Chicago Blackhawks Trade Draft Picks With NY Islanders, + Patrick Kane’s Return Rumors

Chicago Blackhawks Trade Draft Picks With NY Islanders, + Patrick Kane’s Return Rumors

on today’s episode the Blackhawks swap draft picks with the New York Islanders I’ll talk about who won the trade and whether Patrick Kane could be coming back to [Music] Chicago you’re locked on Blackhawks your daily podcast on the Chicago Blackhawks part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day what’s going on everyone welcome back to another episode of lockdown Blackhawks part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day as always I’m your host Jack Bushman just a quick reminder if you’re watching on YouTube right now hit that like button comment down below as well as to your thoughts on the Blackhawks trade with the New York Islanders from Friday whether you think the Blackhawks or the Islanders won the trade and also your opinion on the rumors that maybe Patrick Kane is coming back to Chicago a potential return with the Blackhawks I’ll be talking all about that during segment two on today’s episode so make make sure to stay tuned until that point I also got to let you know real quick that today’s episode is sponsored by indeed the only job site out there where you only pay for applications that meet those musthave requirements and standards start hiring right now at lockdown all right good morning everyone again thank you all for joining me on another episode of lockdown Blackhawks your One-Stop shop for all things Chicago Blackhawks getting right into it here Friday afternoon I’m actually for for those of you who have been tuning into episodes this week you know I’m down in Texas right now covering a golf tournament so I do apologize that uh the scheduling has been a little bit irregular this week I’ll get back into the Chicagoland area on Monday morning hope everyone’s having a lovely Memorial Day Weekend thus far as well I’ll be getting back to Chicago on Monday morning and I’ll get back to my structured schedule I’ll have five episodes coming out next week don’t want to be missing out on any more because there are loads of pro ects to get into but anyways Friday afternoon I’m out on the golf course right by the first T box I look at my phone I get a notification that the Blackhawks made a trade I go what this early what are we doing here and I see it’s only involving draft picks but that’s a little bit even more interesting that there weren’t any players involved just picks being traded so far removed from the NHL draft I mean yeah it’s you know we can see it coming but it’s still a month away and usually you don’t see the types of Trades going down this early breaking down the move here the Blackhawks sent picks number 20 and 54 and 61 the 20th overall selection in this year’s draft along with two second round selections numbers 54 and 61 to the New York Islanders in exchange for the 18th overall pick in this year’s draft in the 50th overall selection as well which is a second round pick so basically to sum this up in layman’s terms the Blackhawks moved up from 20th to 18th in the first round and from 54th to 50th in exchange for the 61st pick they send that to New York as the price of doing business moving up two spots in the first round and four spots in the second whether this is a win or lose um my initial reaction I will say you know this is kind of the value of the Blackhawks having a a luxury of draft picks over these next couple of years but it did feel like I will say a little bit much to give up were essentially only moving up two spots in the first round yes jumping up four in the second is notable too but the first round especially because this year’s draft is it’s a good draft but it’s not nearly as deep as the year prior the real prize winner here for the Blackhawks is moving up from number 20 to number 18 and even if the black Haws do have a boatload of picks feels like they could have squeezed a little bit more out of Lou larell here in this deal maybe gotten like a a fourth round selection or something like a fifth to maybe make ends meet a little bit more um so in terms of like the value perspective I think the Blackhawks giving up the 64th overall pick maybe was a little bit much here but what I will say is because as I referenced this was a deal only involving draft picks usually we see these occur on the first day of the draft the second day or or at least when the draft is going on not a month before so I feel like this is a move to make another move I feel like Kyle Davidson has some planned in mind here and we should probably wait until everything is finalized I I really believe something else is going down and until that happens I think we should kind of wait to rush to judgment because we obviously don’t even know who these players are going to turn into we don’t know who the blackw walks are going to be selecting at number 18 should they hold that pick who they’re going to be picking at number 50 now how they’re going to develop in a couple of years time all these things really do matter when you’re actually weighing how this trade is going to look and we won’t know that for a couple of years down the road so I wouldn’t be too invested into just swapping these picks in this deal right here the second because I I really do feel like um Kyle Davidson has something else on his mind but yeah I I do also agree with the people who are like maybe this wasn’t the best value move by KD giving up the the 61st pick uh still a second round selection to move up like I said just two spots in the first round I don’t know so some people think it’s a good move for the Blackhawks some people think it’s a bad move to me like I said what I think is just the most clear is that Kyle Davidson he likes making moves during the draft I mean he’s staying aggressive is basically my key takeaway here and that shouldn’t be surprising I talked about this on the show a couple of weeks ago we’ve seen Kyle