2024-25 VGK breakout candidates / Over-Under number of starts for Patera / Playoff update

2024-25 VGK breakout candidates / Over-Under number of starts for Patera / Playoff update

who are the vgk breakout candidates for the upcoming season our picks come your way next right here on lockdown golden kns your locked on Golden Nights your daily podcast on the Vegas golden night part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hi again everyone Tony cordasco and Chris gock from Las Vegas we appreciate you making us your first listen every day find us wherever you get your podcast please make sure to subscribe to our lock down Golden Nights YouTube channel we are brought to you today by Game Time download download the game time app today use the promo code lockdown NHL for $20 off of your first purchase and terms apply so today we want to look at who can have a breakout season for vgk and uh this one person I want to start off with Chris already had a career SE season and I’m always skeptical however the trajectory is still going up and I’m talking about Nick W uh perhaps had 41 points last season in five Las Vegas Seasons he’s a plus 42 so they need to have him on the ice whenever they can uh was in the top six earlier in the season I believe with barbash cheef and maraso right had an eight or nine game point streak this past season and he continues his upward trajectory I’m going to go with W with a bullet on my list yeah I mean Nick W I’ve talked about a couple of times I want to see nicku not on the fourth line now does that mean nicku is not a center that where things get a little muddy unfortunately but however it works out I don’t know if it’s just a full training camp of him playing on the wing I don’t know or maybe something else happens with player movements um but just seeing what nickw could do from an offensive out from an offensive perspective in the top nine role would be a lot of fun to see and I think he could be um I don’t think he’s going to be like a 60o player but I can definitely see him hitting you know in the in the low 50s upper 40s on a regular basis while still being a very good defensive type of player I mean there’s obviously some similarities in him and Carlson’s game uh but nickw obviously has a lot more of an edge and can cause a lot more trouble um I’ll start with Kaden corac I mean I think that’s a pretty obvious one it seems like corak is going to be in line for an expanded role and depending on movements and such that can certainly uh on upcoming trades that can certainly impact a lot of things as far as what his role is going to be next year but only 26 games last year I say only he was a plus 12 in 26 games one goal eight assists so he has that ability to put points up on the board but he also plays a very responsive ible game uh played a few full seasons down in Henderson so they’ve really done a good job developing corac and I certainly think he is ready to uh take on an expanded workload and you might not see it from a statistical perspective but if he plays 50 55 games he’ll automatically be in a great breakout candidate just just based off of that and uh you know if again based on signings resigning and such uh you’ve got Mike amadio who is a unrestricted free agent and hopefully they can resign him I think he made over 900,000 when he was with the Kings and he’s been at I think the 760 62,000 level I think with vgk something like that uh turned out to be a really good depth piece for vgk this was the contract SE uh season for him he’s um gotten limited time on the ice uh but again he’s been around the net I think in newe time a lot of those shots that weren’t going through I think might go through he’s just been right there around the net so he’s been good around the crease and uh he came off the bench to score a goal and had an assist in the Dallas series after game three and he tied a career B of 27 points and I’ll focus on that for a second I think I in an interview I talked to him audio about it being a career type of season I might have jinxed him I thought I thought he made a comment that he’s likely to exceed all of his career numbers and such and at the end of the day he actually matched his season overseason points total at 27 uh played Seven greater yeah played six greater games this season versus the last season um but again another player who like Nicholas W you want to see him maybe get a fixed role whereas mik Mario’s value comes from the fact that he does not need to be on the same line every single game he could play center in the top in the top two lines if need be you want to do that for a long time but it’s certainly a role he can fill uh third line Winger is his bread and butter and if he has to go down to the fourth line and play a little more of an energy type of role amadio definitely uh checks a lot of boxes as far as his next contract we talked about this uh he’s GNA look at Brett Howen the agent’s gonna look at Brett Howen and then he’s going to talk to Kelly mccrimon like hey amadio is worth more on this guy and I don’t know if the gold Knights can find a way to get amadio for about