What should the Canadiens do with the 26th overall pick? | The Basu & Godin Notebook

What should the Canadiens do with the 26th overall pick? | The Basu & Godin Notebook

talking about that 26 pick um so why Johnson was acquired or was drafted in a year when the Detroit Red Wings were desperate to get up from the 22nd pick to 14th to draft Sebastian kosa who was a goal big golender he played for the Edmonton royal kings in the WHL that was in 2021 so in exchange for the number 14 pick the Stars received the 22nd pick 47th pick and the 137th pick fifth rounder um to allow the Red Wings to move up from 22 to 14 that 22nd pick turned into Wyatt Johnson that 47th pick turned into ardam grush nikov who the Stars used to acquire Chris tanv at the deadline um and uh the fifth round pick didn’t amount too much but still very impactful trade by trading down and leads us to that 26 pick of the Jets which uh primar you would think the canans are going to use in some sort of trade we’ll get to the possibilities of what they might do if they don’t trade it but we had a lot of questions in the mailbag we’ve had a lot of questions in general Lately from you guys asking how the Canadians can use that pick to move into a position where they could potentially pick a higher impact type of player um I got bad news for you it’s not very likely that it’s going to happen now now it could happen if the Canadians were to package that pick with a player on the roster or in their system uh that interests a team a player or two but looking purely at picks over the last five or six years that uh were used to move up uh the most relevant trade happened in 20122 uh the San L sharks had the number 11 pick that year the Iona coyotes traded them the number 27 pick 34 and 45 so two more second rounders to get from 27 to 11 um that 34 and 45 is something the Canadians don’t have so you could argue that if you add one of their defensemen or maybe even two you can replicate that type of value but that’s what it cost to get from 27 to 11 um in 2022 uh aside from that I just mentioned the Red Wings going from 22 to 14 so that cost him a second and a fifth uh back that was in 2021 in 2021 the wild traded down from 19 to 21 and got the 89th pick from the Oilers to do so uh you know there’s there’s very few examples but it’s it’s generally costly in 2019 the coyotes again traded up from 14 to 11 with the Flyers uh and had to give up number 45 to do to just move up three spots um moving up four spots for the Rangers in 2018 cost them the 48th pick they moved from 26 to 22 uh 48th pick is something the Canadians don’t really have right now uh they do have the Avalanche a second round pick which will obviously be a bit later in the second round so looking at the recent history the Canadians based solely on their draft capital in this draft don’t really have the ammunition to do it now they do have two first round picks next year and so they could in theory use one of those picks uh whether it’s whether they’re comfortable using their own or the Flames pick in the first round next year package that with the 26 pick and then maybe you could really make some Headway and get up get up into the teens but it’s it’s it’s costly is is I guess the whole point of this exercise is that it does cost a lot to move up that much but why would Montreal do that anyway what’s the point in trying to improve your like using some of your ammunition your your your trade chips to go from 26 and improve your improve your your your draft rank and and go in the teens let’s say is it because you have a chance that uh Becka senica still going to be there is is it because you have a chance of drafting Co Eiserman in the mid teens uh because there might be a good defenseman still I I just don’t get it I don’t think that the Canadians are are there anymore and trying to find ways to to add some more draft guys especially if it’s not at the top of the board if you were telling me the Canadians are going they could use the 26 picks his 26th pick in order to go from five to four it’s probably what it would cost them um because the guy that they want it’s still there uh maybe but I would say that if the Canadians choose to move the 26 pick it will be in in a hockey deal it would be in an actual trade not to trade up and it from an an abstract trade up of draft picks in order that they reposition themselves better in the draft I don’t I don’t see that well I think I think well first of all I mean I don’t think senica is going to make it to four you know 13 14 whatever it would be um but if he does I think that would be a reason to do it I mean it’s it’s you know if he’s if he’s still around um it’s but yeah it it would take a specific set of circumstances and and you know I think people kind of a lot of the questions that we got in the mailbag at least least they’re like listen we could add potentially two top six forwards in this draft if it if it plays out right and you know any the Colman example I think he’s likely to be available in that range um you know depending on how the Canadians view that it could be something but yeah it’s one of numerous options that they have with that pick and I do think what you mentioned is using in the hockey trade um is the most likely scenario so based on the last two years especially last year I mean that’s what they did right so it’s it’s it’s it’s just I’m just saying that it only reinforces your point like not only do they not have a huge uh reason to do it they don’t really have the proper ammunition to do it either so it doesn’t make sense from that point of view as well yeah so it’s about finding the best way the best use for that 26 pick and I’m I’m sure that in the weeks prior to the draft and the the work must have already started and and there’s a there must be you know phone calls that have been made and and fillers sent out to to gauge the interest and the the value of that pick uh some teams might have forwards available and they’re short on draft picks and it’d be open to have another guy in the first round albeit it’s like further down down