Davidson you know in his first draft as the full-time general manager for the Blackhawks Chicago started that day with zero first round selections they wound up with three and then you know he wanted to make a move last last year to go and get Oliver Mo as he was sliding wasn’t able to get anything done but was just fortunate enough that he ended up falling into their laps at number 19 and it just feels like Kyle Davidson’s establishing this Forte that these are the kind of moves uh he likes to make around draft time and now that he has all these picks in his Arsenal I wouldn’t even be surprised to see him ratchet up even more here so we’re going to see what winds up happening um and and also one thing I wanted to add in there too I’ve seen it refer by Charlie Rell Otis and some other Blackhawks beat riders or folks in the scene maybe Kyle Davidson does feel like there’s a gap from number 18 to number 20 maybe he feels like that’s when the value kind of starts to fall off in the first round or maybe this is just a a way for him to get a better asset to potentially move up a few more spots number 18 let’s say someone like uh Cole iserman Falls to number 11 or number 12 or number 13 18 is more enticing than number 20 especially if you know GMS are scouts I don’t know if this is the the case here but if there is kind of a gap after that 18th spot then certainly that pick is going to be more enticing for other general managers but like I said we’ll see what winds up happening here but my main takeaway is GM KD remains aggressive foot on the pedal uh in the offseason as we’ve seen since he’s taken over as general manager with his draft picks the Hawks move up from number 20 to number 18 and number 54 to number 15 in the first in the second round as well in exchange for the 61st overall selection in this year’s draft all right there are my quick thoughts on the Blackhawk swapping draft picks with Lou larell in the New York Islanders on Friday not a move that I think anyone saw coming this early before the draft coming up in just a moment here blackw fans another intriguing topic of conversation as I’ll get into the latest rumors surrounding aenial a potential return for Mr Patrick Kane but first I do need to talk to you all quickly about indeed when you’re drafting your fantasy team do you ever wish that you could handpick the best stars for your roster well if you’re building your talent roster then you need indeed because indeed is the only job site out there where you’re guaranteed to find quality applications that meet your musthave requirements or else you don’t pay so instead of spending M multiple hours on countless job sites hoping to find candidates with the right skills you need to use the one powerful hiring part partner that can help you do it all and that is indeed indeed streamlines the hiring process with powerful tools that find you match candidates in an instant and again I personally love indeed because it’s the only job site out there where you only pay for applications that meet those musthave standards and requirements and indeed knows that when you’re growing your business you got 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sure to answer them on Monday’s episode but yeah Scott Powers in one of his latest mailbags referenced that the Chicago Blackhawks haven’t ruled out bringing back Patrick Kane this summer and you know as soon as that news breaks there are a slew of hawks fans out there clinging to that wanting Patrick Kane to come back he’s set to be an unrestricted for agent again here this summer after of course joining on with the Detroit Red Wings Around the Midway Mark played a little bit more than half of the season with Detroit being nearly a point Point per game player really establishing himself that he can you know still play at the top of his game uh 47 points in 50 games for the Red Wings this year 20 goals and 27 assists unfortunately though the wings despite a really chaotic and fun entertaining end to their season as they were trying to creep their way into the Stanley Cup Playoffs unfortunately for them they wound up falling just short and patri Kane misses out on playing playoff hockey once again and now set to be an unrestricted free agent there’s questions about his future is he going to go back to Detroit and of course the natural uh reaction from Blackhawks fans as he’s set to hit the market is could we see Patrick Kane now a year removed after it was pretty clear the black Haws weren’t going to be bringing him back they weren’t interested in signing him they kind of wanted to go in a New Direction with a new leadership group considering all the youth that’s coming in but now after Conor Bard has a year under their belt and seeing that Patrick Kane can still play effec hockey I mean really really good stuff out of him with the Red Wings in Big Time moments too like he was scoring classic big Showtime goals of course there was the return to Chicago where he gets the overtime winner and is hyping up the crowd sending the Blackhawks fans in a frenzy I don’t know if that many Blackhawks fans have ever cheered for someone in a Detroit Red wi sweater uh so there’s obviously a lot of enticement there there there’s obviously a lot to be intrigued by and uh Powers mentioned that the Blackhawks front office will likely hold internal discussions over the next few weeks about the possibility of resigning Kane who’s going to be turning 36 at the start of next season but as I referenced did look much healthier than he has been in quite a while after undergoing that hit procedure in the summer getting time to rehab and you know taking off the start of the season to make sure he’s more than 100% ready to go yeah he looked really good uh it had been kind of uh multiple years since we had seen Patrick Kane look that healthy be able to skate at the level that you know we saw out of him in Detroit so obviously yeah it looks like there are some uh there’s some more mileage on the tires