the $2 million aav range whether it’s milon yeah bred Howen makes 1.9 or something like that that’s the thing it’s well he’s eating BLTs with the boss it’s it’s the housing market you’re gon to look at compar comparables down the street hey that house down there just sold for 1.9 million and it got a two-year deal and I’ve done a little bit better for this team than than Brett Howen that’s just you know the reality so so you’re saying double it salary plus yeah double what what aano used to make yeah I just think yeah look at comparables and such like that I mean I don’t know well I do have the stats in front of me here uh Brett Howen last season 72 games 19 points minus 11 W AIO 73 games 27 points plus four plus minus that’s a pretty big swing right there that’s a pretty big swing um dorv that’s uh obviously I don’t break out that it fits the bill there because I think if he plays 82 games he it’s expected for to get about between 40 and 50 points does he explode and go for 60 65 points which I think is the type of player pel dorv could mold into but again it goes down to dfev really needing to have a consistent spot whether it’s with William Carlson on the third line or somewhere in the top six I think dorv really has potential to I mean 45 points 82 games if he can stay healthy I think is about the floor can that go up into the mid-50s even as high as 60 points uh dfv might be one of the best pure scorers on the golden knights he’s got a great shot he’s not afraid to go to the net uh he does well on the power play he does a lot of the little things right and he’s only getting older and smarter and getting a better understanding of Cassidy system yeah he’s got of be in the rotation uh this upcoming season and needs to stay healthy 24 points 13 goals 47 games we know that that he can score and how does vgk keep him out of the lineup that was a question that I had and it should be a breakout season if he can be an everyday player uh he’s in RFA here in the offseason yeah there’s a deal that’s gonna be made there easily no concern yeah but I mean uh where where would you play him uh so he could be in the lineup consistently I mean you look at a line with like a hurdle Stone and then dor of out there causing trouble eel and with dorv could be a lot of fun because eel creates the space dorv gets to the dirty areas um you saw some success with William Carlson as well throughout the season the issue is um does dorv have enough of a defensive game to be that third line left Winger or can it improve if coach Cassy just were to commit to it from from day one and say hey dorfi of Carlson you guys are are attached at the hip and uh off you go so you could see that and it would be nice if Carlson replicates his scoring output from last season with ad dorv while still maintaining um strong defensive play yeah and uh what happens with Paul Cotter I mean he’s all he’s a breakout candidate from now until you know for the next 10 years I guess I mean we’ll see what happens uh 24 years old like I feel like he got lost he got lost this season yeah he got lost last two seasons and you know this is two years in a row now where CER puts up you know a fair amount of I mean Paul cter 76 Games first of all in this regular season last regular season Paul Cotter played 55 regular season games I don’t believe Cotter was an injury issue last year as to why he only played 55 games I think it was just getting lost in the lineup and Phil K having uh having a full season so last uh two seasons ago the Stanley Cup regular season 18 points cotter’s a minus five 23 24 season Cotter plays 76 games he gets to 25 points seven goals 18 assist he’s a minus 11 so number one we can talk about cter being a potential defensive liability and you know I I remember watching the first day of training camp last year and cotter and Carlson just had this Synergy this chemistry whatever you want to call it I’m like okay here we go we got something and then obviously as the season went on cter couldn’t find himself so again 24 years old coming into the spot where he certainly needs to find his game he’s also coming into the time when he’ll uh be looking to negotiate his first unrestricted free agent contracts so definitely for him personally obviously he needs to uh get going so he can get paid but um it’s just hard to see Cotter as someone who’s going to be an everyday contributor at a high level like is he an energy guy or is he a skill guy he probably thinks he’s a skill guy he’s not looks at him as a as as an energy guy yeah he’s not a skilled guy no he’s he needs to go the KE he needs to go the Kosar path or the bran path and he’s much closer to the Kosar path than the bran path which ksar is an important member of the team let’s not knock him here um but you know just because he did that between the legs deak one time in the regular season he’s not he’s not a scoring type just be honest here two goalies in their contract year is it time for yerri Patera to St up are over under on the goal tender and his playing time next season when we return right here on lock on Golden kns game time is the only ticketing