Stephon Castle is DESTORYING his Draft Stock…

Stephon Castle is DESTORYING his Draft Stock…

so the NBA draft is in a couple of weeks and obviously workouts are going to be happening the draft combine has just happened and I’m telling you guys right now there is one draft prospect who is honestly pulling one of the riskiest moves I think I may have ever seen from a draft prospect and it is Stefon Castle before we get on to if you guys are new to the channel subscribe tring 3,000 subscribers as soon as possible anyway now let’s get on to the video but Stefan Castle what he’s doing is he is B basically saying if teams have a point guard that he doesn’t want to be drafted by them because he wants to be drafted by San Antonio I’m not going to lie I think everyone wants to be drafted by San Antonio because you’re thinking okay this is a young team this is a young team they need someone in my position and eventually they’re going to be really good like that is just the way that teams are going to be looking at San Antonio you’re going to be playing with wemi I don’t think I actually don’t think they that they take Stefan Castle Stefan Castle is not a good enough shooter and you need a lot of shooting around wemi and I know topic isn’t a good enough shooter ston Castle is worse but it’s like do you take Stefan Castle’s defense or do you take top which’s playmaking I think they’re going to Value the playmaking more in the defense if you wanted a large defense like you don’t they don’t need they don’t need San Castle they just straight up don’t need him as good as he is he’s really really good they don’t need him but the problem is he’s now saying that he is oh he is a point guard that if a team doesn’t has a point guard he doesn’t want to go there so where he was projected to be picked um at six a lot of people thought he was going to go six to Charlotte they’re not going to take him three at Houston Houston aren’t going to take him he’s was never going to go number two but he he might go number two unless he shoots up the board he might go number two um Houston are going to take him Portland are going to take him he’s not doing a workout with H or with I don’t think he’s working out with Utah as far as I’m aware he’s not working out with Charlotte he’s not working out with Portland he’s not working out with Memphis at 9 so he’s basically hoping that four or eight the Spurs take him and I don’t think the Spurs take him with four and if they can get one of their guys a point guard four I don’t think they take him at eight either and then you’re now looking Suddenly at Chicago Bulls at 11 I don’t think he works out for Chicago either if he doesn’t want to play point guard or if he sorry if he’s insisting on playing point guard then at number 12 he’s not going to get over shet OKC H number 13 is the Sacramento Kings dearon Fox if he’s refusing to work out for all these guys and insisting he is a starting point guard and not even like some teams don’t even have backup point something done backup point guards where he could come in in that role and he’s not working out for teams that have a starting point guard so he’s dead set on that he’s been quite badly advised that by his agent because Stefan Castle is a guarant almost a guaranteed top eight pick in the draft however he might be cam whitmor himself like I don’t know exactly what happened with Cam Whitmore but if he’s refusing to work out with teams because he wants to be a starting point guard and these teams are all saying oh he’s not going to be our starting point guard so let’s uh let’s not take him with the draft like there’s sure there’s probably going to be a team that just says screw it I don’t care that he doesn’t want to be here I don’t care that he doesn’t want to work out for us we’re taking him anyway but if it doesn’t happen you start to look down the draft and he falls out of the he might fall out of the lottery I’m not joking in the fact that he legitimately might fall out of the lottery from a guy who could be the fourth pick could be the second pick honestly one of the best players in this draft it is not out of around possibility that due to his own doing due to him and his agent he might fall out of the damn Lottery and it’s a risky game it is a risky risky game but it could pay off if he’s dead set being in San Antonio there is a scenario where this happens in the draft and San Antonio I think take him if teams go cold on ret and the first pick ends up being SAR obviously if the Wizards instead of taking ret who people think they’re going to take take Donovan kinging at two and then at number three the Rockets going and take someone like Reed Shepard that can happen or even maybe the Rockets take Rob Dillingham as a backup spark plug there’s no question about that that could happen or maybe topich goes two if the Wizards fall in love with him at three you’ve got clean then cuz the houst Rockets want the size with reuch available at four but if re is not available at four it’s highly unlikely that San Antonio goes to font Castle it’s highly unlikely they take him they’re almost certainly going to take one of those two point guardes and to jilling him they’re going to almost certainly take one of those two guys because just what they necessarily need beside W they either shooting or playmaking Stan Castle is brilliant but he’s neither them we nether to the level of what those two guys are so what I’m guessing is is that if Reay Falls to four it means topage or dilling taken before that and it means there potential the dillingham’s not on the board at eight or topich and if that’s the case stod cast at h to San Antonio orderwise he’s now in a situation where he is going to either be drafted by a team he doesn’t want to be drafted by or fall out of the lottery which is mad for what a guy who could be one of the three best players in his draft like it’s not out of the realm of possibility that he goes second that is how good Stefan Castle is but with just through what he’s done he could start the slide and I’m just trying to think of like guys that guys that have like slid like this obviously I don’t know what happened with Cam with more sliding like I’ve never seen a guy slide from potentially 4th to 20th before like it was between apparently it’s between cam Whitmore and am man Thompson for Houston at four and they took am man Thompson and then in their 20th pick they got the guy the other guy they wanted to take it for I I genuinely still don’t know what happened there because it was nothing to do with his play his attitude seems okay he’s steel a 20 but you’ve also got um try year before not no one that I can really remember I mean like iunu maybe in 2021 when he was like projected to be pretty good and he fell to um he F I think he fell to the second round he’s actually been pretty good in the NBA as well um I think the sunu was he a second round pick I I actually can’t for the life of me it just reminds me of like I don’t know your man from the Draft Day movie who went from like 1 to six yeah the went was a second round pick and like I remember seeing him mocked as high as 15 but like we’ve never seen somebody mocked as I’ve seen I’ve seen Castle mock as high as two I’ve seen people arguing that he might he could well be the number one pick we’ve never seen that guy drop out of the lottery before and like even nland Noel when he dropped a six was wild every pick then I hope he knows what he’s doing I hope he has before not taking his workouts he has some assurances because if I was his agent I would work out until every team I want to go there because the higher you’re picked the more um money you make simple simple as that no guarantee for second contract if you’re picked in the lottery and if you’re pick in the top 10 you’re set for life if you’re smart with money um but obviously um they’re very much pushing for him to go to one spot and I don’t think that one spot takes him I really don’t I actually think he’s not going to be the worst pick in the world for San Antonio because you can only like you if you are good enough scorer if you can play make a bit you’re a tall guard and you can defend there is a spot in the league for you it’s just not what San Antonio need running the one obviously different type of player better at the one than Jeremy soan much more experienced but we’ve seen like what non-play making non shooting point guards with wemi like what that has been and the Fallen Castle obviously don’t call him Jeremy soan he’s way better at the one than him we’ve still seen how much Wy can struggle without either a playmaker or shooter or spacing and unfortunately I just don’t think Stefan Castle necessarily fits with W especially at the one maybe as a wing if he develops bit of a jump shot if they manage to take him at eight and say you know what we don’t care you want to be a one you play a two I don’t think he’d be the worst pick at Ace if they get their point guard a four I just don’t think they do it because again he’s adamant on being a point guard unless he’s just literally saying this as a smoke screen to get to San Antonio um and he’s willing to play too when he’s there because surely wherever he goes he’ll play wherever he plays but it is a bow move it’s a ballsy move and who knows if it’s going to pay off

