Commanders Are Built To Win | Sports Junkies

Commanders Are Built To Win | Sports Junkies

Brian baldinger they’ve got daily breakdowns of all the most exciting moments across the league hey Brian good morning how you guys doing morning Bal doing great thank you hope you’re doing well it’s not quite summer but I know that you’re somebody that does a lot of diving right if if you’ve been doing that already well I normally do do a lot of diving except that uh you know I’m just a complete spaz and I tore my tricep a few weeks ago so I’m looking at this ridiculous brace on my arm and it’s uh preventing me from going down and Below right now so it’s just uh it’s a bad thing I got to get through it I got to just suck it up so is this like you have to update me here free diving scuba diving do you do do you dabble in both I do all that I do all of it spear fishing yeah the whole thing you I prefer free diving though but yeah well sometimes you know the lobster are calling you got to go get them man that is that sounds manly that’s just a manly Pursuit spear fishing how’d you tear the tricep uh well I was in the Bahamas diving and I tripped on my flippers and I fell tragic it’s okay we got our producer busted up his arm playing tennis playing tennis running into the net yeah these are all right all right on or I mean you know some things you just some things you you really hate to have to admit but the truth hurts sometimes right it does what’s on tap for the baldies for Memorial Day weekend uh what is ontap well I’m here at Florida right now was at uh I’m probably not probably too much I mean I really am a little limited so I had I had a trip planned to B I had to cancel that trip wow so um you know I I’ll probably I got buddies in town right now it’s probably be like one big beer drinking weekend I think sounds good sounds fun all right so we wanted to get your take on mostly what the commanders have done in the off season and we wanted to start with with the slot Corner santro a lot of people are Hing him we hear the cheer h him you watch a lot of game film uh was that a good pick by Adam Peters and the commanders I thought he was the best slot Corner in this draft now you could say you know can these other guys go in there and play in the slot maybe but of the guys that you know that was their position in college for the most part I thought um I thought Mike was really a talented player on a great team and covered a lot of ground did what you had to do whether it’s you know covering backside of the Back Field blitzing you name it uh just a really good aggressive tackler I thought it was a good pick I thought it was one of the better picks well I mean I thought they had a good draft but I mean when I went after sistol you know after Newton right there I thought okay um I mean I could go down the list of guys if I remember correctly um I thought they had a really good draft and Sr was one of those guys I think you’re gonna plug and play that guy what yeah I thought that secondary in general was a little bit of a question mark after last year I understand he had a couple young guys Forbes started out pretty well but then he struggled and then he kind of got benched and then they also drafted uh Martin the safety um and I don’t know if he’ll be a backup or not but I I I thought you know they added Michael Davis from the Chargers and free agency Sandra still as you mentioned so I thought that the secondary in general might be a question mark especially in a league that throws the ball a ton so um do you think it’s a a significant upgrade well Michael Davis has had he’s had good moments really good moments with the Chargers he’s a big corner I he’s probably 63 he’s a big Corner mhm there was the worst secondary in football last year and nobody was I mean the Eagles were close but I mean he gave up 39 touchdown passes right you know you got you’re looking to try to cut that in half now it would help if the pass rush was a lot better than it was a year ago and it didn’t help that you know um you know montz is in Chicago Etc but um yeah I mean it was not good last year I would say that uh um San rol and Davis are definitely upgrades but I just I mean you know I was I was talking to Javon Holland in Miami yesterday the Dolphins I’m like you know when your safeties don’t tackle well and they blow coverages you give up a lot of touchdowns and that’s what happened last year like they got to tighten all that up um and they got to take the ball away at a much higher rate than they ever did a year ago and those things would would help to solve a lot of the issues that that team had what what about on the offensive line everybody thought going in the offseason they got to upgrade it at tackle they they upgraded with with Center and they brought in Alig gry uh but then they drafted Brandon Coleman and the the the interesting part there is everybody kind of sees him as a guard even though he played guard and Tackle at TCU um I think they’re going to try him at tackle I think that’s what they see him as what did you Scout him at all do you have any feeling on him and what sort of separates a a legit tackle you know and then somebody that has to move to guard it’s usually just comes down to length he played left tackle at TCU last year um the games that I watched um you know some of these guys are projected you know guard some guys can still play it you I mean it just depends on on the individual I think they have to I mean look they have I think I think right now if you lined up at mini camp or OTAs or something Cornelius Lucas might be your starting love tackle now I like Luke he’s probably in his 10th year now something like that like he’s been a survivor and he’s played pretty good but I don’t think he’s your any kind of a long-term answer at left tackle so you know they seem to have success just going to Kansas City and getting their backup players that become starters like you know Wy and Al gredy um you know badish is is probably he’s a good player I don’t think he’s a great Center but he’s a good player so I think they’ve addressed certain things if if Coleman can play left tackle that will help if he if he truly can we don’t really know right now I don’t know how he’s going to line up or where he’s going to line up we’re joined by Brian baldinger Odyssey NFL Insider host of The Odyssey original podcast the best football show so on the defensive side they have completely remade the linebacker room bringing in Frankie louu Bobby Wagner to bring in that Hall of Famer the defensive leader into that locker room the big question is can Wagner coming in can that help bring out the best in Jamon Davis a guy who’s underachieved since the Ron Rivera regime draft him in the first round a few years ago it’s hard to say it’s hard to say I saw like when Bobby was in Seattle they drafted um Jordan Brooks out of Texas Tech I saw him yesterday he’s uh he he Bobby really helped him you could see it on the field how he helped him like he was pointing and directing and doing all that kind of stuff and he ended up leading the league in tackles I think at least one year and maybe even two years I mean he be the Tores ACL but um I thought