Is the 2024 NBA Draft WORSE Than 2013?? (Breakdown)

Is the 2024 NBA Draft WORSE Than 2013?? (Breakdown)

so a lot of people are calling the 2024 NBA draft the worst of all time people are calling it the worst of all time I don’t think it’s going to be that because the 2,000 draft exists but one draft that’s very very comparable to it is the 2013 NBA draft and the 2013 NBA draft is one where we thought it was bad at the time it ended up being bad but there were two guys in Rudy goar and Janis Sant compo who were Tak and lighten that draft who ended up being Allstar or Superstars are you best player in the world yanis and unbelievable player in Rudy Gober one of the best defenders ever that can happen any in any year’s draft you never know especially when it comes to overseas Prospect you never know who’s going to pan out you never know which ones are going to be good like again as I’ve like I’m talking I’ll talk about in a video a little bit later we talk about R and SAR like they’re the two best players in the draft last summer when R and SAR played for the French national team on their 19s their best player by a mile Melvin ainka is projected to be a late sa round pick so like you just never know how team are going to pan it in this we are going to in this video we’re going to to compare the first 14 picks we’re going to compare the lottery and I’m going to match it up with my mock draft and I’m going to be saying which of these players that I think were better and whether or not this year’s draft is a better draft in the 2013 draft so number one pick is Anthony Bennett versus Alex SAR Anthony Bennett is the worst number one pick of all time he was projected to be a sure thing in the NBA the problem was is that the second he set foot in the NBA re he showed up out of shape and he actually wasn’t as good as he thought he was and what actually happened was he just didn’t know how to deal with not being the best player he was the best player when he was in college at UNLV he was one of the best players in high school and he was a guy who could do a bit of everything he was a big 6A power forward small forward hybrid who could shoot the ball a little bit play defense could score inside could score outside he looked the real deal but then as soon as he faced better players than him he just went used to be a sh of himself and never recovered the worst number one pick of all time Alex SAR I don’t think alexar is great I think he’s fine I think he’s a perfectly fine player I think he’s going to be athletic he has a higher ceiling than a lot of people I think he’s going to be one of the weaker number one overall picks and probably the weakest number one overall pick we’ve seen since probably benett himself fults sorry fults since fults I’m going to say without question I don’t know why I’m confused like without question 24 2024 wins 1 n to 2024 versus 2013 the second pick Victor Oladipo versus Zachary rash Victor alipo was a 6’4 two guard who had shades of Dwayne Wade he was going number two no matter what in this draft like there the way the draft was it was expected no one thought Bennett was going number one people thought like l or nland no were going number one and I’m not going to lie if Newland Noel was in this draft and he hadn’t to his ACL nland Noel probably does go number one either way um Olo versus Zachary r r is a 6869 Wing who can shoot the ball a little bit will play defense and will just be that prototypical NBA Wing I I don’t think that Reay hits the ceiling that Victor ala did um hits the peak but I do think he has a longer career because let’s be Victor ala’s Peak was two and a half years um he wasn’t the best before that he was all right as a rookie and he definitely wasn’t the best after that so I’m going to give this to I’m going to give it to Victor Oladipo like all NBA player one all 2013 versus 2024 projected third pick according to my draft I had Donovan Kling and going number three versus uto Porter Jr uto Porter Jr was a really underrated player like won a championship with the Warriors a perfect glue guy got a Max for some reason from Washington because I just didn’t want to let him leave when he was never worth the max he was a good player he was a damn good player and for that reason like I think that taking him a three in this in that draft wasn’t a bad one but then we’re looking at Donan kingan Donovan kingan is probably going to be a backup big he’s going to be a backup big for quite a bit of his career so I think o I’m going to go with 2013 again I think that if Donovan kingan has an auto porter type career if he gets a Max contract and goes has a long enough career and wins a championship as a contributing player if he ends up doing that then I think his career will be a success out of this draft I think UT Porter who did that I think it’s more it’s not likely that clay has a career of match as a supporter I’m going to put it Go 21 to 2013 versus cling number four I had Nica topic going to the San Antonio Spurs I think that he’s a big guard who can pass the ball and number four in the 2013 draft was Cody Zer look Cody Z has been a fine backup big for his career but like if you remember how they talked about Cody Zeller like when he was coming out of Indiana it was like this is this athletic freak power forward man he’s a he’s a backup center who is more like I was like he’s probably more known for just how when his hairline went than he is for anything he’s done on the basketball court look he was the best of the zers if that means anything he was better than Tyler Zeller and he was better than Luke Zeller he was the best of the zers but he still wasn’t very good and I don’t see a scenario where niika topic is worse than Cody Z like he wasn’t very good he really wasn’t and I remember looking at this draft and I remember even before being like I watched a lot of college basketball year and I’m like Mason Plumley is better than Cody Zeller that was like my thing I was like when M was that Duke I was like he’s better than Cody Zeller and M py went so low on this draft but Cody Zeller a four it is to all right now there’s almost no way to is worth than Z number five there’s Alex Len versus um mat balis I had Mattis balis here Alex lamb was a solid enough big like not again the worst player in the world like he’s been a decent backup big I think he might be still in the