Reacting To Craig Button’s Most Recent Draft List For TSN + 2024 NHL Draft Rankings: 56-54

Reacting To Craig Button’s Most Recent Draft List For TSN + 2024 NHL Draft Rankings: 56-54

on today’s locked on Senators we react to Craig button’s most recent NHL draft rankings and our good friend Craig he’s always all over the board time to get mad at another list Ross and we continue our 2024 NHL draft prospect profiles with a pair of skilled forwards today looking forward to that and more on another edition of the locked on Senators podcast it’s your team every day you’re locked on Senators your daily podcast on the Ottawa Senators part of the locked on podcast Network your team every [Music] day I’m Jake Sanderson and you’re listening to lockdown Center podcast I’m Tim schler and you’re listening to the lockdown Center do podcast welcome inside episode 1052 of the locked on Senators podcast I’m Ross Levitan on the outskirts of enemy territory in Winnipeg Manitoba alongside Brandon pillar up in the Blue Mountains today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NHL for $20 off your first ticket purchase that’s concert Sports and events like the NHL draft locked on NHL for for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply you can also follow the show on social media we’re at s Central on Twitter locked on. Senators on Instagram the show is free and available wherever you get podcasts including on YouTube where we say hello ask you to put a go send go down below like subscribe be a friend tell a friend today is Thursday May 23rd in py I would hate to be scrolling through Craig button’s mentions after he puts out a new list because this guy he says it I’m not doing the list of where I think they’re going to get drafted I’m doing it where I think they’ll be in four or five years as nhlers so the shock factor for people who have been just accustomed to just seeing these lists in terms of where you get drafted his is so different I absolutely adore him for it yeah and I mean CRA Craig button’s one of those guys he’s gonna stand by his list uh no matter what he had some major major risers uh Ross with our rankings and who the entities we’ve used there’s two that are very surprising to me the first one is cona helenius at third overall is where button has him I believe all the other people we have Ross it’s in the 8 to 12 kind of range uh is a little bit more typical but hey this is this is what Craig does I’m not gonna not going to argue him here and then one of our most contentious profiles we’ve done yesterday uh we’re seeing a major riser in ston soberg so the Norwegian physical defenseman His World Championship is opening a lot of eyeballs uh for GMS and uh he seems to have excited a lot of people here from yesterday to today he jumps up 30 spots on Craig button’s list it’s it’s truly remarkable the rise for him you look at it and I’m just trying to do the math here because his average for us was 5050 won like how high would he have been able to jump as we’ve updated everything above him it it he would have been mid-40 so I’m feeling good about our BET right now where I think he’s gonna go in the first round I think he’s gonna go like 28 29 maybe even earlier because Cory prman had him 14th in his mock draft yesterday and now 15th here like he could be the first surprise off the board and you’d see why for a team that maybe is already further along they’re like this guy if he’s Pro ready as we think he could be in our lineup and have a three-year entry level after one more Development season in Sweden I I think that the the sky’s the limit I know you don’t feel the same way we’ll Point people to yesterday’s episode if you want to get a little deeper into the soberg discussion he’s going to be a player that you’re going to be hearing more and more about as we get closer to the draft just quickly I don’t want people to get it twisted I’m hate Norway you hate Norway you hate soberg you don’t think they have any talented hockey players we know py it’s okay hey Matt zcell is an absolute Legend over there let me tell you that um I like soberg I think he’s he’s a great player great Prospect I believe in his potential I just think with the amount of defensemen that are available in this draft it would surprise me if he’s picked over a lot I mean I’m not going to list all these guys names but it would surprise me if he makes it into the first round but Ross like you said I think a team is going to the team that selects him is going to be a contending team that’s looking for pro ready guys to be on their elc’s and jump the lineup sooner rather than later however making the jump from pro- Norwegian hockey to the NHL might be a bit of a leap even a big player like soberg can’t do in one step what else surprised you let’s say in the top 10 Ottawa of course picking seventh my eyes lit up when I saw who he had in seven again not a ranking in terms of where you think they’re GNA get drafted but RTM Lev shuna we’ve been banging this drum since basically after every s loss this season we said we’re we’re we’re losing for lunov right now we need to find a way to get him to Ottawa they lose the lottery and I lost all hope that it was possible but this just gives me that little sliver they’ve opened the door just a crack and I am biting I need lunov in Ottawa we got to find a way to make it happen if descends land lunov at seven that’s not a home run pick Ross that’s a Grand Slam in the first inning by the cleanup hitter like that’s As Good As It Gets in my opinion so I I’ll legally change my name from Levitan to lunov if he ends up in Ottawa someone clip that that is your your uh parents are not going to