Miami Dolphins OTAs Day 3!

yesterday was day three of OTAs and yes normally I report on OTAs after the day is over but yesterday was also incredibly crazy for me so we’re going to jump into this guy we look at a little things here and there I’m going to talk some Miami Dolphins [Music] football what is up fan fans day three of the OTAs like I said was yesterday in the books they’re going to get a break uh for Friday Saturday Sunday Monday then the media it’s open to the media on Tuesday the 28th so we’ll get a little bit more in depth then they have the 29th the 31st get another little break until mandatory mini camps and then another big big break then training camps three joint practices two with the Falcons one with Tampa Bay and one with Washington it’s going to be a very interesting entertaining um training camp but before we jump into today’s video talking a little OTAs talking a little outside of OTAs talking kind of the team in general I have to shout out today’s sponsor and that is clean the world love love love being partnered with Sean cyer and clean the world I’ve talked about them a lot if you’re new to the channel and you don’t know what clean the world is first click the link in the description clean go check check him out repurpose soap repurpose all these things puts fantastic kits together for people of need you get socks soaps shampoos toothpaste toothbrushes helps their world countries homeless people of needs he has shower stations he also hit me up and wanted me to inform you guys that they are partnering with some great also people to put together a huge discount on the Carnival Cruise in in July so they are partnering with the wash Foundation the prices now are at 80% discount Royal Caribbean donated all of the rooms to clean the world and the wash foundation so when people purchase the cruise from us it’s 100% proceeds to the wash foundations world’s largest ship it’s a maen voyage only 50% occupancy on the ship WiFi drinks included it’s incredible offer I also put that link in the description if you’re like hey I’d like to go on a cruise and I’d like to get 80% discount click the link in the description it will say cruise with a purpose from the wash Foundation doing some great things for great people and also trying to hook you guys up with also some great things so now let’s jump into a little bit of what happened today so well yesterday not today OTAs baby it was here this is the guys out there getting ready we got David long Jr there’s the quarterbacks Tu Tonga talking to Welker going out there’s the DTs D lineman weird seeing 94 and not being Christian Wilkins got all our guys running out there getting ready now again the media wasn’t there so we didn’t get a kind of list of who was there who wasn’t there but looks like looks like they’re kind of excited to get it going and you see who who is the orange Jersey that is none other than Austin Jackson so Austin Jackson also had a a little bit of a playlist because if you know when you win well not win but when you’re voted for um the orange Jersey you get a playlist now his songs were uh a bar song Tipsy by shabzi graduate by Third ey blind can we talk by Tevin co uh Campbell Unwritten by Natasha benningfield which is hilarious and Candy Rain by Soul for Real The Graduate by Third Eye Blind is was a huge surprise by me also a very happy surprise because I love thirde Eye Blind and that is such a good song like just an awesome awesome song so again otaa is close to the public so I don’t have a lot of details on hey you know so and so had a nice day so and so didn’t have a nice day who who was there who wasn’t there obviously we saw with our eyes CER was there and Tua was there and some other of these guys were there so it seems like a big portion of the guys who weren’t there on Tuesday cila wasn’t there Tuesday Janu wasn’t there Tuesday like 90% of the starters weren’t there Tuesday uh were there yesterday Thursday getting their reps in getting more comfortable with each other but I want to show you this I want to show you this as well and this comes uh and I want you we’re going to listen to it as well because I really like what is said here from TU Tong of VOA so you could see here this is Tua working out now this obviously wasn’t today because I already showed you that Tua was at OTAs today but this is Tu working with um Tyreek and Jaylen Wadd on their own and you can hear how he’s kind of talking to them boom and they can catch it like here or like here while they’re still in transition I mean to just turn up like so he’s kind of talking about like how he’s going to put the ball where he’s going to put the ball I love that yes Tua wasn’t there for a portion of not even OTAs but the other stuff um wait what is he saying here come back inside outs so myout could be a little Shor though my boy I just love that he’s getting together with these guys and he’s building on that continuity and he’s building on the knowing where they’re going to be talking about where the pass is going to be when he throws it how he’s saying if the defender’s here or if the defender’s there I’m going to lead you here I’m going to lead you there he’s working with them he’s working with them I told you he he wasn’t on the field for it wasn’t even OTAs I don’t even I what you want to call it uh but he was working with Malik Washington like that I like that he’s building that Rapport he’s still building that connection with w and Tyreek Hill I’m expecting big things from the three of them this off this upcoming season and possibly four of them with obj possibly five of them with John new Smith I’m I’m very excited about all of that so that’s kind of the