Big O & David Furones Discuss REAL Miami Dolphins Storylines

Big O & David Furones Discuss REAL Miami Dolphins Storylines

[Music] [Music] right all right all right how you doing man you uh did you did you need like uh an extra batch of caffeine or anything to did you bring a couple of Red Bulls or something like that you know while you were watching the OTAs I was plenty of people said yeah I’m not interested I’m not going so I’m just wondering like you know I was going to say bigo you were yawning in the introduction to uh to the to this otaa segment uh for our Welton ra Miami Dolphins report on OTAs I mean I hope I can keep you awake that’s all yeah I I just know football-wise there’s nothing really you know going on you know overall there are storylines there are some things you know to talk about although I just had fun because one of our guys Frankie fresco who I love but it’s just ridiculous reaction cuz Tua wasn’t there yesterday and he was like well look at momes and a real leader this that and I’m like dude these are OTAs people me miss these things all the time for all kinds of different reasons and to me Chua is the embodiment of a leader all he’s ever done is shown you leadership from the beginning dude he he he got onto a team with a coach that didn’t want him and hated him never pointed any fingers kept his mouth shut the guy the guy busted his hip and worked his ass off in 10 months to be ready to play you know in the NFL played with broken ribs played with a broken finger and a broken rib you know uh was told to go away Baltimore week all of a sudden Jabron struggling they call him off the bench he doesn’t say anything brings the team back I mean uh he he has the concussions what does he do he works on it he understands he’s got to get rid of the ball quickly boom he adjusts now you know he he builds his body up for it now he understands okay I need a little bit more agility okay let me trim myself down get a little bit more agile yet still keep the strength up all that kind of stuff let me go to a QB coach I mean he is the embodiment the definition of leadership dude he does whatever it takes to win a game to play the game to stay healthy to whatever it is dude ask him to do ask him to do this and that’s exactly what he does in order to be better at what he does I don’t know what more you can actually ask from tuatonga vioa to be a leader what to have to be there at an OTA in may come on dude and it was probably telling that so many of the key veterans were not at Tuesday’s OTA session after we did see some of them on on the social media post from Monday they were there for the first one uh Tuesday of course was the first one that media was allowed to be present at so how much is Tua really missing at an OTA when Tyreek hilled Jaylen W Odell Beckham Jr jnu Smith rahee moer teron Armstead none of those guys on offense are there so uh do you really need him uh getting all these reps to jod forson who by the way was actually one of the standouts uh from from yesterday’s session uh you know do you need him getting uh reps throwing to yeah Eric asuk that might be nice Matthew sexon guys like these so listen it’s all right it works to even more so to the argument that it’s okay when you see the list of guys that that weren’t present at Tuesday’s OTA session and like you were mentioning Tua has so many things going on in his life now Tuesday it was that he was going to to Nick Sabin charity golf tournament something important to him his college coach of course it was uh predetermined from well in in advance that he he couldn’t make that day uh so and it’s not like he’s missing a training camp or anything for this uh it’s an OTA in May um and uh it seems like there’s an understanding these are excused absences Mike McDaniel’s not too concerned about it when he’s there and not there a combination of the two for these offseason workouts because he’s doing his own thing uh getting right whether it’s uh losing that that body fat trimming down getting more agile in his training that he’s doing on his own working with John Beck you see a little bit of that hip twitch that he’s added into his motion to be more efficient um so uh he’s doing his thing to get right for the season and then it’s in line with what the organization wants and then eventually he’ll get those reps and he has gotten some of those reps with the guys that he needs to this offseason because he’s even done his individual work with Ty jayen wad so um and then he’ll get even more so once you get closer to uh to uh when you’re really playing football and training camp and and you start getting into having the pads on and um and then really getting going toward the season see I don’t bog myself down I have to you know address the stupidity that gets out there because unfortunately what is that the hell is that because it’s not just Frankie it’s other people that are overreacted with that stupidity but see I’m a I’m a real football geek so I actually look at the game a little different look at what went on yesterday a little different and and I’ll give you an example you gave me something right there that I can just throw out for everybody else so you and I can chew on for a moment here you just said Eric ukama was on the field correct yeah yeah was he running around catching passes oh yes yeah yeah he was one of the better uh uh players there for for that OTA session that he had one of the better days why