app that gives you complete peace of mind with your purchase game time has deals on tickets right up until the start of the event and even an hour after it starts it is the place to find last minute seats you can find exclusive Flash Deals and sponsor deals on tickets for football basketball baseball concerts comedy theater and much much more with its own deals you pick the section and Game Time picks the seats it’s an average of 18% savings and the game time guarantee means that you will always get the best price if you find tickets in the same section a row for Less game time will credit you with 110% of the difference so take the guesswork out of buying tickets today with Game Time download the game time app create an account use the promo code lockon NHL you can get $20 off of your first purchase terms apply again create an account use the 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that uh he’s finally going to earn his way into the lineup where are we going here GOC two and a half starts I mean I think I’ll start there I don’t think I think last season really showed where the golden knights look at Yuri Patera you look at so many long what’s the word consecutive starts if you will where you had like Logan Thompson when Aiden Hill was out Logan Thompson goes for like two two and a half weeks straight As starts and that happened a couple times throughout the season where it Logan just looked gassed and they just rush him right out there he takes a a head shot or takes a hit in a game no problem he’s he comes right back out there and we go back to the beginning of training camp when I asked mccm about the state of the goenda had to get in there what his faith level was and mccrimon gave the company line which we know was a bunch of BS Now by uh by Yuri petera making all of five starts and six appearances last season so I don’t think the golden knights view Yuri as the goalie of the future as many think I mean Logan and Aiden both coming up on contract seasons and Yuri Patera still doing the unrestrict or still doing the restricted free agent dance so this also is a credit to a lot of things that Tony has said throughout you know the last couple of Seasons now where the golden knights could possibly kick the tires on having an experienced goalie somewhere within the organization um I don’t think the golden knights are going to look at the three-headed monster as Logan Hill Logan Here We Go Again Logan th THS son Aiden Hill and Yuri Patera as the three goalies that are going to lead the golden knights to the Future um I think there’s a path kind of going off the rails already there’s a path where Logan Thompson Aiden Hill are both not on the 25 26 team so the coming up after this year when their contracts are up but Yuri Patera is not the man either I think uh I mean we could argue Yuri P could have been in our first segment about breakout candidates because you would think it’s his time right I mean he’s been with the gold Knights organization dating back to 20221 drafted round six in 2017 so who says the gold kns don’t develop draft picks it’s a six round draft pick getting ready to uh make his breakout but um no I’m putting the the over under number of starts for Yuri P very low based on the lack of trust from Kelly McMan who lied to me from coach Cassy who does everything Shawn Burke tells him to when it comes to the goal is okay I’m going to go with a higher total at five and a half I just think that Kelly McMan is going to maybe force the hand of Cassidy to play Patera more I I don’t know why again you have two go half isn’t exactly twisting his arm to do it though well okay but you also have these two goalies one of these goalies uh between the top two is going to fall out fall off a little bit injuries something and I think they’re going to take a gamble on Peta the other guy rather at some juncture this season I think they’re going to have to is probably the wording I would use and I don’t think they want to which we learned last season unless P obviously does something in the offseason that shows the golden knights some Stark Improvement but I mean again you know Yu pan 25 years old coming into that age where it’s time to um uh use the restroom or get off the pot we’ll keep it PC here of course and I don’t know if the opportunity to use the restroom is going to present itself uh with the Vegas golden knights now again Logan Thompson Aiden Hill one of those Two Fellas could sustain a long-term injury other things could slow down the season for those fellas and obviously then Yuri petera as of today May the 23d as of today is the third goenda like I don’t think you’re going to see vikman or Seville um or any of those fellas potentially getting in the line of Carl bomb as well now down the road maybe maybe one of those three goalies is the future of the of the organization but it’s it’s weird like you got Aiden hilly has that amazing playoff run puts up the second highest save percentage in the history of the Stanley Cup playoffs and then you had some pretty decent go like the gold Knights were above average in goal tending last season from