How Kansas City Chiefs handled Harrison Butker’s graduation speech | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

How Kansas City Chiefs handled Harrison Butker’s graduation speech | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

kind of like I I was talking about with the Rasheed thing I think it’s just I know Harrison I’ve known him for seven years um and I’m I judge him by the character that he shows every single day um and that that’s a good person that’s that’s someone who cares about the people around him cares about his family um and wants to make a good impact in society there’s certain things that he said that I I don’t necessarily agree with but I understand the person that he is and he’s trying to do whatever he can to to lead people in the right direction and that not might not be the same values as I have at the same time I’m going to judge him by the the character that he shows every single day that’s a great person and um we’ll continue to move along and and try to help build each other up to make ourselves better every single day um but at the end of the day we’re going to come together as a team and I think that’ll help out um as well as eliminating those distractions outside the building as well you know I remember with some of the various things that have caused teams to shy away from certain players the justification is you don’t want all of his teammates to be asked about it that’s the kind of distraction that can make a team say we don’t really want that guy on the team because if we sign that guy then everybody’s going to have to answer these questions well a lot of people in Kansas City haven’t answered the questions about Harrison Butter’s comments that was Patrick Mahomes talking about what bucker had to said apparently at some point Mahomes also suggested some of the things that bucker said were taken out of context some would say if you look at the whole context it makes it actually worse not better we’ve posted previously the entire text of what buter said at Benedictine College earlier this month at PFT you can find it very easily on Google if you don’t find it at PFT but look it’s his teammate and yes how people act when they interact with each other may be different than their secretly held views that aren’t so secret when they give a commencement speech and share them with the world and it’s reasonable to agree or disagree I don’t have a problem with what momes said Mahomes is trying to hold his team together and and he likes the guy and look this kind of gets into what Andy Reid said and we’re going to let you hear that in a minute but the idea is we all have our opinions we all have our beliefs football is about guys who come together from all sorts of different backgrounds and upbringings and experiences and you find a way to make it work that’s what it’s all about yeah yeah well you know the Chiefs one of the things I think we both like about them is you know they don’t shy away from stuff like this right you know I think that’s another thing I mean you know I I feel like a lot of teams in history might have been like well I’m not going to answer or speak for Harrison you got to talk to Harrison about this and they would have just left it at that you know they they’re this is where you talk about culture right the Chiefs won hey they’re they’re they’re not scared to take some chances on some personalities as we know good or bad we got that they’re not but they believe in that their culture and that some of the players they got there and their love for the football and the energy that Andy and some of his guys can bring to the table every day that that’ll bring everybody together together and make them you know better at football and better as people all together and they stick up for each other we know that I mean this is a team that’s dealt with yeah a lot of you know not I know it’s been greatness winning Super Bowls and all that but I I could also name three or four things of turmoil that we could bring up and go they handle this stuff pretty well where you’d go wow I forgot that happened or this happened or yeah that’s kind of semi dysfunctional and they’re still damn good they’re good at handling this type of stuff right and I will agree with Mahomes again that is part of locker room life right like I think Harrison bucker comments are bull crap that’s what I’ll say but I’m not going to sit here and tell you that I think like Harrison bucker is the worst human in the world or anything like that you know I think there’s a good chance I could like him too but if I was in the locker room I’d be like man you’re crazy I got a young daughter she’s aspiring to be blah blah blah and blah blah blah she’s not trying to be no housewife buddy sorry you know I don’t agree with you there my Aunt Wendy you know my Aunt Wendy damn she’s a self-made business woman it’s disrespectful to her but it doesn’t mean I have to hate Harrison Bucker and he could agree with him on 99 other subjects and I think that is the beauty of the locker room and Mahomes is trying to say hey this guy is a pretty good dude every day and he made some comments that I don’t agree with but it’s still a pretty good dude and I just don’t agree with that little aspect of his thought process and and that’s fair there is a specific problem though of being a kicker a punter a Long Snapper and being in anything like Bill Parcels would have cut Harrison bucker I’m glad well yeah I’m glad you the Harrison bucker is special right he’s special he’s a damn good kicker he’s one of the best kickers in football if not the best I mean he’s up there just set the bill parcel’s doesn’t Bill parcel you know parel he does not want to hear anything from punter kick or long snap definitely not definitely not and this is the you know what keeps coming to my head with this that I’m going to be really interested and Har Harrison bucker as we know is clutch as hell right longest field goal in Super Bowl history just this past year when he was like slipping on the ground and it was an incredible kick but the name that keeps coming to my head D your point is vanderjack right that in in Indianapolis this is what happened to him he spoke out and it wasn’t against something about our society but he spoke out against pton remember and then pton went on the Pro Bowl and dunie and then pton went on the Pro Bowl and said this is crazy that I got to talk about my Kicker who got liquored up and said a bunch of crazy stuff right liquored up kicker and what the spotlight was on Vander jet that next year and he crapped the bed one time after another and he couldn’t handle the pressure and that’s what I worry about with Harrison bucker because now he’s going to walk on every field and he’s going to hear people bow him and all that kind of crazy crap and there is going to be a different type of pressure surrounding him The Yips are never that far away look at Blair Walsh he misses the Chip Shot that would have delivered a a playoff for the Vikings and and he was never the same after that ever