don’t we get into a storyline that actually means something out there let’s let’s really talk football on this [ __ ] show because that’s what we [ __ ] do on this show okay they didn’t go after a big receiver we were wondering what’s going on with ukama because we don’t know because they don’t tell us because of the hip of [ __ ] let me tell you something that building Brother The Hip of [ __ ] that that’s like a neutron that’s that’s that’s a neutron bomb that’s uh that’s Co that’s they don’t touch it I’m telling you as a guy that tries to dig in and find info they don’t want to touch injuries they are they are unwilling to tell you anything about any injury for anybody that’s just the way it goes they respect the hell out of that but you know what throughout the entire offseason wa what no clay poool hey why don’t they go get a big receiver this that and and one of the things we mentioned on this show I said they’re not getting somebody I wonder if as ukama is making progress behind the scenes and if you want to talk football and something that means something okay you guys wanted a big Receiver right well there there you go here’s your first nugget of maybe a big receiver might be available to the Dolphins because they have kept him on this roster for over two years now which tells me the same thing of Austin Jackson the same thing with leam mikenberg when they have conviction on somebody when they believe in you they are going to give you every opportunity until they run out of patience clearly they have not so this is this was a nice sign yesterday you want to talk football okay here you go dolphin fans you guys wanted a big receiver maybe azuk Kama is still in the mix and here you are saying that forson and euk Kama were the better guys and guess what the midgets the Oompa loomas were off yesterday and yesterday you had the guys on stilts running around and and look you got to see a couple of the guys on stilts forson is a former big receiver turn tight end and here we got euk Kama a big receiver that they have been wanting to use as a runner and as a wide receiver so please enlighten us on what you saw on euk Kama because that’s the kind of football talk I want to get into yeah euk Kama I mean several slant routes over the middle uh he made about I counted three catches in that practice so good to see that you know how how much Mike Mel’s offense can utilize that middle of the field on those Slants so um another option there and bigger body like you say so um so presenting some did you see any no no F to him what I did the the big cat play that forson made was a 45 yard touchdown over the top um actually um I took advantage of Nick Needum playing more safety um Javon Holland told us that he’s working at both nickel quarterback and safety so kind of going back and forth and on that particular play yeah needa was the the Deep safety on that side of the field and forson um made a move on him got open and then got to the endzone it was uh that UTEP undrafted quarterback uh Gavin Hardison that that threw that one who who throws a nice Ball by the way I mean not like you know he’s just an extra arm there but I mean you know good arm on the kid um well it’s kind of like the other kid last year who didn’t have a bad arm Blackman or whatever Blackman yeah Glade Central didn’t kind of know where it was going and that was kind of his issue but athletically he had some juice to him actually he had an arm and so now you’re telling me here’s another guy maybe there’s a little bit of raw materials there with him you know yeah yeah just I know his interceptions were were pretty high in college so um something to watch as as far as decision making but uh you know he’s gonna be working he was third team of course uh with with two are not present and Skylar Thompson Mike White uh leading the top two units so usually when you get that deep those kind of guys have warts as bar as parcel’s said back in the day those guys are gonna have warts they’re either going to be you said interceptions maybe he’s a bad decision maker uh maybe he’s like Blackman that it’s it’s kind of the the accuracy is not there or uh a couple of years ago they had this kid out of that he was a local kid out of Western Kentucky or something and he didn’t have a strong arm smart kid had some had accuracy but it wasn’t Brandon dowy Dy yeah right was in a strong arm so you see there’s always a wart there’s something that’s you know because when you get to that deep the the kid’s a raw project one way or the other he might not be smart he he might not have a strong arm he might throw he might make some bad decisions he might have you know an inaccurate arm or something like that so I’m not surprised they’re going to have some kind of trait they like but then there’s some other ones that they’re going to have to try to polish up to see if they can make something out of it yeah you know so so I mean a candidate that as the roster is currently constructed that you know if they can keep him as the practice squad quarterback or you know something like that then that’d be an extra arm during training camp uh to be that fourth fourth guy um yeah if the roster Remains the Same uh with with those quarterbacks but um but to wrap up on on ezuka uh yeah I mean uh the neck issue we didn’t know much about it just that it was pre-existing and then he was on the nonf football injury list for it so not injured a reserve so um noting it’s