a statistical perspective we got a glimpse of the aen hill of old in in game six of the first round of the playoffs against the stars with that shut out the only the only round of the playoffs only round of the playoff there you go but there’s so many questions with the goendale say this again it’s uh death taxes and goenda are the three certainties in life at least uh in southern Nevada life okay a couple of games the other guy gave up four or more goals last season so one of the things that I’ve noticed is that I just remember when Logan Thompson was breaking through right and a lot of the players said yeah we we’re playing well in front of him we want to help him out do whatever we can I never have heard that about Peta for some reason no I haven’t I’m just being honest play enough I mean I know but I just remember the early stages of LT and uh the players coming out and just saying some really positive things about how they wanted to see him succeed yeah I mean listen Logan Thompson has done so much for the golden knights organization going back to singlehandedly giving the team a chance to qualify for the playoffs in season five they wouldn’t have done any damage I think they would have gone against Colorado in the first round it probably been a five-game short series given the health circumstances um although Riley Smith probably would have made a triumphant return in round one go figure and that would have uh been a four straight seasons of ltir drama now instead of three so yeah I mean you look at what Logan did that season and next couple of Seasons Logan obviously he’s done well for the organization for whatever reasons there is a lot there is a large lack of trust in the fact that they threw the golden knights threw 4.9 Mill 9.8 million at Aiden Hill like what what is Logan Thompson that we if we can go in our time machine here I mean starting July 1 Logan Thompson can negotiate a new deal with the golden knights what would Logan Thompson ask for today if it was Kelly McMan Kno out and Doran says what are you what what’s your what’s your next contract like I don’t care about how long it is just say from a per year aav I mean he’s say around four million no ask ask one hand and use the restro in the other give if they give him two he should consider himself blast and then Aiden Hill is not a $5 million go tender you know if the gold Knights would have got out of that Series against the Stars maybe we would have seen the $4.9 million version of Aiden Hill on display a little bit longer um I mean it felt like it was trending that direction but again it doesn’t matter you have to you have to advance and the golden kns did not Aiden Hill did not but I think Logan Thompson pushes for a three to somewhere in three to four million aav I think uh there are teams that will kick the tires on that number whether he gets term along with that I don’t know could he get a two you know one or a twoyear deal at $3.5 million per season with somebody who has like another one B type of goalie you know LA Kings start the bding there that’d be a great landing spot you know uh John Gibson’s contract should be up pretty soon in Anaheim maybe he goes and tands with Lucas Dostal Buffalo Sabers him and Levi taking well eka Lan’s there too just talking out loud here but point being he’s not going to go somewhere to be a backup I think he doesn’t need that but he can definitely sign with someone starting in Vegas in a 1 a 1B tandem type of role B is going to move on from omark over the summer possibly you know maybe that’s where you who knows the NHL playoffs will have an update as they started up there with the Conference Finals did they really last night holy smokes uh the ECF got underway and we’ll have more head on this edition of lockdown golden knights there is no eye in team there is an eye in GOC there is an eye in Knights but there is one and also indeed that’s right and that’s the hiring platform that you need to build yours when you are hiring you need indeed indeed is the hiring platform where you can attract interview and hire all in one place instead of spending hours on multiple job sites searching for candidates with the right skills indeed a powerful hiring platform that can help you to do it all we streamline hiring with powerful tools that find you matched candidates that’s right and with indeed instant match more than 80% of the employers get quality candidates whose resume on indeed matches their job description the moment that they sponsor a job and that is according to us indeed data candidates are invited to apply and those are three times more likely to apply to your job than candidates who only see it in a surge according to us indeed 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the holiday weekend bro you do cookouts like are you like a American dude like patriotic and stuff what working yeah same here same here we don’t have a good Nar I mean it’s it’s weird because obviously now the kids start their summer break so it’s kind of like every day is a holiday for a while so the final day was on a Monday was the final day of school on a Monday