be happy about that but I’m sure they’ll understand no it’s runov has a nice ring to it actually and you can keep you can keep your nickname Levy keep my initials don’t have to worry about that actually that’s a clean and I’m sure Rachel wouldn’t mind no she wouldn’t hey sorry we got to change your name ra just just a quick amgate there yeah all right I guess I’m out on Le Sho to Ottawa now because that actually sounds like a lifechanging decision um anyways Okay so we’ve got L shov comes in at number seven on Craig button’s list the top five Macklin celebrini Ivan demidov cona helenius a bit of a surprise there and TJ ginla just skyrocketing up these charts uh zanen perck comes in at number five Z buam from yesterday’s discussion the athletic had him going to Ottawa at seven in their mock draft comes in at six so what a run on defenseman after the top four for Craig we got to talk about the most surprising Faller though we’ve talked about surprising risers there’s one surprising Faller Faller is that a word I don’t know um falling candidate in Craig Craig’s List here Anton silv at 16 I think would be nuts like we’ve seen some people I forget who it was Ross maybe was it the athletic but we’ve had some people having uh SV ahead of lunov and going in the top three so for him to fall all the way to 16 on buttons or I should say Craigslist is crazy well it’s not like it’s just you know Joe Schmo and their parents basement saying that it’s uh it’s cev low it this is like we’ve got quite the range here we’ve got Craig at 16 but then on the other side of the equation Bob McKenzie hasn’t at third one spot ahead of Le shov so again we’ve mentioned it time and time again how when the TSN analysts are so far apart disagreeing Bob and Craig really makes you think so I I’m excited this draft is going to be as unpredictable as ever and I cannot wait to be in the action and they do have tickets on game time so if you want to come to the draft highly recommend it it’s going to be a bucket list type item cannot wait we have extra tickets if you’re looking to buy tickets hit us we got all the tickets that was that was an experience when they let everybody into the jungle and you click the seats you want they disappear you click the next seats they disappear that’s why game time is here for you they’ve got the last minut tickets lowest prices guaranteed py sir sends at the World Championships we’ve been talking about that a little bit throughout the week the quarterfinals are ongoing right now so on the Friday show we’ll do a quick reset how all the SS did as we go into the semi-finals and finals coming up it’s going to be really really exciting fired up for uh for Brady kachak and Shane pinto and Jake Anderson to win the tournament or lose to Canada either way is cool with me um yeah Ross Brady kachuck in seven games with seven goals and six assists is just is just nuts uh good job Brady kachuck and all the all the haters would just be like oh his Game Wouldn’t translate internationally yeah well I think team USA’s got a different opinion there but Ross classic sends abroad Nick Paul scoring in the world championship he scored the goal to put canid up 3-1 uh going right now yeah exactly that’s what I’m saying the give and gold with Connor Brown yeah too bad neither of those guys are uh a part of the S organization yeah it’s 3-1 right now with six minutes left in the second for Canada over Slovakia okay as you’re listening to this game’s already over I’m glad I upate that what was the final score the final score was 4-2 Canada okay sounds good just yell at py if he’s wrong there one thing I know pil is right about is that there’s a couple really exciting forwards coming up in our NHL draft rankings today and Shout Out Craig for all the the content that his list has been able to give people on social media I love that he’s not afraid to go out on a limb I do have a bit of flashback though to Craigslist from was it two years ago Jem camel his draft 2022 he went 17th overall and he was third on Craig’s final list wow that’s I mean the fins they sneak up the list I forget what your opinions were on him Ross but I highly regarded Yokem cell like when Nashville got him there I was like holy crap what a pick for the PRS yep and now we’ll see if conto helenius who’s one of the best four Checkers in the draft if he is a guy who maybe Craig sees in two three four five years better than where his draft slot is expected to be late in the single digits or early into the teens but so much Intrigue and it really will gear up in the next week because then we’ll have the scouting combine happens every year all the teams get together they’re getting information not only on the players they want but because their teammates are there like that um Luca Morelli is coming in well hey I got ask about your guy Ben Danford your your teammate Becca seneki I need to know so it’s about parsing the information I love the Senator’s video yesterday they posted with our guy pulley talking about just that it’s all about how you ingest all this information that’s coming your way and when all the teams get together at those scouting combines that sort of thing that’s where uh conversations can be had we already saw one trade this uh this week with Ryan mcdunn going back to the Tampa Bay Lightning from the Nashville Predators so hey GMS you don’t have to wait until you get to Vegas you can start making some moves try to make your team better for next year I wonder though if the next thing we hear about the Ottawa Senators py is that we we get some assistant coaches hired here and start filling out Travis Green staff let’s get that Shane Pinto contract