Reacting to Bleacher Report’s 2024 NBA Mock Draft…

Reacting to Bleacher Report’s 2024 NBA Mock Draft…

so the Bleacher Report mock draft right here the Bleacher Report mock draft is again one of the big mock drafts one of the ones people are going to be looking at and we’re going to be going and reacting to this obviously live on stream right now this video is definitely going to be out long after I’m live on stream and the reason I’m reacting to this is because I’ve got like an hour to kill between the Denver Nuggets game and Timberwolves game and obviously the previous game which was the Knicks and the Pacers I’ve got an hour to kill between those games and I might as well go and react to some stuff and get some videos ready for tomorrow and the next day and after that so we’re looking right here at the bleacher Port mock draft which is after the lottery so number one Alex SAR everyone is going to mock alexar going number one alexar is going to be number one no ions or buts about it alexar is going to be number one like I don’t think there’s a scenario where he doesn’t go number one 71 216 lb I’m pretty sure he’s like 611 and a half without shoes 225 is what he measure that Pro comparison jiren Jackson Jr I don’t know if he’s as good as jiren Jackson Jr I don’t know how great is going to be straight away unless they trade clink aella which they probably will do I think clink I think alexar right now I don’t know how much better he is as of this minute than onaka kongu or capella so I don’t think he makes basically I don’t think he makes Atlanta Hawks better today and I also don’t know if he makes the Atlanta Hawks better quick enough that they’re going to be good with Trey young I think they’re going to be considering consistently in that middle I would take this guy number one but number two you’ve got Reet he’s taller than 68 he’s definitely bigger than 68 it says here Wizards could go consecutive years is drafting French Wings if the Atlanta Hawks pass on Ree and B kabali was good last year so like if you’re saying oh they don’t like French Wings they might not necessarily be uh wanting to get a bunch of French Wings then like they did well last year with bala kabali so why wouldn’t they take the risk again says Pro comparison Harrison Barnes I don’t I don’t hate that Pro comparison to be honest like he can’t really handle the ball that well but he’s 6 probably 69 610 closer to that than he is 6’8 it says if he’s able to show off more ball handling in creation he showed almost no ability to create off the dribble in the French league but he’s still a good Defender he’s still going to hit shots he’s going to be a hell of a player he is going to be a really good player so I’d say putting him in a twos fair enough Reed Shephard to the Houston Rockets okay okay I think he fits look re shaper will fit wherever and the Houston Rockets are a good team so I don’t mind this I don’t mind drafting a guy basically for fit someone that will be able to come in and compete because he’ll be able to shoot the ball in the play defense like taking re sheer to three is not the worst thing in the world I think Pro comparison Kirk Hinrich I think Kirk Hinrich is a lot better than what re sheard’s going to be like we can’t forget Kirk Hinrich was literally a starting point guard on Team USA and 06 like Kirk Hinrich is one of the most underrated players in the last 20 years but still he will he probably does play defense like Hinrich he’s not going to play the one like Kirk Hinrich did but the problem is that you’ve got a small point guard in Fred vanon you’ve got a small two guard in him if he comes in he’s obviously going to come off the bench and I think they probably need a Clingan type player more than they need a reed Shepard type player so like that’s not the um the biggest deal in the world or that’s not the greatest thing in the world taking him at three but he’s going to come in and help them off the bench if they don’t like anyone else it’s fine San Antonio Spurs selecting Nicola topic I think that’s the most likely selection uh Pro comparison Goran dragic I don’t agree with that at all I actually don’t like genuinely just because they’re from the same region of Europe like I don’t agree with that at all like his Pro comparison more so is like a Josh giddy he’s not a good shooter he’s not a good shooter like Spurs don’t have a ball hander puts pressure on defenses and the rim like topage topage is an unbelievable uh playmaker he’s going to attack the basket well and he can’t he can’t shoot he shows confidence seven the jumper and his free thr percentage has always been near above 80 like he still can’t he can’t shoot like you you can’t draft someone who can’t shoot and just expect them to be better to be able to shoot in the NBA you just can’t like if you’re willing to take nikoli topic if he assuming that he can’t shoot then cool but you can’t take him just expecting him to learn how to shoot because I don’t see that I don’t necessarily see that being the case I don’t see him being this like absolute sniper in the NBA and I think it’s just assumed that because he’s European he’s going to be able to shoot the Spurs can develop him to shoot why because they did it to Kawai 10 years ago 15 years ago Detroit Manas balis this is a done deal his freaking his agent I think is like the brother of one of the guys like high up in Detroit this is a done deal an absolute done deal Matas buellis going number five like there is he’s 610 611 can handle can shoot the ball can like he it is it’s just the idea of balis is better than the is could well be better than the player of balis like he was the number was he the number one recruit I know we projected to go number one in this