[Passan] The Philadelphia Phillies just finished a sweep of the defending World Series champion Texas Rangers. Philadelphia has won 29 of its last 35 games and is 37-14 on the season. It doesn’t really matter what your opponents’ records are if you’re emasculating them every single day.

[Passan] The Philadelphia Phillies just finished a sweep of the defending World Series champion Texas Rangers. Philadelphia has won 29 of its last 35 games and is 37-14 on the season. It doesn’t really matter what your opponents’ records are if you’re emasculating them every single day.

  1. Hey fellas, is it emasculating to lose a baseball game to a professional baseball team?

  2. I think he was just trying to find a way to say we’re making mockery of the league at this point.

    Maybe a weird way to say it but I didn’t think it was particularly bad… just a little odd

  3. Heyman is down on the Phillies like his MLB paymasters wish – the fact that Passan should break ranks is striking

  4. This sweep pissed me off. We lost to a fraudulent DBags team that got clapped by the Rangers in the WS. That 2023 participation trophy flag should be red.

  5. Braves Fans: But it was a contest for children

    Lenny: Yeah and Homer beat their brains out!

  6. That’s always been my issue with the whole soft schedule thing. Like yeah okay we aren’t beating top five teams every day, sure I’ll admit that, but people have had easier schedules before and the Phil’s are still winning more games at a higher clip than any easy schedule team that came before us

    You can have a softer schedule and still be an elite team. Both can be true

  7. We’re bashing opponents brains in. Boat racing them, beating the breaks off teams, beating the dog piss out of them, making them look silly, etc etc.

  8. if we were winning an unsustainable amount of 1 run games against shitty teams Id agree that we are benefitting from our schedule. But we’re destroying the bad teams which is again…more predictive than anything of how good you are. Don’t need to argue with the people who say the schedule is easy, it’s not the point.

  9. Such a strange way to describe the Phillies dominance. ChatGPT might suggest a substitution there

  10. It was a nice sweep but isn’t Texas missing like half of their team due to injuries?

  11. In 2023, Atlanta had the biggest run differential at +213 runs.

    In 2024, with +90 run differential through 51 games, Philly is on-pace to hit a +286 run differential.

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