the board um but if the Canadians want to dangle that pick and and do a hockey trade I think it would be their first option and if they if nothing’s uh confirmed or or or uh you know nothing’s done before the draft then they could use it differently uh you know you’re talking about using it to to trade up there’s not much there’s not much room to trade up in the draft from from five you five you that that first round pick won’t get you from five to two probably won’t get you from five to three but it could enable you to get from five to four but that in that means that means that the Columbus Blue Jackets would not want the same player as the Canadians would seek at number four and uh that and for that reason Columbus would say you know what we’ll get that extra pick and we’ll get our our guy at five so that’s the that’s the only situation where I see a trade in which case the Canadians might be like oh they’re willing to do this trade well let’s not do it because they’re probably not going to take our guy that’s it yeah so basically if there is a fit it’s because it’s not worth doing it and you just stand bet and you wait for your pick so there’s uh yeah there’s a lot of Intel that’ll need to uh to be done on that part so yeah it’s I I don’t although last year I mean it was clear that at number four Will Smith would be the GU right yeah um and the Canadians still made some attempts to go from five to four in order to secure Will Smith and and and then after the top four Ry backer was their next best option past that top four uh so it didn’t work but it’s it I could see similar situation happening this year if for some reason theid off is not taken in the top three so then they would have to dispute uh with with with Columbus for that pick so but I think that there’s a possibility also that they just might hold on to it and dra someone yeah there’s a possibility and it’s it’s yeah for sure because there’s there’s a lot more there’s a lot more moving Parts this year for the Canadians than than in past years you know the the situ on defense being as crowded as it is uh is definitely a desire on the Canadians part to kind of monetize some of that depth um the extent to which they could do that you know kind of depends on what you consider to the value of some of these guys to be like does Justin Baron have much trade value does Jordan Harris have much trade value does Jaden Trel have much trade value I mean it’s it’s that group um you know what can they actually get you and and I think they’re about to find out they’re going to try I think there’s going to be discussions involving a wide range of Defense both prospects and players um but that 26th pick along with one or even two of the guys that I mentioned now you’re talking some some pretty decent value for another team looking to make a trade so M um but in terms of guys that might be available there I mean there are some guys that might legitimately interest the Canadians that could be around at that spot um really unpredictable draft and it’s widely considered to have pretty significant drop after the top 15 or so um but still some guys that could be worth taking a chance on adding to their adding to their pipeline up front um a few guys that I’m curious about I don’t think any of these well I don’t think the the two the first two guys I mentioned will be available at 26 but uh Cole bodway out of Barry um big guy Fitness freak uh has just kind of a motor that doesn’t stop he’s very strong fits kind of the playoff style physical forward profile the Canadians are looking for and Sasha W Local product plays in the USHL msk Keegan going to North Dakota next year another bigger guy who can who can play and who will probably be gone by 26 but would obviously check a couple of extra boxes for for this organization uh being a local kid um are two that kind of come to mind for me as possibilities of being there at 26 now can you bank on either of them being there probably not um because they’re probably not going to be there but they’re two guys that about B B has a chance to be there at 26 he has a chance but I’m saying you can’t he’s a chance he’ll be gone too is all I’m saying like it’s not it’s not a sure thing you know the sure things are guys that are kind of projected to be later um but I think those are two guys that I think the Canadians would probably jump on if they could with that pick yeah you saw back when they were with the Rangers uh Gorton and Barbaro drafted gandre Miller at 22 and uh there’s Pro potentially a guy that’s drawn parallels 2 kandre Miller and his name is eg Emy EJ Emy um another fit another another physical freak of like I mean just in terms of his his conditioning and his his muscle and everything yeah yeah so tall right-handed sha defenseman who uh maybe has not shown a lot of offensive just yet but it you know and neither had Miller back then but it could there’s there’s comparisons that are drawn between the two guys I think that if the Canadians draft the forward you know with their the number five pick I think that there’s a chance there that can that second wave of defensemen after like you’ve got the top six defensemen that are clearly established in everybody’s minds but after that there’s a second slate of defenseman there where there might be someone of interest for Montreal especially if he’s a Rus or Emer for me could be an interesting option at 26 and there there’s this guy this Russian King yor Surin yes he’s meant to be like this this crazy crazy guy who who hits everything he sees he’s also uh you know creative centerman uh has been playing in the MHL this season and he he provides an an interesting ingredient to your recipe something that you know that’s probably not uh not many players can provide so uh if he manages if if he’s considered to be having enough offense to be uh translatable in the North American game and he he’s also if the scouts believe that he’s a guy who can show enough responsibility to not put his team in trouble too often uh he could certainly be a an interesting spark to get late in the draft so late in