done before anything else uh but yes assistant coaches I’m on the watch for that for sure the Ryan MCD trade we we won’t get too deep into into here but just quickly uh Elliot fredman was saying MC approached Barry trotz in the year- end meeting they had in Nashville and said hey look if there’s a way you can get me back to Tampa it would really mean a lot to me if you could do that and Barry trotz called up uh Julian Breeze ball right away and was like hey I got a lot of respect for mcdna he’s he’s played his part here he said he wants to go back to Tampa let’s just get a deal done so I think that was one of those where trots wanted to do right by the player and just wanted to get it done he wasn’t going to haggle for Price here and and they got it done so I think that’s rare case where uh hockey usually you hear hockey’s a business well there’s some personalities and there’s human beings involved as well so that’s a that’s a rare nice story that you hear so I don’t think there’s too many GMS out there trying to trade guys uh for to help them out in in any of the other teams that are going to happen just yet so I think it’ll be a while till we see another trade well Ottawa did that obious um you know famously with Mike fiser sending him to Nashville they did it when they sent Deon fuff to La Alicia cird his wife working there Carrie Underwood obviously for Mike fiser and so on and so forth so you have to be a real respected veteran to get that treatment but let’s not pretend like Barry trots didn’t make out well he gave up Callen foot and some other guy who didn’t end up making it and then two years later he flips the asset right back yeah for a second round pick exact that’s why I think Barry trotz was so uh easy to do this he’s like well the bar is pretty low for what return I need here and 6.75 million they have so much cap space this summer so someone was saying 3D chess now Tampa know thinks hey what if we get Mitch Marner out of the division in all this too Nashville now has the room they can go and snag that contract extend him and all that now I’m getting tinfoil hat season that’s what it is though it’s Rumor Mill season right now we’re inching our way closer what a game last night to start the Eastern Conference we’ll touch on that next then get back to our draft rankings you’re listening to locked on Senators your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by our friends over at game time game time is now an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball that means you can get tickets even faster and easier Believe It or Not prices on Game Time app actually go down when it gets closer to first pitch so if you can’t decide whether you want to go to the ball game or not just wait maybe you’ll get the right price and that’ll convince you to go with killer last minute deals all in prices views from your seat and their lowest price guarantee 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locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account redeem code locked on NHL l o c k d o n NHL for $20 off download the game time app today last minute tickets lowest prices [Music] guaranteed all right py before we get back to our draft rankings the Eastern Conference Final last night I live beted in the third period Rangers down one nothing I thought they’d press they had that little power play to start they hit the post they were so close ultimately bosski was not getting scored on that game that guy is so dialed in 35 years old this series is gonna be seven games I’m now convinced this is this is as good as it gets quality of hockey wise and sometimes you don’t see it this far in the playoffs right because the teams are so beat up but those two they went at each other last night yeah I was right there with you I think I live bet the Rangers uh at FanDuel they were like plus 350 with 12 minutes left in third down one I was like oh here we go was that before or after the disallowed goal uh right before I sweat that out yeah right before yeah I and then I classic chasing the BET after the DLow goal I was like they have all the momentum it’s at Madison Square Garden I’m I’m putting another Fiverr on this one and uh didn’t work out why I wanted but when you look at that if you didn’t watch the game and look at the box score you’re like wow three nothing Panthers like tough game for New York like Ross said they hit the post a couple times they had great opportunities Florida Panthers were they just seemed like they were hungrier right like the Rangers came out so flat and then figured it out but they’re going to have to get off to better starts against the Panthers if they want a chance in the series they certainly do and tonight the Western Conference Final begins from Dallas it’s the Stars and the Oilers no matter what there will be a s abroad Stanley Cup champion this season we put up a poll at sen Central recently and the results were like almost surprisingly close we put it up uh a while ago there’s still time to vote right now over 1500 votes as we’re counting it here and who do you think would win this poll between Mika aanad Cody CeCe Matt du shaine and Vladimir tereno now remember there are a few others that were written in Connor Brown of course coming out with the Edmonton Oilers and have Genny dadonov with the Dallas Stars who do you think the fans would want to see win the cup the most I’m pretty sure M you think Mika yeah I think you’re right but are you surprised that it’s this close everybody above 15% nobody more than 35.3 mik aanad Vladimir tereno at 20% Cody CeCe at 29 and I think a part of that too well I shouldn’t speak for others I’m sure there’s