#MLBVideos: Cubs vs. Cardinals Sox Game Highlights (5/25/24) | MLB Highlights

Cubs vs. Cardinals Sox Game Highlights (5/25/24) | MLB Highlights

Miles Michael, who in his career has a sub 26, a against the Cubs. He’s always seemingly kept them in check, but so far this year in 10 starts, it’s been a little up and down. The leadoff man for the Cubs is aboard the batter cody Bellinger. Here’s a ground ball off the bat of Bellinger 463 inning ending double play to win to Goldschmidt. That’s what Michael was looking for in a clean first inning Jamison. The start of the season with a back injury that he suffered during the spring, but he makes his seventh start. Brendan Donovan as the leadoff batter Donovan lifts one the other way well struck Tauchman back all the way to the warning track, still backing and he’s able to hold on and make the catch on the lead. The last two weeks have been a nice jump and boost for Goldschmidt who was mired in an zero for 32 slump and now he has started to turn things around. Things are going well, base hits like that seemingly find the outfield and Goldschmid as a two out single for ST Louis arena, couldn’t pick up the breaking ball for strike three works around the two out single ty with a clean first back to the top. And Brendan Donovan who launched a fly ball all the way out to the wall in left field in the first inning. That’s a hard hit ball by Donovan. Typical of him this season. He’s aboard with a one out single hit and run again. Donovan was taken off and puts it right where he wanted it into right field and Cruz into third with the runner going the middle infielders kind of cheat a little bit towards the second base bag, but I don’t think Horner could have done anything with that anyways had a soft single to right his first time roller off the mound of second picked up by Horner, tough play to get goldschmidt that will score the run from third and Donovan takes third base and the Cardinals strike first. It’s 1 to 0 struck out on a breaking ball back in the first looking for his first RB I in the last five games with a flare to center field and that will extend the cardinal lead it 2 to 0.A two strike muscle shot into center field to give the Cardinals a two run advantage. He’s one of the best I’ve ever seen at keeping his hands in the barrel through the zone as long as possible. This is a great pitch up and in , he doesn’t try to do too much with it. He doesn’t pull off and try to drive the ball to left. He stayed up the middle with it. Got the run home. Here’s Burleson and he goes the other way into the gap in left center is going to hustle for third. It is cut off by Bellinger that will hold Burles into a well struck single. His hit streak goes to nine straight games and the Cardinals keep the line moving, keeping it going with two outs and it brings in Nolan Gorman bouncing ball to first Busch is there and he’ll tap the bag but two runs. Suzuki and Bellinger here in the fourth inning against Miles Michael Tauchman flares it into right field that’s down for a base hit for the Cubs leadoff man is aboard with their second hit of the night against Michael and that’s out. Number two in the batter is more. Taman goes pitches outside, throw down by herrera and is safe. Horrell will take ball four and he is aboard Niko Horner. The batter Horner drives one in the air left field and deep back goes Donovan near the wall. Donovan at the wall can’t get it. That ball is off the wall two run score ball game tied on a two run double by Niko Horner. He just missed a home run and Donovan just missed making a leaping catch ball game. This ball is really well struck. Donovan gets to the wall but it will be a double and a two run double for Nikko Horner Bush in the center field racing. It is. He’s got it. Here comes more. Or the Horner beg your pardon? The play at the plate. He saved a second that gets away and Busch will take a few steps off the bag and hold on and the Cubs have taken the lead second time through again. Adam, it’s not easy to stay on a breaking ball and hit it up the middle like that slow and outside like that, but he did it. Donovan retired will come up goes the other way. Tough play for wisdom to try to make is able to it past him for a base. Hit his second of the night ball , gets away from Umaya on to second base. New good job by Nar anticipating the ball in the dirt. A 2 to 1 bouncing ball left side. It’s a fair ball wisdom trying to make a very difficult play and he does new bar alertly will take third base as wisdom is able to get the second out good play all around that time. Wisdom with an excellent play to get goldschmidt. Wisdom’s got one of those patented third base arms like Scotty Roland used to have where they get that true four backspin that such good carry on the ball. But we’ve seen in the upper eighties from throws across the diamond over there at third, he’s got a great arm popped up. Swanson ranging out Bellinger coming in, it will be Swanson to hold on. A Burleson leads off for the Cardinals facing Jamison Ty towards the gap slicing in the left center field and a great jump by Bellinger to flag it down. He’s got it for out. Number one, there’s Nolan Gorman. Gorman facing off the end of the bat. This one floating into center Bellinger, another long run, he won’t get to this one and Gorman drops it down for a base, hit one out single for Gorman to set it up for herrera. Runner goes in there for a strike. No shot to look at Gorman who has his second stolen base of the season pitch. Number 101 is grounded to third scoop by wisdom. He looks the runner back to second in Gorman and he retires Herrero for out number two that will bring up. Nguyen reaches out pokes it in the left field to tie the game. Dorman scores all the way to the corner allowing Nguyen to scoot into second base with a game tying two out double as hot as any cardinal in the lineup. He ties the game at three. Look at this pitch, it’s down and away. This one he stays on, pulls it down the line, he’s hitting the ball to all fields and when hitters are covering line to line, it’s very tough to pitch. Again. The Cubs got three of their four hits in that three run inning in the fourth and very little outside of that inning. 