Hard to win games when over half your lineup is sub .200

Hard to win games when over half your lineup is sub .200

  1. Only 4 players in that lineup have proven that they’re MLB players. Over half the batting order should be in the minors. 

    Heck, even half of the ‘proven’ MLB players (Candellario and India) are underachieving too. 

    So 78% of the lineup either doesn’t belong in the Show or is playing at a career worst clip. 

    The only position player on the entire team who is reliable is EDLC. What a time to be a fan!

  2. Team BA is .215… 20 points lower than the pathetic team they fielded in 2022 that lost 100 games. Team OBP is currently at .292 (was .304 in 2022).

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