kind of like something off the field issue and he said he was concerned for uh the the state of his career going forward his future based on it but that right now he’s 100% And he’s full go and uh and he looked pretty good and uh you think back to last season again you think about it in the off season they didn’t even explore a big receiver yeah not even Explore so that’s why it tells me that behind the scenes they must have liked the progress that is ukama and remember here’s here’s another positive this is what I like I like talking football here’s another positive this is also the third year for ukama to be in the system yeah so so if you could finally get him on the field and if he can stay healthy um he has made plays for you and he knows the system and the players know him and and Tua has been throwing to him now for a couple of years so there’s a lot of positives to it that even if you brought someone else in that person has to make a complete transition and learn everything whereas auk Kama doesn’t have to learn the scheme doesn’t have to get comfortable with the players or anything like that he just has to kind of finish himself overall to kind of figure everything else out that’s the age-old thing they would say about receivers right that the the year three they take to sleep at least I remember it sort of um you know growing up when I was younger high school years I then then probably we had so many um young receivers uh flashing as as rookies and and secondy year players that um it kind of went away but hey well even I remember Randy Moss I mean his rookie season was phenomenal so uh maybe not for everyone but a lot of receivers that they take a stride in in year three and especially being in that same system and even at the start of last season you saw that Mike McDaniel had um little ways that he liked to get him involved you saw in that opener uh getting him on on those uh on those jet sweeps end round motions and um and getting him involved in in some carries even so uh maybe some somebody just put here easy had 10 rushes for 138 yards and two touchdowns his senior year so you know and that’s what I’ve I’ve talked about that he’s a a dual facet type player and that’s the way they’ve looked at him that he’s not only a receiver but he can he can be used in the Run game and I think that’s that’s why it it’s it’s interesting I’m glad that to hear that he’s you know out there because that’s kind of a uh a dimension that we’ve kind of been looking for to add and the fact that they’ve kept them around here’s another football note to talk about you know it’s almost like is he anti big guy well maybe he’s not it’s just you have to fill the quota you have to have some speed okay now you got Janu who is a fast tight end you you got the um the the the kid you just said the other big tight end that’s a former receiver yeah forson forson he’s got speed to him too you know what I mean and then azuk Kama can run for a big kid so there there has to be a certain requirement in order you for for him to accept you I guess and the fact that they’ve kept ukama around bro for all this stuff means they like him they want to give him a chance and he fits what they want to do yeah and you mentioned the Run game aspect keep in mind Mike McDaniel was the one that produced that Debo Samuel 2021 season uh rushing the football over there before and he was offensive coordinator That season uh that was his one year in that role before then making the jump to head coach of the Miami Dolphins yeah yep no doubt about it all right what else give me some that you saw all right so I mean yeah there were so many of the key guys that that were missing but among starters then you did get to see uh even though maybe it was just like some seven on seven drills but the linebacker inside linebacker Duo Jordan Brooks David long lining up with each other getting some communication going same thing with the safeties and uh Jordan puyer and Javon Holland in some seven on seven settings even but just uh working in tandem there as the two guys there uh Devon aan he he had a nice deeper uh route along the sideline for about 15 to 20 air yards and then even more so um on the ground making uh yards after the catch there so Anthony Walker Jr the U the veteran inside linebacker as well he uh tipped up a pass from Mike White it was on this throw and uh yeah tipped it up it was over the middle uh jumped up for it tipped it up high in the air it came right back down to him so he had an interception Javon Holland nearly had an interception of his own I know uh yeah Patrick McMorris over the top as a safety had one that he was on but that it kind of like bounced off his shoulder pads um so uh almost had a pick there so uh yeah among some of the the highlights there yeah ukama several catches over the middle that forson touchdown stood out and so yeah th Grayson Murphy this undrafted outside linebacker um had a good pass rush around the edge and I think it was uh no it was harderson on this little uh and he actually hit his arm which I I don’t think the coaches want in in a practice setting like this but uh you know he got around the edge got to the quarterback uh so maybe a little too eager to uh to to make a play on the actual quarterback uh you know those guys in the red jersey let’s try not to touch him did they do any one-on ones for the O and D linemen no right uh well I mean they they had the old line working over