things that I want to talk about otaa wise I want to talk about something that is invol olved next week and that is June 1st now I’m going to go into a whole video about the money I’m going to talk about the cap space I’m going to talk about 2025 cap space because I know some people are either worried about it or getting false information about how 2025 cap cap space is going to work but a lot of this otaa stuff it’s organized team activities right it’s voluntary but I was talking with Omar Kelly a lot obviously we did a show together together on the channel not yes well kind of yesterday depending on when you saw it um and also I did a show with him over on the Miami Herold and we were talking a lot and he was telling me how looking at the defensive tackles and looking at some aspects of the team that the Dolphins probably are sitting back like okay we need to address this we need to add to this or this isn’t good enough and I think that is a big portion of OTAs you know you have your rookies you have your new guys those are the guys who it’s most important to be at the OTAs that’s why if you noticed with Brooks he was kind of like um Jordan Brook I don’t think is is there an S I think it’s Jordan Brooks he was like Oh I thought this was you know to me this is mandatory because he’s new um most of the Defenders it should have been mandatory because it’s a new system but also it’s for Chris Greer it’s for Mike McDaniel it’s for uh Anthony Weaver it’s for all of these guys to kind of look and say okay we’re kind of slacking in this area we need to make a move now again I I told you uh probably on Saturday or maybe that Friday Friday’s OTAs maybe that Friday I’ll still do it I’ll make a video talking about who again what areas need to be addressed and how they could address them because again there was a rumor out there about going out and getting Jonathan Allen from the Washington commanders I wouldn’t be against it for the right price but again we’ll Del more into that but as I was talking to Omar Kelly is telling me that you know tart when they’re doing their running drills was like a good 20 yards behind everyone gased out that’s not good now are they going to have a rotation with the 400 defensive tackles they have maybe but I’m hoping with um what’s going on in OTAs and then mandatory mini camp that time period in between mandatory mini camp and training camp they might be like all right maybe these 400 the defensive tackles we brought in aren’t going to be a good enough onew combo with sealer maybe we do need to go out and see if we can grab somebody um and that or also the safety tandem hey we need another safety because you know puyer yes he’s up there in age but maybe we can add somebody else to B you know get in there with dvon Holland whether it’s quandre Diggs whether it’s Justin Simmons whether it’s Adams I don’t know and then also they could see the interior offensive line you know because there’s a lot of question marks and this is another video questions going into trading camp that need to be answered so there’s a lot that’s still you know that’s why these OTAs are you know n there they’re nonsense whereas you know people reporting on it you’re probably like who cares man it’s OTAs but there’s things that are coming out coming up to the surface that okay need to be addressed and that’s what you can see in OTAs before you hit training camp so you can get your guys in there and not have to hurry up and get them moving along with the system so comment below let me know what you guys think of today’s video it’s a short one but I kind of want to give you guys a little bit of an update on what I heard and what I saw and all that stuff again shout out to Omar Kelly love working with him and he can give me some of that inside source that I can’t read in the papers or I can’t read on Twitter he can tell me like listen you look out for so and so because I noticed this and I’ll take it and you know put in my memory bank and obviously if I can let you guys know I’m going let you guys know but comment below let me know what you guys think about that go check out the Miami herold’s YouTube channel that’s where you could see a video with me uh Josh housez Biggie and Omar little bit of a little huge collab between the four of us on the Miami herold’s YouTube channel it’s good time good time go check it out and I’ll see you guys probably tomorrow but if not tomorrow definitely on Monday uh and then OTAs is back open to the media on Tuesday so you get that video as well but other than that like usual Stay classy and f up


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  1. I like the partnership with Shawn and 'Clean the World' Shawn is doing good work thanks for spreading the message.

    Gambling has led to much destruction in many families. I know they always put the gamble responsibly ( to meet lawyer loop holes protecting the companies from lawsuits of promoting sports gambling as harmless) probably. Being able to gamble one's families living away or putting extreme debt on a household is dangerous from just a click of a button. These companies exist not from giving away money but from taking money they win more than the viewer. I get the fun of sport gambling but not the best to expect sponsorship from companies that are not 'clean the world' status that does good.

  2. Good morning Fin Fan's. Always enjoy watching you explain what going on with the Fin's problems. Can't wait until the Season starts. Go Fin's 🏈 🐬

  3. Unwritten has made a comeback via TikTok. My daughter had it on her Spotify playlist. I was like "how do you know this song?"

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