Philadelphia Flyers NHL Draft Preview: Zeev Buium, Carter Yakemchuk & the Defense Prospects

Philadelphia Flyers NHL Draft Preview: Zeev Buium, Carter Yakemchuk & the Defense Prospects

[Music] hey everybody how you doing well that’s good welcome to PHL Flyers presented by mortgage CS check out mortgage phly to start your home buying process today company n mlsid number 14647636 according from your apparent is that a hat showcase or a hat graveyard it’s it’s basically yeah my hat showcase we converted one room in our house basically into like my closet SL office so it’s like the walls are lined with my hats and stuff in here and it’s where I do remote recordings respect yeah I wasn’t sure if those were hats that you would retired from the rotation or if they’re just sitting there waiting to be plucked for any given opportunity it’s whatever I put on one day I got to go what hack goes with this and that’s where that’s where we are so so you’re like shoes like women have shoes that go with like different outfits you have new hats that go with different outfits I respect it absolutely uh you know I was inspired early on by uh by turtle and Entourage and I said I want that many hats all right so today today Charlie yesterday we did the centers today it’s all about that d uh but first before we get into the uh before we get into the defenseman who may be joining the Philadelphia Flyers at this year’s draft uh I got to I got to answer some questions about the Phillies game last night Charlie because I was not there the man who caught ad ad Mundo Sosa’s home run that one yeah was not in fact me while there is a striking resemblance I’m fairly certain absolutely is fairly certain he has a mustache uh he’s got pretty good locks here he’s got the whole fil his outfit and whatnot uh he’s got the Jersey he’s got the Hat he’s matching pretty good um couple telltale signs first of all I would never Rock the city connect it’s just not for me uh just simply simply not something I’m down with and I’m left-handed this guy clearly wearing his glove on his left hand uh so uh just a few differences I got I got so many people tweeting me last night like Bill did you just catch a home run like text for my friends is like go I’m no I’m sitting in my living room right now I did not catch a home run uh but there is a striking resemblance uh to the guy who caught at Mundo so’s home run I just wanted to point that out because I thought it was hilarious Charlie it’s always nice to know you have a doppelganger out there even if it’s someone who is like the reverse doppelganger because he’s a he’s a righty or a lefty but yeah I did see that I was watching the game and I saw that I knew it wasn’t you but I did think to myself that person does a little bit like Bill I did not expect that you were going to get bombarded with people thinking the same thing though on social media that’s really funny I got so many tweets and texts about it I was dying laughing and Ava is like at her quizo so she didn’t see it and I send it to her and she’s just like holy [ __ ] like everyone there is now L like it was it was just a very funny instance uh last night it’s it’s one of those things that you like about social media honestly like when [ __ ] like that happens it’s like oh Twitter ain’t so bad uh and then it’s when any whenever anything else happens this is the worst place in the world uh but anyway that was last night so yesterday we talked about the centers in the draft and uh Charlie because I am a man of the people whether it is one or many uh I got we got a tweet yesterday about one of the names on our centers list uh that was like in the tears I believe but we never actually talked about uh and it was uh Luke Misa and yeah this from John Bannon Jr wanted us to talk a little bit about him I wonder if he’s just a big fan or it’s maybe his guy but I don’t think we actually spoke about him yesterday if you want to just do a little on him yeah I I I like Luke Misa he I would be perfectly happy with him being a second round pick for the Flyers especially if they have two second rounders the thing with him is that he’s a really really good skater he’s very fast um the negative is that he’s also very small so there is legitimate concern that he won’t be able to stick down the middle but look my general view in the early parts of the draft and this is probably my personal bias but it’s that I would rather take guys that have at least one really high-end skill the the Jack of all trades types maybe I was burned too much by the hexall era but I’m much more into the idea of taking guys that are at least really good at one thing now if they’re really good at three or four things that’s awesome but I I’m leaning towards wanting guys with at least one high-end tool because you would think they will in theory be able to lean on that tool and that theoretically increases their floor like perfect example being uh you know with with Edmonton you have Ryan McLoud now Ryan McLoud is bigger than than Luke Misa but he is not a you know terribly I guess if you want to say like well-rounded player but guess what he is he’s real real fast and because of that he’s become a pretty useful Center for uh you know and forward in general for the uh for the Evanson Oilers because he’s just real freaking fast and with a guy like Misa yeah you know there are concerns I get the sense that people on Twitter in forums tend to be higher on him than Scouts do but even Scouts acknowledge that he’s a great skater so yeah he’s a guy where I wouldn’t say he’s one of my preferred picks for say that Florida pick but he’s intriguing I I like him as a prospect I always I know it’s like the exact opposite of what you’re saying almost but whenever I think of oh well he has one skill that translates like one I always think of well you know what man Tyrell goldor he’s got those NHL legs Um Zack Ronaldo had the NHL legs well Zack Ronaldo speed for days he was legitimately like really [ __ ] fast skater like that was he was really really but I will say nothing else yeah I will say like I do think guys like that if you catch on in the right situation obviously everyone needs speed but I look at like a miles wood in Colorado when we were watching them earlier this season you just went I’ll give Colorado one thing they know who they are and they lean into who they are and it’s like hey man if you can play at our Pace we can find a role for you and they absolutely Ely do that with guys like that drwan whoever it might be uh I I always I this team has been so slow for so long and we saw it this year they are considerably faster uh than they’ve been I am in love with speed right now like I just want that so much that element has been missing I mean since we were kids you know it was listen the Legion of Doom’s awesome they’re not winning any races though it’s just like they’ll get there right after you and blow you the [ __ ] up so you might not want to win it all that you might not want to win that race all that bad quite honestly um it yeah we’re g to get into uh we’re gonna get into the defenseman today we talked yesterday this is a uh a a heavy defense draft if you’re looking for centers while there are good ones uh it’s if there’s an elite position in this draft it is the defenseman and I think we see that even in athletic mock that we uh we referenced a few times yesterday it’s three of the first four and six of the top 11 picks I believe in that athletic mock where defenseman yeah um it’s going heavy in that direction because it’s so topheavy in defense do you think that ultimately means probably the best guy left for the Flyers is going to be a forward maybe a center because they’re going to go so pop heavy on D I have always operated under the assumption that the defenseman are going to go early now we’ll get into where it seems like this is lining up right now obviously we have a month until the draft so stocks can change a little bit we can get a better understanding how the teams are really viewing these guys but I’ve always sort of viewed this as a situation where teams already reach for defenseman even when they’re not that great and this year