the first round so Surin bav bod em those are four between between those four there should be one that’ be still available at 26 but they’re totally different players all of them are like four you know it’s like opening four different doors even between bu way and B Because bu way is more a defensive first I guess type of uh type of C kind of a third line kind of a third line Center profile you know yeah exactly whereas bav shoot first mentality uh uh centerman I don’t I wonder if he wouldn’t he won’t be moved to the wing at some point in the pros we’ll see but he’s bigger guy too so it’s anyway those are interesting profiles but one thing on one thing on Ser too to add is that you know as as reported earlier you know the Canadians did get into Russia a couple of times this year to look at demidov in the MHL and so they would presumably at the same time have seen been able to see him live um playing in the MHL so so that’s another kind of factor to consider there and yeah he’s got a tantalizing profile but the fact that not every team did get into Russia in fact few teams probably did um might slip as a result whereas he would otherwise like like several Russia players over the last couple of years have done um would otherwise have been taken higher so that’s that’s a possibility as well yeah so um before we uh wrapped up wrap up that portion so you mentioned you know that if the Canadians were to combine one of their like two of their overflow of young defensemen and their 26 pick they could get somebody interesting um I want to go back to Martin nichas because there’s something interesting that happened on the heels of of the Hurricanes uh being eliminated is that there are like renewed reports including uh an interview that his father gave in in czechia uh you know pertaining to the fact that Nas would seek a trade and would hope to to you know to sign his next deal uh with another organization he’s still two uh two years away uh from free agency so he’s 25 um do you there’s no doubt that there’s going to be demands for that guy I mean there is at times I thought that his playoff performances were not super convincing but there were other games where he was literally flying in there and found some chemistry later in the playoffs with Jordan martinuk there but he’s a guy who can play both circles on the power play uh he’s finally decided to shoot more this year and and he’s got he’s got a great one-timer um I mean he can carry the puck in even though now he’s I think we could he’s it’s well established that he’s going to be a right winger and not a centerman but he can carry carry the puck in do some good give and go he can drive the net um there’s a lot to like in that guy but I wonder if the Canadians can manage to build a package that’s going to be interesting enough uh you know to beat the other offers that the Carolina Hurricanes might receive that’s one that’s part one and part two is uh according to evolving hockey the projection on a seven-year deal for Nas would be roughly 7.5 million a year would you be willing to give that sort of money for a guy that reached um 70 points only once in his career and he’s in his mid 20s now well I think one thing that the Canadians look at they did with new hook for sure uh is how the role on your your role on the team impacts your production and the fact that he made it to 70 points while playing kind of a secondary role on the hurricane I think this is well at least according to his dad this is one of the reasons why he wants to trade is that he doesn’t see a future top six role for himself in Carolina with the players that are there in place right now and so um you know I think his production the last two years you know 28 goals last year 24 goals this year uh pretty healthy scoring numbers um you know does that mean they would want to give him that kind of a contract he’s coming off a bridge so that’s how he’s different from new hook and Doc is that you’re not signing him out of entry level you’re signing him off a bridge so he’s not going to be willing to do another pseudo Bridge again um yeah know that’d be a big commitment on their part but there’s no denying that he would slide in quite nicely among the top six forwards on the Canadians it’s it’s it’s just that he would do so in many other places I mean the first thing I think of when I see his profile and and what he’s done the first team I think of is the Ducks you know with with verbi saying we want to add a top six right shoot right shot forward well there’s Marty NES just sitting there and you know do the Ducks have more ammunition to make a trade happen with the Hurricanes maybe I mean they have a pretty decent pipeline themselves they have a decent kind of more chest of draft picks um that could be a possibility but I do think that the hurricanes and we’ve mentioned it but it’s be in that um the Overflow of Defense on on Montreal while not super attractive on an individual basis but like having two of those young defensemen would be cheaper uh to plug in that they know they can plug into their defense right now based on how they’ve already performed in the NHL would have some value to a team like Carolina who’s defense is perhaps going to be turned upside down um you know just with it’s gonna be decimated it’s be well Brett PES is basically gone yeah Brady Shay sounds like he’s basically gone uh Jaylen Chatfield well I mean it’s it’s it’s gonna be look listen it’s gonna be tricky I mean you have Shay peshi Chatfield all UFA yeah uh orlov and slaven are a year away from UFA Elliot Freedman was mentioning the other day on on 32 thoughts how he thinks that the the hurricanes are going to sign slave into an extension as soon as they’re allowed to this summer um which would go into the calculation of how much they can spend on the rest of their defense um or’s a year away from UFA Burns is a year away from UFA you obviously you have terrain and gensel NIS Seth Jarvis all these contracts that are coming up that they need to figure out so having let’s say two guys that they could comfortably plug in to their d