Installing the Offense, OTAs in Full Swing | Bucs Insider | Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Installing the Offense, OTAs in Full Swing | Bucs Insider | Tampa Bay Buccaneers

welcome into bucks Insider Casey Phillips here with senior writer and editor Scott Smith it has been a fun week because it is official Anton Winfield Jr is a buck for a long time and making a big buck that’s right it was quite a deal for him he had his official signing and press conference this week and it was even cooler because the press conference was one year to the day from him calling his shot so let’s take a listen good work Saturday morning you know everybody hung over we got that good work here big season ahead I think I’m the only one that see it but that’s just how I got to be right now how I got to be what are you going for I want 10 I want all pro pro bowl Super Bowl I want it all and the final goal highest paid there we go highest paid this year mark my words I’m going come back to this video and be like I did it probably sh a tear cuz all this work that we putting in right now we going to make it happen so it’s May 20th 23rd power of the tongue you got to speak it into existence All Pro highest pay all pro highest pay all pro highest pay and eventually it’s going to become reality so stay tuned incredible and again to the day one year from when he recorded that video was his press conference and uh when I interviewed him afterward I was like I have a list of things I’d like for you to manifest if you wouldn’t mind you know winning the lottery things like that but I did talk to him a little bit about his next things he wants to manifest so we have a slice coming out with him soon that’s going to be fun to hear that about so tell me your thoughts on this deal listening to him at the press conference just what this means to to him to the organization and to that defense well it was funny because he said as we know he he’s now the highest paid defensive back in the league and he says it there in the video and the goal when you say that obviously you have to do something extraordinary to then be rewarded as the highest paid player at your position right so um it’s a good goal to have Beyond just you know wanting to be wealthy but um he said to be clear I was going for highest paid safety not necessarily defensive back so that was kind of even above and beyond but again it’s as was mentioned in the press conference it’s another example of if you if you’re drafted by this team and and you put in the work and you become a good player they want to keep you around and we’re showing it again and again that’s the way that Jason light wants to build this team and Antoine himself he said he didn’t put any numerical goals like in that video I think he said 10 as in 10 takeaways with if you add up his interceptions and force fumbles and fumble recoveries he did get there um but uh he didn’t really have another statistical goal for this season the goal was the Super Bowl which is what Jason Lighty was sitting next to him wanted to hear so he wants to get Super Bowl number two and then go from there as he said and he plans to continue working just as hard he says every year he wants to be better than the year he was before and at this stage in his career that’s still quite doable yeah which is incredible we so excited to have him around longer term uh now that was of course the highest profile signing of the week it wasn’t the only signing of the week we’re always kind of in this point this time of year of trying to get all those rookies signed on their deals and so tell us about who was able to get secured yeah draft pick third round pick ta Smith the safety or defensive back out of Georgia he got his first deal done like every player picked after the first round it’s a four-year deal um that leaves just three of the draft picks still to go Graham Barton the first- round Center Chris brazwell the second round outside linebacker and Jaylen McMillan the third round receiver and those will probably get done in the next few weeks they tend to under the current system because they’re just not very difficult to do and then we also had another little tweak to the roster um signed a uh Defender named um it’s this Ernest Brown um formerly of the Rams and then to make a spot for him released Patrick l who’s been on the practice squad for quite some time the running back um Ernest Brown he came into the league as a draft pick with the Rams he was considered an outside linebacker at the time but he’s kind of bulked up to about 300 lb now from 270 so the Bucks T tend to use him intend to use him like a three four defensive end like a will gston type so and you know as I always mention where these guys played their college ball he played at Northwestern cuz I always I always mention that you always no matter what school it is no matter what and not at all more emphasis when it’s from Northwestern I love that um all right so you know we don’t typically have an injury report at this point in the year but where you’re going I knew I saw your face like what is happening coach BS on the on the injury report at this point he had a knee surgery coming into OTAs but that did not keep him from being out there he was in a golf cart and I loved watching him right on by and as he drove by I gave a little princess wave and he gave the princess wave back CU he’s in his Chariot being driven around uh OTAs so he’s still there still made it to the first OTAs just had to get that knee replacement which I mean hey he’s going to be an even even better Coach this year once you get it all figured out right yeah he we have preceden of coaches going to practice in golf carts working out okay something we had seen before um I was I was kind of impressed to be honest with you I had heard some Rumblings last week that he may not be at practices this week cuz the surgery was last Wednesday yeah that’s pretty quick and uh this the first practice was Tuesday so that’s six days he said the first three days after the surgery were pretty rough uh but he was getting around pretty well and he says by the time the season I would imagine also training C comes around he’ll be moving around just fine but yeah it’s you know that’s a knee replacement that’s a big deal so I I personally was impressed that he was out there I imagine when you think about it and we could talk a little bit about more what OTAs are but you only get 10 of them and so want