some people who are like man he had a tough go here like you know you want the best for for the guy the person also if he wins the cup it’s coming to Ottawa right little Hometown action there too yep that’d be sweet and I mean as far as Canadian teams winning the cup go I don’t I don’t feel a particular way about the Oilers doing it so I wouldn’t mind uh a Canadian team has not won the cup since my birth year of 1993 so it’s been a while uh but guys there’s one right answer here it’s Vladimir tereno if the Panthers win the cup it gives the Ottawa Senators a third round pick in 2026 instead of a fourth round pick this season come on we got to fill those cupboards with prospects well what you don’t want a pick this season they’re taking a pick away from our Vegas stash that’s okay and to upgrade it to a third it’s okay and especially because they’re so deep this fourth round pick would be end of the fourth round basically a fifth round pick at that part okay glad everyone is engaging with the polls on Twitter we’ve also started putting up the polls for our mock draft we discussed the mock draft yesterday I’m really looking forward to it we’re gonna have each pick decided by the fans and once it becomes obvious who the pick is g to be we will add the next one we’re through three already I didn’t even give people another option mlin celebrini that’s your only pick don’t be a hero it’s Macklin celebrini first overall we’ve got second and third and there will be a video when we’re all finished up so expect that video to come out late next week around the 30th 31st of the month of May but for now back to our 2024 NHL draft rankings we’ll actually get to that after a quick break you’re listening to locked on Senators your team every day today’s episode is brought to you by our friends over at indeed there’s no ey in team double check yep no I in team but there is one in indeed and that’s the hiring platform you need to build your team when you’re hiring you need indeed indeed is the hiring platform where you can attract interview and hire all in one easy place don’t spend hours on multiple job sites searching for candidates with the right skills do it with indeed come on candidates you invite to apply are three times 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indefinitely arguably is a bigger deal more people see your name on social media than like your driver’s license yeah exactly so okay I’ll accept that I’ll Ross lunov on Twitter um indefinitely if the Senators are able to get him love it coming in at number 56 on our NHL draft rankings we are going back to the US national team development program where we find left shot centerman Camille bedar who I would call a jack of all trades but a master of none yeah Ross I I literally have that exact tagline in my notes for begar as well but I feel like some times people that gets a negative connotation jack of all trades master of none like I if I could be a jack of all trades I I would I would do that I I think I maybe have one or two skills that’s about it but bedar has four or five skills that NHL Scouts are gonna love here first off he is a left shot centerman in 61 games he had 26 goals 39 assists good for 65 points more than a point per game guy you love to see that he’s committed to Boston University um one thing I’ve been doing it doesn’t really matter that much but it’s interesting to see because sometimes it comes into play I see who owns the CHL rights of these players the Kitchener Rangers own bednar’s rights so we’ll see I don’t think he’s gonna go from Boston University to the CHL but we saw Tyler bue go from Boston College to the auta 67s bu bu oh it was Buu right oh I mean he only played there a handful of games my bad I forgot which Boston one it was but it does happen um and then in seven uat games he had six points so sure this guy we call him a jack of all trades and and maybe that gets that Waters down his abilities but he’s able to consistently put up points and that needs to be stated the points are a little less caloric when they’re playing on a team where I think you have to look at where he ranks on the team in scoring as well right because you’re you’re at the ntdp where goals are just being handed out like with 65 points he’s fifth on the team in scoring yeah nothing to turn your nose up at but there are a lot of guys who are putting up a ton of points there for our rankings he’s one of those guys where if you Olympic scored it where you take out the highest and the lowest the range is Titans right up because Elite prospects is lower on him a lot than anybody else 76 they have on their rankings Scott wheeler the highest at 46 Chris Peters at 47 Craig Button at 52 Bob McKenzie at 54 and mckin at 60 so a late second round pick I think is where we can really P I don’t even want to say pinpoint because this draft is so all over the place but I think that’s kind of the talent level you’re looking at and I think if he had one more separating tool in his kit he could be pushing that top of the second round because who doesn’t want to defensively responsible player that has shown the ability to play in all situations I think that he will be a valuable asset to an organization and I think that for an organization to really benefit from him you got to be very patient I think that you’re gonna see him at least two maybe three years at school he’s going into a program going under a coach Jay pandolfo who made a career of doing the right things on the right side of the puck all the time I think that in a perfect world he’s a centerman but don’t be surprised if he ends up being a Winger at the NHL level I think that it could be good