they actually are that great so how are teams going to be able to help them El from taking a defenseman in the top 10 if there are at least six if not more defenseman that are legitimately worthy of being taken in the top 10 and that’s where we’re at with this draft there are a ton of guys who at the very least have top pair potential if not number one defensive potential and that’s what excites so many people so look you never know how these dra how these drafts are going to shake out it’s possible that a couple these defenseman there will be red flags that’ll come up at the combine during the interview process and they’ll slip and then maybe the Flyers will have a shot at one or more of them I’ve seen some mocks where you know guys like boam are there I’ve certainly seen mocks where card yakimchuk is there like I’ve seen mocks where some of these guys are available at 12 but if I had to guess I would guess that there will be a run on defenseman in that top 10 whether that leaves one guy for them at 12 it very well could but I think a lot of these guys in this top tier we’re going to talk about in a little bit are going to be gone by the time the Flyers select atw so I want to uh first look here at the Flyers organizational depth at the position because you know cam York Travis sanheim uh breakout years in some respects I don’t know if Cam York broke out but he was very good by the end of the season you could look back he continu to progress let’s say PR maybe not broken through but like by the end of the year you went damn cam had a good season and Travis sanheim we’ve made plenty of the year he had we know how that went um but you break it down by side sanheim is a lefty who plays the right and then behind him Dale risto Bon Adder uh heli gr Ethan Samson Carter Carter sutherin a lot of guys who could potentially play the right side here and you look at the left cam York okay he might have top pair potential if not definitely top four behind him though sealer we like him but like what is he and is he really going to be around forever yeah eor Zam yeah like eigor zamula I don’t know man I I’m glad he got a shot but you know if he’s the seven or something that’s fine with me Emil Andre we’ll see still plenty of promise there Adam xinning I liked what I saw I you know I don’t know how much more there is and Hunter McDonald they love but it seems like he’s a big stay-at-home shot blocking kind of basically what they turned risto into a combination of like risto and sealer pretty much yeah um they don’t have a ton on the left side what I wanted to ask you was do you think handedness should play a role in who they draft like you know obviously Travis sanheim can always move over to the left and suddenly we’re a little bit more stocked but also I don’t know I never really liked him all that much and then he just played a year on the right and I’m like yo he’s pretty good I I kind of want to keep him there uh and then D Dale we’ll see but he’s definitely part of the future risto I don’t expect him around much longer but Bon he better be a part of the future you know like the there I just sanheim D Dale Bon okay well you play three like I should that come into consideration when you’re drafting or do you think it’s like especially right-handed defenseman they’re so valuable like you take them no matter what I do think that that might be the way the Flyers look at it because on the whole and this draft is kind of an anomaly because there’s a lot of legitimately highly ranked right shooting defenseman in this draft but generally speaking right shot defenser are harder to find so I would not be surprised if that is the thought process the Flyers take in that they’re usually scared if you have the opportunity you still bump that right shot defenseman a little bit higher than you would otherwise because they’re just harder to get get on the whole even if that’s not necessarily the case in This One Singular draft my answer to your question though is a little bit different because my answer is no I wouldn’t care personally about left-handed versus right-handed in this draft and here’s why I look at the Flyers depth chart right now and I see a very clear and logical path based on what they believe they have in terms of the guys they’ve signed the guys that are young and the prospects that they like like I for example I know they like em Andre I know they like Hunter McDonald I know they love Oliver bun they have a mix in the organization right now where they could pretty easily you know one two three four years down the road out of the guys they already have in the organization put together a perfectly average blue line like a perfectly fine NHL blue line that yeah okay it’s fine it’s not amazing but it’s fine what is the thing that this blue line is lacking it’s lacking that clearcut impact number one now obviously they’re hoping that Jamie Dell takes that leap I guess you never know maybe cam yor could take a leap as well he could continue to progress into a true impact guy but right now I see one glaring flaw in the future Flyers blue line and it is that they don’t have that dude who can run the show who you can depend upon to change games or take 26 minutes A Night in the playoffs and dominate in those minutes they just don’t have that I said it yesterday that Alpha that number one so to me I don’t care whether that number one is a lefty or a righty I just want that number one and if I think a guy at 12 is available who could be that number one I don’t really care whether he’s a lefty or righty like if they think Carter yakimchuk is a potential number one a potential game changer in defenseman he’s there at 12 like you know what take him and we’ll figure out the fact that they have Dale and Bon and sanis better on the right side we’ll figure that out later it’s not something I feel like has to be prioritized because if if you’re right on a guy like Yak Chuck or if you’re right on a guy like boam but you know you have York and Andre looks good and you’re really like that Hunter McDonald guy because man he hits and he’s the he’s a flyer like you know what if if your prospect that you took in this draft is good enough you’re gonna find a way to move things around whether via trade whether letting somebody go via free agency like you’re gonna find a way to make it work so to me they just need more Talent they need more highend talent and I’m not going to get too hung up on in this draft about whether the guy happens to shoot righty or Lefty because that’s their biggest need it’s not it’s not left or right it’s just they need that really really good defenseman and if you can get him who cares which direction he shoots I see we have a super chat here about uh Carter yakob Chuck and listen man he’s my guy Patrick he’s my dude in this draft yakam Chuck uh Charlie has talked me into Berkeley katton if yakam Chuck goes uh but all things being equal I am always partial to defenseman especially big [ __ ] who might not even you know be all that disciplined you maybe he takes some penalties here and there uh like I if I I realize they’re both right-handed like I I in my phone I’m constantly like my notes app is like okay different combinations the Flyers could have in the future and I’m like all right Dale with Hunter McDonald and then you have like the big guy to protect the little guy you know and like that’s kind of how I see yakam Chuck but also gamechanging but just thoughts on percentage he reaches his potential Charlie like obviously we’re g to get into all these defensemen but since Patrick asked about yakam Chuck now like it seems as if he’s being cribed as real toolsy like okay he’s big he has great hands he can skate he can do all these things also a right-handed D who can do all this [ __ ] why isn’t he going top five like you know what if there’s there seems to be a little difference in like okay he can do all this stuff and also what his potential is to put it all together is that like does that make sense how I’m saying it no it’s a reasonable question and look you never know how this plays out I believe Corey proman has yakam Chuck is his third favorite Prospect in the