NFL teams who could pay Dak Prescott if Dallas Cowboys won’t | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

NFL teams who could pay Dak Prescott if Dallas Cowboys won’t | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

for me and you know what if they don’t sign him and they dare him to go out into free agency there will be someone else out there there’s 31 other teams there will be a team next year just like there was a team that was ready to jump on Kirk Cousins there will be a team that is ready to give Dak Prescott definitely market value or close to it think about how the dominoes may fall this year what if the Jets continue their run of not getting to the postseason dates back to 20 and they blow it all up right and and they blow it up new coach hires Mike McCarthy to be offensive coordinator and regime signs Dak Prescott to be the quarterback why not why wouldn’t the Jets want Dak Prescott they wanted kurk cousins in 2018 it was down to them and the Vikings they have Aaron roders why do we want to develop another Zack Wilson we don’t want to take that chance we already blew that here’s a veteran quarterback with name recognition who’s marketable who’s who’s played pretty well will take get into the playoffs every the Raiders the can’t figure out their quarterback situation right I mean oh hey Dak Prescott in Vegas whatever I hear you there’s got to be a market your points real he’s teams that would love to be a fringe playoff team every year right right and Dak Prescott I I you know in my in my opinion and you know you you’ve heard me say this before you can go to the Super Bowl with Dak Prescott he can win the Super Bowl he’s that he’s capable of that now the rest of the team’s got to help him a little bit I mean we we know that that’s part of it but like come on like we don’t think think Dak Prescott if you put him on the 49ers wouldn’t be doing some of the stuff Brock P’s doing come on everybody are you kidding me I mean damn yeah so yes I there will be a market there’s no denying we can we can argue about how good Dak is there’s one thing that I don’t think anybody would argue he’s definitely went in the top half of the league in quarterbacks like that’s not that’s not even a you it’s not a conversation he’s definitely in 16 or above and like it would take something Monumental failure this year for him not to be that and I just don’t see that he works too hard he’s too dedicated right and he’s got some damn talent to him too so yeah I’m with you there will be a market there’s going to be teams out there that go wait we’re pretty good we had a bad year we don’t want to go rookie quarterback here we think we’re ready right now blah blah blah hey Dak Prescott’s ready right now let’s bring him in I mean there’s definitely going to be teams in in that and sort of situation question yes question this is I’m going off script sorry question okay would you rather pay Tua 50 million per year now or sign Dak if you’re Miami Dolphins for 60 million per year a year from now ah you are a jerk uh I would go I I would go with Dak I would go with Dak I would uh I I still have questions about Tua you know that I do I don’t have any real questions about Dak Prescott is you know physically the way he leads the way he handles himself you know other than hip drop tackle breaking his ankle he stays healthy yet he stands in the pocket and takes hits better than anybody in football you know I I would go Dak there I would yeah even though that’s a little too expensive for me for Dak it’s definitely too expensive for me for Tua and I couldn’t swallow that for sure hey Pete makes a great Point Pete the Giants fan you’re the Giants fan how would you feel about because they didn’t draft a quarterback this year they wanted to trade up for Drake May supposedly now they act like they didn’t move on from Daniel Jones and go out and sign Dak Prescott pill for him from the Cowboys and solve your quarterback situation again the Giants would love to be a fringe playoff team every single year like the Cowboys are hey you know I’m rooting for Daniel Jones you know that I’m a defender of him and I think he’s been in a situation his whole career right but I was I would jump on if Dak Prescott was the Giants quarterback would love it I think he’s a Giants type of QB honestly he really is he’s got that attitude and Mantra and block out the noise and you know he can handle the heat as far as the media and all that I think he would be made for New York I really do and I think he’s got a great way of not being too egotistical narcissistic whatever diva-ish that would fit right into the you know the Giants the maras the Mantra of what they’ve had and the quarterbacks that they’ve had that been successful throughout you know the Giants history as somebody who loves a good story that’s what drives my engine at PFT that’s what gets me out of bed in the morning is there a good story out there to break down and analyze and follow and report on also I like a little chaos if you didn’t know and I also like to see the ultra Rich who always get what they want sometimes not get what they want given that background I’m rooting for No Deal to get done Dak to hold firm Dak to hit the market and the Cowboys and other teams in competition for Dak next march whether it’s the Giants and the Jets in the same freaking Stadium the Dolphins if they don’t have Tua under contract the Raiders as you mentioned some other team that we may not be thinking of that decides the guy they have is not the answer based upon the 17 regular season games and postseason games if any played this year by that franchise that’s the thing that we lose sight of the football world is altered dramatically by one season and we’re a few months away from the start of that one season that by the time we get to February things will change based on who wins and who loses there will be teams out there and you don’t need to have 20 teams chasing Dak Prescott you know how many you need to maximize his leverage you need two and there will at least be two if not three if not four so that’s what I hope happens I think the Cowboys are thinking nobody else is going to pay him what he wants they’re going to find out the hard way like the Vikings did if the Vikings really wanted to keep Kirk Cousins and I’m not sure they did at this point yeah I don’t think so they’re going to find out they’re gonna find out F around and find out baby they’re GNA find out that there’s going to be somebody willing to pay Dak what he wants even if the Cowboys don’t want to pay if you had to bet where that goes right I mean where do you think it if I the way we sit here right now I you know I I don’t I I really don’t know what the Cowboys do here in this situation and I do think Dak Prescott will stand firm and and he won’t care or budge or or anything because of the situation or the pressure of the situation there’s a there’s a good part of me that thinks this this plays out this whole year and Dallas you know boxes himself in a corner again you know with with a contract situation but I I wouldn’t be shocked to see it happen that way and maybe then call Dak Prescott’s Bluff maybe they don’t think they’re going to be as good maybe they think it might expose Dak Prescott this year a little bit and bring down his value I don’t know I don’t know but they’re definitely in a in a tough situation there in Dallas Texas right now hi it’s Mike Florio thanks for watching PFT on YouTube hit subscribe for the latest news and Analysis from pro football talk

