Tomas Plekanec has discovered the fountain of youth

Tomas Plekanec has discovered the fountain of youth

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  2. He’s only 40 lol it’s not like he’s 60, that’s what good fitness and nutrition will do for ya

  3. Turns out letting your neck breathe once in a while is good for skin

  4. He’s 41.

    That’s not exactly *old*. We just get our perspective on what’s considered old warped by hockey players retiring in their mid-30s, but that’s downright young. 

  5. I wonder if he’ll ever coach in the Habs system at some point? i.e. maybe the Habs could use a defensive F coach, or use him in Laval? I have the same hopes for Koach Kovalev too. It be cool to see an ex-Habs player be the 1st EU coach in the NHL.

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