draft like they thought he was going to go number one like he’s listed at 6’8 6’8 for balis nah he’s closer to 611 hio turku I will say there’s a guy lower in the draft that I think is more like hio turkalo than balis like as good as balis is um as good as balis is I don’t think he’s as close ASO turku as jerisich is but he is pretty good like he can handle it he’s a Wing he’s going to be able to be almost like a secondary or tertiary ball handler he can create his own shot of B and can also take the ball up there’s going to be stages where like you might be able to run him at a point guard if you’ve got obviously not guarding the point guard offensively because he was projected as like a 610 point guard coming into the ignite was terrible for the ignite but he does have not Super S potential but like really good player potential Stefan Castle um to Charlotte I think is actively not working out for Charlotte he will he is not working out for Charlotte so I can’t see them taking him here Pro comparison Anthony black he is better attack in the basket than Anthony black probably a similar level Defender and that’s not a bad Pro comparison honestly youo started his career playing like a Josh Hart’s Wiz Army if he’s not going to he’s going to Josh Hart to start his career let’s be real like Josh Hart was Josh Hart’s Elite like one of the more underrated players in all the basketball like Josh Hart I’m telling you people sleep on this guy like he is genuinely a great great basketball player but he played like he played the one in high school he can definitely like what he is is like a three and or not even three and he’s like a really good defensive a slashing two guard who hopefully learns how to shoot and has the ability to play the point guard at times so like he’s a point guard in the way that Josh Richardson was a point guard like he’s not like an out and out point guard he’s not an out and out point guard and if he comes into the league insisting he’s a point guard which supposedly he has the rumor is he’s not working out for Charlotte he’s not working out for Portland basically he just he’s San Antonio or nowhere and I don’t think San Antonio are going to take him because I think if San Antonio take to or Dilli him they’re not taking him with eight they’re not taking him a four either so I don’t know I think I have a feeling he’s going to cam Whitmore himself way down and think he’s going to cam Whitmore himself down the draft I don’t see him going six if he refus to work out Portland trailblaze are taking Donovan kingan um I don’t NE necessarily like this one I don’t like this because unless they plan trading DeAndre a why would you waste your seventh pick on a guy who will not start for you and I don’t think DeAndre at’s a bad player I actually don’t like people don’t like DeAndre Aton because they don’t like DeAndre Aton I think DeAndre Aon is genuinely genuinely like better he he quietly had a good season with exceptional pick and roll defense and outstanding Rim protection there’s a difference between being a good pick and roll defender in college and a good pick and roll defender in the NBA he gets he gets switched on to some guys like he’s going to be screwed on the perimeter he’s got great Mobility he didn’t show much more Mobility than freaking Edy he’s a good fit for Portland’s young guards reliable Target for easy B he’s coming off the bench he does like he does look like he can shoot a little bit but he’s coming off the bench DeAndre is a much better player than him right now I don’t see them taking taking at seven you see this number nine if he’s at number nine I think they take him I think Memphis take him the Spurs take Rob Dillingham and topic I don’t see that I really don’t see that they’re likely considered dealing with their first pick although to a 66 size could give him the Ed in a particular roster shot selection defensive concerns allow anonio to grab Dillingham with the Raptor’s pick he would give the lineup ball shot 47.8% off the catch like I like dillingh him I like Dillingham there’s no way to Spurs tape Rob Dillingham and niika toic like who’s still on the board at this stage like Ron Holland they’ll take Ron Holland Ron Holland’s still on the board Dalton connect is a shooter heck they might go and trade the pick they will not take two point guards there’s no need to take two point guards in this draft I know they need point guards there’s no need to take two unless they’re saying we don’t need any other position and point guard maybe we take two and hope that one of them’s good Dilli is a good like if dillian’s there at eight it is best player available but like unless they plan on sitting topage for the year or stashing topage I don’t see why you’d make that decision Ron Holland at nine is a good pickup for Memphis what I think is more likely the case is that Ron Holland goes seven to Portland and Donovan kingan is here at nine to Memphis I don’t see where Ron Holland fits with Memphis and I also don’t see where Donovan Klan fits for Portland as far as potentially being a starter like kamam Whitmore he’s a much better Defender than Kam Whitmore not the greatest shooter but he’s quick and will play defense he’s he’s better than cam like not better than cam Whitmore he’s nothing like cam Whitmore but again he’s young he was not bad in G he’s better than balis but again like obviously he has dropped a little bit in the draft so it kind of makes sense with taking him taking him at 9 will I be streaming game seven I will be doing a watchong yeah Dalton connect at number 10 I think he could very well go to San Antonio he’s 23 now he’s going to be good like he’s legitimately going to be good he fits in like he’ll fit in anywhere genuinely