for him because he’s not going to blow you away with the pace of his game so I think that it’s it’s for for his best interest to get more space to put him on the wing but let’s see if he can stick at Center Buu where he’ll be attending in the fall six foot tall 185 and also a later birthday born in May so he’s got that extra room to grow his average ranking comes in at 55.8 if we had the updated Craig Button rankings he would be a little bit lower than where he comes in here at 56 yeah I think he might be able to stick in the middle Ross just because he’s so good defensively and he plays a physical game uh a couple reports I saw from scouts are saying that he’s able to use a Smart Stick to steal pucks so I feel like he could be one of those guys that you want him kind of being a Rover out there and just making sure everything is nice and clean defensively um I kind of project him as a solid two-way third line Center and I I feel like Ross he he actually might be one of those guys that gets into a pro game sooner just because he’s plays a smart responsible game and like we mentioned he doesn’t have the the shot the speed the the hands he doesn’t have those skills that are hard to transfer to the NHL he’s got those skills that NHL Scouts and coaches are going to love and it’s going to get him into NHL up sooner um I I really think teams that are contenders and are going to want guys playing minutes on entry level contracts are going to like him I I’ve got him pegged going to a team like Colorado or Boston right the teams that are looking for that Center depth but smart responsible players that are going to help them win games in the playoffs but they have that highlevel Talent already on their team Boston and Colorado that they won’t need to rely on Bednar to be putting up points down there as well just just my opinion yeah of course from the reports that I’m reading you see Scott wheeler say that he really kind of uh plays to his linemate strengths which I think is a huge asset for a team looking okay how are they going to fit in with our other skilled players if you’re going to take a higher swing at a guy like bedar so I think there’s a lot to like about the player I don’t want it to come off as negative uh there is a player we’re going to cover today that I have above him but for me like he’s he’s coming in probably mid-50s on my rankings I’m doing it as we move up I’m kind of adding guys in and there’s only a few who I have ahead of him right now during our process so I’m excited to see who takes a jump I agree with you that like I don’t even know if they have a pick well no they just gave it away uh because I was gonna say a team like Tampa could be an option for him as well but I don’t think they’re going to be picking in that range but a team that that needs some Center depth in their Prospect pool will be looking at Camille bedar now with the Ottawa Senators is this a guy you’d be looking at uh Ross I gave him three stars for the Ottawa centers here just I’m not sure what range he’s going to end up in I I kind of have him going late second round uh so the S won’t be in that range and he’s not a guy I would reach on and the Senators they’re at a point now where I feel like they can’t really afford to go for those safe High floor guys they need to be swinging their fences a little and and try to hit on some players that are going to have a really big boost in potential bedar comes in at number 56 on our locked on Senators draft rankings for more profiles head over to our YouTube page locked on senators all right coming in at number 55 on our 2024 NHL draft rankings we’ve got the captain of the Swiss 2006 age group it’s Leon mugley 6 foot tall 165 pounds a July birthday and basically played the whole year in Pro Hockey yep pretty impressive for mugley uh as he gets 42 games in the Swiss pro league like you mentioned three goals nine assists good for 12 points look with mugley the points is not what’s going to jump out at you and usually when you have a young uh player playing full-time in a pro league they’re not going to be able to light it up points wise especially when you’re talking about a defenseman here um he does have some uh playing time against his peers he had one point in four World Junior games and had two points in 11 playoff games in the Swiss league and like you mentioned uh good leadership qualities as he’s been the captain of their international team in a couple different spots he had a tough World Juniors though got suspended got hurt tough tough one at the office for for mugley but I think overall you’re looking at a guy who who’s just I I don’t want to say it again so soon after we just covered benar but a bit of a jack of all trades as as a defenseman I don’t think there’s one skill that jumps out at you but there’s nothing really that’s like a glaring weakness what what to you is the biggest asset that he’ll bring to an NHL team so I would say kind similar Ross yeah I would agree with you mostly um the I would say he does have one strength that a lot of Scouts really seem to pick up on and that’s his ability to break the puck out of his own Zone into transition and and have it go into the offensive zone now the reason I worded it like that is because he’s not a one-trick pony where you’re going to see him skate the puck up the ice every single time now he can do that he’s a very strong skater and he’s able to blow past uh Defenders and able to get into the Zone there but if he’s starting to skate the puck up the ice and he notices all right I’m not going to be able to do what I want here just the way maybe it’s a 131 system and and they’re it’s kind of a bit of a trap