Thank you Jaguars!

Thank you Jaguars!

  1. Athletic testing and traits vs FBI, skill, and technique is an interesting debate.

  2. I still can’t believe we got him. I was so mad when we dropped to #2 after winning a meaningless game thinking the Jags couldn’t possibly pass on Hutch.

  3. Its still funny how the NFL and the networks were mad at the Lions for running up with the pick (the lost out on commercial time).

    Would the Lions have taken that guy if Hutch went first?

  4. The Jags really wanted to draft a jag I guess, they hooked us up, thank you cat bros. 👊

  5. I always thought they would have picked Kayvon Thibideaux if Hutch had gone first. I do remember being visibly distressed when they won that Packer game that cost them the #1 pick.

    When the Jags took Walker, I was screaming at my TV, “Run to the stage with that card!”

  6. I’m still convinced he just refused to give Harbaugh the satisfaction of taking his guy 1st overall.

  7. Travyon is getting better. Travon and Josh Allen ate on that Dline last year. He isn’t Hutch but he looks like he’s gonna be a solid defensive end for a while. Glad they passed on Hutch, but no need to shit on Walker.

  8. Trent Baalke hates Jim Harbaugh so much that he sacrificed the ability to grab the best defensive player in at least 3 drafts on the alter of spite. Can’t say it comes as any surprise and when he was hired as the Jags GM I said from day one that he’d be a huge embarrassing failure. Guess what? He’s a huge embarrassing failure. What a chode. And after those comments about the “win a playoff game” by Jags fans back in 2022 in response to Lions social media talking about whooping their ass in the regular season, Jags fans can eat shit.

    The Jags were exposed for what they are – frauds – and we were revealed for what we are – contenders. Wonder if any Jags fans were part of the 775k that showed up in Detroit. They can stay down in the basement with the Bears and have their faces stepped on for the next 50 years for all I care. Hopefully Khan moves the franchise to London as has been rumored forever and leaves all those Florida fuckheads in the dust.

    And yeah, the Jags are one of three teams in the AFC I can’t stand, with the other two being the Colts and the Jets.

  9. Guys we gotta let the Walker bashing go.

    He was a raw prospect. Dooming him after 2 seasons is foolish.

    I love hutch. He was the right pick for us, but dragging others through the dirt is so pointless and petty over nothing

  10. I was beyond excited when they took Walker No. 1. Hutch is such a perfect fit with Campbell

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