the same after that here’s Andy Reid coach of the Chiefs on the Harrison buter comments yeah listen I I talk to Harrison all the time so I um that’s not that’s not uh um I think I didn’t talk to him about this didn’t think we need to we all get along we all respect each other’s um you know opinions and not necessarily do we do we go by those but we you know we respect everybody to have a voice it’s a great thing about America man and uh and we’re just like I said a microcosm of that and I wish uh you know my wish is that um you know everybody could kind of Follow that so with some many women just on staff here and in the building if I mean his comments kind of touched on one in the workforce I mean what do you tell them if they come to you with a concern about players speaking ill of you know women in general yeah that hasn’t happened I don’t think you’re speaking uh ill to women but he has has opinions and we all respect that um I I let you guys in this room and you have a lot of opinions that I don’t like so um we love Andy Reid could end up being the greatest coach of all time could break every record quietly it’s something people aren’t paying attention to he could pass bich he could pass schula he could win more Super Bowls than belich by the time it’s all said and done that yesterday it was dismissive to the point of flipp it well what just like the last comment there that the last comment I can yeah I got okay that was kind of a thud that was kind of a thought let me take it a step F farther yeah when he’s asked what would you say to women in the building who might Express concerns he dismissed that by saying that hasn’t happened well coach maybe it hasn’t happened because they they kind of know what you’re going to say they kind of know you’re going to say oh he wasn’t trying to speak ill of women they kind of know that it’s going to fall on deaf ears if they come to you and that’s why it’s important in every organization to have structures in place where people who do feel uncomfortable about something like this have a way to address it have the conversation and not feel like they’re having the door kind of slowly closed on them and they just want to be done with this and move on and again I say that from a place of having a ton of respect for Andy Reid but at the same time through those comments I got the impression he just wants to close the door on this and move on it’s a non-issue and we just want to move on and maybe the Strategic purpose is I don’t want my Kicker getting the Y maybe that’s what it is I got a good kicker and I don’t want him getting The Yips so this is a non-issue it’s not an issue quit talking about it we’re allowed to have different opinions this is America quit talking about it because I don’t want my Kicker to have The Yips well yeah I mean I’m I’m sure that’s part of it you know more importantly I just think it’s a head coach he’s just trying to squash it all together he’s just trying to yeah not let this thing blow up or fan the Flames or anything like that you know he doesn’t needed like you know half the Kansas City fan base in Taylor Swift’s corner and the other half in damn Harrison bucker Corner he’s got to watch out here a little bit so yeah and you know I understand what you’re saying about the the the last comment there and and I mean you’re right he probably could have done without that but he he was just trying to make a point that hey it you know it’s America and there’s opinions out there that we don’t all agree with right maybe could have been a hair more tasteful with that I get it this is different it is different I know whether or not whether or not you should have gone for it on fourth down is different from the things buter said because some people look at what buter said yes and they will say right it’s not just a difference of opinions he’s got hate speech kind of drive by softened but the concepts he’s hitting at are foundations of hateful attitudes toward those who are different from us or those who would live differently than we would that’s where it becomes not just I don’t like your opinion about whether we should have kicked a field goal there right right where it it football one’s compartmentalizing our social structure in America and that’s there is a difference there there’s no doubt and and and your point about hey yeah there’s probably female employees and all that and in the building we know that I’ve been in that building a lot of times they’re great yeah they know like yeah they don’t want to ruffle feathers they’re not going to go up to Andy Reid and be like oh I can’t believe can you imagine that all right so can you imagine that but at the same time I’ve been in that building to know man is it some great environment and I do know I’ve been around Andy Reid for gosh it seems like half my life now and I know what kind of human he is and he does care for people and the people in that building care for people there’s a tough situation and you know it’s hard to speak correctly about everything when you’re when you’re you know commenting about stuff like this the people who are concerned about it who work for the Chiefs man or woman they need to be able to raise it with someone and have their opinions heard and what I heard yesterday is let’s just move on let’s move on we need to move on but before we do Roger gadell addressed as well yesterday and basically he had nothing to add to add beyond the comment that the league issued last week basically we have diversity of opinions or 3,000 employees just like America does at something we treasure and I am perfectly fine with that I am fine with saying we respect all opinions free speech rules you can express whatever Viewpoint you want as long as everyone who wears number seven gets to do that that’s my only caveat right yeah yeah no I I I you know I I you know again it’s it’s it’s a it’s a a tough line to or to balance a tight rope here and yeah he’s got a great kicker he’s trying not to divide his locker room he’s trying to say the right things and do the right things but at the end of the day he wants what you just said he wants you know the Roger Goodell Andy Reid all of that they want this done they want this out of here and they’re trying to just squash it because I don’t think there’s anything good that can come of this conversation for the league as a whole no and I know there’s nothing good that can come of this conversation as it Strays into Colin Kaepernick territory because talk about people getting triggered you just mention his name and I’ll get 50 emails saying you’re still talking about Colin Kaepernick but the bottom line is this he was expressing an opinion during something that is completely unrelated to the playing of a football game he was fully within his rights he was fully within the letter of the law the policy on the books and he didn’t get the same consideration I would say that Harrison buter did hi it’s Mike Florio thanks for watching PFT on YouTube hit subscribe for the latest news and Analysis from pro football talk