draft now he hasn’t put out his final list but that does speak to the fact that the people who think highly of yaken chuk may think so highly of him that he may not get past six you never know that said yeah there is a reason why in these early mocks he’s being projected as a legitimate possibility to get into the low teens it’s basically I think it’s primarily for two reasons number one while he is a good skater for his size he’s not like it’s not the best technical stride that actually doesn’t worry me that much because I see him making progress like I think he can clean up the issues with his stride because the straight line speed is real good he needs to work on those first few steps he needs to work on his edges his crossovers but those are the things where like you know what if you’ve got the strength and you have the speed I think those tweaks and those adjustments like that’s more just getting with a really good skating coach and working your tail off three summers in a row you can fix those things I like the fact that the power and the natural athleticism is there so I’m not that worried about es skating although I suspect some people are what I am a bit worried about is the hockey IQ and if he doesn’t hit his ceiling that’s going to be why like this is a guy where he has the ability to generate a breakout he has he has passing ability he has really good Puck handling ability but I’ve watched tape of him trying to handle a four check and make passes under pressure and it can get rough that is concerning because sometimes guys get better you know the more they do it the more the better they get at handling intense pressure while you’re trying to make a play with the puck some guys just never pick it up I guess we’ll see the defensive Zone play is another thing he’s not a natural yet at recognizing you know a switch he’s not a he’s not a natural yet at at avoiding Puck watching or just understanding that someone’s sneaking behind him and he’s got to do a little check behind just to make sure that no one’s you know getting on the back door those are the things he hasn’t mastered yet and it’s a risk because he might not and if he doesn’t the thing is there are so many good things about his game that I feel like even if that doesn’t ever get fully cleaned up I think he’ll still be a really good defenseman because he’s so good with the puck on the attack he’s got a great shot he’s he’s physical he’s going to be feared in the corners is going to win battles like there’s so many good things and I don’t really want to put a percentage on it because I just I don’t know but 5050 5050 yeah everything is 5050 either it happens or it doesn’t but I am concerned a bit with him when it comes to the hockey IQ I I worry that that’s never going to come around but you do see flashes of it like it’s not like he always screws up defensively it’s just he makes mistakes like I I look at somebody like Travis sanheim okay the thing with Travis sanheim basically is that um when because he was so raw when he was drafted in the beginning he just had no idea how to recognize coverages he just didn’t get it he’s still not great at it he’s gotten better he’s definitely improved like he’s improved on recognizing when someone’s trying to get around them or whatever but he’s still prone to those glaring mistakes I do worry that yakam chuk will always be prone to those kinds of mistakes you know I got to I gotta get to this read in a second uh but I just it’s two different situations here in terms of potential sealing because like we’re talking about yakimchuk yo he might have these issues also he’s going in the top half of the first round you know um Phil Meyers wasn’t drafted but I just remember like always saying look at this guy you can he’s physical he can skate he has all these tools how did nobody take a shot on this guy and you all just always said like there’s concerns about his hockey IQ and yeah that’s kind of that’s kind of the way it went like what wins out the skill or the ability to process and like once people realize yo let’s just put some pressure on this guy in the corner it might not go that well let’s throw a little motion at him he might just kind of start chasing and leave his spot like oh yeah those things are going to happen and doesn’t matter how many tools you have but I do think there’s maybe just a difference in overall skill level here when we’re talking about you know Meyers who had a late growth spurt and was had a ton of tools and then yakam Chuck who it looks like he’s gonna play no matter what but we’ll see like what the actual potential is listen uh the re we got Lyndon got Lyndon saying there are Rumblings about yakam Chu so that is an extremely vague Super Chat are the Rumblings that he’s a piece of [ __ ] are the Rumblings that the Flyers are going to take him because you’re you’re not given a lot of specificity on what these Rumblings you’re hearing Mr Lyndon just saying the Rumblings are uh I’ve seen him show up in uh I’ve seen him show up in mock drafts to the flyer I you never like it’s it’s misinformation season man you know I don’t believe a goddamn thing I hear at all this time of year uh yakam Chuck is a bill Matts player he he absolutely he is a bill mats player he’s got the name got the physicality he’s got the meanness he is kind of a bill mats player there’s there’s a reason I brought up the hunter McDonald um Jamie Dale pairing that I was thinking of and it’s because I want to talk about protecting yourself and protecting you gota you got to have if it’s a small skilled guy out there you want to have a layer of protection well that goes the same for yourself and your family and you got to 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away I would be surprised if San Dickinson is around for when the Flyers pick he’s just I feel like if there is if there is a safe pick on defense at the top of this draft and no defenseman is safe it’s really like Dickinson strikes me as the guy with the highest floor in that even if everything goes wrong he is going to be a rock solid number three he’s just like he plays for London so he’s on the uh the same team as Bon and Barky so he’s well coached and he just does so many things well that I would be shocked if there’s any chance he slips out of the top 10 the other guys like I yeah but like I agree that that salv and linov I don’t think there’s a chance like there’s no way a 6667 monster is getting to the Flyers at 12 leinoff It just strikes me that like he is the consensus top defenseman in this draft the the vast majority of Scouts seem to view him is the best boam and perk though like I don’t think so but I guess it’s possible oh are you okay yeah um I was we have super chats too and I’m doing like reading them and seeing when you’re talking um no I I have one question about you’re saying boam on Elite prospects it’s the pronunciation guide is boam have you heard that at all or you are you confident in boam I have watched tape and every game I’ve watched has called him boo all right I’m going to go with that then now uh Dickinson it seems in all the mock drafts it’s like yeah we’re not sure where but he’s going early because like you said he seems to be that safe one uh Z who just won you know the uh the national championship at Denver him and zanen uh zanen perk they look like guys that might go top eight or could fall into that you know nine to4 range where the FL maybe not that far but somewhere near where the Flyers are going to be drafting is that just like this is a deep draft we don’t really know or are there red flags about some of those more top tier guys look there’s red flags about almost everybody in this draft like I actually I kind of differ from The Scouting consensus in that I’m not super high on linov like he deserves to be in the top 10 top 12 without a doubt but like he’s not my favorite defenseman he’s not even my second or third favorite defenseman in this draft but I don’t think there’s any chance he gets the Flyers so it’s almost like why bother wasting time on him they all have weaknesses I would say I would say Dickinson probably has the fewest weaknesses now he also doesn’t