Mike Florio and Chris Simms explore Dak Prescott’s potential fit with other teams like the Dolphins and Giants, in the event the Cowboys aren’t willing to budge. #NBCSports #ProFootballTalk #NFLonNBC
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NFL teams who could pay Dak Prescott if Dallas Cowboys won’t | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

  1. Dak has issues. The problem is he’s not a great arm talent — I believe he was clocked mid-50s at the combine but my memory is hazy a bit, I’ll admit (my eyes tell me it’s about right based upon comps) — and while he wins two-thirds of his regular-season starts he’s 2-5 in the playoffs, winning fewer than one-third in January. But add on top of that he wants a salary of 50-plus mil and you have an expensive QB who seemingly can’t win in the playoffs. These are simply facts; you can look them up yourself if you please. Now if Dak were cheaper I think Jones could live with a lousy playoff record. But in reality it’s time for the Cowboys to move on and find their “forever quarterback” I think. It’s been what? 30 years since they went to the NFC Championship Game? I’m no Cowboys fan but I’m guessing Dallas fans have seen enough.

  2. Oh yay Jets fans! Well, at least with Dak you might make the playoffs. He’ll lose as he’s 2-5 in January but it’s the thought that counts. (Simms: “You can go to the Super Bowl with Dak Prescott!” Um, well you need to win at least two playoff games in one season for that to happen.)

  3. Simns sucking dak off for beating mediocre teams in the regular season choke in the playoffs with a 2 and 7 record dak is one of the main reasons cowboys lose in the playoffs and this is the guy simms thinks can win a Superbowl what a joke

  4. This is hilarious 😂 😃. Dax was #1 in passing touchdowns. 🤣 and he's only top 16 😂😂😂 consistently in the playoffs. Just admit when it comes to qb its who u prefer. Not actually debating talent 🤔

  5. You guys struggle to name a team besides the raiders. All the other teams are “what if situations”. Sims has the nerve to say he can go to the niners? Are you serious😂

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