there potentially for Patrick Kane in terms of his Runway but a couple of things here that I do want to get into as far as whether Patrick Kane could be coming back to the Blackhawks first and foremost I I do absolutely recognize that it’s more likely now than it was a summer ago but I still don’t think Hawks fans should be getting their hopes up in like screaming for this to happen because I I still think it’s kind of too early the first thing that is the question in my mind is Kane has to want to come back to Chicago and does he you know maybe he does I’m sure he loves the city you know obviously grew up here uh had his first child here really turned into a man here and that’s you know other than the last couple of years all he had known uh as a grown man but the thing that comes back to me is the clock’s ticking on Patrick Kane man I referenced 36 years old um at the start of this season and the black Haws just aren’t at a point where they’re G to be competitive this year and I I think a realistic and this could even be too early like a realistic timetable for the Blackhawks to actually have like a team that could gear up and make a playoff run 26 27 at the very least like they just still need guys to develop uh even if they do bring in free agents they’re still going have to take time to mesh and establish that chemistry like obviously the Blackhawks when they rebuilt last time and they went to the Conference Finals in 2008 2009 and then won the won the Stanley Cup right away usually it doesn’t happen that fast and I I just think our expectations I I don’t want to get our expectations too high that this thing’s going to turn around in a hurry and Kyle Davidson is even referenced time and time again it is going to be a process but again 2026 2027 at the very earliest I think is when the Blackhawks could be gearing up to make a run potentially and Patrick Kane would be 38 years old at the start of that season and it’s you know three years from now so I’m sure he loves Chicago the city the fans playing at the United Center when it’s absolutely rocking all that stuff but if he’s not able to win right away does does he really want to be here and I know there’s all those Blackhawks records that he could set in retiring as a member of the Chicago Blackhawks I love all that stuff but right here right now personally to me it it just just feels like it’s a little bit too early it feels like other than you know all the memories and the Nostalgia and being home it feels like it’s a little bit of a tough sell right here right now considering the path that the Blackhawks are on and also how does Patrick Kane feel about this new regime that you know just sent him packing a year ago when his comments would suggest maybe he didn’t 100% want to leave Chicago he understands the nature of the business he’s been around the block but I still think part of that didn’t sit 100% right with him I think he understood it but I think he would have loved to stay as a member of the Chicago Blackhawks and it really felt like they were the ones that made the decision and weren’t going to resign him or Jonathan Taves obviously so how does that sit with him how’s his relationship with the new regime uh there’s a lot of stuff that goes into it so while it may seem clear-cut and obvious now that he’s playing good hockey he’s healthy it’s here in Chicago I don’t think it’s as cut and dry as as maybe uh it does seem and also you got to consider would the Blackhawks want to make this signing I I know Patrick Kane had a really good season but there is still a little bit of a risk there coming off of a hip procedure surgery where we haven’t seen a lot of guys really shine or um play competitive hockey for long stretches after undergoing that surgery um do they even want to bring him in uh they already brought in Nick Felino they’ve resigned J Jason Dickinson yeah adding veteran leaders especially one like Patrick Kane who’s been there and done that wouldn’t hurt but do they really want to integrate that with what they have going right here right now when everyone is always going to be thinking about Patrick Kane in the past and what he’s done we’ve seen players defer to him you know on the ice I don’t know if that necessarily would happen but these are things the Blackhawks R office is going to be uh kind of Weighing on this matter so I think there’s just a lot of clarity and a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes that’s going to make this uh a little bit complex you gotta weigh Kane’s Visions Kane’s goals along with the team’s goals and the team’s Vision as well there’s a lot that goes into it so I just don’t expect it to happen this summer Blackhawks fans if I’m being very honest um would I love for it to happen Listen Patrick Kane was my idol my my dog who lived 14 years old I named him Kane in 2008 that’s my guy it would give a put a big smile on my face but I’m not GNA get my hopes up just because I don’t know if the stars align perfectly in the timing for a comeback right here right now I’d love to see that number 88 sweater back in a Blackhawks back in the Blackhawks organization of course know if ANS or butts about it and it would be awesome for him to retire a Blackhawk for him to set all those records and I’m not going to rule it out down the road but right here right now it just seems like a little bit of a long shot still to me but make sure to go and hit the comment section down below I’m sure there are Blackhawks fans that do not agree with me on this matter whether you agree or disagree make sure to let me know your thoughts on this topic this interesting stirring of the pot by Scott pow recently in his mailbag Sher your thoughts in the comment section down below but there’s my two cents on the latest patrian rumors on a potential return of him to the Blackhawks coming up in just a moment before I wrap up today’s episode I do still have to get into Ryan Donato’s 2023 2024 report card back here on the lockdown