to the side uh in some seven on seven so then that seven on seven I my eyes might have been more on uh on that action uh but I did notice them and uh probably were running through some drills but uh they weren’t in pads any anyhow so um as far as how much you could tell from the lineman than uh than can you tell who were playing who was playing guards uh well yeah that that’s one of the things uh that’s uh that’s forbidden in in my B sorry in this session but um yeah it was interesting well one thing is uh it was in my coverage uh too that there was a snap exchange you could tell what position this player might have been playing uh that was fumbled uh between uh Jack Driscoll uh on a snap and uh and a quarterback so um you know there’s a tell there uh I won’t say what position that is but yeah there wasn’t no swinging gate where another offensive lineman was snapping the football outside of the one that usually does right okay all right so he’s working there and I mean they don’t have us you know a Aon Brewer wasn’t um participating in in team drills on this day so um as far as a center on the roster you know caror Williams is still a free agent so uh they had to work out different guys there you know Liam mikenberg uh did some slight uh some some ask because I know that uh Philips chub cam Smith chop were on the side working so they were good too yeah and Cameron good but I’m I was wondering leam mikenberg you know he was all beat up by the end of the year was he healthy was he looking good like he he was out there participating but um not not too many reps that I saw he was in there yeah he was out there moving around is what I’m saying he was out yeah yeah right yeah and even in in team portions yeah he did get in there um as I think I can say he’s a center he did play center last year so that’s no yeah no nothing newsy but uh yeah since you mentioned the guys working on the side um yeah Jaylen Phillips tell there’s still a little bit of a hitch in the step um you know a slight limp so um you know so not maybe as far uh down the line in progress as maybe you would hope if if you wanted to see him uh getting into football DRS too soon uh but Ian it’s a very serious injury that he’s coming back from achill in progress is not linear in these cases so you know you could be feeling great about your progress at one point maybe Plateau for a little bit so so um yeah he he still got some time uh to to re yeah come on bro we’re in May yeah exactly yeah an Achilles injury you can’t expect guy in a couple of months to be you know ready to go and all that that’s gonna it’s gonna take a while for for Jaylen Phillips to come back chub’s the guy that’s G to come back faster because the ACL is easier to come back than the ailles Achilles is going to take a while and you’re not going to see Phillips be the real guy till 2 dude that’s like like get ready for that Jaylen Phillips will not be himself at all this season at all he might help out a little bit but he’s not going to be himself until next year is when he’ll have the bend and he’ll have you know the confidence to do all that kind of stuff he’s not gonna have any of that right now the push off I mean think about it it’s it’s going to be in his head he’s going to have to get over a mental hurdle that same push off that uh he tore the Achilles on it’s tough to to get over on once he does get it right um so that that will definitely be a mental hurdle but good thing for both him and chub is that you didn’t see them wearing anything uh protective like whether it’s compression or a brace in chub’s case on the knee um so uh you know they seem to be you know chop Robinson did have a a compression sleeve on on one of his legs so uh maybe something to to monitor going forward but like you said uh it is me so we’re still a long ways away from serious football here’s what you do you have a mental note on chop now right and you say okay well a little ding that’s not a big deal they they always take the precautionary approach we’re in an OTA there’s no hurry bro we need you ready for training camp and all that we just need you going through mental reps and be in the classroom and all that kind of stuff now what you need is the next time around okay where’s chop oh he’s on the field he’s working okay good boom it was it was nothing a little bump in the road now if it’s something that lingers and you’re back in a mini camp a month from now and he’s you know s now you gotta now okay wait a minute what’s going on here you know what I mean so that’s you know the first glance no big deal does it linger is the question and that’s where we’ll keep an eye on chop to see if it lingers you know whatsoever and we see him in in rookie mini camp uh you know working on either side of the ball on the edge so um there was that so just as recently as as rookie mini camp yeah he was out there uh participating in drills so you know a little something but what’s most important like you said is getting those mental reps as a youngster right now D he could have been working on in the building and doing some stuff with his coach or whatever and and and getting some you know learning some drill and he might have you know tweaked something at the moment and that’s just kind of you know it’s it’s uh it’s not a big deal Jaylen Wright by the way how did he look because that you know I don’t care about mostard and I don’t care about Ann I know what the hell they are dude this