Mike Florio and Chris Simms sift through Patrick Mahomes’ and Andy Reid’s remarks about Harrison Butker, acknowledge how his position on the field was a factor and discuss the Chiefs’ team culture. #NBCSports #ProFootballTalk #KansasCityChiefs #HarrisonButker
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How Kansas City Chiefs handled Harrison Butker’s graduation speech | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

  1. Mahomes graced Butker with what Butker did not grace others. People are individuals, not an extension or conglomeration of ideas. There are much better ways to express yourself than telling those who don't agree with you that they believe in a lie. It could have been a positive speech highlighting his values. Instead, it was a divisive speech that has upset many.

    We've been programmed to be idealogues by both the left and the right. As a Christian, I believe we need to resist that impulse and respect others. We've become more concerned with being "right" than loving one another.

  2. This whole situation has been blown way out of proportion. The guy made a speech at a private event that he was invited to at a Catholic school. Move the fuck on people!

  3. Something they didn’t really bring up either, Florio alluded to it, is the transphobia bs about “dangerous gender ideology” it’d be the same conversation about women again. Beyond a difference of opinion, it’s just flat out hate speech that affects who knows how many people in the chiefs organization.

  4. Hate speech!? It's now hate speech to say it's a good thing to aspire to be a good ans supportive spouse and to raise great children? You are a clown Mike.

  5. BREAKING NEWS: Devote Catholic man speaking at Catholic College about commonly held Catholic values and beliefs 🤯 The insanity!! Lmfao

    But for real though, it’s not like he was speaking at UCLA or UF or another public university. He was invited to speak at a Catholic College graduation.

  6. There was nothing wrong with his comments…. I am so glad his jersey went to #1 in sales….
    Parcels would never cut this guy over his Christian values. He is one of the best kickers in the league…

  7. Two things can be true at the same time. It can be true that Butker has the right to say whatever he wants, and it can also be true that what he said was mind numbingly stupid. Telling a bunch of women that are literally graduating college that they’d be better off in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant would be like telling everyone at the drive through at McDonalds that they’d be better off going on a hunger strike. It doesn’t even matter if you’re right, they obviously made a different choice so you would just be blowing hot air just to make yourself feel more important.

  8. Mike, why are you beating this drum. I disagree with almost everything you say… But I never say you should lose your job….

  9. This segment is the Dumb and Dumber analysis of the non-issue, from beginning to end, but they have a right to their opinions even if nobody asked.

    Oh, wait a minute, Florio is wrong in almost every opinion he has about everything else. Why should this be different?

    Chris? Obviously didn't listen to or didn't understand the message of the speech. Both he and Florio focused on a couple minutes of a twenty minute speech, and they didn't even get that right.

  10. One of your poorer episodes, in my opinion. Citizens of the United States have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. As well, it is supposedly a popular notion for people to be tolerant of other people and opposing views. That tolerance is well demonstrated in Patrick Mahomes and Andy Reid's comments on Harrison Butler's commencement address. Was anyone harmed by Harrison Butler? Was he charged with multiple felonies? Did his employer reprimand him for inappropriate conduct? Has he been suspended by the league? Answer to all of the above: No. Are some people offended by what he said? Yes. To those who are offended, I politely and respectfully suggest that you exercise tolerance, recognize that Mr. Butker's views are different from your own, and either respond in an appropriate forum to express your own opinion or move on. But to continue to dissect and critique comments from players and coaches about a person exercising his constitutional rights is not only passing strange, it is, from my point of view, a display of intolerance.

  11. I don’t agree with half or majority of florios views and takes but that’s why I watch. It’s more Interesting listening to people who have different opinions then yourself

  12. He said nothing wrong .. .he communicated his point wrong … I stand with Butker … women need to prioritize being a wife/mother over being a professional

  13. His views shouldnt have to be secret. People like YOU are the problem, not him. I disagree with his opinions, but he absolutely has the right to have them. I know the far left wishes to mind control everyone, sorry, not for me. Florio would love China.

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