you still got to show up and play trust me I’m I’m a gambler I know odds don’t mean anything anything can happen there’s a reason it’s called Any Given Sunday you just never know yeah the Detroit Lions have been prepared that’s due to Dan Campbell this team’s going to show up prepared we don’t I don’t think we’ve ever been out coached when it comes to Dan Campbell like he he he has the guys he has the guys ready now some things can happen and some adjustments can be made you know the third quarter we could talk about some issues but altogether Dan Campbell has this team ready he has him bought he has him ready to play football I’m ready I’m ready for the season will it’s the end of May and I just need football to get here I’m yeah me me too man me too 100% so um guys put it in the comments man do you believe going going into this 2024 season the Detroit Lions are a Super Bowl or bus team will you be okay if this team does not win the Super Bowl I cannot wait to see how people feel because here at Detroit in 313 we want that Lombardi trophy um I can go ahead and say um no matter what we we can go ahead and say if you have a schedule to work uh we won’t be there because if there’s a parade we will be at the parade yeah I know we got some of our bosses that watch the show hey full disclosure if if there’s a day in February and the and we can’t get the day off just know that we’re not going to be there okay probably probably two or three days as well like this is gonna be like a full-on vacation um real quick also Robert Griffin III at the end of this and I’m GNA retweet this video if you guys want to check that out on Twitter for a little bit more context um at the end of the video he used a phrase same old Lions this is not the same old Lions of yester year I think is what he said yeah is so dead I’m glad you said that man and I I kind of had that in my back pocket to talk about later but let’s let’s lay it on the table man uh I don’t believe that same old Lions is dead and before we get into a negative I think it’s a positive thing I think that it can be beheaded this season right I think that we we hurt that thing bad last season we really hurt that thing cuz going into the last season I remember even uh cuz guys we’re year into this thing right I remember starting off this thing seeing some of the comments like oh you guys are slappies all you guys are and then people from the other cities Chicago and they would get into our our chat thread and be saying hey man you guys suck you guys had one good year and now you guys think you’re this or that or whatever we don’t see that too much of that anymore and I think that if we come out and take care of business this year Super Bowl or not if we just have success NFC Championship game uh playoff wins again I think that we can go ahead and uh put that thing to bed how do you feel about it so I don’t think we’ll ever be dead William it’s dead here it’s dead here oh% but to me SL same old Lions is a mindset you’re just always gonna have fans that are so used to losing because that’s what the Detroit Lions have done for 99% of my life is lost with very very small short glimpses of possibilities with Calvin Johnson Matthew Stafford possibilities but well there are so many people that are just locked into losing they just have a a losing mindset that they’re just not used to winning football and I’m not trying to be mean they look for the smallest thing to revert to I guess it’s just human nature for most people but I don’t know I look at a football team that brought in Dan camble Brad Holmes and a lot of people had questions like oh man I don’t backup GM like an assistant GM from the Rams a a guy that was an interim coach I don’t know like people had questions we were one quarter away from going to a Super Bowl last year if they haven’t made you Believers yet with having the best draft classes phenomenal um signings in free agency if they haven’t got you to bought in yet I I don’t know if you ever will be able to buy in uh I think it’s just it’s so is a mindset to me you’re either out of it or you’re not that’s just that’s just the way I feel I think when you horse at lardi trophy then you buy in ah well they could have won the Super Bowl by 10 points instead of three I I don’t know I don’t even I don’t even know what I’ll say to those people man I’ll probably just uh continue on my celeb I’ll pray for you I don’t know um real quick I have to call out RG3 about something William yeah I already know where you’re going real minor and it’s not technically Robert Griffin’s fault and I know he’s not going to watch the show but if someone sends this to him when you mentioned am man rate Brown in this little clip there was a graphic that slid across and it was supposed to be a picture of am man rate Brown it was not a manra sa Brown that you put up it was uh Antoine green I believe green so RG3 if you happen to catch this you might want to have a little chitchat with whoever does your video editing because as the very first thing I noticed like who’s this this not a yeah yeah for sure so just a quick little little fix it for you RG3 uh if you want to come on the podcast we could discuss that with you but guys we’ve laid it out Super Bowl or bust is so dead leave it in the comments answer the questions we’ll talk about it hit that like button if you’re new here stick around subscribe we’ll be back later with another show peace [Music] h [Music]

Detroit Lions fans when it comes to winning, it doesnt erase the past seasons of painful losing. When the Detroit Lions traded for QB Jared Goff, no one thought this would work out. What are your true feelings about Jared Goff? #allgrit #detroitden313 #detroit #lions #onepride

1 comment
  1. Wasn't sure about him when the trade first happened, but he is the man for the lions. I am super happy that he has made himself a home in Detroit. Go Goffense!

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