He NEEDS to be the #1 Pick in the NBA Draft…

He NEEDS to be the #1 Pick in the NBA Draft…

so the number one pick supposedly it’s a guarantee that it’s Alex SAR it is supposedly a guarantee it’s Alex SAR because it is the I don’t want to lose my job pick I I’ll say there’s some of those every year where it’s like even if you don’t like them number one it’s like if you don’t take consensus absolute number one and you fail you’re going to lose your job especially when there is a consensus number one that has been so much as number one as Alex SAR but I’m just putting this out there right now the man is fool’s gold bman is fool’s gold could he become some exceptional player yes I’m not saying there’s no chance but in my opinion right now the guy’s Fool’s Gold he’s not going to be rookie de year he’s not going to come in as rookie de year he people thinking that he’s on going to be on the same timeline as Trey young is crazy Trey young is one of those small guards small offensive guards who notoriously fizzle out young and Alex SAR is a project player the number one pick in this draft is Zachary ruche and the more he plays the more he’s playing his way into that number one pick territory he is now currently ranked number one by ESPN he was ranked number one by bicher report and he is going number one on a bunch of mock drafts because of what he is doing in the proa playoffs in a draft like this year’s draft where it is seen as one of the worst drafts of all time we have a 612 guard that teams are considering Tai number one a 61 shooting guard this is not the 1980s this is 2024 a 61 shooting guard who’s not really a point guard supposedly in Reed Shepard is on people’s draft boards like Reed Shephard is not a top 10 pick last year there’s no way there’s no way he’s a top 10 pick last year but he might be going number one this is where you got to look at Zachary you got to just look at the production yeah sure um Alex SAR gave you nine points gave you a couple of blocks gave you a couple of rebounds in the NBL which is a good pro league really good pro league in fact might be the fourth best pro league in the world after the NBA um ACB and proa might be the it could well be the fourth best league in the world and you can maybe argue a give or take with the pro a for four for third but then you get Zach R who just put up much better numbers in the Pro a and the biggest part of Aur is he is rising so much in the playoffs so he has got his team into the semi-finals they went and he had his career high last week of 8 points and against Monaco if you guys don’t know how good Monaco are Monaco are by far the best team of France Monaco they weren’t as good this year as they were last year but last year I think they made the final four of Euro league they’re one of the best teams outside the NBA honestly they might beat the Pistons but zachi ISE in a playoff game against them in a semi-final in Monaco so he’s going like this is proa one of the best leagues in the world in their semi-final game one he goes and has 2182 Steals and they beat Monaco they beat Monaco like it would be the shock of if they go and beat Monaco in his series considering if you guys don’t know a there’s how much money and just how good this Monaco team is compared to anyone else in France like you got Mike James who could 100% give you give a team 20 in the NBA and nice he is the biggest Hooper he is a Hooper Hooper and he is a Hooper even compared to NBA players he’s just going to obviously not play the most efficient and give up a lot of points he was good coming off the bench for the Nets he was good coming off the bench for the sons but he rather than being a bench player in the NBA he became a legend in Europe same with Shane Larkin he um rather than being a damn good bench player at that in the like Jordan Clarkson es roll maybe not quite as good or the Jamal Crawford es roll but just this Hooper to bring off the bench in the NBA which he could have done for 10 years but he’s an absolute Legend the alltime Euro League top scorer they have him they’ve got other like they’ve got other bodies man I think stle is still playing for them and they have OT Cobo a lot of former NBA players are going to be on this Monaco team but zakary R was probably the best player on the floor has Monaco lost like let’s not overthink this let’s just not overthink this let’s not in a draft that’s not that’s this bad let’s not potentially draft someone that’s Fool’s Gold like I don’t know Alex SAR can jump really high his quickness is isn’t crazy he’s not people are saying talking about oh he’s going to be a good shooter he’s based on what he’s not going to be a terrible Sho he might end up stretching the floor but everything with Alex Cyrus he might be this he might be that he might be this he might be that he’s also not ready right now he’s not ready like if you want to swing for defenses and if you’re Atlanta you might be able to swing for defenses like if you are a team that’s on a timeline of you got 5 years you I’m cool with swinging for defense and alexar if if Atlanta were to BR were going to blow it up I’m cool with them swinging for defenses on alexar I genuinely am cool for him swinging for defenses on him but the fact is the Atlanta Hawks fans have somehow I’ve trick I’ve watched his highlights and have tricked themselves into thinking that he walks in as their starting center he is their third string Center next year I don’t think people get that he is not as of right now definitely not better than clink aella even modern clink capella and he’s not better than Ono kongu he walks in as their third string Center Zachary R walks in potentially starting DeAndre Hunter has been iffy injury-wise you’ve got imagine if you’re able to play Jaylen Johnson and Zachary r two 610 athletic Wings who can play both ends of the floor who can hit some shots and then you’ve got um well Jaylen Johnson’s been playing more as much the four as anything but still that just big long defensive Wing that prototype of player they’re hard to find they are