Dalton connect will fit in absolutely anywhere he’ll fit in with Utah he’ll fit in if he drops he’ll fit in with San Antonio because he’s just going to come in and shoot he’s going to come in and shoot he can score he’s one of my he’ll be one of my picks for Summer League MVP but he’s the guy that’s going to come in he’ll be ready he’ll be ready to play Cody Williams at number 11 I I actually like that pick but I don’t think the Bulls are going to take him I have a feeling he slips to 12 I think the Thunder are just going to take him I don’t know why I just think the Thunder are going to take him I have a feeling that the Bulls go and draft isaah ker I I know they don’t need Isaiah klier but it’s the Chicago Bulls Chicago Bulls being competent is not something we’ve seen in the last 10 years since the freaking rose deal we have not seen any competence at of Chicago Bulls I think they’re going to go best player available and believe that is Isaiah ker Isaiah klier is somebody that obviously could be better or was expected to be better but Cody Williams is actually a nice pick he’s 6 68 69 can shoot a little bit he’s going to be a good Defender he’s probably not going to be Jaden McDaniel’s good on defense but he’s good he is good if the balls going and get him it’s a smart enough pick but I actually think he could go um he’s probably going to go to the Thunder Tyler Smith like okay why just why why would the Thunder take Tyler Smith here like just why like I I get it a stretch big they don’t need another stretch big unless he’s a shop locker and dominant which is20 at 611 so I doubt that there’s no taking another player from the ignite I just don’t see it I don’t see it he’s a project player I don’t I don’t see it over to John Salone and they probably would do better with him I they need that more than they need a wing but again they have us man Jane there I actually you know what Thunder have just too many asses they can take whoever the hell they want it doesn’t matter whoever they just have a feeling on whoever works out well for them to take they have way too many assets Jared McCain and a 13 this is the highest I’ve seen him mocked and I mean he is one of the better scorers in the draft and as well as that like let’s be real let’s be real he’s going to bring in some Tik Tok followers Jared McCain is 1 million per going to bring in the Tik Tok followers and you’re going to get people watching for him he’s going to be he’s as much of a draw as a 13 pick has been in a long time he shoots the lights out and he come coming off the bench he could be nice especially because they’re probably losing Malik monk like I don’t think he’s going to immediately come in as a Malik monk equivalent but he might like play that type of role be that spark plug scorer Off the Bench he could he could be really good and that’s not a bad I don’t mind that a 13 I do think that again if this is the way it goes and tjon Salone is still on the board I think that he he probably do take him but like you can see obviously looking at the comments he’s a Daven Mitchell replacement he’s the literal opposite the DAV Mitchell but it is interesting like replacing the allout defense with the allout offense but no I like m game jacobe Walter he’s again he’s again somebody that like dropped a lot and I don’t know cuz like you could be getting a steal and if you’re Portland with a second first round pick do you take jacobe Walt it’s not a terrible pick especially if they take Donovan kingan because they don’t need a point guard he’s going to be able to play on the wing he can handle the ball a little bit like he’s in sh I guess like I don’t know I wasn’t anytime I watched him I did not watch him play much I just wasn’t impressed anytime I saw him um but if he does go 14 like especially with how high he’s projected at the start of the year that’s not a crazy take like if he’s kcp you get a kcp of 14 this draft fair enough Isaiah Kier 15 we’re just going to quickly go over over the rest of lottery I think Isaac ker goes in the lottery not going to lie kle where 16 with the way to draft is fair enough Terence shanan Jr Devin Carter down a little bit Kyle filipowski is Salona is he they have Salona 20 Tristan the Silva toan Salona 21 if a team can pick him up a 21 they’ve got a hell of a player like if he somehow Falls to like Zach edia 23 if Salon falls in the way that niik yic falls on a team like are there any good teams there at the end of the lottery or like a Timberwolves can pick him up or even a Denver he could be very very good where do they have um Bobby Clinton from Sweden they got a Swedish guy out here at 31 obviously this is before the draft combine so obviously they have what’s his name really really low jurisich I just want to see where they where they have jurisich like this guy here um Baylor H sheerman he bowled out in the draft combine as well like he might actually go up a few step a few um picks as well they don’t do they not have this Melvin a jinka guy if you guys don’t know this guy was the main man on a team with both Alex SAR and um Alex s and Zachary R were both on the French team this guy was their main guy he was their main man like which is crazy like I don’t think he projects to be as good in the NBA but he was their main man Adam Bon is going Adam Bon is going above he’s going higher than 50 he is 100% going higher than 50 Antonio Reeves C Spencer 50 6 kind of go at the end bronnie James is also going to go at 55 it’s only 58 picks so no jurit from what I can see unless I missed him which is a bit of a surprise I think 17 was 17 was what’s his name yeah it was Devin Carter what was it Deon Carter no teren Shannon Jr but yeah that is the Bleacher Report mock draft