league but he’s just being a backup big from from the day he set foot in the league like he’s currently playing with the Kings he’s been fine he has been fine he has been in the league for 11 years he’s been fine absolutely fine that’s the only way to describe it look nland Noel was six and he it was expected to be between nland Noel one or and Alex L one of those guys for one if nland noell wasn’t injured he was a guaranteed first pick look Alex L was better nland Noel probably for his career um not as high a peak but he’s kind of done the same thing mtas bual is a higher upside definitely does will Matas all mattas Buell has to do is be in the league for 11 years like he’s never like I’m looking through this right now for Alex Len he’s never been on a good team like genuinely he has never been on a good team in his entire career other than the Kings recently where he’s been a backup he’s never been on a great team he’s never been on a team that’s won a playoff series so man Manz Buel just being there for 11 years puts him ahead and I think Matos bzel probably is going to I think I think madz balis yeah let me let me give it to madz Bales let’s go 3-2 for the year of 2024 then we’ve got Ron Holland versus nland Noel if we’re judging based on what they were thought of at draft time nland Noel has to win that like nland Noel was like a Sure Fire number one overall pick they literally thought Noel was like the only like player in that draft that was worth the number one overall pick he thought he had Superstar potential like when the Pelicans obviously they traded him in the Drew Holiday trade but when the Pelicans drafted him everyone’s like oh my God nland D well and AD when they’re back it’s going to be a block party but he didn’t pan out at all then you’ve got Ron Holland who hasn’t looked great in the g- league who I have marked at six didn’t look great in the g- league but he’s decent enough like he’s not small he’s athletic he can play defense and I have him going to the Hornets purely because I think Stefon Castle has refused to work out for the Hornets um so I think that Ron Holland and N also got the got offered a bag from Dallas will Ron Holland be better than Erland Noel was like will he played 10 years in the league possibly I’m going to put I’m going to go Newland well I’m going to go Newland no well I’m giving 202 I’m giving 20133 that spot I think NE n was good enough a Dallas I think der was good enough to start his career and I also am going to give n a little bit of like the benefited out because he was Ultra hyped coming into the league I’m going to give nland Noel that spot over Ron Holland to make it three all then there’s the seventh pick and I have Stefan Castle going to Portland even though he’s not working out for Portland I’m I think he’s I think he could slip but I’m going to have him right now going to Portland I had him in my Mock Draft before that so I have him there Ben mamore was a confidence player who lost his confidence a in his career he was expected to go maybe go number one in this draft and he fell to number seven people thought it was a steal he at times he was a shooter who couldn’t shoot he was a three and no D guy for a lot of his career people overrated his athleticism people thought he was going to be like an early days Ray Allen he was really hyped coming into the league but I think at seven if he’s match up to Stefan Castle Stefan Castle is going to give you defense stal Castle is going to be a big guard who can play and make a little bit stf Castle is going to be a better player than Ben mmore was he almost certainly is going to be so I’m going to go 43 to 2024 with Stefon Castle beating at Ben mammore and number eight I have Reed Shepard who could honestly go way higher but I’ve got Reed Shepard at number eight going to and San Antonio Spurs and he’s matching up to cavius Carwell Pope the ceiling for Reed Shepard is probably kcp like that is almost like a ceiling for Reed Shepard kcp is a two-time champion a plug-and-play player who will fit in with any good team and if Reed like Reed Shepard what he projects to be at his best is a plug-and-play player on who plays winning basketball and will help any team canavis call poke ties this up it is for reach I don’t think reach AER is going to be as good as kcp I just don’t kcp is that is Elite that is the number nine where we have got I have D I have put kalle we going to Memphis versus Trey Burke going to Minnesota um and then obviously he went to Utah who was traded there because he was part I think he was part of the shabaz Muhammad trade but case or or kware kware I just have him there because I just think the M Griz is going to draft a center no matter what and Zaki could be in there as well but calw is a guy that if he if everything goes well for kware he is better than alexar he is the same size as alexar he’s equally as athletic as alexar he’s a better shooter than alexar he’s a better hands than alexar he doesn’t have the motor of alexar so it’s very hard to see how he goes he could be really good or really bad in the NBA like there’s no guarantee he’s not scal laaser but at the same time I think it’s more likely that he’s better than what Trey Burg was Trey Burg had o some okay years as a backup point guard but I think it’s more likely that it’s more likely the kware at nine is going to be a better NBA player than tryber tryber who just a six foot tall point guard who was drafted right before point guard start getting taller at number 10 the 2013 draft was CJ McCollum and surprisingly enough in my mock draft I had a number 10 player who is quite similar to a CJ McCollum I’ve got Rob Dillingham undersized scoring guards and I actually think Rob dilam is going to have a better start to his career CJ McCollum did McCollum did nothing in his first year he did nothing in his second year and as like a four-year guy at leehigh not doing anything for two years he looked like a bust he looked like an absolute bust in 2013 but he ended up stepping up at the end of I think it was the end of the 20145 season when the Portland Trailblazers player started a few of them got injured he ended the season quite well that year and then I remember the following year was when they lost every player in their starting five except for Dame and C.J McCollum was most improved player C.J McCollum is a better is likely