necessarily have the same in my mind the same Dynamic element to his game that a lot of the other guys have that that leov has that um that yakam Chuck even has um s Sal is a little bit different because like with him you’re just betting on the pure upside I when I watch him I don’t see a super Dynamic element to his game I just see a [ __ ] monster who like has the physical ability to be bigger uh to be God I’m blanking to be bigger Victor Hedman now is he gonna get there probably not because that would be insane he would be a Hall of Fame defenseman but like you can dream on it it’s there and what you’re what you’re doing if you take Salia is you’re basically saying I am I’m getting a guy who at the very least is going to be a perfectly fine second pair defenseman who like his absolute floor is probably like Tyler Myers who I don’t particularly love but like he carved out a nice career for himself he was on a Canuck scene that was within one game of making the the final four so like perfectly fine career that’s his floor and his ceiling is like Hall of Fame super stud who plays for 20 years I get why he’s going probably in the top six or seven that makes sense to me but if you’re talking about guys like like perek and buam boam who I love there are some concerns about his skating there are concerns that the way he plays he he is a guy who at least at the college level takes advantage of his skating of his lateral movement of his creativity in terms of routes and activations and there’s some legitimate concern that his skate he will not be able to do those things at the next level that his skating is is too choppy for him to be able to gain separation at the NHL level in the offensive zone the way he does at the college level that’s a legitimate concern I don’t particularly worry about it because I think his brain is good enough I think his hockey IQ is good enough that he’ll just figure out other ways to to create chances and gain separation but I get the concern like you watch him and his skating is good but it’s not holy [ __ ] good I get it Zan perek is just defense I mean the guy is a dynamic offensive weapon to be sure he’s great on so many levels but number one the awareness isn’t great number two he sometimes just doesn’t give a [ __ ] about defense now that that can be taught especially to give a [ __ ] like you can just like John torella guy to death and force him to give a [ __ ] but I get why there are concerns because if he ends up just being like Tony D’Angelo then yeah like that’s not the kind of guy you want to be using the seventh overall pick on so yeah there are obviously concerns about these guys now granted there’s a reason why all of these guys are projected to go in at the very least like the top 13 or 14 because their upsid are through the roof like Zane perk has you know highend power play one top pair 70 point a year upside like that is his upside maybe even higher than that like he could be a dynamic Game Changer who just every time he’s on the ice you’re terrified that he’s GNA do something cool that could be who he is z buam could be a you know 26 27 28 minute a night guy in the playoffs who like like Z buam one thing that that excites me about him the one guy I I saw a little bit of when I watched him when I was watching him on tape he reminds me a little bit of chemo and that’s that’s enticing to me just with the with the brain the way he thinks the game the way he seems like one or two steps ahead of everyone like those are the kinds of defenseman that I love and I think that’s why he excites me as much as he does but I can understand why people might watch him that are a little bit more focused on like athletic tools and might not be as high I get it I will say like when you mention things like yeah Zan perk maybe he just doesn’t give that much of a [ __ ] about about defense I always say like well you know if you’re on offense that much it doesn’t matter but all like yes there are things that might just kind of be inherent skills um like you said with sanheim like recognizing the coverage and what the offense is trying to do to you A lot of the time like and just we saw with gos despair you’re just too small like you’re gonna get muscled off the puck in certain defensive situations and hopefully the things you do do well make up for that so much of defense is just giv a [ __ ] about it though like if you can get a guy to care [ __ ] like Travis kky didn’t care about defense and now he does and he’s a legitimate weapon on the penalty kill is he an awesome oh man yeah he’s he’s Mark Stone out there no he’s not but he’s not hurting you like you can at least teach a guy to care enough like okay this is what you have to do to play a enough defense to get by and then let your offensive skill do the talking like that sort of thing I mean if it’s an attitude issue some guys are just [ __ ] but you can instill the importance of defense and players uh I think this coaching staff in particular it might be uh it might be one of the things they’re most Adept at doing I want to get to this one um super chat here the that first one we’ll do a little bit later but uh this one he says uh we can get to the oh okay inexp say inexplicably all of Kon yakam Chuck and dick are available at 12 who are Bill and Charlie taking assuming they’ve kidnapped Danny Brier and now they’re the GM so it’s Dickinson yakam Chuck and Berkeley katton all available at 12 GM Charlie o’ Conor who would be your guy I think my guy would be Berkeley K right now now if if my Scouts tell me he can’t play center and that he’s a wing at the NHL level then I probably go like I have Dickson and yakam kind of in the same on the same level um I would probably go Dickinson just because I I think he I think he has the ceiling to be a number one but he also has a higher floor than yakam Chuck so I probably go Dickinson if my Scouts tell me kon’s just a wing if my Scouts believe he’s a center I’m going kten all day okay um Dickinson like I know he’s supposed to go earlier like by based on you know the mock drafts that we’ve seen pretty much the consensus but because of that I haven’t paid nearly enough attention to Dickinson um my guy is yakam Chuck buttick with the bill it’s one one B is Berkeley like if he goes 11 I know in this hypothetical all three are there and then I’m like who the hell got drafted in the first 11 picks um but if all three are there it’s yakam Chuck as one and one b it’s like oh they took Berkeley katton like I didn’t get my guy but you know sometimes a chicken cheese steak is just as good as a cheese steak you know sometimes it’s better sometimes sometimes it’s better uh but sometimes you just you just need some chicken sometimes you just need some chicken uh but those that’s the uh the top tier defenseman here um man zanen Zayn perek is so interesting because I’ve seen him kind of all over the place but yeah yakam Chuck is just to my dude so now we get to now we get to this middle tier and I think these guys uh we talked about this a little like I If the flyer if all those top tier defensemen go I don’t as much as I’m I I want a defenseman because I think it’s a glaring hole for this team it seems as if this next middle tier of defenseman is kind of a reach at 12 would you say that’s fair yeah I mean look the way I look at it is I could see one or more teams going for some of these guys because teams reach on defenseman all the time but yeah I would say that these guys in my mind would not be my preferred choices at 12 um Adam urich’s obviously um the brother of David Urich who the Flyers uh chose cutter goate over uh two drafts ago he was the other guy who was a legitimate option at at number five um Adam Ur however um has been basically the reason why he slipped because in the beginning of this whole process he was kind of viewed on the same tier as these players then he got hurt he got hurt Midway through the year he missed the rest of the season du a knee injury basically he I my understanding is he was already a little banged up going into the world juniors then he like made it worse in the world juniors then had to get surgery so and also his production