yeah the final CS day let’s let the kids go through the weekend and worry about classes and wake up you know you could sleep in on a Monday crying out listen CCSD needs that funding they need that one more day they need that funding Tony come on now okay also needing some funding are my New York Rangers of some sort I’ll tell you what forget the Rangers fun the lvca whatever it’s the fun um the four check a little bit too much for my Rangers and the Panthers played a solid game in route to the three to nothing win over the Rangers Florida allowed the Rangers to get just 23 shots on goal uh Rangers had their chances and there was a mad scramble in the third period that was a lot of fun but no results Matthew kachar with a goal and an assist uh Florida had its sixth goalie interference of the playoffs we it was inevitable right we talked about that yesterday was it a challenge or was it a penalty it was a Challen it was a challenge and uh it was I think Oliver emman Larson took the shot and uh Ryan lomborg was in the crease uh running running into shurkin uh so yeah so that goal was wiped off um the Rangers also had an own goal by Alexis lafrenier and uh why is coming out of the net there Tony what’s going on there why is he coming out of the net when the Rangers play kid to see his son his son is a superstar in New York you ever see like they’ve got that Meme and the son son’s point no he’s telling him to go back and net dad he’s like this that’s pretty funny two-year-old that’s pretty fun so in any event uh any any comments on the Rangers Florida Series game one I thought it was an important game and now the Rangers do have their backs against the wall they need to get the split before going to South Florida I mean this is new new territory for the Rangers right only had 10 games in the playoffs uh last night was their 11th game uh they obviously get the sweep in the first round to go up three nothing give up a couple so this is something new for the Rangers and it might wake them up obviously you know the Florida Panthers are never going to be an easy out Florida Panthers came in favored in this series series which surprised me but after that last night’s game maybe it shouldn’t surprise me uh the series price now has shifted to minus 300 minus 300 for the Florida Panthers so um that certainly shows how strong uh one game can influence um the betting Trends and stuff like that but I don’t think you put too much stock into it it was one bad game you had one weird goal and I mean New York Rangers they had the best record in the league they’ve uh rolled through the playoffs pretty well they beat a pretty darn good team in the Carolina Hurricanes and I think they’ll be okay I think they’ll get the split going out of Florida and then they’ll probably get a split while they’re in Florida and then and then the series shifts back to New York uh tied two games a piece and it’s a three-game Sprint all of a sudden but that said Florida’s a wagon I mean Florida is a wagon um uh it’s one of the reasons why I’m still sticking to my guns with the Florida Panthers now uh gon to win the Stanley Cup Final possibly and now the gold lights are out of the equation um they look good they look good no they do they definitely good and uh I’m surprised the Rangers did not counter with the rampe to kind of mix things up and play did R get scratch I don’t even know what the the he didn’t he was he was part of he was there in the lineup whatever and he just didn’t play they just didn’t put him on the ice I don’t believe so yeah I thought that they should have but again uh he likes to fight we know that and he’s very physical but sometimes oftimes he’s going to be in the Box more than he’s going to be on the ice uh tonight tonight we’ve got the Dallas Stars who have not get this stat now because this trend continued uh through the Colorado series The Dallas no stars have not won an opening game in a series the last six series and remember wasn’t that the game against Colorado where they were up three to nothing and they got smashed yeah they can’t win the opening game so I’m sure that that will be a trend that the betters uh keep up with tonight uh as Dallas will be hosting Edmonton and that’ll be in the WCF game one the last game one win in a playoff series for the Dallas Stars was back in 2020 Chris against Tampa Bay and then they went on to lose in the Cup Final so that’s interesting from a betting perspective one Ry looks like was not even dressed last night so he was dressed he was dressed because him and kachuck were on the ice together and just kind of looking over at each other during the pregame warm-ups right sure but he took warm-ups but he did not he was not in the 18 skaters last night he wasn’t okay sorry about that he took the warm-ups and they probably made their eye contact did their thing and it’s you know he was pointing the Rangers coach was simply pointing the nuke or something like that you know that why couldn’t we have the brawl like in the opening faceof like we did against New Jersey because now it’s time to Win Hockey was my highlight of the Season what’s that