there and they’re waiting for guys to carry the puck up the ice he can make that quick decision and be like all right I’m going to have my teammates do this for me and he can make a nice crisp Outlet pass that’s going to hit a guy on the tape in stride and that’s going to allow the team to break up kind of that uh that trap defense that some teams are going to have and having that dual ability to skate it or pass it as a defenseman is a big deal and that’s going to help you get a lot of minutes like when you’re a young defenseman especially in a pro league Ross I bet some other uh some of the players on the other Swiss teams are looking at him being like let’s just dump the puck in this Kid’s Corner every time and we’ll make it impossible for him to break the puck out and then mugley just keeps on showing that he can do that time and time again uh and that’s why he’s trusted so much I was going through his game logs in the Swiss league and he’s playing decent minutes like I would say average around 14 minutes a night so as a kid in a pro league that’s pretty impressive got to fill out a bit though from 165 to play at uh at that size at the NHL Lev plenty of time to do that he comes in at number 43 on mckeen’s list 49 for Bob McKenzie 52 for Scott wheeler 57 for Craig Button and 68 for elite prospects when it comes to the Ottawa Senators I know left shot defenseman are already at a disadvantage just based on the organizational need but how many stars do you have for Leon mugley uh just quickly one more comment though uh I know I was down on the Norwegian proleague a bunch with soberg but this was interesting to hear from Scott wheeler in his write up of mugley he says the outside the NHL the Swiss league is debatably stronger than top levels in Finland Germany and czechia so that just goes to show you it’s a big deal that he’s playing decent minutes in a pro league that’s uh really highly regarded here so I just wanted to get that note in uh as far as send stars go for me Ross I give him three stars here um um I think he’s a high floor low ceiling type of guy I think he’s going to project to be a strong bottom pair shutdown guy which again sounds like a knock on him but it really isn’t I more mean that as a compliment I think he’s going to go in the late second round so this isn’t a guy I want the SS to uh reach on I think teams that are looking to add depth the safe prospector Decor are going to Target him Ross I already have Leon mugley wearing a Nashville Predators Jersey okay I like that does that make so much sense though Roman Yosi could Mentor this guy and no one no one does a better job of finding the right defenseman to draft in the Nashville Predators developing them properly and then once they’re developed they can say hey we’ve already got six other defensemen here either we keep him and we can keep growing him or we need a centerman we’ll trade one of our defense prospects we need a Winger we’ll trade one of these guys like they’re just able to develop these guys so and I would just love to have Roman Yosi kind of take mugly under his wing I like that if we’re going to call our shots here I’ll go with the uh the Swiss Mafia that they’re building over in New Jersey they have two third round picks this year and they they’ve already got unan ther and te o Meer and niesi are all in their NHL team so look for the New Jersey Devils they’re deep at every position they’ve already had a ton of picks so maybe they take Leon mugley with a selection he comes in with an average rank of 53.8 and he’s number 55 on our 2024 NHL draft rankings hope you enjoyed that one for more profiles just like it go check us out on YouTube locked on senators all right coming in at number 54 on our locked on Senators NHL draft rankings we’re going to the USL with John mustard a centerman left shot August B birthday and this guy’s got some offensive pop in his game yeah Ross I I love that his last name is mustard cuz it’s like it’s like that old saying ah he put some mustard on that shot right like it’s when you get a little oomph on it and if there’s one thing I notice from watching highlights of John mustard is he puts the mustard on his wrs like he’s one of those guys where when he’ll have the puck at like the top of the circle and if he has enough space you can tell he’s loading up a massive wrist shot because he gets low he puts a lot of pressure on his body weight and it takes about two seconds two to three seconds for him to fully wind up tow drag put pressure and release but if he has that time and space to do it he was making goalies look silly like they’re reacting a second out like he shoots top chelf already selling and then the goalie moves their glove like he has such a nice shot it’s just about can he get enough time to get the release off which is why I think he might be a Winger at the next level because you want to get that shot into open areas he’s been playing Center he’s uh going to the University of Providence the Friars and that’s not going to be next year that’s GNA be two seasons from now I mention he’s an August birthday mid August that’s one of the youngest players in this draft so a team I think is going to jump on the potential of John mustard he’s ranked as high on our scouting entity at 36 for Chris Peters Scott wheeler has him at 45 mckin has him at 47 EP at 52 Craig Button at 59 Bob McKenzie down at 64 so that to me is very curious what are NHL teams shying away from John mustard are they more catch-up guys or are they just not sold on the skill set there for John mustard his average rank for us is 50.5 I’m a big fan of this guy scored 29 goals in the USHL as a rookie in 60 games almost