he really helped Jordan now you know you gotta ask yourself just what Bobby Wagner is at this point Seattle is given up on him the Rams have given up on him he’s still Bobby Wagner I mean I saw him last year I mean he’s still Ultra focused he’s still leader the game is really important to him he takes it importance so I think you’re going to get leadership from Bobby I I uh you know I just want to know like can he still react and cover and smash people the way he did for you know 10 straight years at at one of the best that we’ve ever seen do it so I think Davis can learn certainly from him it is a a group that has to play together at some point you have to be able to play Man coverage I mean if you’re an 11 personnel in third down and you’re blitzing from somewhere one linebacker’s got to cover the tight end the other backs got to cover the you know the other linebackers got to cover the backs and so when you’re going up against some of these teams saquan of Philadelphia this year whatever um you know those duties have to have to get exchanged and you need talented players to be able to do it Davis can still run I don’t know if he’s always going in the right direction or not well that’s what I want to ask you about Davis and I I feel like you’re gonna laugh at me but um because I know he’s not the player that this guy I’m going to compare him to but from a measurable standpoint when you look at like what they did at the combine Micah Parsons and and Jamon are like similar like they’re like his athleticism is off the charts but you know maybe he’s not recognizing things I I don’t know it can Quinn and wh these guys can they find a little niche for him where they can get a lot more production from him you know that’s possible I mean I would never compare him to Micah you know just just to but understand I know you’re saying yeah you I don’t you know I still I mean there’s guys that you can look at a 40 yard dash or a 10 yard split or whatever and you can make comparables they you can see them on the field and they’re they don’t I know one guy’s a monster the other guy’s not I get it right uh but no look I mean that’s Dan’s job right now is to figure out what these guys he did it in Dallas to a degree now they they didn’t have inside linebackers last year they got hurt and he was playing all these safeties at linebacker and it was doing okay until they saw Green Bay in the playoffs and then they ran right at him and they couldn’t do anything to stop him um I gotta you know we we got to just see how this thing comes together I I don’t want to say Dan can’t work magic I mean one thing he did in Dallas um was they over the last three years with Dan there they led the league in takeaways now it helps that you got Micah and you got some some you know some Corners that can take the ball away the way they did but it started with pressure and so I’m anxious to see what he does to affect quarterbacks and how he does it is does he have guys that can get there one-on-one does he have to you know go deep into his bag of tricks to find certain pressures that work week in week out like that’s what I think they they kind of have to do right now all right um just kind of bouncing around the league out of the teams that have got new quarterbacks this year all right and I guess you can include the first round picks um the rookies but new quarterbacks I’m going to throw Aaron Rogers in there because he didn’t play it all last year with the Jets um cousins going to Atlanta Russell Wilson going to Pittsburgh what’s been like in your opinion um the biggest significant change at quarterback um from last year to this year well I mean I if Aaron Rogers stays healthy and plays anywhere near what his talent is the Jess going to be a good football team because that that defense is really good right and they might have the best defensive front in football but you know their quarterbacks last year threw a grand total of 11 touchdown passes in 17 games so I mean if Aaron Rogers throws anywhere near 30 or more and that defense gets to play with the league a lead uh they’re going to win a lot of games I think Russell Wilson Pittsburgh’s a great fit I mean he’s been there every day everybody in Pittsburgh tells me like he’s been unbelievable um the offense line it might be the best at some point when all these young kids really come together it might be the best he’s ever played behind so and there he’s going to have a really good defense um on that side of the ball I mean Russell’s going into a situation a lot like he had in in Seattle at one point where they could really run the ball and Pittsburgh will and they could play the best defensive football and so I think he’s going to a really good situation and I think that’s a team that look they were 5- one in their division last year the toughest division of football they were five- one last year and so they’re going to be very very competitive in the AFC North and I know uh you talked to guys with Pittsburgh they feel like they’re going to come out of that North and win it what what about the idea of using Fields as like a slash could could you see that potentially m uh I don’t know I don’t know how he how he catches the ball you know um you know if he’s going to be used as a receiver I guess you can have that like I don’t I don’t think Russell Wilson or I don’t think any quarterback wants to come off the field um you know unless it’s it’s just it’s just hard like I know they worked at in New Orleans for a little bit and it was effective I it was but I I just don’t know if I want to take my quarterback out of any kind of a rhythm to put Justin fields out there uh I think it’s Russell Wilson’s job right now and Justin field is there as the backup and I don’t think there’s another role for him at least initially in this offense who has the bigger year real quick uh Barkley and Philly or Derrick Henry in Baltimore oh good good question I don’t think Barkley’s ever run behind an offensive line like he’s going to see in Philadelphia I would say sequan he’s younger he’s had a lot less carries I not saying Derek can’t do what we used see Derek do but I think you know saquon’s going to get some good runways to take off this year right and I would say saquan right now and defenses don’t have to focus on him like they did with the Giants because you got two you know basically all pro receivers well and a quarterback they could take off at any time I mean they they should be very good offensively there’s there’s very few weaknesses in that offense right now as it’s uh you know and they got a new coordinator that has had some good days in this league and Kell Moore so I mean I I expect that that team to completely rebound from that uh atrocious collapse they had last year Brian best of luck with recovery on the triceps injury yeah yeah and uh always appreciate you having you on have fun this weekend bro all right thank thanks guys appreciate it it’s Brian balger Odyssey NFL Insider host of The Odyssey original podcast the best football show

Brian Baldinger joins The Sports Junkies to break down the Washington Commanders 2024 draft picks.

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