now it’s time to Win Hockey games and put all that stuff behind oh man that was that was such a oh that was a highlight of this past season for me so this is interesting I mean if you believe this trend’s going to continue um looking at this series from a betting perspective really quickly here stars are minus 130 Oilers are plus 110 if the Oilers come out and win game one which history shows that’s probably what’s going to happen here you can put a nice bet on the Oilers right now to win the series which would end up giving you a plus 115 on your on your on your bets and then if the Oilers do win round one or win game one now the stars become probably this Min you know plus 150 dog in this series you hedge and you’re not making a lot of money but it’s guarant nothing’s guaranteed but it is a nice return you know between 15 and 20% on your investment which hey I mean in the sports betting world that type of margin makes you rich I mean people don’t understand I think how tough it is to be a consistent winner so if this trend that Tony gave is going to continue you got a chance to make a couple of bucks depending on how you want to throw your money around there but you know huge opportunity for the Oilers was writing an article yesterday for the hockey news about mcdavid’s card values going up a little bit um this is his second trip to the Western Conference Final the last time the Oilers were in the conference final they were swept so second time in mcdavid’s career he and the Oilers uh as far as recent time recent memory are now eight wins away from um winning a Stanley Cup and you know these chances don’t come too often especially for the Oilers right now and McDavid the best player on the universe really has a chance to kick things to a new to a new gear so you might see a pretty special version of McDavid not that we haven’t but you might see an even better version of McDavid who will give the Stars fits I mean stars are a great team defensively but McDavid is a special talent it just matters can McDavid unlock that much from the other players or is jaor going to find a way to shut him down I know that you’re mostly a um a hockey card guy uh but Victor went inyama they had a photo of him social media out looking for his rookie cards at card shops yesterday he’s a big Card Collector I suppose uh that young man so you might want to reach out to him yeah no funny situation with wemi he doesn’t have autographs in his Panini products so it’s kind of kind of bizarre I think he signed like an exclusive with upper deck or Fanatics or something but yeah that’s uh that’s interesting and um yeah Eddie veter just was showing off an incredible baseball memorabilia collection that he has he’s a huge baseball fan huge Chicago Cubs fan obviously that’s uh where where his heart lies as far as baseball goes but he’s got quite the collection of uh helmets jerseys batting cage set up in his house to replicate uh the way um you know just it would look like in the in the locker room and stuff it’s pretty cool though pretty cool to see all that congratulations going out to Rick toet Jack Adams Award winner there with Vancouver Chris noblock was fifth in the voting from Edmonton and Pete dor was 10th surprising how is noblock fifth I mean I’m I’m just thinking I right now well you’re such a big Edmonton fan you should be able to tell us look listen I’m I’ve been very honest about noblock and coaching situation noblock gets credit nabl found a way to spin the dials and they were down 3-2 in that series yanson Oilers to the Canucks and noblock gets a ton of credit for bouncing the goalies doing what needed to be done and it worked out in the end so maybe na block is the man maybe they are he’s exactly what the Oilers need and good on him if that’s the case we appreciate everyone tuning in thank you so much of course tomorrow is WTF what the Friday already I know comes around so quickly um and we app appreciate all of your comments there um for the show tomorrow of course we coffee in this cup that’s why I’m yawning right now and it’s cold so I can’t get back to the mic cold do you drink the cold brew or no you’re not a cold brew guy no I don’t if if if it’s two in the afternoon it’s nice day outside I like the cold brew or you know we’re out and about in the morning but that’s not how the the day does not start with cold brew it starts with hot Brew okay and then of course Saturday the YouTube exclusive with Chris and Chris Jr yes we’ll do it Please Subscribe yeah subscribe there U Chris Jr will be loaded up on the cold brew and Chris Senor might have some hot coffee in the morning we appreciate everyone tuning in thank you so much especially our every dayers from a man Chris gock he does have an eye in his name I’m Tony cordasco from Las Vegas we’ll see you tomorrow right here on lockdown golden nights and please take m

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Pavel Dorofeyev leads the 2024-25 Vegas Golden Knights list of potential breakout players. How many starts will Jiri Patera get next season? Playoff update.

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