didn’t want to miss it y so tell us a little bit about again about that phase we’re in OTAs what the actual moment is of the offseason right now we just started phase three which is going to begin with three weeks of otaa so you have three one week three one week and then four one week the league only allows you to have 10 sometimes teams maybe skip one of them and only do nine but for now we have 10 scheduled and in this third and then after that there will be a three-day mini camp which is the only mandatory part of the offseason program um in this third phase you can now finally do full team drills like 11 on 11 and N9 on seven and so on which you couldn’t do until this week started offense had to go against like other offensive players pretending to be defense that kind of thing but now they can go offense versus defense there’s still no contact you’re not supposed to hit each other uh and these are not mandatory but most of our guys have shown up Baker Mayfield very notably was out there you really that’s probably the most important person to attend you’re starting quarterback because you’re trying to get the offense install especially the yeah and especially once again a new offense so it would be unfortunate if Baker wasn’t there but there and then another person that one of those high-profile people that is attending is Chris Godwin and we got a chance to hear from him as he spoke about again new offense what his role might look like so what did you feel like you learned and and you know I feel like all offseason we’ve been hearing Rumblings of what we think that Chris Godwin Liam Cohen partnership is going to look like yeah well Liam had mentioned that he intended to put Chris back into that role he used to play where he was primarily working out of the slot and uh but we hadn’t talked to Chris about it we hadn’t really heard how he felt about it and uh it was good to hear that he’s very much in favor of of this you know he was if I we’ve shown Graphics before about how he was playing like 70 to 75% of his snaps in the slot in the previous three years last year it was only like 40% now he’s going to be your primary slot guy again and a couple things he mentioned one as you see here it allows him to be more creative in his routes he says but also and I thought this was a really good point if you recall a few years ago we were raving about how good his run blocking was and how important he was to the rushing attack which is not real common for wide receiver tight end sure but receivers they don’t usually they’re not usually that important to your rushing attack they’re getting you blocks on the outside in case the run is out and you can maybe get some more yards um Chris notes that when he’s playing in the slot he can go back to being much more involved in the uh and much more important to the Run blocking schemes without it being obvious if you’re playing on the outside if he’s playing on the outside and he motions in and stops right near the end of the line pretty good indication is probably a running play and he’s going to be blocking but if he’s already there you’re not giving anything away yeah that’s true I thought that was a good point yeah that was one of my favorite things I learned last year was talking to Chris on one of our shows and that he started out as an offensive lineman as a kid because of the weight situation and I was like it all makes so much sense now um all right and so finally I know tight end room is going to be an interesting one to watch this year that we know we still have you know several guys coming back you have a little bit of additions and again in this offense what do you see is the role of the tight end how Liam conen wants to use them and therefore what that could look like for the guys that are on this roster well one thing we’ve talked about a little bit I think we’re going to run more 11 personnel rather than 12 and 12 is where you get two tight ends on the field so the snaps might be at a bit more of a premium but Kade told us that he and the other tight ends it’s a really young group uh were talking before practice the other day and they were saying we want to be the best position unit on this team which was a lofty goal I mean better than the receivers I was going to say I was like oh boy better than the safeties I mean if you’re going to if you’re love the goal I love the goal if they I mean Heck if you come even close right you’re doing pretty well so Kate is the quote unquote Elder Statesman of that room even though he’s just going into his third year uh we’ve really totally rebuilt that room you know not that long ago it was Rob gronowski and and cam bra and and it’s really changed quite a bit as you see here in the last three years we’ve spent four day three picks on the position and that might be your position group that might be it right there I mean there’s a couple other guys in the mix but it could end up being those four and and the you know the oldest one is going into his third year but um you know there’s a lot of different types of guys in that group there and there’s a lot of room for growth and uh you know what the funny thing about Kade I noticed when he was talking to the Press I I love the guy and he gets asked questions that are directly about him like what are your goals for this season what how many catches and he never talks about himself he always talks about the position or the team or all the weapons on offense no matter how the question was faced as in like trying to get him to say something good about himself he was always just talking about the team kind of cool guy in that regard he’s he’s truly incredible and I I talked to Devon cul a little bit about him as well knowing that they played together and he was like Kate is just the best human like he’s just such a good person and guy and I mean you got to love that and it’s got a middle school sweetheart and they’re about to have their first baby and so yeah I mean Kade kade’s an easy one to root for 100% all right well that’s going to do it for us on this edition of bucks Insider again stay tuned to all the coverage of OTAs on

Team Reporter Casey Phillips and Senior Writer & Editor Scott Smith talk about all the latest Bucs news in this week’s edition of Bucs Insider. The duo discussed S Antoine Winfield Jr.’s historic deal, stories coming out of OTAs and the tight end room’s mentality going into 2024.

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