an OTA I don’t need to see I don’t need to see them bro I don’t I don’t care about Armstead right now as long as he’s healthy that’s all I give a [ __ ] about but the Jaylen Wright kid I know you saw him in the rookie Camp what how about this one yeah um just a little bit not not too much um I do think he has that burst that we mentioned from rookie mini camp now the the and he it’s interesting he was wearing a a helmet cam so uh maybe we get footage of uh of his perspective on on some of these drills and Mike mcel can get in and um uh really get with him see what he’s seeing and tell him you know what he should be looking at um as he tries to maximize his runs you know run north and south you know take the yards that are there Etc but uh uh one one thing don’t don’t be surprised if moster is sitting there with him looking and not just not just McDaniel but mostard telling him hey this is what you got to see here and that kind of stuff because one of the things that’s very important with that cam it’s it’s a teaching moment for him and remember they made that trade for the kid from from the Cardinals and then you know he ended up in Denver um yeah and he like we thought because he came from a similar type of uh system that he would make the transition and the poor kid he never really made that transition he always made the wrong decision you know unfortunately for him and it just was it didn’t end up becoming a good match so I think the jayen Wright thing again is very important teaching moments so you can try to avoid what you avoided with the Arizona kit yeah Chase Edmonds the thing with him was he was so much inside Zone experience so so outside Zone was uh was a little bit new to him he was trying to pick it up I remember that was a big thing that whole training camp and then it uh didn’t quite uh trans translate into uh the right decision-making but right funny mention him then toward the end of drills that final period of practice then he went over the sideline and just projectile vomited down that’s that heat and humidity uh getting to him and I also wonder if there’s helmet cam footage of through the fls of of the sorry not to grow you know I don’t want to gross people out I’m sorry if you’re for any viewers who might be eating something right now as they listen but uh yeah it went through the bars of that face mask and uh Javon Holland a good teammate he was nearby tried to get him some water you know pick the kid up but man first uh may practice in this heat and humidity comes from Tennessee so some heat and humidity but not quite like down here not not our humidity that’s the difference our humidity is worse than most places you know what I’m saying so yeah it is all right what do you got going on in the Sentinel folks so so folks can check you out yeah yeah uh otaa is definitely uh caught everyone up on uh the Tua situation Mike McDaniels updates on that on Jaylen Phillips Bradley chub what we saw OTAs a lot of what we covered here and um and and also like we covered here I’ll I’ll be writing on Eric auka after talking to him oh uh Javon Holland’s big uh Revelation his quote just saying that Anthony was just actually a good guy as opposed to Vic fangio last year so uh that made some Headway Across the Nation uh dolphin’s a First Media or open to Media OTA yeah that was uh that was good stuff by him I mean he kicked rocks before so yeah yeah we knew where he stood on that yeah and he danced around that too oh no that was just you know yeah sure whatever we were born yesterday all right follow him on Twitter at David fonus uncore and catch his work there at the South Florida sunsal David thank you my brother we’ll catch up on Friday yes sir thank you thank you and Welton ra Hey listen we got a we got like nine days and we’re in June June 1st we’re in hurricane season and you guys know man I try to guide you and you know what I just told you before the when the show started I I got something to follow up you know how I tell I guide you guys and I try to give you the best info out there well here’s the same thing Welton ra we got hurricane season in nine days and it’s going to go all the way to the end of November uh if God forbid we get hit by any kind of storm even if it’s not a hurricane it’s some kind of a rain system system and nowadays the systems are carrying way more water up there so there’s water damage all the time whether it’s condo homes whether it’s a busted pipe call Welton ra 954 966 4646 not just for bankruptcy but homeowner property damage condo damage criminal defense business owner claims commercial litigation personal injury Jeff welt and Daniel R are absolutely amazing people and great Loy ERS 954 966 4646 you call them first they will send their adjusters and then they will call the insurance company on your behalf and the insurance company will have your full attention when they get a call from a lawyer not from a client when they get a call from us they’re laughing at us behind the scenes they’re like yeah we got a sucker and they’re gonna they’re going to run circles around us because you and I don’t know the laws and the loopholes they do call Welton realm 954 966 [Music] [Music] 4646 this is the Big O [Music] show this is the Big O [Music] show for

Big O Talks about #miamidolphins with David Furones – EZ E back on the field – #Gofins – #finsup – OL Talk – #phinsup – #Dolphins Injuries

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