his offensive production going into World Juniors wasn’t what they expected it to be like it was a little underwhelming but the thought was well if he has Big World Juniors then hey he’ll he’ll stock be right back up and then instead he gets hurt misses the rest of the season but the tools are there for EUR to be a top pair defenseman it would not Shock me if a team you know a team misses out on the top six defenseman that are that are in that top tier and they’re like no we need to get get out this draft with a defenseman let’s take Ur we’re going to get the steal of the century this guy would have been a top six pick had he not gotten hurt in the way through the season I could see that the other guys EJ Emer is a guy we talked a little bit about yesterday where the offensive production at the usntdp has not been there it’s concerning that like he just doesn’t score ever but you watch him and he sure looks like a top four defenseman like he’s he’s a good skater he he activates in the offensive zone he does all the things that would lead you to believe that he could be a you know 30 to 40 point a year balanced two-way defenseman it’s just he never scores now some of that is that he wasn’t on the power play because obviously they had guys like Cole Hudson who were taking up those minutes but generally speaking and this has always been my concern about Hunter McDonald despite the fact that the Flyers organization is very high on him like I know that not everyone is going to score at the NHL level if you’re a defenseman but you have generally speaking you have to score a little bit at lower levels for you to make it as an NHL defenseman EJ Emory however he certainly looks the part he apparently was very good through the entirety of the under 18s tournament which I think will help his stock I think he would be a bit of a reach at 12 to be sure but I would be a little surprised if he gets out of the top 20 I just think there are too many tools um Leo Salin wenus another great fraking draft name like come on that is a great draft name this is kind of a weaker class in terms of sweds this year weaker than normal um but he’s a legitimately interesting defenseman really good skater good Puck mover needs to bulk up but he’s the kind of guy I could see a team thinking like I Can Dream on this guy I could see what he will ultimately become once he fully grows into his body and if the skating holds like he could be an impact top four defenseman so I could see him go um who was the other guy I had in that middle tier sorry I’m not uh Steen Ste stulberg this guy so this is the guy who I have watched zero tape on this is the guy who just showed up in the uh yes yes I have no real I have no real opinion on him I will try to watch some tape on him maybe this weekend if I have some downtime in D Memorial Day weekend he is a Norwegian defenseman who apparently his stock is currently going going through the roof because he is playing in the World Championships right now like the actual world with Pros for Norway and is apparently looking pretty good now I have not watched any world championship games so I certainly have not scouted this guy but Cory prman yes Corey prman yesterday had him ran had him being selected 14th by the uh the San Jose Sharks above constenius which was that’s one of those things where it’s like damn if that’s where proman thinks he could be in a mock draft like oh boy maybe Scouts are coming around in this guy and then to follow that up later on in the day Craig Button released his new button list and he had uh stalberg in his top 15 as well so it does seem like he could potentially be the soberg could be a late Riser hey we’ll see how this all shakes out it wouldn’t blow me away if maybe by the end of this we’re talking about him as part of that top tier because Scouts are watching him more and more like the big thing with him it seems like is he spent his season in the Norwegian professional League it’s not a top tier pro league it’s a pro league he’s playing against men he’s a big strong defensive defenseman who apparently hits well and showcases raw offensive tools but how do you even judge him against a bunch of guys who have no chance at all of playing in the NHL it’s hard well he played in the World Juniors and apparently looked pretty good for Norway they got relegated but he apparently played well and now is doing the same thing against men in the world championships so it’s catching everyone’s attention now what I imagine is going to happen is all those scouting departments are going to have long looks at his tape in the Norway League over the course of the year they’re going to decide whether they think he has untapped offensive potential because look like he’s an intriguing guy to be sure but if his ceiling is good defensive defenseman he’s not getting taken 14th if a team thinks though that he can develop into a 30 to 40 point a year guy while also being a physical mean defensive defenseman who is a shutdown guy like on like the mark eduard fasic level then yeah maybe he does jump into the uh to that top tier it’s kind of like uh like Becka senica who will we might talk about tomorrow when we talk about the Wingers like he’s the late Riser on the forward side because he plays for ashaa he was really good in their playoff run this guy might be the late Riser on defense which is why I have the question mark next to his name I don’t really know where he’s ultimately going to fall and I also don’t have an opinion on him because I haven’t watched him but it reading the tea leaves it does seem like his stock is on the rise uh I want to take a quick minute to tell you about our friends at mortgage CS are presenting sponsored today and every day here at phly Flyers we could not be more proud to be working with a company like mortgage CS an independent mortgage broker based right here in Philly what this means is they won’t steer you to just one mortgage option or to what’s best for them they work for you and not the banks this is incredibly important because today’s real estate market is ultra competitive prospective home buyers perhaps just like you are missing out on opportunities to win the perfect home because they don’t have mortgage CS in their Corner the mortgage company you choose 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company n mlsid number 14647636 uh so that’s I find this time of year with guys who kind of come out of nowhere so surprising and it’s so fun like to okay so where’s this dude gonna end up like when we were talking about this the Athletics mock draft the other day and now Craig Button has uh Stan salberg on his as well it’s like it’s almost not even where they Place him like they’re not even mocking him to that place like oh I think this guy fits what they’re doing they’re just saying hey yeah get put your attention on this guy over here like would you say that’s accurate like hey uh everyone thinks that the first 14 picks they’re going to be these 14 guys we know who they are actually here’s this dude and he’s shooting up draft boards real fast I absolutely do think that is part of it yeah that that Corey probably you know had some calls with Scouts and plugged in execs over the last week or so that were basically like hey this silver guy like I know you don’t have him on your rankings but better get that tape because he’s going way earlier than you think and then he talked to more people and they told him yeah you know these are this is a guy who is not slipping out of the first round and might go significantly higher so yeah I absolutely do believe that some of this is driven by what they’re hearing as it should be I mean these draft rankers and I have the utmost respect for people like Corey and Scott wheeler and Peters and everybody they are are not necessarily trying to like that’s why button is a little bit unique because Craig Button is very much just putting together a list of like how he views guys the other ones while they are doing that to a degree they absolutely are there is an element of we’re promot we’re doing this for a mass audience we want you to have an understanding of like what the general