Stephon Castle is DESTORYING his Draft Stock…. In this video we are going to be talking about the 2024 nba draft lottery. the atlanta hawks got the number 1 overall pick and are probably going to take alex sarr.

Gaming Channel:

2024 Draft Lottery (Full Breakdown). In this video we are going to be talking about the 2024 nba draft lottery. the atlanta hawks got the number 1 overall pick and are probably going to take alex sarr. the pistons got screwed with the number 5 overall pick

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THe basketball youtube channel of the well known NBA 2k youtuber DBG. This channel is ran by a former Irish international and former Irish Superleague basketball player who also has won multiple national titles as a coach at both the high school and collegiate level in Ireland. this channel will talk about nba news, nba stories as well as basketball news from all over the world

  1. Risacher at 4
    Castle or Tidjane at 8

    I would walk away a happy happy happy Man.


    Possible trade:

    Spurs Receive: #9 overall pick

    Grizzlies receive: Keldon Johnson and Zach Collins and our 2 second round picks.

    In this scenario.

    Risacher at 4
    Castle at 8
    Tidjane at 9


    Spurs Receive: Josh Giddey , #12 overall pick

    Thunder receive: Keldon Johnson, Malaki Branham, Zach Collins and our 2 second round picks

    In this scenario

    Risacher at 4
    Castle at 8
    Tidjane at 12

  2. personally for the Spurs, I’d take Dillingham at #4 and trade down to also draft Edey. Dillingham, Vassell, Keldon, Wemby and Edey would be a solid, young lineup

  3. You’re misquoting Stephon Castle. He never said he only wanted to go to a team with a starting PG position available. He said he sacrificed in college and played out of position so now he wants to go to a team that will allow him to play in his natural PG position. That is totally understandable and won’t hurt his stock. The Spurs may take him at 4 or 8 depending on if Risacher is available at 4. Also, he had one of the best scores on the shooting drill so he has potential to become a good shooter.

  4. He's not gonna gamble with his future like that, there's only one reason for him to do this: he's had assurance by a team that they'll take him at <insert draft spot here>.

  5. The Spurs will take him! I am an actual Spurs fan. He's a tenacious defender who wants to take it to the basket instead of just settling for 3's mostly. He can play the 1, 2 ,and 3. Pop loves those type of players!

  6. As a Spurs fan, yes we need shooting but we need playmaking and defense more. Shooting can and will develop, and shooters are a dime a dozen in this era where you can find some for a bargain. Big guards that can and, more importantly, are willing to play good defense is so valuable. This team’s defense was horrendous despite Vic’s presence. We desperately need perimeter defense.

  7. … I wouldn't be surprised if the Spurs get two french player's…with the 4th and 8th picks… risacher and tidjane…if risacher is not there at 4…I would get buzelis with the 4th pick… risacher dillingham and buzelis are my picks for roty this coming season…

  8. I wanted the spurs to pick Riach and Castle, a starting lineup of Castle Vassel Riach Sochan Wemby probably isn't winning anything yet because of problems on offense, but WOW that DEFENSE is crazy, amazing transition buckets

  9. For me as a Spurs fan it's a +. by hurting his draft stock you know he's not here for the bag 💵. He's here because he think he can impact winning on a team that need a PG.
    Better your draft pos. is better💲you get. If he's ready to go down for that reason, it's a very good sign.

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