right now at a relatively cheap price that won’t be expensive for the foreseeable future in the next few years would have some value to this team I think yeah so so that’s the one thing the Canadians have plus the 26 pick so the two things the Canadians have and then and the hurricanes are drafting I believe 27th if I’m not mistaken so um that’ll give them two picks in a row at that range which is maybe they could use to to move up a little bit as but as we just mentioned it’s it’s not always easy but it’s easier with 26 and 27 than it is with 26 and 50 whatever wherever the wherever the Avalanche pick is so um that combined with the Desir the need to add some cheap defensemen to allow them to do some of the other things they want to do um could make for a match but yeah there’s definitely if NES finds himself on the on the market um it’s going to be it’s going to be there’s going to be competition for sure there’s no doubt you think think that the Canadians have anybody to offer UPF front sure they got guys to offer whether it’s Carolina watch no no no but I mean that that are of course talking about dead weight but I’m talking about somebody who could be legitimately legitimately interesting because if I’m the Carolina Hurricanes and my windows open I want to go I want to be able to turn Nas into guys that are cheaper but that keep that are keeping me competitive well one guy and don’t laugh but I mean I’ve spoken to more than one professional Scout about this one guy who would fit really well in the way Carolina plays under Rod bremore is Josh Anderson for sure like a straightforward straight line for checking style um that’s really they’re they’re up they’re upfront about it that’s the way they play and he would he would fit in that kind of a a system you know or that kind of a play style so I these contracts is still an issue it’s not as if they’d be dying to add but if if he if he were to get back and and I think the canans have to consider the possibility that Josh Anderson is a an excellent bounceback candidate like it’s if I’m Josh Anderson it would be easy in my mind to say I have I have more of a sample of being a good NHL forward then I do have a bad one and if you look at how he bounced back after that injury played gear in Columbus um he has a history of being able to put a Bad season behind him but it’s it’s you look at the way Carolina plays and Josh Anderson would fit that really well yeah well you see we talked about uh you know the the this the Dallas Stars are a big team right they’re they’re and it’s significant in the playoffs how they’re a big team and the Carolina Hurricanes have a lot of smaller forwards and maybe that they’re thinking of something that that a way to change the mix a little bit over there because I mean Seth Jarvis is not going anywhere but he’s not the biggest guy he’s got a huge heart but he’s not the biggest guy they’re going they’re probably going to replace some of the guys that are leaving with some of their homegrown Talent but Bradley Nadu it’s not necessarily a big guy either he’s 5 foot 10 178 Jackson Blake that uh you know that the guy um I think they they signed him out of the NCAA again another guy who’s five foot 5 foot 10 158 pounds yeah yeah they drafted him too but it’s yeah yeah exactly yeah yeah it was his third or fourth round pick yeah right so uh something like that yeah yeah fourth round pick so they need going to you know just playing along with what you were saying about Josh Anderson at least he would bring something different in that mix uh and you know T it could be a reason why they they say well T if Teran wants to move also and and we were not ready to give him the money that he would seek uh giving it to a bigger guy a lesser amount but a bigger guy who’s got what two or three years left on his deal um it would not be so so silly no and and look Carolina’s kind of made a habit of going after uh sort of Market inefficiencies at the draft so if a guy’s a little bit smaller that’s why teams didn’t pick him Carolina tends to pick him um you know if a guy’s Russian and that’s why he’s dropped Carolina will tend to pick him it’s it’s they are team that sort of uh that sort of disregards some of the prevailing wisdom in terms of evaluating draft eligible players uh and just goes after talent and so yeah they’re not they don’t have a ton of guys like that uh in their system and so it’s listen I don’t know the extent to which they’re also a very a highly analytically driven organization um Josh Anderson it’s not someone that a highly analytically driven organization would be all that enticed by uh so there’s that as well but you know I think play style like what we said earlier about the Canadians looking at role or or circumstances or environment in evaluating a player it’s not unreasonable to think that Carolina would look at Josh Anderson and say well you know he doesn’t do all that great there but the way that Rod plays here he could fit as a guy who skates f he’s big and he hits people and he can score goals um you know I don’t think you’d be getting full value for Josh Anderson but just the fact of taking that contract on would uh would add value for Carolina as well probably because you’re getting him you’re gonna get him at a discount of some way either with either with Montreal throwing in a draft pick whether that’s number 26 it could be um so yeah I think uh I don’t know how possible that is but just purely from an outsider’s view uh he’s definitely a guy who would fit there yeah

Basu and Godin are back to talk about all the different avenues the Montreal Canadiens can take with the 26th overall pick in this years NHL entry Draft.

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Recorded: May 21, 2024

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  1. Take on Rickard Rakell. I'd think Pittsburgh would throw you some draft capital to get him off the books and there's always the chance he could be useful. Also, there's no given year where buying out his contract looks horrible.

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