Matthew Stafford, Eric Dickerson & More Of NFL’s Best Congratulate Aaron Donald On His Retirement

Matthew Stafford, Eric Dickerson & More Of NFL’s Best Congratulate Aaron Donald On His Retirement

ad just wanted to say congratulations on retirement and really more so congratulations on an unbelievable career uh it was such an honor to share the the field with you um it was a whole lot better when I was on your side of things unbelievable respect for your career for the person you are um and the teammates you are uh the NFL the game is going to miss you and remember you uh in the highest regard ad what unbelievable career none of us have be in a position that we’re in without you and what you contributed to our careers it is what it is congratulations bro enjoy retirement wow Aaron Donald where did the last 10 years go man you were so Dynamic it just went by in a Flash I was so enjoying watching you play when I looked at you Aaron from the moment I started watching you I begin to say what would I do to block this guy Aaron I never figured it out and I’m glad I didn’t have to congratulations on a help of a run 10 years of a decade of setting the board now just as good and as great as you were in your career I believe the same thing is a store for you in your post career congratulations welcome to the Legends Club brother proud of you hey Aaron just want to say congrats man on an incredible decade of football uh greatness all the way through and through just what you’ve exemplified and your consistency your work uh you’ve gone about your business uh without having to say much but showing the right way was a special thing and I’m very thankful to have been able to to witness it over the last seven years he ad congrats on retirement man you’re the best to ever do it and it’s not even close it was an absolute honor to share the real with you the way you worked the way you led the way you dominated in this game is never going to be duplicated you really showed us the way dog so I’m I’m super super appreciative of your example um and just congrats on an incredible incredible career man the the football world will not be the same without you but um we’ll definitely be seeing you and Kenton in about 5 years congratulations on retirement bro uh your career speak for itself your accomplishments um the game is lucky to have a player and person like you man just want to congratulate you on the Hall of Fame career uh it’s been a blessing and a privilege to work and play alongside you the last handful of years and have a front row seat watching you do your thing man ad congrats on retirement my man fortunate to share the same feel with you to be Super Bowl chance together I salute you to the best to ever do it congrats man hey D what’s up brother I love you man World champs for life don’t you ever forget it I’m so proud of you man what a journey what a ride you set the tone of what competitive greatness is and I couldn’t be more honored and more blessed to have been your teammate don’t you ever forget man you are the goat ad my main man from St Louis to Canton uh and everywhere in between you have been special uh a leader a hard worker and just dominant at every turn and in every sense of the word proud of you man congrats on retirement uh can’t wait to see you in a gold jacket one day babe you’re the man congrats on an amazing career with the Los Angeles Rams it was an honor to share the locker room with you brother congrats on all your hard work and earned success enjoy retirement Aaron congratulations on a wonderful career may your days ahead be greater than the days past God bless ad congrats best to ever do it I’ll never forget watching you uh as a rookie outwork everybody on the team that’s when we knew you were going to be special and I’m here just to congratulate my dog ad on a phenomenal career brother you did it you’re a champion you’re the greatest D tackle that ever played this game and you’re more even phenomenal dad man I’ve been looking up to you for many years your game your play and even how you uh interact with your family dog I look up to that and I honor that dog Aaron was good as bash I want to say congratulations on a Hall of Fame career it was a blessing to be able to take the field with you for three straight years and man you know the Vibes man enjoy it uh and you know what to do man you know what it is man you know what it is enjoy dog you deserve it Aaron Donald Tory Holtz here man wanted to congratulate you on a wonderful wonderful Hall of Fame career with the Rams we greatly appreciate you man all the best to you I’m happy to be your teammate now as a Rams Legend man I just got to say that um you were the greatest defensive lineman that I ever saw play and I played with some great guys get some great guys but watching your highlights um man it was nothing like it watching me play in person it was nothing like it the Rams are going to miss you I’m going miss watching you play myself but you gave us great joy but thanks for being a ram and thanks for being as great as you are and enjoy your retirement like I do what’s up big dog man it’s been a blessing uh with a hell of a career uh extremely proud of you bro um you did a a magnificent job in terms of being a leader showing these guys how to lead the way um I think uh you know I’m just so proud to have had the opportunity to have worked with you uh for the last you know half a decade if you will put in the work you’ve earned it deserve everything that’s come your way I’m extremely proud for you man extremely happy for you um you know just just enjoy it man live life um do your thing Bro Dog work forever baby

In honor of Aaron Donald’s birthday and retirement, watch Matthew Stafford, Eric Dickerson, Jackie Slater, Chris Long, Andrew Whitworth, and more of the NFL’s finest congratulate AD on an incredible career.

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  1. My son who got me on the ram's wagon. Aaron Donald was his favorite player. We are gonna miss watching people fear you. Happy birthday and happy retirement ๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. Thank you AD. That superbowl win meant so much to me. My father passed before that season and heโ€™s the reason Iโ€™m a RAMS fan. He loved the RAMS and to win it all after he passed was everything to me. Thank you again. GO RAMS!!!!

  3. I've been a Rams fan since the 60's and have seen a lot of great players but I've never seen a player as great as you. Enjoy retirement you earned it

  4. Outstanding tribute! To AD, thank you! I was at Radio City in 2014 when we drafted you! I was there for the NFC Championship game at Sofi when we beat the 49ers! Man I hate that team! I was there for the Super Bowl when we beat the Bengals to become World Champions!! I was also born on May 23rd so Happy Birthday to us!! I guess it would only be appropriate to have the last stop be at Canton to witness you being inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame. Thank you so much for all the great years! Go Rams!!

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