PRE-RAW | Dylan Holloway, Darnell Nurse 05.23.24

PRE-RAW | Dylan Holloway, Darnell Nurse 05.23.24

Darnell Dyan this is a little bit of a big picture question for both of you but you think about the way this team has been built what’s it been like from your perspective Darnell as someone who’s been a day one that’s seen the ups and downs and then for you Dylan like what’s it been like as someone who who’s come in a little bit more recently but at the same time you’ve seen it at the Grassroots level with Bakersfield and sort of how that’s become a pipeline in its own right I think the organization as a whole especially from when we first got here um just grown grown I think obviously the resources and and everything that they put into making sure that all of us as players have every opportunity to to grow and um reach our full potential there’s you know there’s a reason why you know uh I got here nine years ago um you know and been the playoffs the last five years and um just at some points you know when you first get here it was like are we ever going to even play in the playoffs and uh you now to over the last few years be be a team that’s competing at this time of year it’s it’s it’s just a testament to obviously ownership and management um of where they wanted this this team to grow and get to so um it’s kind of cool to be uh here talking to you today yeah I guess and then for me um I got I got drafted and it was already a good team like it wasn’t so much uh Missing the playoffs they’re already already going on run so uh it was just cool to be a part of I had to just work my way and trying and uh have an impact on the line lineup and um yeah I spent some time in Bakersfield and then now I’m back up here so just excited for this playoff run and it’s cool to be a part of we go on the right to uh R uh Dylan what’s it like playing on Leon dri titles line as a young player how much talking does he do to you in game off days what’s his messages to you yeah I mean it’s been great um obviously it’s probably best Lin made I’ve ever played with so um it’s just cool to be be a part of so kind of see how he plays the game and uh just trying to read off him so um yeah he’s he’s been great to me he’s been talking to me a bunch talks me on the bench talks to me in the off days and just kind of gives me little tips and pointers here and there so it definitely is uh you know it’s pretty big for the confidence playing with a guy like him and um yeah just try and feed him the puck and get open go Center left Carnell you’ve been at this stage of the playoffs before what’s different two years later and do you allow yourself to start thinking about how close you are to a Stanley Cup or does that get you in trouble as a player yeah I think just you know staying present stay in the moment not thinking about uh you know anything else other than where we are right now I think that’s pretty important this time of the year um I would say this time around just obviously the the more experience you get and it’s kind of true within the whole playoffs but the more experience you get in different situations um you know the more comfortable you get and then that’s no different here uh having this be our second second time the last three years of of being in this position obviously the first time that we were here we didn’t uh we didn’t make the most of the opportuni so uh you know this is a good opportunity for us to to show what we’ve learned over the last couple years we go back right to Kyle I just following up on that like you played a Colorado team two years ago that was ready to win at at that time like anything stick out about those four games just about how demanding it is to get results this late in the year that stuck with you yeah obviously it was a team that came out and just played uh you know at a high pace and high level execution from start to finish and that’s uh kind of what set that series apart between them and us and um yeah it was I think it was a obviously for us it was a big step even to to get to this position at that point but at the same same point um you know it makes you hungry to want to get back and and like I said learn and and uh show that uh there somewh compete year after year we’ll go front left to Derek hey darell I just want to ask you your PK was so successful against the Canucks what kind of challenges does Dallas’s power play present to you guys and what do you guys have to do to try and uh match that success yeah obviously Dallas has a a very lethal power play um a lot of good offensive weapons I me they’re just good team all around but uh obviously they’re their strength and size and ability to to deflect pucks and and score in the dirty areas that’s going to be you know somewhere first and foremost for our PK that we have to step up and make sure that uh you know we’re hard we’re definitely hard in those areas so uh with that said I think we just have to also have confidence in our group and what we do as a PK um obviously every team’s going to present different challenges but we have to have a lot of confidence in what we’ve done you know throughout the year and and so far in the playoffs and believe uh you know in the group that we have we’ll go center right to Bob uh Darnell just a thought on their transition game they Dallas and Colorado are analytically to the best off the rush teams League you saw that a bit the last time we were here obviously got a cognizant of it what what sort of you know besides being aware what sort of things can you do to ensure that they don’t they don’t get you in terms of transition yeah I think uh you know we talk a lot of the transition game a lot of it goes into the the fivem man year defending um having a good F3 being above uh their skill obviously they have a lot of defenseman that are are fast and like to get into the play so uh there’s an importance obviously for the dmen to get make good reads but in the same time uh for Fords to be above uh those those dmen when they’re Jing into the play so uh you know when you’re playing against a team that’s good off the rush a lot of a lot of the times it takes all five guys out there when that puck turns over to be aware and be cautious and get back we’ll take a couple more Elliott on the right Dylan Dylan what was the best note or text message you got after your game six goal um uh probably probably from my brother he he was pretty fired up he’s always been a big supporter of mine so uh he just sent me this long text message um he’s misspelling words so I think he’s pretty excited but uh uh yeah probably text my brother we’ll go Center left Darnell is no secret that last time you guys were here it wasn’t particularly great game but how did that game kind of allow you to reset down the stretch uh and and ultimately get you where you are now yeah if I remember right the game after we played Colorado Ian had a huge game at home against Colorado um yeah I mean this is uh this is the playoffs you kind of take the the regular season and just park it I think that’s uh kind of see that for the first two rounds for us you know the regular season obviously you learn uh and and you prepare for this time of year but you go in the game one and it’s a completely new animal last one Ryan Center left Dylan this is for you I mean everybody talks about Dallas being this team that’s been homegrown they have 11 guys that are homegrown you and Darnell are two of nine in Edmonton like how would you describe what it’s like to see a system not only grow guys and have success but know like that’s been one of the reasons why you’re here yeah I mean uh um like I said earlier it’s just it’s just cool to be a part of you know coming into a team with uh you know such phenomenal players like Darnell and uh Leo Connor those guys um it’s just cool to be a part of I just want to learn from those guys and you know they kind of PVE the way here so uh our team’s this good right now because of them so um yeah like I said it’s just uh special special group and just excited for this game one

Dylan and Darnell chat following the team’s morning skate from American Airlines Center in Dallas.

  1. – Defense – stay out of the GOAL crease – stop all incoming rush plays at the blue line – forcheck your man – Let goalie do his job , you do yours
    – Forwards – better utilize KANE , DRAI LINEUP

  2. Never get too comfortable playing in the playoffs. It's a big mistake. Never allow yourself to forget that you're there for one thing only. The Stanley Cup. Let that be the catalyst to your winning. Hockey is the fastest sport in the world. If you think, the puck is already in the net. "Just know" the Cup is yours before you play.

  3. Honestly Nurse came up so big in game seven after the time out was called. Played the puck hard and some critical zone clears. Hope to see more of these great plays this series.

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