blackw podcast part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day a reminder to everyone watching on YouTube like comment subscribe all that good stuff and also make sure to go and check out the new lockdown sports today because lockdown has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube and lockdown sports today covers the top sports stories of the day with the local Experts of lockdown plus our national shows covering every single league so make sure to go and check out lockdown sports today on YouTube hit that subscribe button to the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel all right segment three we’re starting to get down to the uh nitty-gritty here in terms of Blackhawks report cards in the off season again if there’s a certain player that I’ve gone over most of the notables at this point in time Conor Mard Kev Jones vasic Felino Kevin Kinski um a lot of them most of the notables Peter moric is weal there’s someone you missed out on want to see what grade I gave them for their performance this year as long as the fans can easily find that on the 2024 report card playlist on my YouTube channel everything is also time coded down in the description so you can easily jump to that segment make sure to hit that subscribe button if you haven’t done so already today though G to be getting into 28-year-old forward Ryan Donato’s report card his first year here as a member of the Blackhawks after inking that two-year $4 million deal last offseason $2 million aav kind of bounced around in his NHL career thus far he spent the previous two years with the Seattle Kraken had a small stint with the San Jose Sharks the Minnesota Wild started his career with the Boston Bruins as well hasn’t necessarily found a home as I think he’s eight years into the NHL now but uh in his first year here with Chicago I thought showed that he’s a very uh good and versatile player and while the productivity maybe doesn’t jump out at you or anything you know I thought he was a good guy who could go up and down the lineup when he did get uh those rare little opportunities with Conor but y he didn’t play with him very much but whenever coach Luke Richardson hit that blender button and denado found himself on the top line along with bedy I thought he handled his own he showed that he could play with a guy of that caliber with that skill and at the same point in time when he would go down to the fourth or the third line I thought he still was uh one of the few guys down there that kind of found ways to chip in and and still find ways to produce and all in all just kind of made the most of his opportunity here with Chicago and a pretty good start to his Hawks tenure in my opinion getting into the numbers here for denado 78 games played out of him this year which was actually good for second most on the Blackhawks behind only Jason Dickinson who played in all 82 and it was actually the most that Ryan Donado has ever played in an NHL season so like I said kind of getting a real big opportunity here in Chicago and I thought he did a pretty good job of making the most out of it 12 goals giving him uh double digit goals in each of the last three years and four of the last five now the only time he didn’t was uh the lock out shorten 56 Game season and those 12 goals were good for six on the Blackhawks so someone who in a bottom six role even though like I said from time to time he got up in the top six majority of the time I would say he was on the third or fourth line someone who’s proved that he can be uh 10 12 uh 15 goal scorers two years with the Seattle Kraken prior to this one he had scored 14 goals in each of them and had 16 in his first year with Seattle so a good goal scorer and he also chipped in for his most assists in his NHL career as well with 18 this year that was good for fifth on the Blackhawks giving him 30 points just one short of his career high and the second time that he’s ever hit 30 that was also good for seventh on the Blackhawks 26 penalty minutes a little bit down this year actually for him he was in the 40s uh in the two years he played with the Kraken minus 14 plus minus rating which is actually one of the better ones on the team Believe It or Not uh one power play goal 10 of his came at even strength rank this year in 78 games which I think is solid uh and he also only shot 8.11% and his career average was above 10 coming into this year and he still got off a good amount of shots the second most shots that he’s ever had in a season so uh maybe not even the most Puck luck that he’s had over the last handful of campaigns still found a way to chip in for double digit goals in his first year with the Blackhawks and average 14 minutes of time on Ice that’s the most that he’s gotten in a year since 201819 with the Minnesota Wilds so uh mostly a Fourth lineer Kind of with the Kraken down in the 11 to 12 minute per game Mark added in as well 24 block shots which I know doesn’t sound like a lot it really isn’t but it is the most that Ryan Donado has ever had in the year so maybe a little bit more willing or just kind of found himself um willingly or not uh in shooting Lanes more often probably because the Blackhawks didn’t have the puck very much as has a reason to do with that but he also chipped in for 104 hits which is a career high that was good for seventh on the team uh added in 43 takeaways that’s a career high I I do think he was decent he’s an okay defensive player that’s never really his Forte but also I do think the Blackhawks again not having the puck very much probably led to that and then in terms of the analytics actually pretty solid 47.6 Cory four percentage for Donado believe it or not it’s the first time he’s been under 50 in his career and as I mentioned he’s bounced around he’s been on a lot of different teams and not all of them have been good so um pretty good analytics someone who regularly produces uh more offense than he does harm against his team defensively um with with his