hard to find especially wants to play both ends of the floor is he people comparing to Michael Porter Jr he’s not Michael Porter Jr Michael Porter Jr just just cuz they look like they have a similar build people were comparing mpj to KD Michael Porter Jor catches the ball and shoots every time he touches it like that’s literally what he does that’s not what ree is going to do re is going to be a better Defender he’s got length he’s going to be a decent enough rebounder decent enough playing lanes and he’s somewhere he’s probably if Alex sire is 71 then R is 610 like that is that’s it I think they’re probably Alex s is 611 and a half without shoes I think re is probably about 68 and a half and people were being like Oh but like Reay wasn’t at the combine because he’s playing in important games of basketball like I don’t think people seem to understand that that like the reason he’s not at the combine is his team made the playoffs his team he’s doing well he played well enough that his team made the playoffs and not only that he’s been a playoff Riser so as far as the ability to step up when it matters he’s proven he can do that like you do not pass on this guy in a draft this bad he is putting up comparable numbers in the playoffs ordering blocks to wemi points and rebounds he is putting up comparable numbers to wemi he’s obviously not wanyama he’s not but that is just the way you have to look at it like tjon Salone is a is bigger he’s athletic he’s a freak in the best way possible like but at the same time when it comes to Salon you’re looking at this guy who’s a freak but he’s not ready yet re is ready he’s ready to go and with that like you cannot you can’t overthink this like you cannot overthink this and go for Alex SAR you just can’t like I know teams are going to do it and I know the Hawks are probably going to do it but like if you are a Hawks fan I would be so much on the Zachary rese a hype train because he’s so much better right now and you might be saying oh but like SAR has this SAR has that potential you’re you’re not wrong SAR has crazy potential but if you’re looking for the French man with the most potential you get T Salone you get him he has more potential than alexar this guy is’s a 68 6 like n freak 696 freaky athletic Wing who can shoot the lights at but he’s not ready yet Alex I think people have just been fooled with alexar because they’re like this is a bad draft and this guy has Superstar potential no one in this draft has Superstar potential other than someone we’ve it’s likely somebody that’s drafted 19th is as likely to be a superstar as the one picking draft and if the Hawks were blowing it up by the way I’d be cool with the Alex sire thing but by the time alexar is a good enough player to be a starting center in the NBA Trey young is going to be probably on the decline because a lot of people are like oh but like Trey Young’s only 25 he’s still going to be good until still going to have 10 years in him what small offensive guard at 35 was good like these guys have been the these small offensive guards like Trey young because of how bad they are on defense they’ve got to give you exceptional offense to even be worth having on the floor and as they get a little bit older a little bit slower like they become as soon as they become more of a liability on defense than they are Plus on offense they’re gone they’re out of the league quick and that’s the thing is like Trey young has got three to four more years and by the end of that three to four more years if alexar is a starter then he’s on track to where what he’s going to become whereas ret is going to come right in probably start and even if he doesn’t start give you really good minutes off the bench Alex SAR is going to be the third string center for the Atlanta Hawks especially if they are not tanking and trying to win if they are tanking and want to develop him cool if they find a way to get their picks back from San Antonio then forget everything I’ve said in this video because yes the the only one of these two that has absolute Superstar potential is more than likely Alex SAR but I just think he’s fools gold I think you can’t draft an Usman Jang typ type guy who you are just drafting for potential at number one you just can’t do it you can’t draft a guy who’s not going to be a starter straight away and for Atlanta Hawks fans that think he’s going to be what pushes them over the edge trust me you are just watching highlights you are overly believing the hype trust me on this one Alex s is probably going to be decent if you are trying to win next year it doesn’t matter that you need a big you can get a better big than alexar right now in free agency you have got two that are already better than him it’s just not the right move if you’re the Hawks and Reay do not overthink this get the guy that’s going to help you right now if you want to go for it and that is accur

He NEEDS to be the #1 Pick in the NBA Draft… In this video we are going to be talking about the 2024 nba draft lottery. the atlanta hawks got the number 1 overall pick and are probably going to take alex sarr.

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2024 Draft Lottery (Full Breakdown). In this video we are going to be talking about the 2024 nba draft lottery. the atlanta hawks got the number 1 overall pick and are probably going to take alex sarr. the pistons got screwed with the number 5 overall pick

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  1. Didn't Steph Curry go like 7th? Wen he should have went top 3 at least. Reed is a Steph Curry lvl shooter, with Russel Westbrook Athleticism, someone tell me I'm lying.

  2. Mista Mick there, is right, by saying that the number 1 pick, on a given NBA draft night; should and has the right, to be a starter; for the team that would choose him.
    And without over-extending this same comment… Here's the link: for the great exhibition of Mr Zaccharie R.; while playing professional basketball, for the BeB vs A.S.Monaco.

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