a point per game guy had 56 points was a plus player at plus 15 and he mixes it up too with 71 pins now only got to play in two playoff games did not register on the scoreboard but the points they just come naturally like this guy was playing U6 tripa a just last season that’s how young we’re talking here he doesn’t turn 18 until basically training camps open next year in the NHL but it’s going to be a long path I think for development but the juice is going to be worth the squeeze I’m convinced of it because that is an NHL release that we’ve gotten to see through the highlights of John mustard yeah I agree the shot is certainly his number one attribute um he’s also a really good skater Ross and this adds to the Natural goal score that uh that we talked about um if there’s a loose Puck and he thinks he can get it and get an opportunity to score he finds gear like he’s rushing past defenseman and a perfect uh example of that Ross is the Chipotle All-American showcase game uh which is apparently uh it’s like the USHL showcase and mustard scores the overtime winner he speeds past the defender on the wing and then goes five hole to to get the winner so like that’s what goal scores do um a little bit more info on mustard here I I mentioned I’ve been digging into who has the CHL rights well the Barry Colts have his CHL rights mustard actually grew up in New Market but he moved to New York when he was eight years old so I think that’s a nice fit for him as Barry kind of kind of close to New Market here my neck of the woods a little bit in that part of Ontario and a big thing we got to let people know John mustard won the USHL rookie of the year so you talk about a young guy that came onto the scene and had a big impact Rookie of the Year not too bad yeah and he was tied for 12th in the USHL in goals this season with 29 but a lot of guys 18 and up or guys who have been in the USHL for longer like Sasha Bo Matt V greeding and Michael heg who will be discussing in future episodes as we keep climbing on these NHL draft rankings but John mustard to me he’d be a he’d be a high upside swing in the second half of the second round or above so kind of my range for him would be let’s say 45 and up for me comes in at 54 on our list if you’re the Ottawa Senators are you looking at him in the second round Ross I agree with you I think he’s gonna go somewhere in the middle of the second round I think that’s a good spot for him look I I put in my notes he’s a natural goal scorer with speed to match I would be upset if the SS drafted him with that second round pick now do I think they’re they would be leaving some Talent on the table depend on how things Shake go probably but for a guy this young Ross the the runway for him is really good but I think the centers are going to be looking for guys that can impact their team a little sooner than mustard will so I gave him three and a half Stars just because I I like the player but I’m not sure he’s the perfect fit for the S at that spot he comes in at number 54 on our 2024 NHL draft rankings go check out locked on Senators on YouTube for more draft profiles all right py wrapping up today’s show I’m pretty sure that I put John Mustard’s background on YouTube for the entirety of our Leon mugle conversation shout out shout out to me for that we actually did a late change flipping those two this list is active as a new list comes out boom Craig Button releases his list everyone we haven’t done you’re you’re on audit now buddy you’re getting flipped we’re hey the numbers don’t lie we’re not there’s no bias involved in this it’s all about the numbers so Psy any final thoughts on today’s show Ross a rare occurrence for me but I actually have three final thoughts if if you’ll indulge me here we go are you gonna do it in ascending order leading up to your strongest thought how are we gonna do this yes I will I will do it that way uh speaking I was about to say speaking of coaches we haven’t talked about coaches that’s not really we’re about to find out your least important thought which hey if we were looking at my least important thoughts we’d be here all day I got a lot of thoughts that are meaningless and useless and not important at all but this one is um former Ottawa Senator Corey Stillman has been named the head coach of my gal storm so nice nice to see uh former s getting in the mix and Cory Stillman I think will make a good head coach there so love that decision now I can use that transition Ross speaking of head coaches oh boy I don’t even know if I want to bring this up but but I will on this day in 2019 do you know where I’m going with this the Ottawa Sanders named DJ Smith head coach wow that’s I remember that day Ross five years ago five years ago wow sounds like DJ Smith’s gonna stay on the LA Kings bench too uh Jim Hiller’s going to keep his job as the head coach they took off the interim tag good for DJ I’m sure being in La there’s worse places to be and that’s definition of being away from the noise right a lot of noise whenever his name comes up he doesn’t care he’s got his toes in the sand on Manhattan Beach on his off days and he is a great guy we’re we’re rooting for DJ Smith obviously it didn’t work out in Ottawa but kind of like what Ottawa is hoping with Travis Green where it’s like your next job y you take another step forward so um I hope he gets another head coaching job in the NHL um you know you hope these coaches they get on the Carousel quick because you you get forgotten otherwise and then you’re back to being an assistant for years well Ross the Ottawa centers need DJ Smith to get a head coaching job just for their track record what is it the