abilities first time under 50 on this Blackhawks team though can’t really uh hinder him for that and 47.6% really isn’t all that terrible and neither is the uh goals four to goals against differential 41 goals four at five on five for denado was on the ice four to 55 against and 78 games so uh not an absolute disaster defensively like some forwards for the Blackhawks this year with a 90.2 on Ice safe percentage pretty sound so breaking down the good and bad here for Ryan Donado I was actually pretty pleased with this season I thought um first off he was out there on the ice night in and Night Out played in the second most games for the Blackhawks basically in there every night and had multiple different roles all of which you know I thought he fared well and maybe he didn’t um Thrive or shine per se but he was consistent and he played hard and took advantage of his opportunities he had the second best offensive season of his entire career uh one giving a chance here with the Blackhawks organization got his most ice time uh that he had since 20189 and played effectively in moments when he was up there with Conor Bard was one of the guys in the bottom six that could chip in from time to time just one of those uh Drake Kula kind of um Swiss Army knives that could give you a little bit of everything more of an offensive-minded player for sure but I thought defensively he was okay this season it’s never going to be his bread and butter but uh he wasn’t a liability out there he had some good takeaways and mostly he just works hard he’s a good skater um good energy guy good intensity inserts himself out there so I I was pretty happy with Ryan Donato’s first year and then as far as the bad like I really don’t have anything bad to say because I thought he like lived up to his role like he didn’t really disappoint me in any area this year I would say maybe he like still hasn’t carved out a natural role for himself I still feel like he’s a little bit of a tweener and I I I know I kind of mentioned this a lot I don’t know why but I felt this way about Philip kerev going into this year like where does he exactly fit in on a good team like sure on a bad team Ryan Donado can be a top six guy but on a good team you probably want him on the third line but maybe you want him in a little bit more of a checking role if you have him on the fourth line he’s probably playing with Grinders there and those aren’t naturally fits along with him and as I mentioned the third line he’s not the most defensive minded guy so it’s kind of hard to get Ryan Donado in the right spot and I think that’s led to him having so many homes over the years um but I do think there there’s just something about his game that I think when he does get in a right spot I don’t know if he’s going to be a piece of the puzzle here in Chicago it kind of feels like a two-year cup of coffee for him potentially um but it feels like he has that potential that once he gets in the right spot I really think he’s going to shine and help A team out in the Stanley Cup playoffs and maybe maybe it’s in a few years as a 30 31 32 year old veteran but I I like his game he’s just still got to be in that right spot but on a Blackhawks team that’s going through a rebuild I think he’s a nice kind of little complimentary piece to have he’s not an impact player I guess is what I I could say that was bad about him but he is still a good rooll guy in certain spots and like I said think he could be of value to the right team at the right time so I just don’t really have anything that bad to say about Ryan Donado because I didn’t expect him to come in here and be like a 40 45 Point guy who scored 20 goals I expected him to score double digit goals you know chip in for 20 to 30 points somewhere in there um maybe I would have liked to see him take a bigger role on the hawk second power play unit but like they didn’t get much of an opportunity this year and the power play as a whole was a disaster so not much bad for me to say about Ryan Donado for that reason I’m gonna give him a flat B for his performance this season interesting though most of the voters out there didn’t really agree with that 48 % of the voters on X gave him a c that was the most popular option 42% the next popular vote was a b and then the one that really got me though was eight% voting for DF with only 2% voting for an A and I don’t think many people were going to give Ryan Donado an a that’s not what surprised me it was that many more people giving him a d slf than an a why did Ryan Donado disappoint you if you’re watching this right now and you feel like Ryan Donado is disappointing this year genuinely please go and let me know why in the comment section was it something that I missed or do you agree that he had a pretty good start to his Blackhawks tenure feels like the voters are kind of um on two different ends of the spectrum of the conversation here and as far as far as this topic goes so go and let me know uh what you have to say about Ryan Donato’s performance this year what grade you would give him and if you don’t already make sure to go and follow at talk and hockey on X so you can vote on these polls whenever I post them on X but that’s going to wrap up today’s episode of lock down Blackhawks as always thank you all again everyone for joining me on the show and make sure to go and follow at talking hockey onx like I mentioned and go and follow lockdown Blackhawks for free wherever you may be listening to your podcast sub to the YouTube channel as well that way you can get all of the latest videos as soon as they’re updated uploaded each and every day as always I’m your host Jack Bushman if you want to find my personal account you can follow me at Jack Bushman 2 everyone enjoy the rest of your weekends enjoy the memorial Day weekend hopefully good weather everywhere wherever you may be listening I’ll see you next time on the lockdown Blackhawks podcast part of the lockdown podcast Network your team every day