feeling about these players is because they’re not working for a team they’re trying to give an idea of where in general terms these guys are probably going to be drafted or at least where it appears they’re going to be drafted right now so yeah when a guy like this gets jumped way up like it was the same thing with jet luchenko yesterday where Button had him in the top 12 do I think jet luchenko is gonna be taken the top 12 probably not like I would be surprised if the Flyers considered him to be a viable option at 12 but Craig in a way was probably trying to make the point that hey his Stock’s On The Rise he could go higher than you all think so pay closer attention to him that I do believe is very real yeah on the rise higher you’re setting me up for these goddamn jet puns Charlie I’m not gonna do it though I’m not gonna do it uh I guess I want to get to this other super chat now while I’m thinking about it so we’re going to go over that lower tier of defenseman in a second uh maybe guys who are available for the Flyers at like 30 if that’s where they end up drafting if they end up getting that 36 pick from uh from Columbus maybe they fit in there uh but this Super Chat asks are there draft picks available that won’t take so long to get here would like to see some new blood on at least the Phantoms next season what about that Dylan wakeley dude who’s a little older in the OHL even in a later round I mean so here’s my view of that concept look if if there’s a guy who’s an Prospect and you are and the Flyers think very highly of his talent and his upside I got no problem with giving him a go like that’s like there’s there’s that uh that Ilia iakov goalie who uh who did real well in the KHL who’s a few years older than normal um for a draft prospect like he’s probably goingon to be taken and uh Flyers love taking goalies so hey they particularly seem to like taking Russian goalies so or r goal’s at least that affiliated with the KHL because kosov is Bell Russian but if that’s a guy who you view as having a high ceiling and having the talent to be an impact guy then yeah go for it my concern about worrying about proximity to the NHL is that that’s kind of the line of thinking that got us in this mess in the first place which is shortterm over long-term thinking like I would much rather take a bigger swing on a guy who might take three or four years to get here than just trying to hit a single by getting a guy who can immediately step in and be a third pair defenseman that’s my thought process because I look at the Flyers as a team that has more than enough middle six forwards and third pair defenseman I want them to be targeting guys that have the ceiling of being top of the lineup guys so like and again this goes back to kind of my thing with Conant helenius like helenius is probably relatively close to being an NHL player he’s already playing in Finland I just don’t know if I see the ceiling as I see in guy like Berkeley cat and I would rather go for the higher cealing guy who might need two or three years to bulk up to be NHL ready in terms of just being able to survive a hit rather than taking the guy who might be able to get here next year just because we need to get as much talent as possible to be a little bit better next season I just I to me that’s that’s what put us in this position in the first place which is having a team of a bunch of good but not great players and like I know this is It’s years ago at this point um but I think a luza like oh yeah he he stepped onto the NHL ice right away and then that’s what he was for the rest of his career and it wasn’t like a short career it wasn’t a bad career he better than most people who ever put on skates but like I want more out of a first round pick than dude who plays like that’s I don’t know I think getting turning him into Chris Pronger was a great use of a first round that was tremendous asset management that was good Paul holgren you will never hear me complain about the first half of Paul hen’s tenure and that’s a big part of it but just like the player yeah you I I want a little more of the like I think of overages like that like um I I basically see them the same as International or undrafted free agents like a uh of Genny medev like you know Medvedev can come over and play on your fourth line and that’s cool but if you wanted more than 11 goals out of him you were going to be upset like that’s I would rather have the upside guy even if it takes a little longer but I’m with you Adam so thanks for the Super Chat I want all new blood all the time I I bore easily um but it in hockey it’s just not the way it goes most of the time all right uh before we move on let me tell you speaking of time you know what time time it is it’s game time baby it’s certainly game time here in Philadelphia when it comes to baseball and game time is the place for last minute MLB ticket deals with killer last minute deals all in prices views from your seat and the lowest price guarantee game time takes the guesswork out of buying MLB tickets game time is game time is an authorized ticket Marketplace 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mentioned Kemo team in earlier uh I wasn’t at the Phils game last night it was My Doppelganger but did you see Kimo was there like that was definitely him I mean he sees itting around the area right he allowed to enjoy himself I just thought I was like I I’m pretty sure the uh I was going back and forth so I didn’t hear it but I’m pretty sure the at least TV announcers did not make mention like the camera just showed them and they just went on with their conversation there was a lot of mad Flyers fans online imagine that mad Flyers fans online like oh yeah remember that guy who was remember that guy who played defense for the Flyers eight years ago yeah Tom McCarthy didn’t notice him like no [ __ ] [Laughter] but what anyway um defenseman the uh this lower tier now uh there’s some names uh like Dominic badinka on your uh third tier of defenseman list he I believe is mocked to the Flyers at 36 by the athletic what can you tell us about some of these guys yeah I mean this is where you’re just getting and this is where you’re getting into the group where if these guys went at the end of the first round that would make sense if these guys went at the end of the second round it wouldn’t shock me like the two guys on here that to me are the most interesting are uh are kid Haru and Hudson now kibaru is interesting to me because this is a guy who at one point was viewed as a potential top 10 if not top five pick he was viewed as one of the elite defenseman one of the elite prospects in this draft his stock has slid dramatically he missed basically this entire year due to ACL injury surgery came back for the under 18s looked fine but not outstanding and it appears that his stock has slid dramatically as a result of the point where the the Articles I’ve read recently from Scott wheeler imply that he could slip all the way to the second round I like him I think he is the exact kind of late first round early second round big swing that I would like for the Flyers to take he’s exactly the kind of guy who if you’re looking to add some potential high-end Talent outside of the top 14 he’s the kind of guy I’d be looking at so he’s intriguing to me look I’m not saying he’s a perfect Prospect by any means obviously there’s the injury concerns he’s not big that was always going to be a concern but he’s another guy who thinks the game at a really really high level like he is just a high hockey IQ defenseman I would take the risk on him with you know if you get that early second round pick from Columbus I would even be open to it at the end of the first the only reason why I might not do it at the end of the first is that if his stock is slipping so much maybe you could get him even later you could get somebody else and then him even later in the second but these are the types of guys that intrigue me the most given where the Flyers stand because I want them to be trying to get top of the lineup guys we know they can get middle of the lineup guys we know they can get bottom of the lineup guys you can