last seven coaches or whatever that were head coaches for the Ottawa cators have not been rehired as a head coach well who would since ja Martin right yeah yeah since Jac Martin and and it’s they’ve they’ve had head coaches since then how many can you name how many coaches can you name since jacqu Martin for the Ottawa Senators uh Corey Clon yeah DJ Smith Cory Clon DJ Smith y you got two Jac marttin I said since Jac marttin okay are we’re counting interim okay sure sure we’ll allow it uh there’s some obvious ones here I can see him with the glasses David Cameron okay there’s some like really easy ones knock out here Paul mlan y Jack Adams winner correct I’m going to stop there otherwise it’s going to get no there’s some there’s some easy ones that I can’t let you get away with oh Brian Murray thank you you got six left no no no no we’re gonna be here too long go ahead GB oh yeah yeah yeah come on that’s the easy one you forgot um this one probably shouldn’t even count it was interim but Mark Crawford coached 18 games uh yeah I wasn’t going to mention it uh Craig hartsburg coached 48 Gam games in 2009 uh John Paddock in 2008 coached 64 games and Roger neelon great story he got two games yeah as the S head coach to give him a thousand games coached as a head coach which is super cool that he was able to get to that Milestone all right pillsy you you’ve you’ve gotten us like we’re fired up what’s final thought final thought is more showand tell um I I’ve been very quiet about this because the process has taken a while but you’ll remember if you guys are watching the show every day which I know you are um months ago I mentioned wouldn’t it be cool if I could get a s designed goalie mask uh we were I think it was when we were talking with doodling Daryl and he was telling us different things he did and I was like hey you ever done a goalie mask he’s like no I actually haven’t I was like dude I got a blank canvas for you let’s do it and he asked me hey what do you want on it and I said free range I think the only thing I told free range that’s going to come that’s a great eight that’s good that I didn’t even do that on purpose no pun intended uh the only thing I asked was uh to get the Canadian and German flags on the back uh goalies always put their nationalities on the back half Canadian half German so I wanted to do that here’s the big reveal wait put don’t put it on first put it let’s see the the side to side okay that’s so awesome so it’s an Angry Bird an angry Chien blood chicken the Bloody Chicken is the I think the official name for it uh you can see the chicken eyes here number 39 Dominic cassic obviously you got the gold cage that was a must and then on the bottom here the blood from the chicken dripping down spells py and it covers the the positive py uh sign there the sides nice chicken feathers swooping through and then the back as a mentioned the Canada Germany and dude don’t undersell that Laurels let me see The Laurels again real quick after that that give us a little model we like that yeah the gold cage we we had to wait a little extra to get the gold cage done but we got it done I thought it was necessary it looks sick this is going to look if I ever get back to playing goalie on the ice this is going to look sick uh I’ll show you the back with the Laurels again because you’re right The Laurels are so sharp man love that so boom shout out doodling Daryl our guy an absolute Legend uh couldn’t honestly that turned out better than I thought I would never have had the idea to have like it’s supposed to be like a screaming eagle design but with the chicken so uh that’s that’s all time so hope you guys uh enjoy that and I think I’m gonna get a shelf to put all my stuff up here the fire helmet the goalie masks and bobble heads so I’m gonna have some props to to put up here because uh that one’s worth displaying and I get possession today of uh my next house and I will have Studio by next Friday and it’s going to take it’s going to be kind of an overtime this will be still be in a part of it so it’s not going to be completely jarring change but uh we’re GNA do some some offseason Renovations here so we’re geared up for the first playoff season of s’s hockey that we’re gonna get to cover you can’t even keep a straight face come on oh boy that’s sick shout out doodling Daryl go follow him check out his work doodling Daryl is an absolute Beauty thanks to everyone for listening watching sub subscribing being a friend telling a friend if you want more from us make sure to follow us on social media @ send Central on Twitter vote for the mock draft really looking forward to seeing how those results play out for today we say goodbye for Brandon pillar I’m Ross litan this has been another edition of the locked on Senators podcast it’s your team every day

We have an updated draft ranking from TSN’s Craig Button so time to get mad at another list!

Brandon Piller and Ross Levitan take a look at some of the biggest surprises when it comes to risers and fallers on Craiglist! We catchup with #SensAbroad at the World Championships. And we continue our 2024 NHL Draft Prospect Profiles with: #56: Kamil Bednarik, #55: Leon Muggli and #54: John Mustard. We wrap the show off displaying Pillzy’s new goalie mask designed by Doodling Darryl!

Complete 2024 NHL Draft Coverage:

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  1. Not a knock on you guys but man I can't wait for the draft to be done so we can talk actual NHL players. I hate all the talk of what kids "could" be lol Nothing from this is directly helping the Sens next season. Come on July 1st!!

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