Saturday’s episode begins with a recap of the Chicago Blackhawks’ trade with the New York Islanders, as GM Kyle Davidson acquired the 18th and 50th picks in the 2024 NHL Draft in exchange for the 20th, 54th, and 61st selections. Host Jack Bushman shares his thoughts on the deal & breaks down why Davidson might have made this move so early ahead of the draft. Then, Bushman gives his opinion on the recent Patrick Kane rumors and decides whether a return to the Blackhawks could be in the cards for No. 88. The episode concludes with Ryan Donato’s 2023-24 Report Card. All that and more on Locked On Blackhawks. Part of the Locked On Podcast Network. Your Team. Every Day.

Hawks Swap Picks With Isles (2:25)

Kane Return Possible? (10:00)

Donato’s Report Card (19:15)





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  1. QUESTION OF THE DAY — What Was YOUR Reaction To The Blackhawks Trading The 20th, 54th, & 61st Picks To The New York Islanders For The 18th & 50th Picks In This Year's Draft?

  2. I think after taking Demidov with number 2, they will go big center at 18 and RD at 34. 50 will be either another RD or a unique player with a high upside potential.

  3. Apparently, the Blackhawks think that the quality of player that could be on the board at 18 and 50 is much better than having the extra 2nd round pick. Maybe they think that they can get a player in the same tier in the 3rd round that they would get at #61.

  4. If there was a way to get back into the top-10 that would be great. The Hawks already have a nice prospect pool just need the high-end guys that can play with Bedard

  5. All your thoughts about what does Kane want, what does the organization want, what is their relationship like after Kane being let go?All of your analysis fails to conclude that yes it is a good fit, it is a good time to do it, it is something that Kane could cherrish. He could love coming back. 1) The relationship to the fans and the long standing relationship to the organization screams come back. 2) The timing screams come back. 3) Who better to mentor Bedard, then Kane. Two similar players where the kid needs to learn how to be an offensive weapon and still hold down his defensive contribution. Kane learned that and does it well. How to avoid getting killed while you are out there. Kane and teach this kid.

    The fans need something to catapult them through the next 4 seasons while waiting for the prospect pool to mature. What more excitement could there be than to have Kane and Bedard together as the torch gets passed into a new era. The old era holds his rightful place in Blackhawk hockey history as the records fall. Kane got to see what the grass was like on the other side of the fence. I say he comes back. I would give him 20 mil over the next 5 years. It is a match made in heaven, worth every penny and hopefully culminates in Kane's 4th Stanley Cup!

  6. You referenced when the Blackhawks went to the conference finals in 2008-09 but that wasn't really "right away" they were terrible the 5 seasons prior, slowly and somewhat discretely stockpiling loads of talented prospects that nobody had heard of. They drafted Kane #1 overall but that was at the tail end not at the beginning.

  7. I find that most that pontificate on the Kane coming back question in the social media realm are rather gutless because they don't want to get their hopes up, sure it would be nice, but…. Gutless!!!! It makes sense, it should happen. Why NOT!!!!! Go ahead Kyle, swallow your pride and do it.

  8. I don't know what bringing Kane back would do to the team dynamic and what kind of impact it would have on the new emerging leadership. If Kane is on the team, how does it impact the emerging leadership of Bedard, Vlasic, Korch, maybe Del Mastro, Nazar? If you remember when Kane and Toews were rookies and super young, Chris Chelios and Roenick were long gong. Can you imagine the impact it would have had on Toews's growth as a leader if Chelios was still on the team?

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