[Highlight] Big G crushes a solo shot into Monument Park! Yankees lead 1-0!

[Highlight] Big G crushes a solo shot into Monument Park! Yankees lead 1-0!

  1. Man I love that G is lookin really good this year, I’ll always back this dude. He wants to be here and win any way he can

  2. Giancarlo turning on a 96 mph fastball from a RHP and hitting it 445 ft to dead center is simply something he wasn’t able to do last year.

  3. Stanton regaining the ability to catch up to 96 is big trouble for the league

  4. they keep saying he’s leaner and everytime i’m like “He still jacked”

    how much weight did he supposedly lose?

  5. I think having the 4 of them back-to-back-to-back-to-back, Vople, Soto, Judge, Stanton is really having an effect. Think about being the pitcher. You’re dreading the top of the order all game. All they need to do is slip up once in those 20 pitches each time around the order.

  6. I’m actively starting to wonder what Stanton needs to do to make the Hall of Fame?

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