a better player he’s likely going to have a better career than Rob Dillingham is going to have never an All-Star but Rob Dillingham is smaller than McCollum he’s skinnier than McCollum and I’m not sure he scores at the rate of CJ McCollum if he’s going to be one of those like almost star players for almost his entire career I’m not sure I don’t think he’s going to average 20 I don’t think he’s going to be as good as mcallum no I’m going to it’s it’s going to go to CJ McCollum it’s going to go to CJ McCollum and we’re five all we are this is so close we are at five each and then we’ve got the fakest Rookie of the Year of all time Michael Carter Williams and I have Isaiah Collier going 11 to Chicago I know Chicago have other players but Chicago are dumb with everything they do like they’ve got other guys in the position Chicago are just dumb but with with Michael Carter Williams a lot of people are going to be like oh you have to give this to MCW because it rookie here man he had so many opportun he sh like 20% from jump shots he was he was not good his rookie year his team was trying to lose and they literally they literally let him do whatever he wanted to build up his trade value so they could trade him so Isaiah klier is he going to be a backup is he going to be better than Michael Carter Williams I don’t know I don’t love Isaiah ker but he was great in high school he wasn’t great at USC am I going to go am I going to go 65 to 2013 with Michael C Williams I think Michael C William sucked I never thought he was good no isaah Carley over M car Williams 65 to 2024 this guy had the fakest NBA career of all time he sucked he sucked and just kept getting signed because the Sixers let him do whatever the hell he wanted in his his rookie year MCW sucked I don’t know if isaah K is going to be good I don’t think he’s going to be that good but Michael Carter Williams sucked so it’s 65 to 2024 then we have got a number 12 step Adams versus Cody Williams Cody Williams is could be pretty good both Thunder pick codys I think genuinely could be good playing with his brother could help him he’s going to be a good Defender he’s got length he probably will develop a jump shot he doesn’t look like he’s a bad shooter he’s obviously more hyped at the time of the draft than his brother even though I have them both going at the same position I think he could be really good i’ genu he be really good but Steven Adams is brilliant like absolutely brilliant Stephen Adams is one of the best offensive rebounders in the last 20 years he’s an enforcer he is such he was such a big loss for the um Memphis Grizzlies when he got injured he has been an a def or not even defens just an anchor in the center position for so many teams the way he rebounds the energy he brings I’m not as much as I like Cody Williams this has to go six all it has to go six all like stepen Adams without question like if Cody Williams hasn’t has an effective career step Adams did as a good starter for a lot of good teams and being like a reason why they’re winning than fair play to but I think Steven Adams above um above Cody Williams at 13 I’ve got toon Salone versus Kelly o linck and this is pure potential versus solid backup like I’m Miami Heat fan man Kelly o Lin was good for us in the bubble Kelly o l was good for the Celtics at times he was not a bad pick a 13 He just you kind of knew he was going to give you something he was going to give you knew he was going to give you quite a bit when he came into the league like he was already almost ready like he came from Gonzaga as a junior he was really good in college and people knew he was going to be nice ton Salone could be the best of all the French players he could he honestly could be he could be better than Reay he could be better than Alex SAR he has that type of upside he he looks like he could be the best shooter of them all like again Melvin ainka also could be the best of all the French players that’s a different story but to John Salone versus is kinic it’s like do I think how much do I believe in to salon’s potential because this could be the one I’m really wrong on I’m going to give it I’m going to give seven to I’m going to give it to 2024 like if he end he could end up being worse than cin or way better than k o there’s no middle ground there then we have got number 14 the last one shabaz Muhammad versus adult and connect going 14 the of the lottery shabaz Muhammad is one of the craziest story stories in basketball the man lied about his age literally like I’m pretty sure his dad like lied about his age so he would like get dominate growing up and he was really good at UCLA he’s still went 14 because he was expected to be number one pick in his draft and they found out he actually lied about his age so he dropped him number 14 because he was a year older than he was which is kind of mad but I will say that 14 for shabbaz Muhammad as decent as he was through about four years he was okay doton connect is almost certainly going to be better in Shas dton connect is going to score he’s going to score he’s going to be a four-year guy and how long did Mohammad what did Mohammad last five years in the league he lasted till 2018 in the league so he lasted 5 years and do I think D CL is going to last more than five years yeah even though like Muhammad did have a good did have one very good year at me or Minnesota it was on terrible Minnesota team Dalton connect wins this one 2014 or 2024 wins for Lottery 8 to six however we got one more pick you’ve got jannis then you’ve got Rudy go bear but at the same time if you look at between jannis and Rudy go bear the players are ngua Schroeder’s pretty good Shane Lin while an absolute baller over in Europe did nothing in the NBA Sergey carev did he ever play barely play in the NBA Tony Snell most known for his meme than his more known for his meme than playing gorgi Jen backup M and plumy backup Solomon Hill more known for taking out LeBron than anything else Tim Hardway junor not a bad six man Reggie Bok um as soon as he became known as Reggie balock he forgot how to shoot Andre Robertson never knew how to shoot and then there’s a lot of guys who never play in the NBA the rest of his draft so we’re just looking at the lottery I think as far as lotteries are concerned 2024 slightly above 2013 two both of these clear 2000s but I put it slightly above 2013