32 pitch Busch on the ground to second over his dorman sliding play and Goldschmidt lost the ball. That was a tough play by Gorman going all the way to his left and making the sliding stop. But you can tell that throw is a little off target. I’m not so sure he didn’t hold on. The Cardinals do that. I think they should look at it. The runners safe, ST Louis loses two aboard with one away. Here is Patrick Wisdom pulls one on the ground. That is a fair ball down the line that’s going to give the Cubs the lead. Busch will score the tough Kam Wisdom to get into second base. He drives in the go ahead, run it 4 to 3 and that error comes back to ST Louis and that’s a good job of wisdom. It’s a tough, it’s a tough matchup for. I know he’s got the good sinker stays on, it hits it right down the line. Nothing. Arenado could do about this. Revamped cubs bullpen has Tyson Miller making his fourth appearance with the Cub and Paul Goldschmidt greets him rudely with a base hit into left field all the way to the wall. He’s looking for extra bases. Tuchman will not get the ball in in time and Goldschmidt with a two out double jumping on the first pitch he sees from Miller. Now, Arenado shot roller to short for Swanson. He’ll retire. Arena and Miller leave a man in scoring position and keep the Cubs in front. It’s 4 to 3 as we go to the eighth inning. It’s a leadoff single for Seal Suzuki blocked at the plate by Herrero recovers and throws got Suzuki in time good recovery by herrera behind the plate having to move to his left and he got Suzuki cut down. Now, Bellinger strokes this one to right center that’s down for a base hit single for Bellinger. And the batter now is Christopher Morell Morell. First pitch swinging into right that will drop in front of New Bar. Bellinger had to hold up a little bit between 1st and 2nd but three singles against Romero to start off this inning and here is Niko Waves and misses a rare strikeout. Romero is able to get him out on the slider a 31 to Busch on the ground to second. Norman’s got it and the inning is over, Romero does his job and the tying run is aboard for ST Louis to start the bottom of the eighth, Nolan Gorman. A hit and a run scored in the sixth. Gorman hits it into right field. That’s a base hit over the glove of corner holding up at second Burleson and the first two men have reached with singles for ST Louis in the eighth. The tying and go ahead runs are aboard with nobody out a payoff pitch. Herrera takes called strike three on the outside corner. Now, Mason win popped up, Bush is over and he’s got it for out number two. Well, this is an opportunity to use the veteran Matt carpenter who made his major league debut on June 4th 2011 at this stadium against the Cubs a swing and there’s a base hit right field. Suzuki comes up with the ball. Here’s the throw a play at the plate. Burleson slides save, save at the plate. We’re tied at four. A close play. The call goes to the Cardinals and a hit for carpenter driving in the tying run, sending the go ahead run to third and the Cubs are going to want to look at this very close play at the plate. Did Burleson get his hand in or not the throw by Suzuki accurate? And the home plate umpire Corey Blazer called Burleson safe but I think they should go the Cardinals way. Burleson got his hand in before he was tagged. He’s safe. He is safe way to go. Matt Carpenter. And what a dash for Alec Burleson 12 to Donovan bouncing ball left. That’s through the Cardinals. Take the lead. Gorman scores. Here comes Carlson and the Cardinals come up clutch in the eighth and I smell the coffee brewing. A two run opposite field single for Brendan Donovan and the Cardinals play three runs with two outs and a new pitcher in the game for the Cubs. Porter Hodge struck out three in his big league debut earlier this week. He throws a wild pitch and that will send Donovan into scoring position as well nar towards the cap right center field and the Cardinals will tack on another one with two outs and New Bar is gunning for three. It’s an RB I AAA triple for Lars New Bar 7 to 4 in favor of the Cardinals in the bottom of the eighth And the two outscoring continues and what a big extra run that is. And the Cubs have the leadoff man on base. Nick Madrigal batting for the first time. His job right now get on base any way you can and Madrigal with two strikes comes up and knocks it into center field Swanson second and Ian half will come to the plate as the tying run with nobody out to half. First pitch swinging right center field long run for Carlson all the way back to the track. He’s got it back to first base goes. Madrigal. Swanson will tag from second back to the top of the order. Here is mike Tauchman. Tauchman swings away and flips it into right field. A base hit Swanson will score. Madrigal will stop at second and the Cubs get a run 7 to 5 and the tying run is on base for Chicago here in the top of the ninth, Suzuki lifts one deep left, center field on the move is Donovan and Busch Stadium will do its job for a pitcher. Madrigal will take third, staying at first base is Tuchman and they are two down in the inning. But now it’s Cody Bellinger who has had more go ahead RBIs than any player in baseball since the start of last year. First pitch swinging. It’s a base that will score a run. Madrigal is in. Tuchman will take third as Bellinger delivers and it’s a 7 to 6 ball game. Here’s Morrell with a chance to tie the game Morrell with a bouncing ball to second and Borman is there to tag the bag and finish it off and end the Cubs threat. Helsley hangs on for the save and the first meeting of the year between the rivals was a fun 17 to 6. ST Louis.

Cubs vs. Cardinals full game highlights from 5/25/24

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