get them in free agency you can get them you know in the third fourth fifth round they need high-end guys and KY Haru is interesting to me because he at one time was viewed to have that potential the tape I’ve watched on him I can see why he at one time was viewed to have that potential and yes his draft year was kind of a disaster with the injury and whatnot but I don’t think that potential has just disappeared so he’s number one interesting guy on this list even though I don’t think he’s going to go in the first round I think somebody like Charlie ell who I don’t like at all the name’s great love the first name bud but like the tape I’ve seen of him like he cannot pass the puck like he handles the puck like a hand grenade I know he’s big and can skate and is decently physical but like sorry if you can’t make a breakout pass even with no pressure like I don’t want you on my team you’re not an NHL defensive but like I think there was a better chance he goes at the end of the first round than kib Haru because NHL teams love size and skating and big and whatever and they don’t necessarily want to take the risk on the the the skilled small defenseman because it has a fit their mold to what a defenseman should be Karu is a guy where like that’s more up my alley of a guy who I would want to take the risk on rather than a guy who just can’t pass Cole Hudson’s another interesting guy because obviously we talked a little bit about him yesterday Lane Hudson his brother who is even smaller than he is like Cole’s small Lane’s even smaller but Lane Hudson is now a top tier Prospect for the Montreal Canadians he was a second round pick who everyone generally speaking agrees lasted longer than he should have because of his size now his younger brother is coming up I don’t see the same Dynamic element to his game that you you see almost all the time in Lane but he’s a darn good offensive defenseman with really good Vision really good anticipation I’m not in love with him but again this is another guy where you’re taking a big swing on a smaller defenseman who if he hits could be a I wouldn’t quite quite say gamechanging but certainly like impact top four defenseman again these are my biases my bias is that I want guys who have the ability to impact the game and scare opposing teams because I don’t think the Flyers have enough of them that’s my bias even with defenseman other people will have the bias and I think a lot of these people are are in NHL scouting Department and NHL front offices would rather look at a guy you know like Charlie ell you know a guy like uh the Norwegian uh suberg and would say you know those are the guys I would rather take the risk on because they’re big and they hit and they’re physical and we know they’ll be able to stand up at the very least as a as a decent third pair defenseman for me and for where the Flyers stand I would rather than take big swings and guys like K Haru and Hudson to me are the kinds of big swings I would rather them go for if I had to guess I don’t think either of them going to be taking in the first round but I’d love for the Flyers keep an eye on them all right I want to get to the Super Chat here because you just said something I think that relates to it um when you’re talking about the flyers have enough kind of you know bottom six third pair sorts of guys we have a question as someone who has casual knowledge of the NHL draft am I crazy for thinking third round picks and below are close to worthless uh I’m going to get your uh your answer on this Charlie for to for Cory for his super chat but I I just want to say like yeah obviously they have a low a low hit percentage um but it’s also picks that can make her break your team uh like those dudes are they tend to always be a little bit cheaper for you like Charlie said we have plenty of third and fourth line guys I would rather have a third or fourth round pick who turns into Garnett Hathaway then have to go sign Garnett haway for whatever that’s going to cost when just having him on the Phantoms and being able to bring them up at 22 is gonna cost you half of that like that’s a competitive advantage and every now and then you get a hit Shane gosis bear third round pick I think Johnny goodro fourth round pick like this stuff does happen and when you’re able to hit on these dudes it’s a huge Advantage because most teams are made up of first round picks there’s a lot of first round picks running around out there this isn’t football where it’s like yeah man two-thirds of the linebackers are like fourth rounders you know like and they’re good like it’s not like that there’s not that same depth of the draft but throwing the darts and hitting on them I think comes up huge for you and organizational depth is always important you do need guys on the Phantoms you do need guys in Reading you do need players who can step in and move up each level as necessary they’re not all oh yeah set and forget NHL players but you still need them so I I will say I pretty much agree with everything you just said I think the late round picks it’s more about a numbers game like just get a lot of them and take a lot of chances and hopefully somebody hits now obviously the flyers for years struggled at having anyone hit it looked for a while like they had found one in Oscar limam unfortunately the guy gets cancer like no one could have ever predicted that it was a great pick It’s just sometimes the the world hates you um I mean thank God he beat cancer but obviously he was never the same guy coming back after but like you look at a guy like Noah katees Noe is not a top of the lineup guy but he is a good player and he is a player who if he’s still on the flyers in six years I will be perfectly happy because I think he is a darn good hockey player and if you would have just traded away all of your late round picks you never would have gotten him because he probably wouldn’t have made it to you know free agency where you could just sign him for nothing so you do want to have some chances to get those those guys to get those steals that said Cory you’re right you’re absolutely right that if you look at the expected draft values of the individual rounds I would say the third round is still a good round I I think you’re going a little bit too far by saying the third round is close to worthless the third round generally speaking does still produce a fair amount of nhlers fourth round and after and especially fifth round and after is when it starts getting real rough at least in terms of the amount of guys that tend to establish themselves as above average nhlers so yes I will mostly agree with this statement that I would say once you get past definitely once you get past the fourth round maybe once you get past the third round these picks aren’t that valuable but they’re still valuable in bulk because you’ll want to take a lot of chances you want a lot of darts to throw even if you’re thrown from real real far away sometimes you’re going to hit and punting those rounds it’s there’s no point to it like as you said organizational depth is is important you never know when you’re going to stumble in to you know a Pavel datsuk or whatever doesn’t happen often but it does happen and you want to be the team that benefits from and that’s I’ll say like especially in recent you know decade decade and a half like technology has kind of changed it a little the depth of the draft where there aren’t these hidden secrets anymore uh you know like H like Detroit just how did they find these guys well they’re the only ones who knew about them that’s why it’s like well how well you know because not everyone had the internet in somehow in 2002 uh but and like everyone knows the rules now I think it was pavl buray got drafted a year before everyone else thought he was eligible and they’re like yo what the [ __ ] and they’re like no no we’re right we’re allowed and it was like I I’m pretty sure everyone knows all the rules now stuff like that so like maybe it’s a little different than it was in the past where like yeah man we can use this fourth round pick to steal this dude no one else knows about uh like there’s just so much information