Is the 2024 NBA Draft WORSE Than 2013?? (Breakdown). In this video we are going to be talking about the 2024 nba draft lottery. the atlanta hawks got the number 1 overall pick and are probably going to take alex sarr.

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2024 Draft Lottery (Full Breakdown). In this video we are going to be talking about the 2024 nba draft lottery. the atlanta hawks got the number 1 overall pick and are probably going to take alex sarr. the pistons got screwed with the number 5 overall pick

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THe basketball youtube channel of the well known NBA 2k youtuber DBG. This channel is ran by a former Irish international and former Irish Superleague basketball player who also has won multiple national titles as a coach at both the high school and collegiate level in Ireland. this channel will talk about nba news, nba stories as well as basketball news from all over the world

  1. At the end of the day it comes down to player development. Franchises hope to pick a ready made player, quit being lazy and give these young players a solid support system so they have a chance to succeed.

  2. Idk how u see that Matas will be in the league for 11 years boy can’t shoot and the ingite was trash smells like not ready and bust I’ll be hesitant to draft anyone on ignite 4-32 is pathetic

  3. This draft is a total crap shoot. The tenth pick could turn out the best pick in the draft. The only advantage of a high pick is rolling the dice first. The big problem with any draft is that teenagers are getting drafted instead of adults. Many are still growing, most are still developing their games. By the end of their contract, they could walk as a free agent.

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