Bleacher Report’s 2024 NBA Draft Lottery (Reaction). In this video we are going to be talking about the 2024 nba draft lottery. the atlanta hawks got the number 1 overall pick and are probably going to take alex sarr.

Gaming Channel:

2024 Draft Lottery (Full Breakdown). In this video we are going to be talking about the 2024 nba draft lottery. the atlanta hawks got the number 1 overall pick and are probably going to take alex sarr. the pistons got screwed with the number 5 overall pick

BBALL Daily:
THe basketball youtube channel of the well known NBA 2k youtuber DBG. This channel is ran by a former Irish international and former Irish Superleague basketball player who also has won multiple national titles as a coach at both the high school and collegiate level in Ireland. this channel will talk about nba news, nba stories as well as basketball news from all over the world

  1. Stephon Castle has more upside than Sheppard or Dillingham because they are both 6’1
    If you pick up topic, you have to get a secondary because he’s injury prone.
    But he sucks anyway

  2. Because of his recent injury history, I do not believe the Spurs will go with Nikola Topic at #4.
    They now will likely go for Stephon Castle, if Zacharrie Risacher is taken by Houston. I think the Spurs take Risacher if he is available at #4. But Castle, if not.
    If one more person mocks Rob Dillingham to the Spurs, I may literally puke. 🤮 At 159 pounds, Dillie will have trouble contending with the big guards in the NBA West.
    If the Spurs take Castle at #4, they need not waste pick #8 on Dillingham.
    Take Castle at #4 and then best player available at #8. Not Dillingham.

  3. You are incorrect about the Spurs picks. Dillingham is a homeless man's version of Allan Iverson: a shooting guard in a point guards body. Ideally, the Spurs would either use him as Ginobelli or how the Pistons used Vinnie Johnson: instant offense off the bench

  4. Dbg i find it crazy that a womans wnba player (clark) draws 10x the amount of views than your other videos. Turn this into a caitlin clark channel lol i think wembenyama videos will do well too

  5. Two guys I want are Clingan, Castle
    If castle not available,
    Clingan, Dilly or Clingan, Sheppard.
    I’d be happy with these picks.
    Put Wemby at 4 for more offensive freedom

  6. Upcoming FA point guards
    Pat Bev, De’Anthony Melton, Kris Dunn, Delon Wright
    All defensive minded Vet PG’s.
    Nobody would want Dilly and let either one of these vet PG’s play about 10-15 minutes per game?

  7. Look at T’Wolves right now. They proving you can go big man lineup again as long as they are agile. Clingan that big body everybody wants Wemby to have. Wemby, Vassell, Dilly or Sheppard can shoot knowing Clingan there for the cleanup or second chance opportunities. Then Spurs have more size to help Wemby defend and rebound. Sochan is not a PF, he’s a SF primary PF secondary

  8. …with the 4th pick… Spurs should get risacher…and if he's taken…maybe buzelis castle Ron Holland Cody Williams…I think topic only if pop is going to treat him like he did young Tony Parker…cause topic could be good but he needs that tough coaching Tony got…if he gets the pop of the last 3 years…I rather get a player that is more NBA ready… whatever player we get with the 4 pick he needs to start right away…

  9. The wizard pick would be very silly. They need a guard. A Pg. That 6'8 pg should be their target. Not another Kuzma. Dude seems like a poor man Luka. That would be a great start especially if hes even half as good as Luka.

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