[Bryce Spalding] Jonathan India has a .281 slugging percentage. Bronson Arroyo slugged .295 in 2008 for the #Reds…

[Bryce Spalding] Jonathan India has a .281 slugging percentage. Bronson Arroyo slugged .295 in 2008 for the #Reds…

  1. India has the approach of someone who sees the ball well. Unfortunately for India, he does not see the ball well.

  2. Does anyone have the splits of before and after he got sick and lost 10 lbs. (according to him)? I am hoping that’s the issue.

  3. When you watch Judge and Ohtani you’re not watching guys who have some sort of alien or supernatural ability. You’re watching guys who take 100% advantage of dumbass decisions by the pitcher, intentionally or not, to hang a ball. It doesn’t matter what the count is, if the ball is hanging they’re swinging.

    I get what India is trying to do, I really do, but you *have* to swing at what the pitcher gives you and take advantage of it. Pitchers are throwing him back-to-back meatballs knowing he’ll take them to work counts.

    It’s cool that 27.2% of his PA he works a full count when league average is only 14.2%. I mean, any other situation and you’d be talking about India as one of the best approaches at the plate in the MLB and there’d defintely be some Votto comparisons. But the league is also SLG .321 on full count, India is SLG just .185, almost half. And his .439 OBP on full counts isn’t even league average. So really, what’s the point?

    One thing I did notice this year, earlier in the year, and someone and I discussed it in this sub, is that India’s power before he started this monk like approach to do no harm against a baseball, was his power numbers were *WAY* down year-over-year. I’m wondering if there’s something going on, maybe small like Votto had where it doesn’t prevent you from playing but gives you just enough fits to force you to change your game. I don’t know, but India isn’t like this as a hitter.

  4. I was an India fan right off the jump. I just don’t get it. I hate having to turn to the north to see a good team.

  5. I think he will bounce back this year, but ultimately India is proving out to be a .250 hitter based on 2021 – 2024 data. He’s also a passable defender, but nothing noteworthy. He’s a quality utility guy for serious contenders and an average starting 2B on other teams. We need to stop expecting him to be a regular all star or material building block for the next couple years.

  6. Talk about a cherry picked stat.

    I’d rather have India go 0-1000 then have to hear about Bronson singing or those shitty commercials

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