now like granted Charlie does like 70% of my research for me but I know about these [ __ ] dudes and I’m not watching international hockey like I’ll watch the world juniors that’s about it though you know and if I know about them you got to believe 32 scouting departments know about most of them uh but I do think there is some value in these picks plus you can always combine them with Robert Hay to get whatever you want whatever is out there that you want to trade for Robert Hagen a third will get it done um obviously I that that was the meme for years so I get it it’s it’s it was the absolute best uh before we get out of here Charlie I just wanted your thoughts on the uh Jack Adams voting so it comes out I mean Rick toet ran away with it as was expected uh his Vegas odds at one point I saw like minus 4,000 like it was like yeah you can bet on it but you’re not winning anything and if you bet against him you’re basically just giving us your money but sure um taket wins of the 13 coaches who got votes John torella finishes 12th ahead of only Mike Sullivan which was kind of funny if he makes the playoffs is he a finalist and it’s just like yeah man collapse down the stretch like I was a little surprised he was so low but also there were five playoff coaches who got no votes and the goal is make the playoffs uh he did not and ended up with a few votes what did you think of the uh of toet winning and TS finishing 12th well toet winning I expected it that was abundantly clear from the middle of the Season that he was going to win number one because a Vancouver dramatically seening expectations number two and this is just kind of my read on it I could be wrong it just seems like every everyone in the broadcasting Community absolutely loves Rick toet the person and there was no fraking way they weren’t going to vote for him because they just think he’s like the bees knes um so that it was to me it was a foro conclusion T was going to win with regards to torts though you know I thought going into this that your initial statement that well if the Flyers would have made the playoffs he probably would have been a finalist probably wouldn’t have beat Tako that would have been a finalist now after looking at these votes I don’t know if he would have been a finalist because like look the fact that the Flyers didn’t make the playoffs obviously hurt taket the fact that the Flyers kind of collaps at the end of the season obviously hurt towards like no question that hurt towards but I wonder if we are underrating just how much broadcasters disagreed with the cerer scratch because it just seems like people really really held it against him in this I I feel that and maybe that’s 100% on the nose I also just think like if the team doesn’t collapse down the stretch or say like they do well like say the he pushed a bunch of buttons down the way and like the Felix sandstrom thing I think there’s several things you can point to and like he apologized for the Felix anstrom thing maybe he didn’t come off the way he wanted to but like there’s that there’s Couture like if all that [ __ ] results in them like finishing third in the division doesn’t everyone just go [ __ ] man he like it was him it was it was what he pushed all these buttons and they worked also people just don’t like them you know so I I guess it could go I don’t understand how anyone in media doesn’t like him he is he’s one of the biggest storylines in the league like if you get to cover John torella you are half done your game story and Char like you do a little bit different of a thing it’s not like you’re you know writing like I always say the fill in the blank with the quotes stories or game stories or anything but like my God this has to be easier than covering Dave hack doall that like it just has to be no yeah I would absolutely say that I don’t know I don’t know you might be right that maybe if they make the playoffs then suddenly everyone’s doubts about the cier scratch are replaced by a grudging admiration for the fact that tartz had the balls that kind of move and it worked but then when it doesn’t work it it hits their confirmation bias of I knew this was stupid to begin with so now I’m completely dropping him off my ballot that’s certainly possible I I can’t tell you I’m obviously not a broadcaster it just seems like it seems like this is objectively too low like for example like Spencer carbury was like fifth like the capital stunk they made the playoffs because was real good for like two extended stretches during the season you can’t tell me that that carbury did a better job than John Jella you just can’t like the capitals were a a capital B bad hockey team that basically snuck into the playoffs despite being a capital B bad hockey team whereas John tordella had the Flyers playing like a good hockey team for like two-thirds of the year until they lost their goalie and ha their defense SC I don’t know man Spencer Carberry somehow now put a magic spell on Alex oetkin for the second half of the season and uh he became young oetkin again uh yeah I I thought the voting was odd but like at the end of the day this stuff is like they got in so he must have done a good job you know and it’s it’s like the yeah but but Bill this is this is why we run into the thing where people win win the the Jack Adams and then two years later they get fired because we’re not actually evaluating how good of a coaching job we did we’re evaluating how much that person defied our expectations before the season started and that’s why then a year later when the team regresses because guess what they stink and the only reason why they were exceeding expectations is because the goalie was real freaking good then suddenly the coach gets fired just stupid I don’t it’s a it’s a Tale As Old As Time Charlie all right but that’s pretty much all the time we have for you today on PHL flyers before we get out of here man we have so many events coming up at phly uh you got to check out all and be and uh check out the events calendar for everything we have going on Phillies takeovers watch parties all sorts of stuff but I want to tell you right now about the first annual and oh come on inaugural there is no such thing as first annual the inaugural Liberty open July 13th at Valley Book Valleybrook Country Club in Blackwood New Jersey it’s a scramble format Tour Tournament you can get in sign up as a single a forsome you can sponsor a Hole uh every you get everything including 18 holes with a cart tournament gifts and tea prizes there’s going to be a Taste of Philly dinner post round ceremony at the Pavilion unlimited draft beer for two hours after your round there’s contests and team prizes on the course it is going to be an absolutely fun time so you have to check that out and uh there’s at ging company for the London series Phillies uh Mets June 8th and 9th yeah they’re going to be in uh they’re going to be in London but we’re going to be at GA and Company so check that out as well for our watch parties there is so much coming up it is going to be a phly summer baby so make sure you join us for all this stuff go to all uh and check out the events calendar to see what is coming up all right that is it for us thank you all for listening thank you for hanging out if you haven’t already follow us right here on the YouTube set those reminders never miss a live show we’ll be back tomorrow at 1:00 uh follow us on Twitter at phore Flyers follow the P podcast phly Flyers that’s it for me my name’s bill matz that’s Charlie o’ Conor stay loose and sexy Philly [Music] [Applause]

It’s D-Day! As the march towards next month’s NHL Entry Draft continues, we’re breaking down the defensemen on today’s show.

Cam York and Travis Sanheim both had breakout seasons for the Flyers, while Jamie Drysdale, Emil Andrae and others still have the shine of promise and potential. But there are no #1 defensemen on Philly’s current roster, and the 2024 draft has a lot of high-end D prospects.

Charlie & Bill discuss which blueliners might be available for the Flyers at 12, as well as with the other three (maybe) top-51 picks.

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