[Batchelor] Nikita Zadorov on the market in Vancouver: Hockey in Canada is different. I can compare it to Calgary, but the Vancouver fanbase is bigger. Calgary’s not even the number 1 team in Alberta.

[Batchelor] Nikita Zadorov on the market in Vancouver: Hockey in Canada is different. I can compare it to Calgary, but the Vancouver fanbase is bigger. Calgary’s not even the number 1 team in Alberta.

  1. It pains me to say this as a Flames fan but he is not wrong.

    The Oilers have had their dynasty in the 1980s to ride on for decades, have been gifted two generational talents, and the Flames just haven’t had that much success to win over fans. A decade of sustained success would go a long way to closing the gap but we haven’t had that.

  2. That what happens when you get gifted McDufus along with 3 1st round picks in 6 years

  3. We really gonna act upset about this? First of all we are well aware the dude loves shit talking more than pretty much anyone in the league, and secondly its objectively correct? The idiots up north have been around longer, won more Cups (though not in almost any of our life times of course) and repeatedly lucked their way into some of the best players in history.

  4. To quote Marge from the Simpsons: Just because it true doesn’t mean he should say it

  5. He wants to be resigned to the young team that traded for him and went to the 2nd round. Nothing to see here.

  6. BC has a population of 5 million people. Edmonton won a shit ton of cups in a row in the 80s with the greatest player of all time. These are the reasons he’s correct but it’s no big deal.

  7. Bro is salty. He wasn’t even the number 1 pairing on the “second team in Alberta”

  8. So what? There’s more Oiler fans than Flame fans in Alberta, that information and $10 will get you a coffee at Starbucks.

  9. yea, but that’s what makes us special, where’s our

    – best player on the planet (twice)
    – the second best player on the planet (also twice)
    – the greatest team in NHL history
    – five 1st overalls (fuck where our first, 1st overall)

    but yet, here we are, cheering for da boys.

  10. He’s not wrong. I think Zadorov is a pretty smart guy. He knows this is his final chance to cash in on a UFA deal and he’s doing anything he can to raise his profile.

  11. Funny, in 2015 I had extra tickets to the Calgary / Vancouver series in Vancouver and couldnt sell a single one, even for below face value. Had to gift them to customers.

    Vancouver is a shit hockey market that is hyped for the first time in over a decade. You’ll see, it’ll be dead all over again shortly.

  12. He’s not wrong. Thats why I identify so much with this team with my crippling inferiority complex.

  13. I too would have a good/popular team if I was constantly baby fed top tier luck, high draft picks, took advantage of loose draft rules, started my history the best player ever and also had owners that strong arm the city you play in to paying for the whole fancy arena. But what would separate my team from the shit stain that is Edmonton, is that my team would actually win a cup or two well before they should’ve already been doing so. And people would actually want to root for my team instead of being the second most despised market in Canada (1st adjusted for population density and market size share) and I have the mountains right in the backyard. I pray those two bums up north kick rocks after another playoff failure so we have our chance to take the spotlight from them sooner rather than later.

    Edit: considering how often the media jerks off McDrai I had to add popular cause there are teams with better histories and superstars in their own right that aren’t talked about as often as those losers are

  14. Well ya no shit. Go north of red deer and it’s oilers country. We shouldn’t be taking offense to this at all, live in alberta and you know it’s true.

  15. Zadorov told reporters about playing in Edmonton. “Pretty much nothing else to do in that city except watch hockey. So I like what they’re doing, that’s why they love their team and support them so hard. “It’s been fun. (May 11, 2024)

    He calls it like he sees it all the time. And, he is passionate about the game and will go to the end of the earth for a team until he’s “not feeling it” anymore. Today he loves Vancouver.

  16. I bet he didn’t think that Calgary was so small when we went on a run in 2022. This is just recency bias, playing to the home crowd and taking a little shot at a team he didn’t really leave on good terms.

  17. Dude is annoying and I’m glad he’s not on the flames anymore. I don’t care if he’s a good player, he’s got a big mouth. 

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